All surnames are your choice.
DW: Hyphenated name (example: Mary-Jo) / your choice
DH: Compound name (example: Giancarlo) / same language as surname
DS1: Hyphenated name / 5 letter name
DD1: Name that includes a suffix (like -ette) / can't end with the same letter as the fn
DD2: Same initials as mom
DD3: Same initials as dad
DW: Has pronounceable initials and uses them as a nickname (like CAM or JEN)
DD: Variant of first part of grandma's hyphenated name / rhymes with mom's middle name
DS: Same first initial as grandpa / Either part of dad's hyphenated name
DH: Mythological first name / popular middle name
DS: First part of grandpa's compound name or a variant of it / Same middle initial as dad
DD: Variant of grandma's middle name / uses suffix from mom's first name or a variant of it (as a suffix, as a prefix, or as the whole name. example: if DD1's name is Annabelle you could use Isabelle, Isabel, Belladonna, Bella, Belle, etc.)
DH: two-syllable name / last name of a famous writer
DD: Variant of second part of grandma's hyphenated name / word name
DD: Feminization of second part of grandpa's compound name / word name in the same category (like flowers, places, etc) as older sister's mn
DW: at least four syllables / includes w, x, y, or z
DS: masculized version of either part of grandma's hyphenated name / your choice
DS: starts with the same letter as grandpa's middle name / same language as older brother's mn