[Opinions] Justinia & Crescentia
Both names have been stuck hard in my head lately. Crescentia more in theory, because I just like the way it sounds and feels in my mouth. Justinia in more of a real world sense- does it work IRL?

Have you been playing DAI because Justinia has been on my mind lastly as well because of the game?
I like both of these names. I think they are both usable in rl, though I also think Serafina is a usable name. :) Really other than the fact that they aren't common none of these names seem any less usable than Victoria. They all sound equally regal and girly with a sense of power. They all sound like the names you would give to a queen or a queenly girl.
I like both of these names. I think they are both usable in rl, though I also think Serafina is a usable name. :) Really other than the fact that they aren't common none of these names seem any less usable than Victoria. They all sound equally regal and girly with a sense of power. They all sound like the names you would give to a queen or a queenly girl.
This message was edited 12/8/2014, 3:21 PM
Nope. What's DAI?
A really great video game that just came out. It's Dragon Age Inquisition and it's the third video game in this setting. It's a Bioware video game so it's a RPG that puts a lot of emphasis on playing a character that has a personality and backstory who gets to make a lot of choices. Also a lot of emphasis is on friendship and romance between your character and their companions. Also there is fighting but that's not why I personally like to play RPG games like this one because I suck at fighting. :P Though fighting in this game isn't so hard compared to a lot of games.
Divine Justinia V is basically the name / title of the most recent pope lady in the game. In the setting of the game only women can be the Divine who is basically like the Pope for their religion. I've been thinking of Justinia lately because the game just came out November 18th.
Divine Justinia V is basically the name / title of the most recent pope lady in the game. In the setting of the game only women can be the Divine who is basically like the Pope for their religion. I've been thinking of Justinia lately because the game just came out November 18th.
Wowee wow wow. Crescentia and Justinia are drop dead gorgeous. How are you pronouncing Crescentia? I love the spelling Kreszentia (and Zenzi is too cute for words) also! But Crescentia is elegant as all get-out. Such a lovely golden colour.
I think Justinia is totally useable IRL! If people find it too long, there's always Justine or Justina as a shorter version.
I think Justinia is totally useable IRL! If people find it too long, there's always Justine or Justina as a shorter version.
I say Crescentia like "kreh-SEN-tzee-uh"