[Opinions] Stella & Estella?
Wdyt and which do you prefer out of the two?
Thanks :)
Thanks :)
Stella is the name of my kitty so I think that is cute
I like both, but I prefer Stella.
I used to REALLY dislike Stella. Then I started loving old-fashioned names, and it became sort of celeb-trendy (I know Melanie Griffith & Antonia Banderas have a dd named Stella, but there are several more I just can't remember right now. :b). I started to like it a little bit more, but I LOVE Estella. Not nearly as crazy about Stella or Estelle, but Estella is beautiful. Weird, huh? lol


Both are beautiful, but I prefer Estella
'Do not be grieved for me, Starbrow,' she said. 'Nor too much ashamed of your own folk. Better a little doll, maybe, than no memory of Faery at all.'
'Smith of Wootton Major' J.R.R.Tolkien
'Do not be grieved for me, Starbrow,' she said. 'Nor too much ashamed of your own folk. Better a little doll, maybe, than no memory of Faery at all.'
'Smith of Wootton Major' J.R.R.Tolkien
Stella...This is funny, a week ago I didn't care for either, but on Saturday my cousin had her baby, a girl named Stella Christine. I still don't like Estella, but now I think that Stella is beautiful.
I used to imagine Stella as an old woman with a fake tan and leathery skin who wears gaudy sequined clothes and drips with costume jewelry. Now I just see my new cousin's precious little baby face and Stella seems sophisticated and beautiful.
Yes, I know how lonely life can be.
The shadows follow me and the night won't set me free.
But I don't let the evenings get me down,
As long as you're around me.
I used to imagine Stella as an old woman with a fake tan and leathery skin who wears gaudy sequined clothes and drips with costume jewelry. Now I just see my new cousin's precious little baby face and Stella seems sophisticated and beautiful.
Yes, I know how lonely life can be.
The shadows follow me and the night won't set me free.
But I don't let the evenings get me down,
As long as you're around me.
This message was edited 3/8/2006, 10:58 PM
Estella is okay, but I really like Stella better. I don't know if it's merely because of Tennessee Williams' "A Streetcar Named Desire," but that name has always sounded so charming to me. I perceive Estella as being to frilly, it's like the difference between Isabella and Isabel. Stella is just plainer, simpler and, in the end, more beautiful to me.
I prefer Stella because it's shorter, not too 'frilly' and it has a more modern and 'spunky' vibe to it. I hope that makes sense.
"I love God far too much to be religious" ~ Jean-Claude Koven
"I love God far too much to be religious" ~ Jean-Claude Koven
I prefer Estella although both receive only a lukewarm reception from me.
“It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.”
~Mark Twain
~Mark Twain
Stella :)
Stella. Stella reminds me of stars. Estella reminds me of old ladies.