[Opinions] Teagen
What do you think?
I first heard the name off Tibby. It slowly grew on me and i came across it on btn. I think it a good name that could be girl or boy without being tacky.I admit I prefer it on a girl but it would be not too bad on a boy either also has a nice meaning. Anyway wdyt?

I first heard the name off Tibby. It slowly grew on me and i came across it on btn. I think it a good name that could be girl or boy without being tacky.I admit I prefer it on a girl but it would be not too bad on a boy either also has a nice meaning. Anyway wdyt?

I know a one year old girl named Teagan, and the name is absolutely adorable on her. It fits her spunky little personality. I love it!
Seems like a trendy surname-name to me. I'd rather see it on a boy than a girl, though.


I *hate* it for a girl, sorry. It just doesn't sound feminine at all. I'm not overly excited about it for a boy either, though, and I'd rather see it as a surname.

This message was edited 4/2/2006, 9:46 AM
I like the name spelled Teagan. I have a friend (aged 17) whose baby sister (not even one year old!) is named Teagan. I like it for either gender; I think it's a nice name.

I love the name Teagan for a girl! It's in our top five on our list. That said, it's one of the few names I like on a boy or a girl. I prefer it for a girl but can see it on a boy as well.
I prefer Taegan.
I love it, more for a girl, though. I would use Tate/Tait on a boy.
Self proclaimed Supernatural obsessor.

Ooooh... I'm imagening this very tanned guy, with a sleeveless t-shirt, working on a farm. You know, wearing a cowboy hat, maybe he's half native American, with the black hair, and gorgeous eyes. OMG, that is so Teagan!
*lol* I need to stop now, but you can guess what I think of it, right? It's a really hot name!
Ooooh... I'm imagening this very tanned guy, with a sleeveless t-shirt, working on a farm. You know, wearing a cowboy hat, maybe he's half native American, with the black hair, and gorgeous eyes. OMG, that is so Teagan!
*lol* I need to stop now, but you can guess what I think of it, right? It's a really hot name!
This message was edited 4/2/2006, 4:28 AM