[Opinions] Tempest
I'm really liking Tempest as a first name today, so what do you all think? Tempest Eliza Miriam, perhaps?
Be as harsh as you like - much obliged!

Be as harsh as you like - much obliged!

I'm not the biggest fan of nature names, but I prefer Tempest over Storm/Stormy. I've heard of way too many black cats named Storm/Stormy that the name has become unusable in my mind. Tempest is still usable to me and, although destructive, there is something awe inspiring about them. The only issue I could see is if the girl has major attitude; the connection to her name would be brought up a lot!
Thanks! :)
I've been really liking this name as well (though I've been leaning more toward it being for a boy, myself, mostly because I prefer Temperance for a girl). Nonetheless, I really do like it for a girl as well. Tempest Eliza Miriam is a lovely combo! I think the more traditional names, Eliza and Miriam, complement Tempest very well. Nice combo, and nice names all-around.
Thank you! :)
Wow. I hated Tempest until I opened the thread and saw your combo. How did you freaking do that?!
Tempest Eliza Miriam is genius. Dude. I don't even know what to say. Hence the rambling.
Tempest Eliza Miriam is genius. Dude. I don't even know what to say. Hence the rambling.
Hehe, oh, that makes me happy! :)
I am currently in love with Tempest. Like, seriously in love. Tempest Josephine Adele sounds lovely to me.
Ooh, how pretty!
A few years back I loved Tempest as a middle name for a boy. And when I say loved, I mean I absolutely adored this name!
And then I shared it on here, in the combo Edmund Tempest, and as you can imagine got a Hell of a lot of backlash for my troubles! But I'd never heard of Tempest as a female name, my only two associations of it being; the Shakespeare play, and as the surname of a set of twins who were protagonists in a series of books I read as a pre-teen.
Honestly I don't think it can work as a first name. And I still love it on a boy, so seeing it next to frilly, beautiful names such as Eliza and Miriam, seems totally wrong and alien to me. :)
And then I shared it on here, in the combo Edmund Tempest, and as you can imagine got a Hell of a lot of backlash for my troubles! But I'd never heard of Tempest as a female name, my only two associations of it being; the Shakespeare play, and as the surname of a set of twins who were protagonists in a series of books I read as a pre-teen.
Honestly I don't think it can work as a first name. And I still love it on a boy, so seeing it next to frilly, beautiful names such as Eliza and Miriam, seems totally wrong and alien to me. :)
Ooh, but Edmund Tempest is so dashing! I like it :)
I love it!
Yay! :)
I don't think tempest sounds nice as a name for several reasons. First of all it sounds too harsh. Secondly, I'm not too keen on word names but even if you are there are word names with better meanings. Also, it contains the word 'Pest' which is the German word for 'plague' (although that wouldn't concern an English speaker).
That said, I think Eliza Miriam is a nice combo.
That said, I think Eliza Miriam is a nice combo.
I do really love the meaning of tempest, though; I don't think it's overtly negative, it's just a nature name, no different to Rain, really. You're right in that "pest" doesn't really bother me, at least not for its German meaning.
I can't like Tempest at all. It just seems like asking for trouble!! Also people's homes and stuff get totally destroyed by tempests all the time. I really can't see this being a good name for an actual person.
Eliza Miriam is lovely though :)
Eliza Miriam is lovely though :)
How often do you actually hear the word tempest used in that context? I'm genuinely curious :)
I live in the South Pacific, so maybe more than some people? I hear it a lot, I think, but it's hard to pinpoint how often.
Or do you mean that people usually say hurricane or cyclone instead of tempest? For me they all mean the same thing. It'd be like naming your kid "Combat" and saying it's okay because in everyday language people usually say "fight" instead.
Or do you mean that people usually say hurricane or cyclone instead of tempest? For me they all mean the same thing. It'd be like naming your kid "Combat" and saying it's okay because in everyday language people usually say "fight" instead.
Yes, I mean that people more often use a synonym instead of tempest itself. I still don't really see an issue with it, though - I guess we're just not going to agree on this one :)
Heh, yeah I guess not! :)
I don't think of this as a name. There was the actress who played Vanessa on the Cosby Show, Tempestt Bledsoe, and there was the famous old-time stripper who called herself Tempest Storm.
But in my mind it's only suited for a stage name, and it's lame even as a stage name. Plus it sounds ugly.
But in my mind it's only suited for a stage name, and it's lame even as a stage name. Plus it sounds ugly.
Thanks :P I actually wasn't aware of either of those associations, hmm...
I don't think it's very namey. It makes a better middle name. The word "pest" really jumps out at me. Also it reminds of tempest in a teapot, tempestuous (connotes something trivial or annoyingly chaotic), and Shakespeare (pretentiously literary). I prefer Storm or Stormy. This reminds me, I met a little girl aged 7 named Stormy, a couple of weeks ago.
This message was edited 10/1/2014, 4:27 PM
I've actually known more Storms than I care to count, and the name really doesn't do much for me. It's interesting you say "tempest in a teapot" - I've only ever known "storm in a teacup". And I quite enjoy Tempest's pretentiousness ;)
A girl in my kindergarten class was named Rainey, and her mother's name was Stormy!
This message was edited 10/2/2014, 12:44 AM
I really like the sound of it, but not so sure that the meaning is a good one for a name. Tempe would be a cute nickname. I really like Temperance nn Tempe also, but I'm a little iffy on the meaning of that one, because of the historical temperance movement, although of course the word does have a wider meaning.
The temperance movement is the only thing that puts me off Temperance as a name, really. I guess I just like how dramatic the meaning of Tempest is :)
Eliza is very nice and Miriam isn't a favorite of mine but I don't mind it. I think the combo of Miriam Eliza flows more
Tempest: not a fan-just not crazy for it. I don't even like Temprence but I do think that is slightly better.
Temprence Eliza Miriam (flows more with temprence)
Temprence Miriam Eliza
Tempest: not a fan-just not crazy for it. I don't even like Temprence but I do think that is slightly better.
Temprence Eliza Miriam (flows more with temprence)
Temprence Miriam Eliza
I like Temperance too -- I just really love Tempest's meaning/definition at the minute :)