[Opinions] Lola and Ruby
I love these names, but I couldn't use either for various reasons, and even if I could they're too popular for me. Regardless of that, though, what are your thoughts on them? If you had to use them, what would you pair them with?

★ Top 25: https://www.behindthename.com/pnl/136993/97278 ★

★ Top 25: https://www.behindthename.com/pnl/136993/97278 ★
They are absurdly popular. Ruby is pretty and dramatic, Lola is a bit whiney. I quite like it as a silly nickname for Laura though.
Cassandra Ruby
Jane Ruby
Diana Ruby
Ruby Anneliese
Ruby Zara
Ruby Jamila
Jamila Ruby
Ruby Florence
Jane Lola
Lola Julianne
Frida Lola / Lola Frida
Lola Justine
Lola Maxine
Cassandra Ruby
Jane Ruby
Diana Ruby
Ruby Anneliese
Ruby Zara
Ruby Jamila
Jamila Ruby
Ruby Florence
Jane Lola
Lola Julianne
Frida Lola / Lola Frida
Lola Justine
Lola Maxine
I think they're adorable, but I wouldn't use them for a kid. They're actually two of my favorite choices for my next dog though!
Lola is a little too insubstantial to stand on its own, I think, but I know a Dolores "Lola" and it's surprisingly refreshing.
Ruby is my dog's name so I'm having trouble being impartial there, lol :)
Ruby is my dog's name so I'm having trouble being impartial there, lol :)