[Opinions] I'm sure...
in reply to a message by Link
that with two kids, you have plenty of other things on your mind besides Kanga and Roo :o) And Tigger, Owl, Rabbit, Eyore, and Christopher Robin. My mom swears she can still recite the movie from memory, I watched it so much when I was small, so I have a legitimate reason for Ultimate-Pooh recall!
John: Why do you know all this random, useless stuff?
Me: One day I will win a lot of money on Jeopardy.
John: Why do you know all this random, useless stuff?
Me: One day I will win a lot of money on Jeopardy.
Eeyore, you mean. :-p
Though Eeyore himself spells his name eoR.
I was never really into Winnie the Pooh, but I read a few of the books and watched a movie or two in my toddlerhood. I liked Eeyore because he was the darkest character, which only goes to show just how (secretly) twisted I really am...

Proud adopter of 15 punctuation marks; see my profile for their names.
Though Eeyore himself spells his name eoR.
I was never really into Winnie the Pooh, but I read a few of the books and watched a movie or two in my toddlerhood. I liked Eeyore because he was the darkest character, which only goes to show just how (secretly) twisted I really am...

Proud adopter of 15 punctuation marks; see my profile for their names.
I knew it looked wrong! :o)
John: Why do you know all this random, useless stuff?
Me: One day I will win a lot of money on Jeopardy.
John: Why do you know all this random, useless stuff?
Me: One day I will win a lot of money on Jeopardy.