[Opinions] Lydian..WDYT? (combined w/another ?/comment)
Lydian is actually the name of a musical mode, like a scale. I absolutely love it as a name, though, b/c it's close to Lydia.
Your opinion? Love it, like it, hate it?
My favorite combos with Lydian are Lydian Emmaline, Lydian Charlotte and Lydian Iris.
In your opinion, do you think that musical names in general (Aria, Lyric, Melody, Cadence, etc) are cheesy? Are there any you would consider using, at least in theory? I went to college / university with a girl named Timbrel, and after I got used to it, I really liked it as a name. I also like some musical terms as names:
Aria (g)
Brava (g)
Cadence / Cadenza (g)
Calliope (prn kuh-LYE-oh-pee - g)
Dauer (b)
Delasol (g)
Echo (g)
Elegie (g)
Ethos (b)
Etude (b)
Folia (g) - although it *does* literally mean 'insanity'
Fugue (prn fewg - b)
Ganzton (b)
Glee (g) - 3 or more part voice songs; think glee clubs
Habanera (g)
Harmonia / Harmonie / Harmony (g)
Holz (b)
Hosanna (g)
Idyll (either)
Intrada (g)
Jazz (b)
Jubilus (b)
Kalimba (g)
Kantor (b)
Kinnor (b)
Kithara (g)
Kyrie (prn KEY-ree-ay - g)
Laudes (either)
Lied (prn. leed - b)
Lira / Lyrica / Lyra / Lyre (g)
Madrigal (b)
Mandolin (g)
Melisma (g)
Melody (g)
Mirliton (b)
Nocturne (g)
Nola (g)
Noter (b)
Ode (b)
Oratorio (b)
Orphica (g)
Ossia (g)
Paean (b)
Partita (g)
Psalm (either)
Quadrille (g)
Quire (choir - b)
Radel (b)
Redowa (slavic, so I'm assuming it reh-DOH-vah - g)
Rein (either, rhymes w/fine - refers to tuning intervals)
Salmo (b)
Samba (b)
Scala (either)
Sequela (g)
Seraphine (small organ invented circa 1830 - g)
Serenade (g)
Talea (g)
Tambor (b)
Telyn (either)
Toccatina (g)
Tonale (b)
Uilleann (g)
Ukelin (b)
Valor (in music, it means the value or proportion of a note - b)
Ventile (g)
Vesper (g)
Vielle (g)
Vocalise (g)
Yodel (orginally jodel - b)
Zanphonia (g)
Zimbel / Zymbel (b)
Zither (either)
Married male co-worker: "Wanna come over to my place for lunch today?"
Me: "Thanks, but I don't think that would be appropriate."
Him: "What do you think I'm gonna do, lure you into the bedroom with a hotdog?"
Him: "Ok, bad analogy."
Your opinion? Love it, like it, hate it?
My favorite combos with Lydian are Lydian Emmaline, Lydian Charlotte and Lydian Iris.
In your opinion, do you think that musical names in general (Aria, Lyric, Melody, Cadence, etc) are cheesy? Are there any you would consider using, at least in theory? I went to college / university with a girl named Timbrel, and after I got used to it, I really liked it as a name. I also like some musical terms as names:
Aria (g)
Brava (g)
Cadence / Cadenza (g)
Calliope (prn kuh-LYE-oh-pee - g)
Dauer (b)
Delasol (g)
Echo (g)
Elegie (g)
Ethos (b)
Etude (b)
Folia (g) - although it *does* literally mean 'insanity'
Fugue (prn fewg - b)
Ganzton (b)
Glee (g) - 3 or more part voice songs; think glee clubs
Habanera (g)
Harmonia / Harmonie / Harmony (g)
Holz (b)
Hosanna (g)
Idyll (either)
Intrada (g)
Jazz (b)
Jubilus (b)
Kalimba (g)
Kantor (b)
Kinnor (b)
Kithara (g)
Kyrie (prn KEY-ree-ay - g)
Laudes (either)
Lied (prn. leed - b)
Lira / Lyrica / Lyra / Lyre (g)
Madrigal (b)
Mandolin (g)
Melisma (g)
Melody (g)
Mirliton (b)
Nocturne (g)
Nola (g)
Noter (b)
Ode (b)
Oratorio (b)
Orphica (g)
Ossia (g)
Paean (b)
Partita (g)
Psalm (either)
Quadrille (g)
Quire (choir - b)
Radel (b)
Redowa (slavic, so I'm assuming it reh-DOH-vah - g)
Rein (either, rhymes w/fine - refers to tuning intervals)
Salmo (b)
Samba (b)
Scala (either)
Sequela (g)
Seraphine (small organ invented circa 1830 - g)
Serenade (g)
Talea (g)
Tambor (b)
Telyn (either)
Toccatina (g)
Tonale (b)
Uilleann (g)
Ukelin (b)
Valor (in music, it means the value or proportion of a note - b)
Ventile (g)
Vesper (g)
Vielle (g)
Vocalise (g)
Yodel (orginally jodel - b)
Zanphonia (g)
Zimbel / Zymbel (b)
Zither (either)
Married male co-worker: "Wanna come over to my place for lunch today?"
Me: "Thanks, but I don't think that would be appropriate."
Him: "What do you think I'm gonna do, lure you into the bedroom with a hotdog?"
Him: "Ok, bad analogy."
I really cant stand 'musical' type names. And to name your child after a mode (Lydian, Lochrian, Aeolian, Phrygian etc..) is awful. These are things that young musicians have to memorise and dont like doing.
As a music student/teacher it really makes me cringe when parents give their chidlren 'musical' names. I dont know if its supposed to make the parents sound really creative or what but its ultra tacky.
There is a girl in one of my classes and her name is Harmony and everyone gives her the hardest time for it. 'musical' names are the trashy names of the musical society.
~~* BEX *~~
Surfing is my religion!

As a music student/teacher it really makes me cringe when parents give their chidlren 'musical' names. I dont know if its supposed to make the parents sound really creative or what but its ultra tacky.
There is a girl in one of my classes and her name is Harmony and everyone gives her the hardest time for it. 'musical' names are the trashy names of the musical society.
~~* BEX *~~
Surfing is my religion!

LOL, then I guess I'm a 'trashy' music teacher! ;o)
Lydian makes me think of a person from a place named Lydian, KWIM?
Overall, I like music names if it's not too obvious. I wouldn't use Aria, Cadence, etc, but some I like.
I like:
Calliope (prn kuh-LYE-oh-pee - g)
Ethos (b)
Etude (b)
Kyrie (prn KEY-ree-ay - g)
Lira / Lyra / Lyre (g)
Nola (g)
Seraphine (small organ invented circa 1830 - g)
Talea (g)
Zither (either)
I suggest Ligeia, my recent obsession name, because it means "clear-voiced" and was the name for a siren in the Odyssey, which is completely associated with beguiling song. :) Sorry, I like it a lot right now.
I would prefer to use a name of a composer/songwriter/character in a musical who sings a certain song/etc to honor the music without being too cutesy.

Overall, I like music names if it's not too obvious. I wouldn't use Aria, Cadence, etc, but some I like.
I like:
Calliope (prn kuh-LYE-oh-pee - g)
Ethos (b)
Etude (b)
Kyrie (prn KEY-ree-ay - g)
Lira / Lyra / Lyre (g)
Nola (g)
Seraphine (small organ invented circa 1830 - g)
Talea (g)
Zither (either)
I suggest Ligeia, my recent obsession name, because it means "clear-voiced" and was the name for a siren in the Odyssey, which is completely associated with beguiling song. :) Sorry, I like it a lot right now.
I would prefer to use a name of a composer/songwriter/character in a musical who sings a certain song/etc to honor the music without being too cutesy.

Lydian is very pretty. I've never heard it before.
Aria (g) - pretty
Brava (g) - ok, nms
Cadence / Cadenza (g) - nmsaa
Calliope (prn kuh-LYE-oh-pee - g) - pretty, probably wouldn't use though
Dauer (b) - nms
Delasol (g) - nms
Echo (g) - nmsaa
Elegie (g) - nms
Ethos (b) - nms
Etude (b) - don't like it
Folia (g) - although it *does* literally mean 'insanity' - ok
Fugue (prn fewg - b) - NO WAY
Ganzton (b) - don't like it
Glee (g) - 3 or more part voice songs; think glee clubs - cute as a mn
Habanera (g) - NO, too close to Habenero, the hot pepper?
Harmonia / Harmonie / Harmony (g) - pretty
Holz (b) - nms
Hosanna (g) - like it!
Idyll (either) - nms
Intrada (g) - pretty
Jazz (b) - NO!
Jubilus (b) - don't like it
Kalimba (g) - no
Kantor (b) - no
Kinnor (b) - no
Kithara (g) - no
Kyrie (prn KEY-ree-ay - g) - pretty but people would always pronounce Ky-ree
Laudes (either) - nms
Lied (prn. leed - b) - nms
Lira / Lyrica / Lyra / Lyre (g) - I like Lyric; Lira/Lyra/Lyre is pretty too
Madrigal (b) - nms
Mandolin (g) - don't like it as a name
Melisma (g) - nms
Melody (g) - very pretty
Mirliton (b) - no
Nocturne (g) - NO WAY!
Nola (g) - ok
Noter (b) - no
Ode (b) - no
Oratorio (b) - no
Orphica (g) - NO WAY!
Ossia (g) - ok
Paean (b) - no
Partita (g) - no
Psalm (either) - eh, ok for a mn
Quadrille (g) - no
Quire (choir - b) - he'd get made fun of and called "queer"
Radel (b) - ok
Redowa (slavic, so I'm assuming it reh-DOH-vah - g) - nms
Rein (either, rhymes w/fine - refers to tuning intervals) - ok
Salmo (b) - nms
Samba (b) - not as a name
Scala (either) - nms
Sequela (g) - nms
Seraphine (small organ invented circa 1830 - g) - pretty
Serenade (g) - not as a name
Talea (g) - pretty
Tambor (b) - nms
Telyn (either) - ok
Toccatina (g) - NO WAY!
Tonale (b) - nms
Uilleann (g) - don't like it
Ukelin (b) - nmsaa
Valor (in music, it means the value or proportion of a note - b) - nms
Ventile (g) - nmsaa
Vesper (g) - nmsaa
Vielle (g) - ok
Vocalise (g) - not as a name
Yodel (orginally jodel - b) - NO WAY!!!!
Zanphonia (g) - nms
Zimbel / Zymbel (b) - nmsaa
Zither (either) - nmsaa

Aria (g) - pretty
Brava (g) - ok, nms
Cadence / Cadenza (g) - nmsaa
Calliope (prn kuh-LYE-oh-pee - g) - pretty, probably wouldn't use though
Dauer (b) - nms
Delasol (g) - nms
Echo (g) - nmsaa
Elegie (g) - nms
Ethos (b) - nms
Etude (b) - don't like it
Folia (g) - although it *does* literally mean 'insanity' - ok
Fugue (prn fewg - b) - NO WAY
Ganzton (b) - don't like it
Glee (g) - 3 or more part voice songs; think glee clubs - cute as a mn
Habanera (g) - NO, too close to Habenero, the hot pepper?
Harmonia / Harmonie / Harmony (g) - pretty
Holz (b) - nms
Hosanna (g) - like it!
Idyll (either) - nms
Intrada (g) - pretty
Jazz (b) - NO!
Jubilus (b) - don't like it
Kalimba (g) - no
Kantor (b) - no
Kinnor (b) - no
Kithara (g) - no
Kyrie (prn KEY-ree-ay - g) - pretty but people would always pronounce Ky-ree
Laudes (either) - nms
Lied (prn. leed - b) - nms
Lira / Lyrica / Lyra / Lyre (g) - I like Lyric; Lira/Lyra/Lyre is pretty too
Madrigal (b) - nms
Mandolin (g) - don't like it as a name
Melisma (g) - nms
Melody (g) - very pretty
Mirliton (b) - no
Nocturne (g) - NO WAY!
Nola (g) - ok
Noter (b) - no
Ode (b) - no
Oratorio (b) - no
Orphica (g) - NO WAY!
Ossia (g) - ok
Paean (b) - no
Partita (g) - no
Psalm (either) - eh, ok for a mn
Quadrille (g) - no
Quire (choir - b) - he'd get made fun of and called "queer"
Radel (b) - ok
Redowa (slavic, so I'm assuming it reh-DOH-vah - g) - nms
Rein (either, rhymes w/fine - refers to tuning intervals) - ok
Salmo (b) - nms
Samba (b) - not as a name
Scala (either) - nms
Sequela (g) - nms
Seraphine (small organ invented circa 1830 - g) - pretty
Serenade (g) - not as a name
Talea (g) - pretty
Tambor (b) - nms
Telyn (either) - ok
Toccatina (g) - NO WAY!
Tonale (b) - nms
Uilleann (g) - don't like it
Ukelin (b) - nmsaa
Valor (in music, it means the value or proportion of a note - b) - nms
Ventile (g) - nmsaa
Vesper (g) - nmsaa
Vielle (g) - ok
Vocalise (g) - not as a name
Yodel (orginally jodel - b) - NO WAY!!!!
Zanphonia (g) - nms
Zimbel / Zymbel (b) - nmsaa
Zither (either) - nmsaa

I love it... being a musician, I'm very fond of musical terms as names. It's been on my list for a while, though sometimes I forget it's there. I would love to give at least one of
Off of your list, I like:
Cadence / Cadenza
Harmonia / Harmonie / Harmony
Jazz (though I prefer it as a nn, and on a girl)
Lira / Lyrica / Lyra / Lyre
Madrigal (prefer this for a girl)
Other musical names I like:
Aeolian (either)
Allegra (g)
Alto (b)
Ballad (g)
Bard (b)
Carol (g)
Cecilia (g; patron saint of music)
Celeste (g)
Chiesa (g; pron. kee-AY-zah)
Decima (g)
Dirge (b)
Dolce (g)
Dorian (b)
Flute (g)
Harper (g)
Kytte (either; pron. kit)
Lyris / Lyric (g; I suppose these would fit in with the Lira set up there)
Mace (b; a rod used by a drum major, I guess it's not exactly a musical term, but whatever)
Minstrel (g)
Minuet (g)
Octavia (g)
Opera (g)
Pavan (either)
Piper (g)
Reed (b; as in, like, a clarinet or saxophone reed)
Rhapsody (g)
Sansa (g)
Selah (g)
Sonata (g)
Symphony (g)
Viola (g; I realize that it actually means violet, but I always think of the instrument)
Some of those I would never use on a kid; for example, I think Dirge would be much too heavy to use on a person, because of the connection with funerals and death and all. But I might use it on, say, a pet or a character or something. :)
Off of your list, I like:
Cadence / Cadenza
Harmonia / Harmonie / Harmony
Jazz (though I prefer it as a nn, and on a girl)
Lira / Lyrica / Lyra / Lyre
Madrigal (prefer this for a girl)
Other musical names I like:
Aeolian (either)
Allegra (g)
Alto (b)
Ballad (g)
Bard (b)
Carol (g)
Cecilia (g; patron saint of music)
Celeste (g)
Chiesa (g; pron. kee-AY-zah)
Decima (g)
Dirge (b)
Dolce (g)
Dorian (b)
Flute (g)
Harper (g)
Kytte (either; pron. kit)
Lyris / Lyric (g; I suppose these would fit in with the Lira set up there)
Mace (b; a rod used by a drum major, I guess it's not exactly a musical term, but whatever)
Minstrel (g)
Minuet (g)
Octavia (g)
Opera (g)
Pavan (either)
Piper (g)
Reed (b; as in, like, a clarinet or saxophone reed)
Rhapsody (g)
Sansa (g)
Selah (g)
Sonata (g)
Symphony (g)
Viola (g; I realize that it actually means violet, but I always think of the instrument)
Some of those I would never use on a kid; for example, I think Dirge would be much too heavy to use on a person, because of the connection with funerals and death and all. But I might use it on, say, a pet or a character or something. :)
I always think of the musical instrument, too. And violet used to be the English dim. for viol, now the violin.
I LOVE Musical names !
Lydian is awesome, nice alternative to Lydia!
I also love these:
Cadence - boy or girl it's on my list
Calliope - it's on my list
Fugue - i love this for a boy
Harmonia / Harmonie / Harmony - cute
Lira / Lyrica / Lyra / Lyre - love it for a girl I love Lyre the best
Melody (g)- on my list
Nocturne (g)- very cute
Psalm - LOVE this for a girl
Serenade (g)- love this
I also like:
Sonata - girl
Baroque - boy
Timbre - girl
"There is none Holy like The Lord, there is none besides Thee; there is no Rock like our God." (1 Samuel 2:2 RSV)
Lydian is awesome, nice alternative to Lydia!
I also love these:
Cadence - boy or girl it's on my list
Calliope - it's on my list
Fugue - i love this for a boy
Harmonia / Harmonie / Harmony - cute
Lira / Lyrica / Lyra / Lyre - love it for a girl I love Lyre the best
Melody (g)- on my list
Nocturne (g)- very cute
Psalm - LOVE this for a girl
Serenade (g)- love this
I also like:
Sonata - girl
Baroque - boy
Timbre - girl
"There is none Holy like The Lord, there is none besides Thee; there is no Rock like our God." (1 Samuel 2:2 RSV)
This message was edited 4/7/2006, 12:12 PM
Like Timbre...but
anyone who's not connected to music will prn it timber. It's really growing on me, though. Hmmm....food for thought. :o)
anyone who's not connected to music will prn it timber. It's really growing on me, though. Hmmm....food for thought. :o)
Hmm...Lydian would be fine as a middle name--it'd be a subtle but cool nod to something her parents would love. But as a first name, people would assume that it was a typo. So I think that something like Joy Lydian or Iris Lydian would be great, but Lydian Iris would be a pain in the ass.
Overall, I like musical names--but then, I like word names in general, so I'm biased. I think that musical names are perfectly valid to bestow on children, particularly if the parents are musicians. Personally, I'd rather honour musicians than musical concepts, so I'd be unlikely to most of them--why use something like Jazz when I could name a kid Tatum, Louis, Holiday, or Miles, y'know?
You might even provide a Heaven for them. We need You for that. Hell we can make for ourselves.
Russ Feingold is a hero.
Censure President Bush.
Overall, I like musical names--but then, I like word names in general, so I'm biased. I think that musical names are perfectly valid to bestow on children, particularly if the parents are musicians. Personally, I'd rather honour musicians than musical concepts, so I'd be unlikely to most of them--why use something like Jazz when I could name a kid Tatum, Louis, Holiday, or Miles, y'know?
You might even provide a Heaven for them. We need You for that. Hell we can make for ourselves.
Russ Feingold is a hero.
Censure President Bush.
First, although I think the name Lydian is pretty, and I actually like it better than Lydia, it sounds a bit made up, and for that reason I don't care for it too much. Regarding your second question, I don't think musical names are cheesy. Three of my favorites are Aria, Viola, and Haydn, after the composer. With your list, there were so many that I didn't have strong feelings for either way, so I've just listed the ones I definitately liked or disliked. I hope you don't absolutely adore the ones I don't like, because I was a little rough with them. Please don't take offense. :)
Aria (g)- One of my favorites
Elegie (g)- I like it, though I wouldn't use it myself.
Melody (g)- Not a favorite, but I don't hate it.
Nocturne (g) b)- I like the name, although I don't see how it's a "musical" name necessarily, other than being the name of a classical piece.
Brava (g)- It's just strange. You could have b/g twins and name them Bravo and Brava. :P
Lied (prn. leed - b)- Looks exactly like the English word "lied".
Mandolin (g)- It would be kind of like naming your kid Harpsichord or Piccolo. It's just strange.
Serenade (g)- Also strange.
Uilleann (g)- Only if the surname was Pipes. ;)
Vocalise (g)- It's a *verb*.
Yodel (orginally jodel - b)- Another verb.
I'll walk with God, I'll take His hand.
I'll talk with God, He'll understand.
I'll pray to Him, each day to Him
And He'll hear the words that I say.
His hand will guide my throne and rod
And I'll never walk alone
While I walk with God.
Aria (g)- One of my favorites
Elegie (g)- I like it, though I wouldn't use it myself.
Melody (g)- Not a favorite, but I don't hate it.
Nocturne (g) b)- I like the name, although I don't see how it's a "musical" name necessarily, other than being the name of a classical piece.
Brava (g)- It's just strange. You could have b/g twins and name them Bravo and Brava. :P
Lied (prn. leed - b)- Looks exactly like the English word "lied".
Mandolin (g)- It would be kind of like naming your kid Harpsichord or Piccolo. It's just strange.
Serenade (g)- Also strange.
Uilleann (g)- Only if the surname was Pipes. ;)
Vocalise (g)- It's a *verb*.
Yodel (orginally jodel - b)- Another verb.
I'll walk with God, I'll take His hand.
I'll talk with God, He'll understand.
I'll pray to Him, each day to Him
And He'll hear the words that I say.
His hand will guide my throne and rod
And I'll never walk alone
While I walk with God.
Yodel is great! Are you kidding?
I am so ready to use this name for my daughter.
I am so ready to use this name for my daughter.
I was really kind of thinking a Germanic type prn, like hyo-dell. If I say it w/an American accent, it's really not feasible as a RL name.
I was really kind of thinking a Germanic type prn, like hyo-dell. If I say it w/an American accent, it's really not feasible as a RL name.