[Opinions] Zen?
Last night I dreamt that I met a woman named Zen. WDYT? Is my subconcience (sp) really odd, or have you heard of this as a name before? I don't care for it at all, but I thought it was interesting.
for a man = good!
for a womman = noooo!
for a womman = noooo!
but not outlandish. I would expect this to be a male name.
but not outlandish. I would expect this to be a male name.
I know the most gorgeous kid called Zen...he is ten and I have known him all my life and he is so sweet natured, witty and fun to be around. I think it is a great name, but I can't imagine it on a woman.
It seems more masculine to me. I like it but it's probably not one that I would use. Zenna would be an interesting name for a woman.
Very hippy sounding. I'm sure it's been done before, but no I've never met one.
No, I have not heard of it at all.
I love Zen as a boys name personally, but I don't care for it on a woman.