[Opinions] Cheyenna?
I do not like the name Cheyenne for a girl, I only like it for a boy. I was looking in my baby book, and I came across Cheyenna I remember seeing a baby announcement online, and the little girl's name was Cheyenna. I sort of like it WDYT?
"There is none Holy like The Lord, there is none besides Thee; there is no Rock like our God." (1 Samuel 2:2 RSV)
"There is none Holy like The Lord, there is none besides Thee; there is no Rock like our God." (1 Samuel 2:2 RSV)
I love it!! The Cheyenne indians are a really interesting and deeply religous tribe.
I'm sorry but I think it just looks like a typo. Cheyenne is such a beautiful name. Plus its my little cousins middle so I'm a bit biased.
Really dislike it. As someone who has actually been to Cheyenne.... well it's nothing you'd name a kid after!!
Someone on this message board recommended the name Detroit to another poster before. I just about died laughing, on account of Detroit being little better and perhaps even less useful than a cesspool, IMO.
Someone on this message board recommended the name Detroit to another poster before. I just about died laughing, on account of Detroit being little better and perhaps even less useful than a cesspool, IMO.

I don't like it. I don't mind spelling variations of names but it sits awkwardly with me to see a bastardization of the name of a nation.

Dislike it.
I like it a lot, it's really cute!! I probably wouldn't use it, as much as I love it though.

I like it a lot, it's really cute!! I probably wouldn't use it, as much as I love it though.

Funny enough I came across this name today, I was really undeicded about it, but I think I would use it on a girl as it look more femenine to me.