I do love
Madeleine except I prefer it pronounced mad-uh-LEN although I'm willing to accept that it would probably be pronounced mad-uh-LYN or mad-uh-LINE some of the time. I love this spelling. I love how elegant it is. What I don't care for is that the most common spelling in the US is
Madelyn followed by
Madeline. That does bug me since I'd always have to spell the name out to people. Still, dh and I love
Madeleine. Our youngest dd is almost grown, but if we were to ever have another dd, this might be on our list.
Maddie, I think it could be avoidable. I certainly wouldn't call my
Madeleine by this nn. Avoiding the nn is doable, I should think.
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." --
Martin Luther King, Jr.