[Opinions] Re: Tobin
in reply to a message by hylo
I used to really like all the Tob-names. Tobiah was my favorite. I had never thought of Tobin for a boy (I assume you mean it for a boy, since you compared it to Tobias). Now that I look at BtN, I see it is a masculine name, but I have only ever known one, and she was a girl. I always thought she had a cool name and never even considered it was a boy's name. If I think about it, I do like it on girls or boys. It IS less pretentious that Tobias (not that Tobias seems overly pretentious). It is simpler for sure and feels a bit more modern. Totally usable. Recommendable even.
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Tobin  ·  hylo  ·  12/29/2016, 6:03 PM
Re: Tobin  ·  Llewella  ·  12/30/2016, 1:01 PM
Re: Tobin  ·  funmonkey  ·  12/30/2016, 10:44 AM
Re: Tobin  ·  Joiya  ·  12/30/2016, 9:15 AM
Re: Tobin  ·  Dorchadas  ·  12/30/2016, 5:37 AM
Re: Tobin  ·  Ninor  ·  12/30/2016, 1:17 AM
Re: Tobin  ·  Julia  ·  12/29/2016, 10:15 PM