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[Opinions] Re: Caroline
in reply to a message by Danno
I quite enjoy Caroline. Sarah is not the least bit gorgeous to me, so Caroline Sarah is pretty blah.
Caroline Paige is nice and sweet. Too sweet for me, but it's okay.
Caroline Faye is a bit more interesting. I would opt for Caroline Mae or Caroline Rae, personally, but Faye is alright too.My suggestions are not along your lines at all, so you probably won't like 'em. :)
Caroline Tatum
Caroline Quinn
Caroline Tilly
Caroline Maëlle
Caroline Camille
Caroline Fiona
Caroline Joetta
Caroline Simone
Caroline Sadie
Caroline RomillyOne momma namenerdin' in the fleeting quiet moments between
delighting in and losing my mind amidst my five kiddos To peruse my top 100ish names:
Bits of blogging here:
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