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[Games] Ishild's Adoption Agency
I know, I know another one... I have to admit I really like playing these in theory, but I rarely get a response so I'm making it my personal goal to reply to each and every adoption form I receive. So without further ado...Please welcome to Ishild's Adoption Agency where we make it our goal to unite orphans from around the globe with their forever families!Family informationParent 1
Full name:
Short bio:Parent 2 (optional)
Full name:
Short bio:Current children (please fill for each child separately)
Full name:
Short bio:Place of residence:
What language(s) does your family speak?:
What religion(s) does your family practice?:
Are there any pets in your household?:Adoption informationDomestic or international adoption?:
In case of international adoption please let us know the preferred country/ies:
Closed or open adoption?:
Preferred number of children (max. 4):
Age preference:
Gender preference:Would you accept
- siblings?:
- multiples?:
- pregnant teen mothers?:
- teen mothers with children?:
- children with allergies?:
- children with disabilities?:
- children with illness?:Any other preferences?My name list
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Parent 1

Full name: Johnny Dragon Elbuck

Age: 31

Occupation: Primary school Teacher 

Short bio: Johnny is a very loving and kind man who was raised with his three sisters. He is often considered to be quite soft, but he actually can be pretty tough and stands up for people who are being hurt. He has been a teacher for quite a while, so he has experience with little kids.Parent 2 (optional)

Full name: Kalliope Caiomhe Elbuck

Age: 31

Occupation: Dog Trainer, sitter and walker

Short bio: Kalliope is a triplet and is 1 of 5 children. Now she wants some children of her own. She also has a passion for dogs, and loves to care for them, so she has made a career out of it.
Current children (please fill for each child separately)

Full name: 


Short bio:
Place of residence: Birmingham, England

What language(s) does your family speak?: Mostly English, some Irish 

What religion(s) does your family practice?: None currently

Are there any pets in your household?: Poppy the Irish Setter and Slithers the Ball Python. We also care for a pony named Brownie, who is kept at a nearby stable.
Adoption information
Domestic or international adoption?: International

In case of international adoption please let us know the preferred country/ies: South Africa, Mexico, United States, Norway, or Iceland

Closed or open adoption?: Open

Preferred number of children (max. 4): 4

Age preference: 10 and under

Gender preference: Girl
Would you accept
- siblings?: Yes
multiples?: Yes

- pregnant teen mothers?: No

-teen mothers with children?:

- children with allergies?: Yes 
children with disabilities?:
children with illness?: Yes
Any other preferences? No

This message was edited 6/25/2017, 11:46 AM

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Please welcome Hedda, Ana, Carla & Teagan!Please welcome Hedda Maria, Ana Luisa, Carla Felipa & Teagan Erica!Hedda is an eight year old girl from Norway. She was placed for adoption following the death of her parents in a plane crash. Her only living family is her grandmother who is sadly unable to care for her as she herself requires asistance. She'd love to stay in contact with her granddaughter though. Hedda is smart and has a great sense of humor. She loves dancing and took ballet classes.Ana & Carla are five year old twin girls from Mexico. They come from very poor conditions and their parents gave them up in a hope they can have better life. They do hope to recieve updates on the girls. Although they are twins they couldn't be more different. Ana is very calm and quiet, a little thinker. In the orphanage you coulf often see her play alone. Carla on the other hand is lively, outgoing and loves meeting new people and making friends. Teagan is a six months old girl from South Africa. She was born six weeks prematurely and spent the first month of her life in hospital. Her teenage mother gave her up for adoption as she was unable to care for her. Teagan has development delays, but her doctors are sure that with the right care and rehabilitation she'll be able to catch up with her peers.
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The family is getting along well. They love to hear jokes from Hedda, and encourage her to write letters to her grandmother every so often, saying how she is doing.The twins are excited for kindergarten. Ana is preparing and is very smart for her age. Carla can't wait to go, as she's looking forwards to making lots of friends.We are taking good care of Teagan and are setting up doctors and therapists who can help her catch up. She seems to be a very, sweet, calm baby.
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The Eliot-Wellcroft FamilyTHE ELIOT-WELLCROFT FAMILYJackin Barnaby Wellcroft-Devereux 26, Historian
Jackin is just the latest in a long line of historians. His parents and grandparents before him were well known in the profession and he has always felt a certain burden to be as great as they were. However, he never really took interest in the typical wars and feuds that riddle history’s depths. Instead, he prefers to research the family dynamic, especially with adoption, through medical times. He is excited to adopt and join the ranks of ordinary citizens who decided to take on the role of parents and make room in their hearts and homes for children desperately in need of a home.
Three Hobbies: Jogging, Painting, Traveling
Three Character Traits: Introverted, Empathetic, DedicatedKatherine May Eliot-Wellcroft 31, Interior Designer
After a whirlwind romance with her first college sweetheart left her broken hearted and three months pregnant, people who didn’t know Kat well might have thought she would develop a more negative outlook on life. How wrong would they have been! Kat bounced back from that setback, welcoming her son Peregrine with a cheerful attitude and all the verve of someone who thinks they have fate on their side. Now an interior designer, Kat loves her job and coming home (often with a fresh bouquet of wildflowers in hand) to a wonderful new husband and a loving son.
Three Hobbies: Sculpting, Painting, Traveling
Three Character Traits: Creative, Excitable, StubbornPeregrine Salvador “Pip” Eliot-Wellcroft 11, Middle School Student
Pip has grown up doted by his mother but also very aware of his unusual position, having a very young single mother. He started helping around the house as much as he could when he was quite young and he has learned to be supportive of his mother whenever possible, especially when it comes to dating. Kat was very nervous to commit to a relationship with Jackin at first, but Pip expressed his support and convinced her to follow her heart. He was overjoyed when his parents told him they were thinking of adopting and looks forward to taking the role of big brother.

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Please welcome Benjamin, León, Anjali & Ritu!Please welcome Benjamin Kipruto, León Felipe, Anjali Devika & Ritu Indira!Benjamin Kipruto is a nine years old boy from Kenya. He has been living in the orphanage his whole life after he was found on the doorsteps one morning without as much as a note. The caregivers are therefore not exactly sure of his birth date but assume he was around six weeks old at that time. Benjamin is very kind, helpful but also very ambitious. While in orphanage he was often helping with the smaller kids and came up with many creative activities in their pastime. In the past few weeks since he was told he will be adopted into the USA, he has been working on his English and has already mastered the basics and is acquiring new words daily. He has been practicing long distance running in a hope to make it to the Olympics and earn some money, and according to his trainer was one of his most talented students, and would love to continue with the training also in his new family.León Felipe is a eight years old boy from Honduras. Then an infant he has been miraculously found unharmed but without his parents after the damaging floods in 2008. The authorities expect his parents were two of many victims of the floods. In the orphanage he has been given the name León Felipe and it fits him very well. León is very determined and strong willed. He is a very good student and has been fascinated by planes ever since he saw one. He wants to become a pilot, this dream however has a few cracks as León had problem with his heart since he was a baby. Later it was discovered that one of his heart valves is damaged, but for financial reasons he never had it corrected. León speaks limited English.Anjali Devika & Ritu Indira are three years old twin girls from India. They've been given up for adoption right after their birth as their parents already had six older children at home and couldn't take care of two more. Despite their fate they are lively and happy girls and you can often see them running around giggling together. They haven't gotten many toys in the orphanage, but they have a little plush bunny that always sleeps between them and whom they carry around all the time. Neither of the girls speaks English at the moment.Please let us know how Benjamin, León, Anjali and Ritu are doing in their new family.
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It’s been two years since the Eliot-Wellcroft family grew by four, and everyone is pretty much settled in.When they first adopted the twins, Kat and Jackin had a long discussion about their names. At three, the girls were young enough for a name change not to be much of a problem and their new parents thought they might fit better into their new home if they had new names. After a lot of thought they decided to give them new short first names that mean “loved” and they kept their birth middle names to honor the girls’ heritage. Anjali is now Kara Devika Eliot-Wellcroft and Ritu is now Esme Indira Eliot-Wellcroft. Their new names fit them perfectly and Kat and Jackin are glad that they have ties to American pop culture through their names.The twins have really profited from having their older siblings; they’re doted on constantly and they’re often read to two or more times a day as Benjamin and León read to learn English. Although they both still play with their bunny from the orphanage and they treasure the toy, they now have as many toys as they want, many of them gifts from their brothers, and they also particularly enjoy playing imaginary games together. Kara heard that Supergirl shares her name and now aspires to be a hero, dressing up and “saving” the toy houses from Esme, who acts like a different type of monster each time. So far Esme is the more social of the two, while Kara is exuberant around her family but shy around others. No matter what, they’re each other’s best friends and they always will be.*León struggled to connect with his new family at first, feeling stubbornly opposed to this American family that had plucked him from his life in Honduras, but Kat is stubborn as well and his opposition and her determination soon drew a battle of wills. Obviously, Kat won after a while and they bonded over the experience. Jackin also helped to make León more comfortable, showing him his research into adoption and explaining the family’s reasoning for taking León and his new siblings in. Now, looking back, León is glad he had his doubts because they drew him closer to his new parents and helped him to understand everything he was going through.

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Parent 1 - William Charles Blount [34]
Will can best be described as charming, determined, and stubborn. Perhaps this is what makes him such an exceptional pilot. His intelligence and sense of humor is what initially drew Elizabeth towards him during their high school years. Parent 2 - Elizabeth Catherine Blount [33]
Elizabeth takes great pride in her children. She does her best to raise them to have compassion and to value themselves and others. Elizabeth met Will when she was a freshman in high school and a few years later their son Francis was born. Though having a child so young was not ideal for Elizabeth and Will, they wouldn't change a thing about their lives.Children
Francis Leonardo Blount [16]
Francis is a leader. He takes great responsibility of his younger siblings and always looks out for their well being. He is kind, but he is also very clever and bold.Claude Penelope Blount [14]
Claude is girly and stubborn. She enjoys shopping and spends a lot of time with her mother. She looks up to Francis and likes to be around him, as well.Sybil Annalise Blount [10]
Sybil is quiet, smart, and shares the same sense of humor as her father. She likes horseback riding and spending time outdoors.Place of residence: Louisiana, USA
Languages: English and French
Religion: Atheist
Pets: 2 cats- Lola and TessieDomestic or International - Either
Closed or Open - Closed
Preferred amount - 2
Age preference - newborn to 16
Gender preference - EitherSiblings - Yes
Multiples - Yes
Pregnant teen mothers - Yes
Teen mothers with children - Yes
Children with allergies - Yes
Children with disabilities - Depends how severe
Children with illness - Same as aboveOther requests:
We prefer children who are not religious
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Please welcome Raphaël & Margot!Please welcome Raphaël Thomas and Margot Olivia!Raphaël and Margot are siblings coming from Lyon, France. Raphaël is twelve and Margot five, they've been given up for adoption after their parents and brother Mathis were killed in a car accident seven months ago and none of their remaining family was able to take the siblings. Raphaël was not in the car at time of accident, while Margot got out of the accident only with a few scratches and bruises. She is however suffering from nightmares and bed-wetting following the accident. Raphaël is very calm which strangers often mistake for shyness. He has always been an excellent student, his grades have however suffered since he and Margot were placed into foster care. His mother tongue is French, but his English is very good as well. He enjoys spending time outdoors, enjoys many sports and loves animals. Margot speaks only French, but she has learned a few English words recently. She is very and is strongly attached to her older brother following the accident. She likes imaginative games and puzzles.Please let us know how Raphaël and Margot are doing in their new family.
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Family information

Parent 1
Full name: Amy Joanne Lewis
Age: 22
Occupation: Novelist/Journalist
Short bio: Amy’s the only daughter and second child of a rich family, thus she has quite a bit of money coming her way in the future. For now, though, she’s focused on her writing and her five-year-old son. She had a bad experience with her ex-boyfriend, and was a teen mother herself, so she’s more than willing to take in young mothers. She and her current fiance have been dating for two years, and are excited to adopt!

Parent 2
Full name: Blaise Alexander James
Age: 24
Occupation: Firefighter
Short bio: Blaise is the oldest of two, and had a very calm home life. He was brought of Christian, though he’s not devout, and has a passion for helping others. He and Amy were friends for years, even before the birth of her son, and have gotten closer and closer over the years. Blaise is kind, and patient, and loves kids.

Current children
Full name: Elias Cooper Lewis “Eli”
Age: 5
Short bio: Eli was born when Amy was 17, far before she was actually ready, and though she considered giving him up for adoption, she’s glad she didn’t. He’s a playful boy, and loves cars and trains and firetrucks.

Place of residence: New York City, New York
What language(s) does your family speak?: English
What religion(s) does your family practice?: Blaise was raised Christian, though the family doesn’t attend church often.
Are there any pets in your household?: No

Adoption information
Domestic or international adoption?: Domestic is preferred.
Closed or open adoption?: Either
Preferred number of children (max. 4): 2
Age preference: 3-17
Gender preference: Either
Would you accept
- siblings?: yes
- multiples?: yes
- pregnant teen mothers?: yes
- teen mothers with children?: yes
- children with allergies?: yes
- children with disabilities?: no
- children with illness?: no
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Please welcome Sam & Camden!Please welcome Samantha Nicole and Camden Blake!Samantha Nicole or Sam, as she prefers to be called, is a fifteen year old expectant mother. She is currently five months pregnant and opted to not find out the gender of her baby, the baby's father is not in the picture. Sam has been in the foster system for four years after her mother, who was a single mother herself, died of breast cancer. She is really excited to be hopefully coming to her forever family. Sam is lively and outgoing by nature, but became a bit more reserved after she exchanged several foster families in the course of the past four years and it takes a while until she opens up to new people. She is an average student and would like to finish her education after the birth of her baby to be able to provide for them both in the future. She is not sure what she'd like to do in the future, but she really likes kids and helping others in general.Camden Blake is three years old. He has been placed into foster system a year and half ago after his mother was convinced of drug abuse, his father was at that time already serving a term for the same reason. They are both clean now and out of jail, but still in difficult living situation. Therefore three months ago they decided to give up their parental rights to allow Camden to have better life, but they'd still like to receive yearly updates on their son. Camden is a sweet boy. He loves singing and drawing and could spend hours playing with cars and trucks.Please let us know how Sam and Camden are doing in their new family.
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Amy and Blaise are happy to welcome Sam and Camden (and Sam's baby) into their family!Amy took to Sam immediately, though the girl took some time to open up to her. Amy related to the young girl, and told her as much, which she thinks boosted Sam's willingness to trust her. They are not especially close yet, but hopefully they will be as time goes on. Sam liked Eli pretty much right away, though, especially as the boy quickly got excited to have a baby in the house. He endeared himself quickly to her.Camden and Eli have become good friends. They play together all the time, and honestly it's the cutest thing. Camden warmed up to Amy and Blaise very quickly, and loves seeing the firetrucks, like Eli. Amy and Blaise agreed to update Camden's parents, as they understand the attachment to him.Camden and Sam are settling in well!
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