[Opinions] Jack
I have a much harder time loving boy names than girl names. I would happily name a girl child any of my top 10 names. When I honestly imagine having a boy, I think the only name I can see myself actually using is Jack. It's a family name and I actually like it. It's pretty common in the US but it's not as common as William (another favorite) or Oliver.
So, what do you think of Jack? Is it too common? Do you prefer it as a nickname for John or on its own?
Jack Edwin is my favorite combo currently (Edwin is after my dad).

So, what do you think of Jack? Is it too common? Do you prefer it as a nickname for John or on its own?
Jack Edwin is my favorite combo currently (Edwin is after my dad).

I disagree with many of the previous posters who say that Jack is good as a nickname for Jackson. I disagree, as Jackson is a trendy "surname turned first name" that will sound a bit dated after the fad wears off. If this were my child, I would give them the legal name John and the nickname Jack, as it gives the child more options later in life, and I think that John sounds more professional than Jack, but Jack as a legal name would probably be fine as well, since now Jack has become a name in itself, in addition to being a nickname for John.
I think it's horribly cliche. It seems like one of the go-to names for male leads in movies.
I like Jack, it's simple and cheerful. It's popular, but if he feels that's a problem he could go by Jay, his middle name or if you go with Jack Edwin (which is great), he even has the option of Jed. Or he may not feel the popularity of Jack to be a problem at all.
Jack Edwin is a winning combination. Go for it.
Jack Edwin is a winning combination. Go for it.
I loooooove Jack too. I wish it wasn't so common because that has made it fade into the background and even become bland. I would still use it myself though =)
I was saying to a friend yesterday that namenerds are the sort of people that would still name a son John but call him Jack. She was like, "Whaaaaaat?!" I think John "Jack" is something that almost only exists on boards like this now. Jack is Jack these days, Charlie is Charlie and so on and so forth. I would go with Jack rather than John.
I was saying to a friend yesterday that namenerds are the sort of people that would still name a son John but call him Jack. She was like, "Whaaaaaat?!" I think John "Jack" is something that almost only exists on boards like this now. Jack is Jack these days, Charlie is Charlie and so on and so forth. I would go with Jack rather than John.
It's my DH's favourite boys name. I like it too, but it has been #1 or #2 here for so long, it's just too popular for me to use.
Jack isn't too common as in frequent, but it does strike me as "common" compared to your other favorites. It's more "rough" and informal-seeming, like Max or Brad. But enough of a dominant, golden-boy name that it would fit in with your girls. Within the rest of your style, I'd expect Jack to be a nickname.
I like Jack by itself. I also like Jack for John. I'd rather Jake for Jacob, unless you pronounce Jacob as Jack-ob.
Jack Edwin is great, I really like it.
I like Jack by itself. I also like Jack for John. I'd rather Jake for Jacob, unless you pronounce Jacob as Jack-ob.
Jack Edwin is great, I really like it.
I used to feel that it was too popular but once I realized that names in the top 50 aren't as common as names used to be I started paying attention more to what percentage of the population has a name rather than what number it is on the list. Remembering how common a name was in my own classes as a kid I realized that when a name is at least .5 percent or higher of the children born that year then it is too common imo.
Jack hasn't been .5 percent or higher for a long time except for one year in the early 2000's so I don't feel that it is too common. It's definitely a well known name that often seems to get used more often in tv shows than in rl.
I really like the combo Jack Edwin. It's vintage feeling but with a cool vibe. It feels neither too formal nor too laid back.
Jack hasn't been .5 percent or higher for a long time except for one year in the early 2000's so I don't feel that it is too common. It's definitely a well known name that often seems to get used more often in tv shows than in rl.
I really like the combo Jack Edwin. It's vintage feeling but with a cool vibe. It feels neither too formal nor too laid back.
This message was edited 9/16/2017, 12:16 PM
It's fairly popular here but it's never gotten close to the popularity it has in the UK, Ireland, and Australia.
Jack is a terrific name! A name that works either way as a diminutive or as a standalone. Personally, I prefer the name on its own unless it's short for something obvious like Jackson for instances. I don't think it's TOO common. Even it is was or is, who cares? If you love a name, you should feel free to use it regardless of popularity.
Jack Edwin: Love it!
Jack Edwin: Love it!
I love Jack. It's handsome, mischievous, and fun. John was named after my "Grandpa Jack". My brother calls him Jackie.
I didn't want to call him Jack, because I think it is exceptionally popular right now with all the Jacksons kicking about. I like using it as a nickname, because it gives the kid options later, but it works fine as a full name..
Jack Edwin is nice. I am in favor of the honoring.
I didn't want to call him Jack, because I think it is exceptionally popular right now with all the Jacksons kicking about. I like using it as a nickname, because it gives the kid options later, but it works fine as a full name..
Jack Edwin is nice. I am in favor of the honoring.
I didn't used to like it but it has grown on me in the last couple of years. It was the number one name in England for about 10 years and I think I just got sick of it!
I don't like it as a nickname for John, not in this day and age. It's a bit archaic to do that in my opinion. And I don't think it sounds nick-namey either. It's just a short, straightforward name.
I like the combo Jack Edwin!
I don't like it as a nickname for John, not in this day and age. It's a bit archaic to do that in my opinion. And I don't think it sounds nick-namey either. It's just a short, straightforward name.
I like the combo Jack Edwin!
For me it's too nicknamey to use on its own. As to popularity, I like to stay out of the top 100, but that's just me.
Not my style. I prefer it as a nickname for Jackson, if anything.
I think it works pretty well as a nn for John, or even Jacob. (My stepfather had a cousin who died recently who was called Jack or Jackie, but his real name was Ronald Jacob.) As a nn for John it's definitely more grown-up than Johnny.
I like Jack okay, but not enough to ever want to use it, maybe not even as a nn. There's a touch of generic about it but not in the usual way. I mean, Jack is kind of like Buddy or Mac, but with more of a hostile edge; not as hostile as Buster, but not as friendly as Mac. "Whatc out how you park that truck, Jack!"
I like Jack okay, but not enough to ever want to use it, maybe not even as a nn. There's a touch of generic about it but not in the usual way. I mean, Jack is kind of like Buddy or Mac, but with more of a hostile edge; not as hostile as Buster, but not as friendly as Mac. "Whatc out how you park that truck, Jack!"
I actually just found out that my great grandfather who immigrated from Poland was Jacob. I always thought he was just Jack but I found his Ellis island record. I do like Jacob. :)
in high school ...
There was a boy from Poland who was called Jack. I never knew what it might be short for, he moved before graduation so I never heard the full name.
There was a boy from Poland who was called Jack. I never knew what it might be short for, he moved before graduation so I never heard the full name.