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[Opinions] Re: Ignatius
in reply to a message by Bex
Ignatius to me seems more of a name for a character. I mean I can understand one taken a liking to the name as a GP type. But as for naming an actual child makes me question what was going on in the parents mind and if the mother was heavily medicated. The name is quite honestly, too out there.
Iggy is innocent enough. (Though if a large kid was named this that could be problematic; iggy the piggy. Iggy piggy) or even Icky Iggy since the word sounds so close to the name. Ignatius I feel would work better on an older male (specificaly an evil character; an antagonist. Or better yet, an antagonist who isn't human or only half-human. The name "Ignatius" doesn't really seem like a "humanly" type of name imo. I mean I'm aware its a real name, I just feel its actually quiet harsh for a human
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