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[Games] Judged Create A Family!!!!!!!
CAF using the following initials. I will judge this tomorrow afternoon!D.P 1: AI
D.P 2: CO
D.D/D.D: DQ / EU
D.S/D.D/D.S/D.D: JZ / KO / LY / MZ
D.S: BZD.Dog: F
D.Snake: P
D.Horse: S
D.Clownfish: VHave fun and I'll post mine later
Archived Thread - replies disabled
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DH : Alexius Isaac
DW : Chloe OliviaDD/DD: Deborah Quianna 'Deb'/ Elissa Unice 'Lissa'
DS: Garrick Xavier 'Rick'
DD: Helena Yolanda
DS/DD/DS/DD: Joshua Zachariah / Kelsey Olivia / Llewelyn Yale 'Lewey'/ Madeleine Zala
DS: Nehemiah Isaac 'Isaac'
DD: Rubelline Quintella 'Ruby'
DS: Timothy Xander 'Tim'
DD: Winifred Ulyssa
DS: Bryson Zaine 'Bryce'DDog: Fender
DSnake: Pie
DHorse: Starling
DClownfish: Violent
My own business always bores me to death; I prefer other people's.

- Oscar Wilde
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D.P 1: Alban Ioannes
D.P 2: Clara Olivia
D.D/D.D: Damiana Quinn / Eliana Undine
D.S: Gerard Xavier
D.D: Helena Yseult
D.S/D.D/D.S/D.D: Jackson Zion / Klara Ophelia / Leland Yevgeny / Miranda Zofia
D.S: Nicholas Iago
D.D: Rhianna Quirina
D.S: Thomas Xander
D.D: Wilhelmina Uvalde
D.S: Bennet Zachariah D.Dog: Franklin
D.Snake: Pierce
D.Horse: Shooter
D.Clownfish: Veronica
"To thine own self be true; and it must follow, as the night the day, thou can'st not then be false to any man"
Hamlet, Act i, Sc.3
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Polly and Corbett are quite the eclectic namers... D.P 1: Apollonia Ilana "Polly"
D.P 2: Corbett Oliver
D.D/D.D: Delilah Quinn and Elodie Uliana
D.S: Gavrel Xavier
D.D: Helene Yadira
D.S/D.D/D.S/D.D: Jakob Zane, Kallistrate Ophelia "Kalli", Larson Yonah, Mariel Zenia
D.S: Niles Indiana
D.D: Rivka Quirina
D.S: Tertius Ximun
D.D: Wanda Unity
D.S: Barrett Zachariah So... It's Polly and Corbett with:
Delilah and Elodie, Gavrel, Helene, Jakob, Kalli, Larson, Mariel, Niles, Rivka, Tertius, Wanda, and Baby BarrettOh, and their pets:
Frank the dog
Phil the snake
Sirius the horse
Valentina the clownfish----Betsy-----
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D.P 1: Alvin Ivanov
D.P 2: Christiana Olenka
D.D/D.D: Dara Quinn / Esha Ursula
D.S: Griffin Xander
D.D: Hermione Yasmine
D.S/D.D/D.S/D.D: Jupiter Zane / Keefer Orin / Lauchey Yearnan / Mynestra Zahara
D.S: Nyx Isotrope
D.D: Rubyanna Queency
D.S: Tristram Xenocrates
D.D: Willa Utopia
D.S: Basil ZenophobeD.Dog: Frankie
D.Snake: Phantasmagoria
D.Horse: Snakey
D.Clownfish: ValentineI hope that I did this right - I know that I made some of the names up, hope that that's okay! If not, sorry, at least I'll know for next time!
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D.P 1: Andrew Ian :D
D.P 2: Carli Oriana :D
D.D/D.D: Dominique Quarina / Erika Ulyndia
D.S: George Xavier
D.D: Haylie Yazmine
D.S/D.D/D.S/D.D: Jason Zachary / Karissa Olivia / Landon Yuri / Madison Zoe "Maddi"
D.S: Nicholas Ivan "Nick"
D.D: Rachel Qualina
D.S: Thomas Xander "Tommy"
D.D: Whitney Ulanda
D.S: Benjamin Zacharia "Ben"D.Dog: Fluffybutt :P
D.Snake: Pete
D.Horse: Starlet "Star"
D.Clownfish: Violet
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D.P 1: Alexander Isaac *Alex*
D.P 2: Caroline Ophelia *Carrie*
D.D/D.D: Danielle Quiana / Elisabeth Uliana
D.S: Garrett Xander
D.D: Hope Yasmine
D.S/D.D/D.S/D.D: James Zachary / Kathryn Olivia / Liam Yosef / Melina Zoe
D.S: Nathan Isaiah
D.D: Reese Quintessa
D.S: Timothy Xavier *Tim*
D.D: Winter Ursella
D.S: Brendan ZarekD.Dog: Felix
D.Snake: Paint
D.Horse: Soleil
D.Clownfish: VioletJennifer Nicole
Loving the Names:
Ariella Michelle Rene, Carrie Elisabeth Marie, Faith Monica Reese
Cade Preston, Grant William, Jude Hamilton
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D.P 1: Alexander Ian
D.P 2: Charlotte Olivia
D.D/D.D: Daniella Quinn / Emmeline Uliana
D.S: Gabriel Xavier
D.D: Hope Yasmine
D.S/D.D/D.S/D.D: Jacob Zachary / Kaia Olivia / Lucas Yonathan / Maya Zofia
D.S: Nicholas Isaiah
D.D: Rebecca Quinn
D.S: Thomas Xander
D.D: Willow Una
D.S: Benjamin ZachariahD.Dog: Faith
D.Snake: Pearl
D.Horse: Sophia
D.Clownfish: Vivian
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H: Anton Ignatius
W: Cerise OlympeDD/DD: Daniela Quinn / Eliana Ulyse
DS: GX Graham Xevlin
DD: HY Hope Yasmine
DS/DD/DS/DD: Jason Zeric / Katarine Odette / Lucien Yale / Madelyn Zofia
DS: Nicolas Immanuel
DD: Rose Quentin
DS: Timothy Xenos
DD: Wendy Unique
DS: Brendan ZavierDDog: Falco
DSnake: Percy
DHorse: Sterling
DClownfish: Valentina
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D.P 1: Aaron Iaon
D.P 2: Cordelia Octavia
D.D/D.D: Darby Quintina / Elizabeth Una
D.S: Garrett Xander
D.D: Holly Yeira
D.S/D.D/D.S/D.D: James Zamir / Kylie Opal / Linden Yves / Maisie Zaffra
D.S: Nicoli Issac
D.D: Roxann Quinne
D.S: Taggart Xanatos
D.D: Willow Ura
D.S: Benjamin ZarekD.Dog: Finnigan
D.Snake: Petra
D.Horse: Sloan
D.Clownfish: Virgil

This message was edited 3/6/2006, 4:26 PM

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D.P 1: Auke Ishmael
D.P 2: Callie Oonagh
D.D/D.D: Daphne Quirina / Esther Ursula
D.S: Gideon Xavier
D.D: Holly Yvonne
D.S/D.D/D.S/D.D: Jacob Zane / Kristin Oonagh / Laurence Yannick / Mandy Zora
D.S: Niels Ian
D.D: Ronja Quinn
D.S: Tristan Xander
D.D: Wendy Uma
D.S: Benjamin ZekeD.Dog: Florian
D.Snake: Pincer
D.Horse: Soraya
D.Clownfish: Vicky
~Lully Lulla~
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DH: Alexander Isaac
DW: Cecilia Olivia
DD/DD: Devon Quintella and Ella Ulrica
DS: Gavin Xavier
DD: Harper Yvette
DS/DD/DS/DD: James Zachary "Jamie", Kacey Olivia, Leo Yosef, and Marissa Zahara
DS: Nicholas Ian "Nick"
DD: Raya Quinn
DS: Ty Xavier
DD: Willa Ulyssa
DS: Benjamin Zander "Ben"DDog: Faye
DSnake: Phaedra
DHorse: Stella
DClownfish: VinnieKristen~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Shake Your Body Like A Bellydancer.
Here is where you are
There is where you want to be
But you can't get there from here ♥
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DP 1: Alexander Isaac "Alex"
DP 2: Callista Ondine "Calli"
DD/DD: Delia Quinn / Evelyn Undine "Eve"
DS: Graham Xavier
DD: Hana Yasmine (HAW - na)
DS/DD/DS/DD: James Zachary / Katarina Ophelia "Kat" / Logan York / Magdalena Zoey "Lena"
DS: Noah Ivander
DD: Roanna Quincy "Ro"
DS: Tristan Xander
DD: Willow Uliana
DS: Braxton ZedekiahAlex and Calli have Delia, Eve, Graham, Hana, James, Kat, Logan, Lena, Noah, Ro, Tristan, Willow, and Braxton.D.Dog: Flynn
D.Snake: Peter
D.Horse: Sally
D.Clownfish: Vincent
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D.P 1: Anais Isidora
D.P 2: Camden Oliver
D.D/D.D: Daria Querina / Elizabeth Unity
D.S: Gilbert Xavier
D.D: Honora Ysmene
D.S/D.D/D.S/D.D: Jeremiah Zachary / Kendall Ophelia / Logan Yani / Muirna Zahra
D.S: Nolan Isaiah
D.D: Rona Quinn
D.S: Tarim Xander
D.D: Winifred Ursula
D.S: Bertam ZekeD.Dog: Faraday (m)
D.Snake: Polybius (m)
D.Horse: Seville (f)
D.Clownfish: Vertigo (?)
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D.P 1: Alexis Isabella
D.P 2: Craven Orion
D.D/D.D: Danae Quinn / Eres Uxia
D.S: Gad Xander
D.D: Hero Yolande
D.S/D.D/D.S/D.D: Jaxon Zion / Kayleigh Oana / Lennox Yonah / Maya Zelda
D.S: Nicodemus Ira
D.D: Rowena Quirina
D.S: Troy Xavior
D.D: Winter Unice
D.S: Braxton ZenoD.Dog: Freek
D.Snake: Pliskin
D.Horse: Sacheverell
D.Clownfish: Vercingetorix
To my sweet muse
Every time you rip my heart out
Every time you break it
I pick up the pen I hold in my hands
And write the most beautiful poems
But you know what
If it's alright by you
I'd rather be happy than a poet

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D.P 1: Allen Isaiah
D.P 2: Catherine Odelia
D.D/D.D: Darcy Quinn / Ellen Ursula
D.S: Gareth Xenon
D.D: Hyacinth Yvonne
D.S/D.D/D.S/D.D: Joel Zachariah / Keri Orion / Latham York / Meriel Zariah
D.S: Nolan Isaac
D.D: Rhiannon Quinley
D.S: Tage Xavier
D.D: Whitney Udeena
D.S: Benjamin ZaneD.Dog: Foxley
D.Snake: Pryor
D.Horse: Sloane
D.Clownfish: Vroom
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D.P 1: Amalthea Ianthe
D.P 2: Charlotta OpheliaD.D/D.D: Desiree Quinn, Esperance Ursula "Desi" and "Espi"
D.S: Gregor Xavier
D.D: Heidi Yasamin
D.S/D.D/D.S/D.D: Jordan Zebedee, Kirsten Orphea, Lyle Yarden, Memory Zara "Jordy," "Kirsie," Lyle, and "Memmy"
D.S: Nicodemus Indigo "Nico"
D.D: Rhea Quiana
D.S: Terrence Xerxes "Terry"
D.D: Wilhelmina Ulyssa "Mina"
D.S: Bertram Zachariah "Berty"D.Dog: Flip
D.Snake: Priapus
D.Horse: Sulky
D.Clownfish: Von SchrapnelArray
No one's getting smarter
No one's learning the score
Your never ending spree of death and violence and hate
Is gonna tie your own rope...I'd like to leave the world as a better place.
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H: Andrew Isaachar 'Drew'
W: Corinne Olivia 'Cori'D/D: Delaney Quinn 'Delaney' / Emma Urbana 'Emma'
S: Gerald Xavier 'Gerald'
D: Hannah Yolanda 'Hannah'
S/D/S/D: James Zachary 'James' / Karleigh Olivia 'Karleigh' / Logan Yoriah 'Logan' / Melanie Zion 'Melanie'
S: Nicolas Isaiah 'Nico'
D: Rachel Quinn 'Rachel'
S: Tyler Xander 'Ty'
D: Whitney Urbana 'Whitney'
S: Benjamin Zachariah 'Ben'Dog: Fuller
Snake: Potter
Horse: Seamus
Clownfish: ViktorDrew & Cori, Delaney & Emma, Gerald, Hannah, James & Karleigh & Logan & Melanie, Nico, Rachel, Ty, Whitney, Ben, Fuller, Potter, Seamus & ViktorRemember CEDRIC DIGGORY: The REAL Hogwarts ChampionImage Hosted by
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D.P 1: Alexander Iain
D.P 2: Charlotte Oriana "Carly"
D.D/D.D: Delaney Quiana "Laine" and Emmeline Una "Emmy"
D.S: Gregory Xavier "Greg"
D.D: Hayley Yvette
D.S/D.D/D.S/D.D: Jason Zacharias, Kelsey Olivia, Lucas York, and Michelle Zoey "Chelle"
D.S: Nicholas Ivan "Nick"
D.D: Rebekah Quinn "Bekah"
D.S: Tyler Xander "Ty"
D.D: Wynona Umika
D.S: Brennan ZaneD.Dog: Feather
D.Snake: Potiphar
D.Horse: Seraphina
D.Clownfish: Vivianne "Vi"
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
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D.P 1: Antonin IgnaceTony
D.P 2: Charles OwenCharlie
D.D/D.D: Delilah Quinn / Evelyn UllaLila & Evie
D.S: George Xavier “Geo”
D.D: Havilah Yael
D.S/D.D/D.S/D.D: Jonas Zion / Kathleen Orla / Leif Yannick / Meredith Zélie
D.S: Noah Isaiah
D.D: Raquel Quintara
D.S: Thomson XanderThom
D.D: Willa Ulalia
D.S: Boaz ZachariahD.Dog: Fritz
D.Snake: Patrick
D.Horse: Shiloh
D.Clownfish: Valentine
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D.P 1: Alexander Issac
D.P 2: Cassandra Ophelia
D.D/D.D: Delilah Quiana / Elizabeth Ulrica
D.S: Gregory Xavier
D.D: Heidi Yvette
D.S/D.D/D.S/D.D: Jolyon Zachary / Kirsten Olivia / Lysander Yosef / Mischa Zahara
D.S: Noble Isaiah
D.D: Roxanne Queenie
D.S: Tobias Xenon
D.D: Willow Unity
D.S: Balthazar ZeusD.Dog: Francis
D.Snake: Penelope
D.Horse: Simeon
D.Clownfish: Veronica
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D.P 1: Anton Isaac
D.P 2: Caroline Ophelia
D.D/D.D: Delilah Quinn / Eva Urielle
D.S: Gareth Xavier
D.D: Hazel Yasmine
D.S/D.D/D.S/D.D: Jude Zachariah / Katya Odessa / Landon Yves / Miranda Zen
D.S: Noah Ishmael
D.D: Rosaline Quintessa
D.S: Tobias Xander
D.D: Wilhelmina Unity
D.S: Barrett ZaneD.Dog: F
D.Snake: P
D.Horse: S
D.Clownfish: V
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D.P 1: Aaron Isaac
D.P 2: Cora Olivia
D.D/D.D: Danae Quinn / Elise Uma
D.S: Gavin Xavier
D.D: Hana Ysabel
D.S/D.D/D.S/D.D: Jayden Zake / Keely Ophelia / Liam Yohan / Maren Zelia
D.S: Niall Ilias
D.D: Rhosyn Quiara
D.S: Theron Xander
D.D: Willow Ulrica
D.S: Blaise ZephyrD.Dog: Flo
D.Snake: Peyton
D.Horse: Skylar
D.Clownfish: Vania
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D.P 1: Aston Isaiah
D.P 2: Carolina Opal
D.D/D.D: Daphne Quinn / Emanuelle Unity *Emmy*
D.S: Gareth Xavier
D.D: Harmony Yasmine
D.S/D.D/D.S/D.D: Jude Zachariah / Karina Odessa / Lachlan Yuel / Marisol Zahara
D.S: Nolan Issac
D.D: Raya Quintella
D.S: Teegan Xander
D.D: Willow Ulyssa
D.S: Barron ZionD.Dog: Finnegan
D.Snake: Popeye
D.Horse: Sesame
D.Clownfish: Valley Girl
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D.P 1: Alistair Ivan
D.P 2: Camille Olivia
D.D/D.D: Danielle Quianna / Evangeline Unity
D.S: Gregory Xavier
D.D: Hannah Yasmine
D.S/D.D/D.S/D.D: Jeremiah Zane / Kristiana Omega / Landon Yves / Myriam Zainab
D.S: Nathanael Ian
D.D: Rachel Quinn
D.S: Trevor Ximun
D.D: Wendy Urania
D.S: Benjamin ZacharyD.Dog: Florian
D.Snake: Pythia
D.Horse: Sarah
D.Clownfish: Venus

This message was edited 3/6/2006, 7:41 AM

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P 1: Angus Iain
P 2: Charles OwenD/D: Daisy Quirina / Eila Undine - 21
S: Gwydion Ximun - 19
D: Heather Yemima - 18
S/D/S/D: Jovan Zasu / Khara Odessa / Larkin Yannis / Minna Zoe - 16
S: Nairn Irving - 11
D: Raya Quinn - 9
S: Tavish Xenon - 8
D: Willow Uma - 6
S: Braith Zaid - 1Me, Angus and Charles with Daisy, Eila, Gwydion, Heather, Jovan, Khara, Larkin, Minna, Nairn, Raya, Tavish, Willow and Braith.Dog: Floppy
Snake: Phaedra
Horse: Silas
Clownfish: Vaughn
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D.P 1: Anthony Isaac
D.P 2: Corrina OdetteD.D/D.D: Diana Queenie / Eloise Unity
D.S: Glen Xanthus
D.D: Helena Yasmine
D.S/D.D/D.S/D.D: Jonathan Zechariah / Katharine Ophelia / Lucas Yale / Madeleine Zosia
D.S: Nicholas Ian
D.D: Rowena Quintice
D.S: Timothy Xavier
D.D: Winona Udelle
D.S: Benedict ZeusD.Dog: Fergus
D.Snake: Phineas
D.Horse: Solomon
D.Clownfish: VladimirS xx--
The truth is, I have met the right person, only he's not in love with me, and until I stop loving him no-one else stands a chance
(Four Weddings and a Funeral)
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D.P 1: Adrian Ivan
D.P 2: Carrie OpalD.D/D.D: Daisy Quinn / Elizabeth Ùna "Lis"
D.S: George Xaviar
D.D: Hannah Yesenia
D.S/D.D/D.S/D.D: Jeremiah Zarek "Jere" / Katherine Orabela "Kate" / Lawrence Yoel / Marie Zara
D.S: Nathan Isaac "Nate"
D.D: Rachel Quiana "Shell"
D.S: Thomas Xenon "Tom"
D.D: Willow Ulla
D.S: Benjamin Zackary "Ben"D.Dog: F
D.Snake: P
D.Horse: S
D.Clownfish: V

"Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live."
Mark Twain
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Oops, forgot the animals.D.Dog: Frankstien
D.Snake: Potporri
D.Horse: Starlight
D.Clownfish: VivianI do people's name better then animals. ^_^

"Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live."
Mark Twain
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MineD.P 1: Anson Ignatius
D.P 2: Conan Oisin
D.D/D.D: Dairine Quilla / Eloisa Ulyssa
D.S: Griffin Xander
D.D: Henrietta Yesenia
D.S/D.D/D.S/D.D: Judas Zion / Kallista Olive / Lev Yannick / May Zareen
D.S: Nikolai Iago
D.D: Rosemary Quintella
D.S: Tomas Xavier
D.D: Willow Unity
D.S: Benedict ZacchaeusWelcome Anson, Conan, Dara, Eloisa, Griff, Henrietta, Jude, Kali, Lev, May, Nik, Roma, Tomas, Willow & Ben D.Dog: Frodo (girl)
D.Snake: Pippin
D.Horse: Samwise (girl)
D.Clownfish: Viggo
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D.P 1: Aaron Isaiah
D.P 2: Charlotte OliviaD.D/D.D: Darcy Quintessa / Emmeline Ulysses
D.S: Gabriel Xavier
D.D: Hannah Yardley
D.S/D.D/D.S/D.D: Joel Zachariah /Kelsey Odessa / Lachlan York / Marley Zenith
D.S: Nikolai Issac
D.D: Ruby Quilla
D.S: Thomas Xander
D.D: Wisteria Uriah
D.S: Beau ZacheausD.Dog: Freddy
D.Snake: Pongo
D.Horse: Samson
D.Clownfish: Verity
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D.P 1: Abraham Ian
D.P 2: Cecily Olivia
D.D/D.D: Daborah Queen / Eleonorah Ursula
D.S: Gerald Xavier
D.D: Hariette Yassmen
D.S/D.D/D.S/D.D: Jonathon Zachary / Katerine Ona / Liam Yuriy / Monique Zoe
D.S: Nathan Isaac
D.D: Renee Qiana
D.S: Trevor Xander
D.D: Wendy Ulrica
D.S: BZD.Dog: F
D.Snake: P
D.Horse: S
D.Clownfish: V
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