[Opinions] Alistair or Alastair
What are your thoughts on the name, Alistair\Alastair?
Which spelling do you prefer? Alistair, Alastair or something else?
How would you pronounce this name?
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I love this name. It constantly almost makes it into the top 10 of my favorite boy's names, it's definitely in the top 20 for me.I go back and forth about spelling but right now I currently prefer Alastair.
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My favourite spelling is Alastair.I pronounce them all AL-a-ster.
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I love this name, one of my top favorites... though I'm not sure we can use it for a child after romancing Alistair in Dragon Age, lol. I leans slightly towards spelling it Alistair but I love both.
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I used to really like Alistair, but my preference has shifted to Alasdair. Alistair seems a bit whiny and pretentious, whereas Alasdair has a romantic, "moors and castle" Scottish* vibe going on.I realize that they're all Scottish. This spelling just makes me think of the wilds of Scotland more...or something?I guess my ranking would be: Alasdair, Alastair, Alistair
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I definitely prefer Alistair. I think it's more energetic. Alistair is AL-ih-STAYR and Alastair is AL-uh-STAYR. My favorite is Alister because it takes away my desire to over emphasize the end...
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It's a very handsome name. I prefer the Alastair spelling but I pronounce both the same - AL a sta
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I personally deem Alistair looks and sounds much better than Alastair.
Please vote on my lists, thanks!
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I like it. Sometimes it feels dated to me though, and Alexander will always be classic so I prefer it. I pronounce it with 3 syllables al-is-tair, but it comes out more like al-is-dair, which is one reason why I prefer the spelling Alasdair, and Dair (Dare) makes a cute nickname.
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I pronounce both spellings the same way.I used Alastair as my son's 2nd mn, because the two friends we were honouring both spell it that way. I prefer Alistair because the Ai-ai sequence pleases me, and it looks lighter, but it's no big deal.I like the name a lot, with or without friends! It's got a cheerful, energetic Scottish vibe that's really attractive.
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Prefer the Allister spelling with pronunciation as written: AL-is-terI know this is originally a classic Scottish FN, but the Ali-stair spelling makes me think of the Arabic FN Ali in a certain obvious way and that's not really what I like.
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Hi Danno !!!Personally I like all the spelling of this name!!Alasdair, Alastair, Alistair, Allister, Alister, Alistar...They are all fascinating and very strong!But if I have to choose.. Alasdair!
And Alastair for the second choice.
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I have Alasdair on my list. I just like the dair ending. I don't really say them that differently, but I like the softer look and sound. I like the name, it's not at the top of my list, but handsome and sophisticated. Masculine but not overly so or too harsh.If I had to choose between the two, I'd probably go for Alastair. It just looks more fulled out and more aestheitcally pleasing to my eyes.I say Al-uh-stuh for all the spellings, except Alasdair is slightly more Al-uh-sduh, but not noticibly different.
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I like Alistair, but not a fan of Alastair, as a spelling.
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