[Opinions] Estelle
I recently posted about Estella, asking for combos etc. At the time I said that Estelle did nothing for me. Well since then Estelle has been on my mind a lot and I've had a complete change of heart. I now like Estelle more than Estella. Very fickle of me, I know :-)So what are your thoughts on Estelle? I am struggling with combos and only have Estelle Violet so far, so any suggestions would be appreciated!

This message was edited 7/19/2015, 1:35 AM

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I really like Estelle, though mostly as a middle name.Estelle Autumn
Estelle Brianne
Estelle Candace
Estelle Diana
Estelle Francesca
Estelle Grace
Estelle Holly
Estelle Irene
Estelle Jasmine
Estelle Kathleen
Estelle Lorraine
Estelle Marguerite
Estelle Naomi
Estelle Paige
Estelle Rose
Estelle Simone
Estelle Tamara
Estelle Valerie
Estelle Whitney
estelle Yvonne
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think Estelle is much nicer than Estella, it feels more classy and sophisticated to me (not that Estella sounds unsophisticated), I just feel Estelle is so much more lovely than Estella. I think it's because I dislike Stella because I think of the lager that has the nickname wifebeater beer, due to it's reputation of making people who drink it more aggressive. Estelle Violet is very classya few other suggestionsEstelle Victoria
Estelle Isobel
Estelle Scarlet
Estelle sophia
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I like Estelle Scarlet a lot, though I prefer the spelling Scarlett. My goddaughter is Scarlett Isabelle though, so I don't think I would actually use it if I were to have a little girl.
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