[Opinions] Bathilda
Hi !!!Have you ever heard this name on a real person? (Bathilda Bagshot is a character of Harry Potter saga).WDYTO it as a given name without this link?Bruno Dante Davide Fabrizio Flavio Giordano Giorgio Giulio Gregorio Leandro Leone Ludovico Massimo Michele Niccolò Romeo Valentino VittorioAgata Anastasia Cassandra Diana Eleonora Elisabetta Ester Flora Luna Maia Morgana Stella Susanna Veronica Zoe
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No, I've never heard it on a real person and I think it's rather awful. But if I had a bat, I would definitely call her Bathilda! :)
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I prefer Mathilda. It sounds softer and less like "battle".
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There's a woman named Bathabile Lastname serving in the South African government - she's a Cabinet minister and very feisty! OK, it's pronounced more or less like bah-TAH-bee-lay but it's visually close to Bathilda.I assume that the h in Bathilda is silent. As in Mathilda. In which case it strongly resembles Mathilda (or Matilda) as said by someone with a really bad head cold. And that's enough to put me right off.
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I don't find it nice, Matilda's way better.
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