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[Opinions] Re: Ignatius
in reply to a message by Bex
I like it. It's one of those names I don't think about, but when I encounter it I like it more than I realize. I like Ignace more, but anyway.If I encountered a little Ignatius, I'd be really pleased. I think it would be a bit gutsy to use, but it's not totally over the top imo.Siblings, hmm. I think I'd expect classic-historical type things, maybe a mix of common and offbeat. Ignatius, Margaret, and Jolyon or something like that. I actually have a friend who had planned on naming her son Ignatius, but changed it shortly before he was born. He would've had sisters Eloise, Beatrix, and Harriet.Middle name I'd make something more boring, like Paul or Richard, but something hip would work too depending on where you're going with it. My friend was going to use Felix.I think Nate is the best nickname for it, not a fan of Iggy. But Iggy certainly softens it up!
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