[Opinions] Thaddeus
I'm really getting to like Thaddeus with the nicknames "Teddy" and "Thaeus" (TAY-us). My non-namenerd roommate tells me it's not usable in the real world. What do you think? Do you like Thaddeus? What are your favourite nicknames for it?
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Thaddeus is nice enough, a bit pretentious for my liking.Nicknames: Thaeus, Thad, Deus
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I do like Thaddeus a lot actually and my go to nn is Thad.
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I like Thaddeus, and the fact that it meant "courageous heart". I'd written a fantasy story about a girl from the modern world who becomes the princess of a faraway land, and her prince-to-be's name was Thaddeus (the girl's name was Cecily, BTW).
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Teddy is fine for a nickname but as for the name, Thaddeus...no, I don't like it at allI won't even bother to go into detail. I'll just say that Thaddeus is a name I never liked and never will and I'll just leave it at that
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I knew a Thaddeus back in the 90s. He liked heavy metal, had long hair, was a tough guy and had a big attitude. He went by Thad.It's a nice name. It's usable.
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I like it and I think it's definitely usable. It is the name of my grandson who was lost to a forced adoption. Part of the reason his name was chosen was after Thaddeus Stevens. I believe his name will be changed to Nicholas by the adopters, which has caused my to intensely hate that name after previously being mostly indifferent to it. However, we called him Tad, as do his paternal real grandparents, and they are going to continue to have visitation, and continue to call him Tad, so I hope he will retain a bit of his real name that way. I do really like Tad as a nickname.

This message was edited 9/18/2016, 5:55 AM

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Thaddeus is so cute, especially with the nn Teddy, and it's actually on the top 1000 in the US (#703 and rising) so I think it's definitely usable! It is a big name for a little kid, but it would work with a nickname and it would age really well with them.
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Love Teddy but I think Thaddeus sounds a bit too old for modern use although with Teddy as a nn you could get away with it.
Side note: All I ever think when I see that name is "Thud" like the sound someone makes walking down the stairs.
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