[Opinions] Swift
I'm reading a novel with a male character named Swift. What do you think of it? A guy named Swift. I kinda like it. It's probably a bit pretentious but...

I actually love it.. It's definitely going on my GP list now.. Swift is so cool. I would never use it on a real child though!!
yes, and I can just see the perfect combo! Swift Taylor lol
My first thought is Taylor... I imagine that might be a hard association to escape. I think I'd like it just fine if I read it in a book, but I'd raise my eyebrows if I heard it in real life.
she's my first thought, too, but I LOVE her! Still wouldn't use Swift as a fn, though...
I want to approve of it. It's only a little pretentious. Like Hawk.
And it is a little bit like Ace ... something people say sarcastically when someone does something clumsy. Not a great association. And it's just not that smooth to say, because of how the W and F together put the name way out on your lips.
And it is a little bit like Ace ... something people say sarcastically when someone does something clumsy. Not a great association. And it's just not that smooth to say, because of how the W and F together put the name way out on your lips.
As a name, I can only see it as a surname. As a first and middle, it just doesn't work
It's as dumb as a person being named Speedy or Flash. Also could very easily be used sarcastically for a person who isn't too swift.
...I think that was the name of a thief in The Song of the Lioness series, Swiftfingers nn Swift...
I'd prefer Nimble. I met a guy called Nimble once, although it wasn't his real name.
I'd prefer Nimble. I met a guy called Nimble once, although it wasn't his real name.
I'd like it better if Jonathan Swift weren't my instant thought. The sound is fairly appealing to me, and I tend to like short names for boys.
Hi !!
It is fascinating.
It is so youthful!
I would not use it but...
It could be my GP .
It is fascinating.
It is so youthful!
I would not use it but...
It could be my GP .