[Opinions] Re: Ida
in reply to a message by Puck
My wedding photographer just posted a shoot of a little girl named Ida! I'm terrible at guesstimating ages, but I'd say she looked about two or so. Very cute, and I was really excited to see Ida used on a girl that age - so unexpected!
Ida is also the name of my great-great-grandmother (it's a less flattering name on her; I've seen pictures). Her combo was Ida Gustava (or Gustavfa).
I love all of those Ida combos, particularly Ida Penelope - they seem to complement and contrast with each other just the right amount.
Ida Daphne
Ida Rosemary
Ida Constance
Ida Vivian
Ida Susannah
Ida Therese
Ida Celeste
Ida Clementine
Ida Simone
Ida Hadassah
Ida Renata
Ida Magnolia

Ida is also the name of my great-great-grandmother (it's a less flattering name on her; I've seen pictures). Her combo was Ida Gustava (or Gustavfa).
I love all of those Ida combos, particularly Ida Penelope - they seem to complement and contrast with each other just the right amount.
Ida Daphne
Ida Rosemary
Ida Constance
Ida Vivian
Ida Susannah
Ida Therese
Ida Celeste
Ida Clementine
Ida Simone
Ida Hadassah
Ida Renata
Ida Magnolia