[Games] Adoption Center
I was browsing through the archives and found several 'Adoption Center' games. I thought it'd be fun to try one.
Welcome to Cedar Ridge Adoption Center! We place children from around the world with loving families. If you would like to adopt, please fill out the following form and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.
Your Name:
Your Spouses Name:
Children You Have (and Ages):
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6):
Preferred Genders:
Preferred Ages:
Preferred Countries:
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?:
Adopt Twins?:
Adopt Triplets or more?:
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?:
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?:
That's about it. If you think of something I forgot, feel free to say so.
edited: I forgot to put sibling sets in.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
Welcome to Cedar Ridge Adoption Center! We place children from around the world with loving families. If you would like to adopt, please fill out the following form and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.
Your Name:
Your Spouses Name:
Children You Have (and Ages):
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6):
Preferred Genders:
Preferred Ages:
Preferred Countries:
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?:
Adopt Twins?:
Adopt Triplets or more?:
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?:
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?:
That's about it. If you think of something I forgot, feel free to say so.
edited: I forgot to put sibling sets in.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
This message was edited 4/10/2006, 5:13 PM
Your Name: Carli Mikalah
Your Spouses Name: Andrew Michael
Children You Have (and Ages): Scarlett Chloe (3), Cinderella Rose (1)
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 6
Preferred Genders: 3 of each
Preferred Ages: 0-6
Preferred Countries: Any, but prefferably North America or Europe
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: Yes
Adopt Twins?: Yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: Yes
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: Yes
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: No, but I do hope they find a great home that's right for them!
Your Spouses Name: Andrew Michael
Children You Have (and Ages): Scarlett Chloe (3), Cinderella Rose (1)
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 6
Preferred Genders: 3 of each
Preferred Ages: 0-6
Preferred Countries: Any, but prefferably North America or Europe
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: Yes
Adopt Twins?: Yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: Yes
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: Yes
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: No, but I do hope they find a great home that's right for them!
Your Name: Alessandra Shea
Your Spouses Name: Simon Gilbert
Children You Have (and Ages):twins-Briony Ophelia and Charlotte Verity (8)
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 3
Preferred Genders: 2 boys, a girl
Preferred Ages: 0-6
Preferred Countries: none
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: sure
Adopt Twins?: sure
Adopt Triplets or more?: only up to three
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: minor
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: treatable/not dangerous
Tikva Jael is a six year old girl from Israel. She was orphaned two years ago in a fire and is starting to heal. Now she wants to have a family that will love her. Tikva has some scars from burns suffered in the fire, but they are a cosmetic issue now. Tikva loves to dance and would like to take lessons, if possible.
Deniz Savas is a four year old boy from Turkey. He was sold as a slave to a wealthy merchant, then given to the adoption center when he couldn't keep up with the caravan. Deniz is a cooperative boy, but he tires easily.
Ata Zeki is a six year old boy from Turkey. His background is unknown. Presumably, he was born out of wedlock. Ata has been watching over Deniz since he came to the adoption center. Ata and Deniz are very close and preferred not to be separated. Ata is healthy and is a very smart boy.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
Your Name: Renny Sarah
Your Spouses Name: Adam Michael
Children You Have (and Ages): Norah Carolina age 2
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 4
Preferred Genders: 2 girls 2 boys
Preferred Ages: 1-8
Preferred Countries: U.S.A or Europe
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: yes
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: sure
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: no
Your Spouses Name: Adam Michael
Children You Have (and Ages): Norah Carolina age 2
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 4
Preferred Genders: 2 girls 2 boys
Preferred Ages: 1-8
Preferred Countries: U.S.A or Europe
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: yes
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: sure
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: no
Amabel Rose is an eight year old girl from America. She is a sweet, quiet girl who loves to be helpful in any kind of way. Her father was killed in a car accident before she was born. When she was three, her mother died of cancer. There are no living relatives, so Amabel is up for adoption. She has no health problems and would be a great addition to any family.
Ethan Valerian is a five year old boy from America. He was born without fingers, so has limited fine motor skills. Ethan is learning to get by, but he should see a therapist to help him with the basics of life. Ethan has no known living relatives.
Delwyn Afanen is a two year old girl from Wales. She is healthy and is just waiting to be adopted along with her younger brother. Her father and mother were convicted of child neglect. Delwyn and her brother, however, suffered no physical or emotional complications from their treatment.
Gwynfor Sawyl is a one year old boy from Wales. He is healthy. He is Delwyn's younger brother. Gwynfor is learning how to walk and talk. He is always on the move and requires a bit of energy to keep up with.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
I am happy with the children.
I am happy with the children.
Your Name: Cerridwen Maya "Cerri"
Your Spouses Name: Morris William
Children You Have (and Ages): Isabelle Mhairi Ena Rose "Isy"(12)
Linnea Caitriona Niamh & Linus Gideon Tate "Nea & Linus"(10)
Julian Gideon Blake "Juls" (7)
Lillian Sophie Morgaine "Lily" (6)
Benjamin Alfie Pip "Ben" (4)
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 6
Preferred Genders: none
Preferred Ages: not above 10, except for children in sibset
Preferred Countries: India, or what ever else
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: yes
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: no
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: yes
Cerri and Morris with Isy, Nea, Linus, Juls, Lily and Ben are hoping to welcome one or more siblings to the family very soon and are looking forward to it!

Your Spouses Name: Morris William
Children You Have (and Ages): Isabelle Mhairi Ena Rose "Isy"(12)
Linnea Caitriona Niamh & Linus Gideon Tate "Nea & Linus"(10)
Julian Gideon Blake "Juls" (7)
Lillian Sophie Morgaine "Lily" (6)
Benjamin Alfie Pip "Ben" (4)
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 6
Preferred Genders: none
Preferred Ages: not above 10, except for children in sibset
Preferred Countries: India, or what ever else
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: yes
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: no
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: yes
Cerri and Morris with Isy, Nea, Linus, Juls, Lily and Ben are hoping to welcome one or more siblings to the family very soon and are looking forward to it!

Dipti Kishori and Manju Ratna are nine year old twin girls from India. They are beautiful dancers. Their history is unknown. They are very good with younger children and seem to have one mind.
Suniti Vimala is a three year old girl from India. She is healthy and waiting for a family to adopt her. She knows a bit of English and is learning more every day.
Ivan Koloman is an eight year old boy from the Czech Republic. He and his brothers have been in the orphanage since last year, when a drought forced their parents to move. Ivan and his brothers became separated from the rest of the group of travelers. No trace can be found of any relatives, so the boys are up for adoption.
Dalibor Josef is a six year old boy from the Czech Republic. Because of health problems as a baby, Dalibor is a lot smaller than other children his age. Now, however, Dalibor is healthy and should grow quickly if he is in a stimulating environment.
Martin Vilem is a five year old boy from the Czech Republic. He is bright and active. He would do great in a home with lots of other kids. Martin is a little small for his age, but he has no health problems.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
You: Cerridwen Maya "Cerri"
Spouses: Morris William
Children: Isabelle Mhairi Ena Rose "Isy"(12)
Linnea Caitriona Niamh & Linus Gideon Tate "Nea & Linus"(10)
Julian Gideon Blake "Juls" (7)
Lillian Sophie Morgaine "Lily" (6)
Benjamin Alfie Pip "Ben" (4)
Cerri and Morris with Isy, Nea, Linus, Juls, Lily and Ben are happy to announce the arrival of 6(!) new siblings!
They are:
Dipti Kishori & Manju Ratna "Dipi & Manji" (9) from India,
Suniti Vimala "Suni" (3) from India,
brothers Ivan Koloman "Van" (8) from Czech Republic,
Dalibor Josef "Libo" (6) from Czech Republic
and Martin Vilem "Marty" (5) from Czech Republic!
So now our family is complete:
You: Cerridwen Maya "Cerri"
Spouses: Morris William
Children: Isabelle Mhairi Ena Rose "Isy"(12)
Spouses: Morris William
Children: Isabelle Mhairi Ena Rose "Isy"(12)
Linnea Caitriona Niamh & Linus Gideon Tate "Nea & Linus"(10)
Julian Gideon Blake "Juls" (7)
Lillian Sophie Morgaine "Lily" (6)
Benjamin Alfie Pip "Ben" (4)
Cerri and Morris with Isy, Nea, Linus, Juls, Lily and Ben are happy to announce the arrival of 6(!) new siblings!
They are:
Dipti Kishori & Manju Ratna "Dipi & Manji" (9) from India,
Suniti Vimala "Suni" (3) from India,
brothers Ivan Koloman "Van" (8) from Czech Republic,
Dalibor Josef "Libo" (6) from Czech Republic
and Martin Vilem "Marty" (5) from Czech Republic!
So now our family is complete:
You: Cerridwen Maya "Cerri"
Spouses: Morris William
Children: Isabelle Mhairi Ena Rose "Isy"(12)
This message was edited 4/14/2006, 5:21 AM
Your Name: Barrett Heather Gray
Your Spouses Name: Tristan Wyatt Gray
Children You Have (and Ages):
- Annabel Faith Gray, 6
- Reese Owen Gray, 5
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): maximum of three
Preferred Genders: preferably female
Preferred Ages: preferably 5 or younger
Preferred Countries: eastern european, china
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: yes
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: preferably not
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: preferably not - but would be willing to take children with mild - not severe
Your Spouses Name: Tristan Wyatt Gray
Children You Have (and Ages):
- Annabel Faith Gray, 6
- Reese Owen Gray, 5
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): maximum of three
Preferred Genders: preferably female
Preferred Ages: preferably 5 or younger
Preferred Countries: eastern european, china
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: yes
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: preferably not
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: preferably not - but would be willing to take children with mild - not severe
This message was edited 4/11/2006, 8:27 AM
Chun Ping is a four year old girl from China. She was not a boy, so her mother was made to give her up at birth. Chun is a healthy girl, but does need to be taught English. She communicates well using sign language. She is a quick learner and her happiness is contaigious.
Qing Jia is a three year old girl from China. Her story is the same as Chun Ping's. Qing does not know English either, but she makes her needs and wants very clear. Qing is fascinated by color and she would probably be a good artist.
Jelena Veronika is a one year old girl from Latvia. Because of extreme poverty, her parents gave her up. Jelena is a bright, happy girl. She is learning to walk and is picking up English quickly.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
Awwww! Thanks! :)
Your Name: Keeva Sinead O'Donnell
Your Spouses Name: Jack William Hunter O'Donnell
Children You Have (and Ages): Isaac Ethan (18), Oliver Ronan (17), Jacob Charles (16), Bethany Lorraine (14), William Patrick (9), Alexandria Natalia (6), Ruby Leonor (4) and Lucas Cohen Jack (2 months)
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 5
Preferred Genders: 3 girls, 2 boys
Preferred Ages: 13, 11, 7, 3, newborn
Preferred Countries: Scotland, Ireland, America, Russia, England, Wales
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: yes
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: yes
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: yes
Your Spouses Name: Jack William Hunter O'Donnell
Children You Have (and Ages): Isaac Ethan (18), Oliver Ronan (17), Jacob Charles (16), Bethany Lorraine (14), William Patrick (9), Alexandria Natalia (6), Ruby Leonor (4) and Lucas Cohen Jack (2 months)
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 5
Preferred Genders: 3 girls, 2 boys
Preferred Ages: 13, 11, 7, 3, newborn
Preferred Countries: Scotland, Ireland, America, Russia, England, Wales
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: yes
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: yes
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: yes
Stanislav Zinoviy is a thirteen year old boy from Russia. He has autism and needs some encouragement to accomplish simple tasks. Stanislav is good at drawing and he will love you forever if you say that you like one of his drawings.
Cailyn Xenia is an eleven year old girl from America. She has an Irish background, but has lived in America all her life. When her father was arrested, Cailyn's mother could not provide for her and put her up for adoption. Cailyn is healthy, but gets depressed when thinking about her mother and father. An upbeat family can help her overcome this.
Charlotte Joanna is a seven year old girl from England. She and her younger sister have been in the orphanage for a long time. Since Charlotte has cerebal palsy, not too many people have considered her for adoption. Physical therapy is helping Charlotte do more than she ever thought possible.
Henrietta Emily is a three year old girl from England. She and her sister have been in the orphanage for a long time. Henrietta, or Hattie, as we call her, knows that something is wrong with her sister, but she doesn't know what. Hattie likes playing 'house' and she includes Charlotte in everything she does.
Graeme Irving is a newborn baby boy from Scotland. He is only a few months old and was given up by a single mother. Graeme is developing normally and we hope he'll be adopted by a loving family.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
DW: Keeva Sinead O'Donnell "Ceevie"
DH: Jack William Hunter O'Donnell
DS: Isaac Ethan "Zak" (18)
DS: Oliver Ronan (17)
DS: Jacob Charles "Jay" (16)
DD: Bethany Lorraine "Beth" (14)
AS: Stanislav Zinoviy "Ani" (13)
AS: Cailyn Xenia (11)
DS: William Patrick "Liam" (9)
AD: Charlotte Joanna (7)
DD: Alexandria Natalia "Alex" (6)
DD: Ruby Leonor (4)
AD: Henrietta Emily "Hattie" (3)
DS: Lucas Cohen Jack (2 months)
AS: Harry Nathaniel - we renamed Graeme Irving (newborn)
We're so glad that we finally decided to adopt. Its added so much love and fun to our family.
Ani, as we call our eldest adopted son Stanislav, is doing great. A friend of ours works at a school for children with special needs (Ani and Charlotte both attend 4 days a week and go to regular school once a week) and they run after school art classes and pottery classes which Ani loves to bits. He's never happier than when he's sitting in his special corner painting with his set of paints.
DH: Jack William Hunter O'Donnell
DS: Isaac Ethan "Zak" (18)
DS: Oliver Ronan (17)
DS: Jacob Charles "Jay" (16)
DD: Bethany Lorraine "Beth" (14)
AS: Stanislav Zinoviy "Ani" (13)
AS: Cailyn Xenia (11)
DS: William Patrick "Liam" (9)
AD: Charlotte Joanna (7)
DD: Alexandria Natalia "Alex" (6)
DD: Ruby Leonor (4)
AD: Henrietta Emily "Hattie" (3)
DS: Lucas Cohen Jack (2 months)
AS: Harry Nathaniel - we renamed Graeme Irving (newborn)
We're so glad that we finally decided to adopt. Its added so much love and fun to our family.
Ani, as we call our eldest adopted son Stanislav, is doing great. A friend of ours works at a school for children with special needs (Ani and Charlotte both attend 4 days a week and go to regular school once a week) and they run after school art classes and pottery classes which Ani loves to bits. He's never happier than when he's sitting in his special corner painting with his set of paints.
Your Name: Elise Matilda
Your Spouses Name: Brandon Matthew
Children You Have (and Ages): Maxen Brodie Gabriel "Max", 7 and Tegan Elodia Morgan, 9
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 4
Preferred Genders: any
Preferred Ages: 0 - 6
Preferred Countries: Russia, Italy, Spain, Turkey, America
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: yes
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: yes
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: yes
Your Spouses Name: Brandon Matthew
Children You Have (and Ages): Maxen Brodie Gabriel "Max", 7 and Tegan Elodia Morgan, 9
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 4
Preferred Genders: any
Preferred Ages: 0 - 6
Preferred Countries: Russia, Italy, Spain, Turkey, America
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: yes
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: yes
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: yes
Gianna Marina is a six year old girl from Italy. She was being raised by her grandparents until they grew too old to care for her adequately. Gianna is ready to have a family that will take great care of her and take her to all kinds of places she's never been.
Isabella Nerina is a four year old girl from Italy. Nothing is known about her history. She is healthy though, and that's really all that matters. Isabella is a prissy girl who loves pink and lace.
Isay Makari is a three year old boy from Russia. He had pneumonia a few months ago and has not yet fully recovered. Isay is prone to ear infections and seems to catch every germ around. Isay will need to be monitored closely for respitory infections for a few years.
Itzal Xabier is an eighteen month old boy from Spain. He is a happy toddler and very adventurous. Itzal has learned that climbing his crib is a way to get out of napping. He will have to be broken of that habit, unless you want to deal with it.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
Elise Matilda and Brandon Matthew are happy to have adopted such beautiful children! Maxen Brodie Gabriel, 7 and Tegan Elodia Morgan, 9 are just as happy.
Max has really took to Gianna and has been taking her out to the park and in his tree house. Gianna talks about her grandparents a lot to myself and I have promised her that she can see them at least once a week, they are obviously more than happy to see her.
Isabella has had her room decorated as soon as she moved in, it's all girly and pink! Tegan loves Bella and shares all her things with her. They play together and Tegan really looks after her well.
Isay is very cute, he has stayed inside most of the time due to him being sensitive to germs. Brandon has been playing with him a lot to make sure he is safe.
Itzal likes to be with Max in his tree house and Max doesn't mind one bit. I have bought a high sided crib so he can't get out and soon enough, I'm sure he will see that there is no point even trying.
Max has really took to Gianna and has been taking her out to the park and in his tree house. Gianna talks about her grandparents a lot to myself and I have promised her that she can see them at least once a week, they are obviously more than happy to see her.
Isabella has had her room decorated as soon as she moved in, it's all girly and pink! Tegan loves Bella and shares all her things with her. They play together and Tegan really looks after her well.
Isay is very cute, he has stayed inside most of the time due to him being sensitive to germs. Brandon has been playing with him a lot to make sure he is safe.
Itzal likes to be with Max in his tree house and Max doesn't mind one bit. I have bought a high sided crib so he can't get out and soon enough, I'm sure he will see that there is no point even trying.
Your Name: Skye Morgan
Your Spouses Name: Logan Raymond
Children You Have (and Ages): none
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 5
Preferred Genders: more girls than boys
Preferred Ages: up to 10
Preferred Countries: USA, Australia, UK
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: no
Adopt Twins?: no
Adopt Triplets or more?: no
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: no
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: no
Your Spouses Name: Logan Raymond
Children You Have (and Ages): none
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 5
Preferred Genders: more girls than boys
Preferred Ages: up to 10
Preferred Countries: USA, Australia, UK
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: no
Adopt Twins?: no
Adopt Triplets or more?: no
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: no
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: no
Liam Gregory is a nine year old boy from England. He lived in London with a group of street robbers until the police picked him up. Liam needs a little work with knowing right from wrong, but he's good at heart. Liam is healthy.
Sarah MaryAnne is a nine year old girl from Australia. Not much is known about her history, except that she has no living relatives. Sarah is a good kid and her intuition is remarkable for someone her age.
John Henry is an eight year old boy from Australia. He was put into the orphanage at the age of one, presumably by a single mother. John doesn't know much about his history and he doesn't really care. As long as you let him get fresh air and sunshine John is an undemanding little boy.
Vienna Rose is a four year old girl from England. She was found wandering the streets. No one has stepped forward to claim her, so she was put up for adoption two weeks ago. Vienna understands more than she lets on.
Christina Diane is a four year old girl from America. She was given up for adoption by a family that already had six children and couldn't afford to take care of another one. Christina is outgoing and loves to make friends.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
Your Name: Cathy Joanna
Your Spouses Name: James David
Children You Have (and Ages):
DS: Chris Rainer
DD: Dilys Lily
DS: Lucas Roland
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 5
Preferred Genders: at least 2 boys and 1 girl
Preferred Ages: 5-15
Preferred Countries: not asian or african everything else is fine
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: yes
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: yes (but only 1 max)
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: yes (but only 3 max)

Your Spouses Name: James David
Children You Have (and Ages):
DS: Chris Rainer
DD: Dilys Lily
DS: Lucas Roland
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 5
Preferred Genders: at least 2 boys and 1 girl
Preferred Ages: 5-15
Preferred Countries: not asian or african everything else is fine
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: yes
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: yes (but only 1 max)
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: yes (but only 3 max)

Edmund Steven is fourteen years old. He and his siblings were put up for adoption in England following the death of their mother (who was raising them). Their father is unknown and presumed dead. Edmund wanted all five of them to stay together and it appears that he'll get his wish. Edmund is a good kid, but he has problems paying attention and he has a noticeable lisp. He is going to speech therapy once a week.
Rosalind Marie is twelve years old. She is shy and would rather take care of her siblings than let anybody else near them. You will have to gain her trust. Rosalind is a bright girl and would probably do well in a small school.
Rachel Jean is eleven years old. She is a lot like Rosalind, but loves to talk. Rachel is almost identical to Rosalind in looks, but a little shorter. She likes animals.
James Samuel is nine years old. He is a happy-go-lucky kid and nothing seems to faze him. James is very active and needs constant supervision.
David Zachariah is seven years old. He is the youngest of Edmund and his siblings. David likes being the baby of the family and uses it to his advantage. He is a cunning boy and definitely knows how to get what he wants.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
Your Name: Rebecca Simone
Your Spouses Name: Pierre Jacques
Children You Have (and Ages): Aubrey Maximilian Stewart (6) & Caspian Bartholomew Edward (4)
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 6
Preferred Genders: all boys
Preferred Ages: under 12
Preferred Countries: Scotland, Ireland, Romania, Hungry or Russia
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: yes
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: no
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: yes
~~* BEX *~~
Surfing is my religion!

Your Spouses Name: Pierre Jacques
Children You Have (and Ages): Aubrey Maximilian Stewart (6) & Caspian Bartholomew Edward (4)
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 6
Preferred Genders: all boys
Preferred Ages: under 12
Preferred Countries: Scotland, Ireland, Romania, Hungry or Russia
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: yes
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: no
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: yes
~~* BEX *~~
Surfing is my religion!

Andrei Stefan is a ten year old boy from Romania. Along with his brother, he ran away from a village being ransacked by bandits. Andrei is a caring boy and he takes good care of his younger brother. Andrei is healthy and is just a little quiet.
Emil Viorel is an eight year old boy from Romania. He escaped with Andrei when their village was ransacked. Emil is a good boy, but he has a temper and doesn't like it when things don't go his way.
Elek, Jakab, Jani, and Rudi are four year old quadruplets from Hungary. We don't know their middle names, so feel free to give them some. The boys are surprisingly healthy and are progressing normally. They are the first and only quadruplets we've ever processed. Elek seems to be the leader of the bunch-followed by Jani, Rudy, and Jakab. The boys are adept at getting into mischief. They should be adopted by someone with experience in dealing with boys.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
Your Name: Megan Michele
Your Spouses Name: Taylor Anthony
Children You Have (and Ages): Anna Charlotte (6), Rowan Joshua (3)
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 4
Preferred Genders: Female
Preferred Ages: Any
Preferred Countries: Japan, Ireland, China
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: Yes
Adopt Twins?: Yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: Yes
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: Yes
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: Yes
Your Spouses Name: Taylor Anthony
Children You Have (and Ages): Anna Charlotte (6), Rowan Joshua (3)
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 4
Preferred Genders: Female
Preferred Ages: Any
Preferred Countries: Japan, Ireland, China
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: Yes
Adopt Twins?: Yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: Yes
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: Yes
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: Yes
Kasumi Tsukiko is a thirteen year old girl from Japan. She was given up at birth by her single mother and has not yet been adopted. This may be due to the fact that she suffered from leukemia for several years. She is finally healthy enough to be adopted, but must always been on the lookout for the disease to return.
Kaede Aoi is a thirteen year old girl from Japan. She is not related to Kasumi, but is very close to her. Kaede would not let herself be adopted unless Kasumi went with her. Kaede is perfectly healthy, but knows a lot about leukemia from helping Kasumi.
Mallaidh Eavan is a twelve year old girl from Ireland. She is legally blind, but sees shadows and can make her way around okay. Mallaidh doesn't have any other physical or mental problems and she just longs to be loved.
Ah San is a three year old girl from China. She was released for adoption last month and has been anxiously awaiting a family. Ah is healthy and would love to be in a family with older sisters.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
Your Name: Cornelia Blanche Hartman DeSanto
Your Spouses Name: Alexander Carment DeSanto
Children You Have (and Ages): Helena Mary "Lena" (9), Susannah Eve (8), Nicolas Alexander "Nico" (7)
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 2
Preferred Genders: none
Preferred Ages: younger than 7
Preferred Countries: none
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: no
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: no
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: yes
Your Spouses Name: Alexander Carment DeSanto
Children You Have (and Ages): Helena Mary "Lena" (9), Susannah Eve (8), Nicolas Alexander "Nico" (7)
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 2
Preferred Genders: none
Preferred Ages: younger than 7
Preferred Countries: none
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: no
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: no
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: yes
Gabriella Reine and Jason Robert are six year old twins from America. They were put into the adoption center after they were both diagnosed with autism at the age of three. Gabriella's autism is more severe than Jason's, but the pair gets by okay. They are very insecure and cry incessantly when separated from each other. It is best to keep them together as much as possible.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
Thanks Estel!
Your Name: Michaela
Your Spouses Name: n/a
Children You Have (and Ages): n/a
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 6
Preferred Genders: both
Preferred Ages: all
Preferred Countries: all
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: yes
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: yes
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: yes
Your Spouses Name: n/a
Children You Have (and Ages): n/a
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 6
Preferred Genders: both
Preferred Ages: all
Preferred Countries: all
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: yes
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: yes
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: yes
Benjamin Oliver and Katherine Davida are ten year old twins. They are from America and are looking to be adopted. Their mother gave up custody of them because she was only 17 when they were born and she could not take care of them.
Ila Laxmi is a eight year old girl from India. She and her sister were placed into the adoption center when their parents died and left no money for them to live off of. Ila is a resilient girl and shows no signs of trauma from her parents' death.
Ajit Dhaval is a four year old boy from India. He and his sister were placed into the adoption center after their parents died. Ajit has had some trouble adjusting and frequently cries for his parents. In addition, he suffers from nightmares and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Lawan Pakpao is a three year old girl from Thailand. She was placed into the orphanage shortly after birth and under secretive circumstances. Lawan is a normal girl and she is very giggly. She has no known living relatives.
Celio Marcelo is a thirteen year old boy from Portugal. He lived with his mother until she died of AIDS last year. Celio is traumatized by his mother's death, even though he knew it was coming. He doesn't talk about it and can be very moody sometimes. Celio needs to be handled with firmness, but he also needs that balance of love.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
M: Michaela
AS: Celio Marcelo
AS/AD: Benjamin Oliver & Katherine Davida
AD: Ila Laxmi
AS: Ajit Dhaval
AD: Lawan Pakpao
It's been hard trying to speak w/ the children since most of them don't speak English. I don't want them to forget their native languages, but I've started to emerge them into the English language because I figure if I don't now it will just make things harder in the future. Celio likes to bottle up his emotions to the point where sometimes he'll just blow up for no reason. Right now I'm leaving him to sort through what he needs to by himself & hope he'll come to me when he's ready. Benjamin & Katherine are happy to finally have a home, especially a home where they can be together. All the yrs w/ only each other has made them very close, but they love the ide of having other siblings. Ila is a very well adjusted little girl. She has adapted into our family easily & loves the idea of having an older & younger sister. Ajit is having more trouble than his sister. At 1st he only went to his sister for comfort, but has started to come to me when he doesn't feel well. Most nights he spends w/ me. Lawan is our little wiggle-worm. She just lights up a room & makes everyone happy.
AS: Celio Marcelo
AS/AD: Benjamin Oliver & Katherine Davida
AD: Ila Laxmi
AS: Ajit Dhaval
AD: Lawan Pakpao
It's been hard trying to speak w/ the children since most of them don't speak English. I don't want them to forget their native languages, but I've started to emerge them into the English language because I figure if I don't now it will just make things harder in the future. Celio likes to bottle up his emotions to the point where sometimes he'll just blow up for no reason. Right now I'm leaving him to sort through what he needs to by himself & hope he'll come to me when he's ready. Benjamin & Katherine are happy to finally have a home, especially a home where they can be together. All the yrs w/ only each other has made them very close, but they love the ide of having other siblings. Ila is a very well adjusted little girl. She has adapted into our family easily & loves the idea of having an older & younger sister. Ajit is having more trouble than his sister. At 1st he only went to his sister for comfort, but has started to come to me when he doesn't feel well. Most nights he spends w/ me. Lawan is our little wiggle-worm. She just lights up a room & makes everyone happy.
Your Name: Claire Sweet
Your Spouses Name: Oliver Rufus Sweet
Children You Have (and Ages): Thierry Isaac (10), Dorian Charles (8), August Simon (4)
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 2 or 3
Preferred Genders: either
Preferred Ages: between 7 and 14
Preferred Countries: Anywhere in Eastern Europe
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: no
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: No, we can't handle it at the moment.
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: No, we can't handle it at the moment.
My PPs
!! Terpsichore and Polyhymnia ~ Aoide
!!!!!!! Percival, Remus, Sunny, Alphonse, Edward, Maes and Roy ### Meriadoc, Peregrin and Samwise >> Robert and Stanislav
Your Spouses Name: Oliver Rufus Sweet
Children You Have (and Ages): Thierry Isaac (10), Dorian Charles (8), August Simon (4)
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 2 or 3
Preferred Genders: either
Preferred Ages: between 7 and 14
Preferred Countries: Anywhere in Eastern Europe
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: no
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: No, we can't handle it at the moment.
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: No, we can't handle it at the moment.
My PPs
!! Terpsichore and Polyhymnia ~ Aoide
!!!!!!! Percival, Remus, Sunny, Alphonse, Edward, Maes and Roy ### Meriadoc, Peregrin and Samwise >> Robert and Stanislav
Tihana Kresimira is a twelve year old girl from Yugoslavia. She was orphaned at the age of five and wandered aimlessly until she was eleven. After some therapy, Tihana and her brother are able to be adopted. Neither has any lasting health problems.
Ante Juraj is an eleven year old boy from Yugoslavia. He was orphaned at the age of four and wandered with his sister until he was ten. After some therapy, Ante is ready to be adopted. He has shown skill in the area of cooking and would probably do great in a place where he can try his hand at several different recipes.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
Your Name: Erica Nichole "Nikki"
Your Spouses Name: Sean Robert
Children You Have (and Ages): none :(
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 2
Preferred Genders: one boy and one girl
Preferred Ages: under 6 and the boy is older
Preferred Countries: Russia, USA, any latin country
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes, one boy and one girl please
Adopt Twins?: sure
Adopt Triplets or more?: no
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: as long as they are not too bad
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: no

Your Spouses Name: Sean Robert
Children You Have (and Ages): none :(
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 2
Preferred Genders: one boy and one girl
Preferred Ages: under 6 and the boy is older
Preferred Countries: Russia, USA, any latin country
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes, one boy and one girl please
Adopt Twins?: sure
Adopt Triplets or more?: no
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: as long as they are not too bad
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: no

Luka Vassily is a five year old boy from Russia. He and his sister were placed into an orphanage when their parents died of unknown causes. Luka is a smart little boy and he has a hunger for learning.
Yekaterina Ivanna is a three year old girl from Russia. She and her brother were placed into an orphanage when their parents died of unknown causes. Yekaterina likes to dance and sing. Her laugh is very contaigious. Yekaterina is deaf in one ear, but she does pretty well as long as people don't whisper.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
I would be more than glad to adopt these two!

Your Name: Lakota Wells Tucker
Your Spouses Name: Clayton Tucker
Children You Have (and Ages): 3 children, Ages 3,4, and8
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 1
Preferred Genders: Female
Preferred Ages: 1-6
Preferred Countries: Mongolia, India
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: no
Adopt Triplets or more?: no
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: No
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: Yew
Ned Flat: Why are you acting like this?
Yakko: We're not acting. We really are like this.
Dracula: I am Count Dracula!
Yakko: Didn't you use to teach math on Sesame Street?
Yakko: Well It's that time agian
Dot: To make fun of the Disney Channel?
Your Spouses Name: Clayton Tucker
Children You Have (and Ages): 3 children, Ages 3,4, and8
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 1
Preferred Genders: Female
Preferred Ages: 1-6
Preferred Countries: Mongolia, India
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: no
Adopt Triplets or more?: no
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: No
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: Yew
Ned Flat: Why are you acting like this?
Yakko: We're not acting. We really are like this.
Dracula: I am Count Dracula!
Yakko: Didn't you use to teach math on Sesame Street?
Yakko: Well It's that time agian
Dot: To make fun of the Disney Channel?
Niu Yin is a five year old girl from Mongolia. She was abused by both parents, but taken away when she was three. She suffers from mild schizophrenia and is afraid of many places, including those that are dark or very small. Niu would thrive in an environment where she could be watched and taught to trust again.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
Your Name: Elise Liliana
Your Spouses Name: Simon Carter "Carter"
Children You Have (and Ages): Felicity Simone, 2 years
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 6
Preferred Genders: No preference
Preferred Ages: Under age 8
Preferred Countries: Italy, America, England
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?:
Adopt Twins?: Yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: Yes
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: No
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: No
Your Spouses Name: Simon Carter "Carter"
Children You Have (and Ages): Felicity Simone, 2 years
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 6
Preferred Genders: No preference
Preferred Ages: Under age 8
Preferred Countries: Italy, America, England
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?:
Adopt Twins?: Yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: Yes
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: No
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: No
Gregorio Orfeo, Isidoro Orso, and Fernandino Ottavio are two year old triplets from Italy. They have been in foster care since they were born. Their mother was a single woman who could not care for them. They are identical triplets, so telling them apart is not too simple. The boys are good natured and just keep repeating their names over and over so eventually, you'll get it.
Daria Valeria is a four year old girl from Italy. Her mother was a single woman, but already had four other children and could not care for Daria. Daria loves to play 'house' with the other kids. She is very healthy and has never had a documented illness.
Byron Andrew is a six year old boy from America. He was with his father until he was four, then he was put into the adoption center for unknown reasons. Whatever the case, Byron is a happy healthy kid and he can't wait to go to school next year.
Alisha May Rochelle is a five year old girl from England. She has been in the orphanage for as long as she can remember. Alisha likes dogs and would like to have her own someday. Alisha has no living relatives.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
Your Name: Jeana
Your Spouses Name:Grant
Children You Have (and Ages):
Iris Amelia (23)
Edward Grant (20)
Emma Elisabeth (18)
Peter William (18)
George Andrew (16)
Patricia Ellen (14)
Rosamunde Helena (12)
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6):6
Preferred Genders:Female and Male
Preferred Ages:3-18
Preferred Countries:Japan,England, Ireland, Scottland,Germany
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?:yes
Adopt Twins?:yes
Adopt Triplets or more?:no
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: yes
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: no
Your Spouses Name:Grant
Children You Have (and Ages):
Iris Amelia (23)
Edward Grant (20)
Emma Elisabeth (18)
Peter William (18)
George Andrew (16)
Patricia Ellen (14)
Rosamunde Helena (12)
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6):6
Preferred Genders:Female and Male
Preferred Ages:3-18
Preferred Countries:Japan,England, Ireland, Scottland,Germany
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?:yes
Adopt Twins?:yes
Adopt Triplets or more?:no
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: yes
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: no
Charlotte Elisabeth is a four year old girl from England. She was left on the front porch of an adoption center shortly after her birth and is now ready to go to a permanent home. Charlotte is a happy girl who likes pink and playing with dolls. She is allergic to peanuts.
Glenna Isobel is an eight year old girl from Scotland. She was given up for adoption because her young parents could not take care of her physical needs. Glenna has cerebal palsy and cannot move around without assistance. She would do well with therapy.
Reed Stuart is an eleven year old boy from Scotland. He was placed in the adoption center after his parents and three siblings perished in a car accident. Reed has worked through his emotions and is now a bright happy boy once again.
Magda Zenzi is a sixteen year old girl from Germany. She and her two younger brothers were orphaned six years ago. Magda enjoys painting and reading books. She would love to have some older siblings.
Philipp Matthias is a fourteen year old boy from Germany. He and his siblings were orphaned six years ago. Philipp loves horses and would like it if his new family were able to afford horseback riding lessons.
Jeremias Harald is a twelve year old boy from Germany. He and his older siblings were orphaned six years ago. Jeremias is interested in astronomy and studying the stars.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
Your Name: Jennifer Brielle
Your Spouses Name: Caleb Ryan
Children You Have (and Ages): Aria Embry Loalle (15), Kyan Xavier Cale (13), Willow Soleil Wren(11), & Nikolai Axel Finn(9)
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 6
Preferred Genders: no preference
Preferred Ages: no preference
Preferred Countries: no preference
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: Yes
Adopt Twins?: Yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: Yes
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: Yes
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: Yes
Just something I made.

Your Spouses Name: Caleb Ryan
Children You Have (and Ages): Aria Embry Loalle (15), Kyan Xavier Cale (13), Willow Soleil Wren(11), & Nikolai Axel Finn(9)
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 6
Preferred Genders: no preference
Preferred Ages: no preference
Preferred Countries: no preference
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: Yes
Adopt Twins?: Yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: Yes
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: Yes
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: Yes
Just something I made.

Ju Lan is a ten year old girl from China. She was taken from her home because of abuse she suffered from her father. Ju is very reticent and gives one-syllable answers most of the time. She does not know English, so a tutor will be needed.
Ilkin Tural is a three year old boy from Azerbaijan. He is an interesting little boy who loves to sing nonsense songs and play games with himself. Nothing is known of his history. He is healthy.
Thi Tien and Chau Yen Xuan are seven year old twin girls from Vietnam. They escaped along with their older sister and brother from Vietnam, but were separated once they got to the adoption center. Their older brother and sister would like to keep in contact with Thi and Chau, but it is up to you.
Kiril Zhivko is a two and a half year old boy from Macedonia. His story is also unknown, but it is presumed that he was born out of wedlock and secretly given up for adoption. Kiril is a healthy little boy who loves swinging and getting dressed.
Shaina Alexis is a six year old girl from America. She was put into the foster care system after her mother was incarcerated. She is now available for adoption. Shaina is plagued by nightmares and often needs comforting during the night.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
Caleb and myself, along with Aria, Kyan, Willow, and Nikolai are very excited to be bringing in Ju, Ilkin, Thi, Chau, Kiril, and Shania. We will definelty be getting Ju a tutor as well as some counceling probably. We are planning on putting Ilkin into singing lesson. Thi and Chau will most definelty be keeping contact with their brother and sister, we are thinking of setting up a scheduled time so they can call and talk at least once a week. Luckily we still have our swing set for Kiril to play on, but we'll probably get some others as well, not only for him but for the others as well. And as for Shania, we have her in with Ju, Thi, and Chau, so hopefully having them with her in the same room with help with her nightmares. But of course I'm right next door so I'll be there to help as well. We are all so happy!
Just something I made.

Just something I made.

Your Name: Danica Lorraine
Your Spouses Name: Sebastian Miles
Children You Have (and Ages): Elena Madeleine (6) & Wesley Tobin (3)
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 3
Preferred Genders: 2 girls & 1 boy
Preferred Ages: Under 5
Preferred Countries: Russia or Ireland
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: yes
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: no
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: yes
Your Spouses Name: Sebastian Miles
Children You Have (and Ages): Elena Madeleine (6) & Wesley Tobin (3)
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 3
Preferred Genders: 2 girls & 1 boy
Preferred Ages: Under 5
Preferred Countries: Russia or Ireland
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: yes
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: no
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: yes
Radoslav Evgeni and Katya Mariya are four year old twins from Russia. They have stuck together despite the odds in Russian orphanages. Radoslav is very protective of Katya and Katya relies heavily on Radoslav. Radoslav and Katya are developmentally delayed and have poor fine motor skills. They will need to attend therapy for at least a year after being adopted.
Dorean Saibh is a one year old girl from Ireland. Her history is unknown, but she has no health problems and is developing normally. Dorean likes to coo and make noise.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
Your Name: Laura Marie Glaspy
Your Spouses Name: Luke Michael Glaspy
Children You Have (and Ages): Imre Sandor Glaspy (11), Petra Lenore Glaspy (9), and Aine Blythe Glaspy (6).
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6):
Preferred Gender: Doesn't matter.
Preferred Ages: 1-10.
Preferred Countries: Hungary, Russia, Ireland, Ukraine, France, India, Wales, Sweden.
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: Yes.
Adopt Twins?: Yes.
Adopt Triplets or more?: Triplets, yes. More than that, no.
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: Yes.
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: Yes.
Your Spouses Name: Luke Michael Glaspy
Children You Have (and Ages): Imre Sandor Glaspy (11), Petra Lenore Glaspy (9), and Aine Blythe Glaspy (6).
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6):
Preferred Gender: Doesn't matter.
Preferred Ages: 1-10.
Preferred Countries: Hungary, Russia, Ireland, Ukraine, France, India, Wales, Sweden.
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: Yes.
Adopt Twins?: Yes.
Adopt Triplets or more?: Triplets, yes. More than that, no.
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: Yes.
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: Yes.
This message was edited 4/10/2006, 6:14 PM
Erika Franciska is a ten year old girl from Hungary. She and her brother wandered the country for three years before being picked up by the police and placed in the orphanage. Erika says she does not remember anything before wandering the country, but there may be repressed memories. A visit to a child psychologist is recommended.
Simon Kelemen is a seven year old boy from Hungary. He and his sister wandered the country for three years before being picked up by the police and placed in an orphanage. Simon remembers some things from before, but not much. Simon is very smart and could probably be placed into the second grade.
Elisabet Kajsa is a five year old girl from Sweden. She was placed into an orphanage when her grandfather was diagnosed with cancer. She has no other living relatives willing to take her. Elisabet is an affectionate girl, but she is paralyzed from the waist down and requires a lot of care.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
Your Name: Michelle Rose
Your Spouses Name: Mark Samuel
Children You Have (and Ages): Matthew Tyler & Evan Jacob, 9 Alexandra Madison, 8
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 3
Preferred Genders: no preference
Preferred Ages: younger than 7
Preferred Countries: England, Ireland, Italy, America
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: sure
Adopt Twins?: no
Adopt Triplets or more?: no
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: yes
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: no
Your Spouses Name: Mark Samuel
Children You Have (and Ages): Matthew Tyler & Evan Jacob, 9 Alexandra Madison, 8
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 3
Preferred Genders: no preference
Preferred Ages: younger than 7
Preferred Countries: England, Ireland, Italy, America
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: sure
Adopt Twins?: no
Adopt Triplets or more?: no
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: yes
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: no
Anna Rose is a six year old girl from America. She and her brothers became orphans when their parents were killed driving home from a party. Anna is quiet and doesn't talk much about her past, but she is otherwise fine.
David Samuel is a four year old boy from America. One of his legs is shorter than the other, so he needs to be fitted for special shoes. He walks with a subtle limp and is not self conscious at all.
Ryan Oliver is a three year old boy from America. He is a good little boy who doesn't have any health problems and who just wants to love someone.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
Your Name: Hannah Laura Mulberry
Your Spouses Name: David Ewan Mulberry
Children You Have (and Ages): Iris Rosalind (11), Evelyn Pearl "Evie" (7), and Arthur Loki (3)
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 3
Preferred Genders: no preference
Preferred Ages: newborn - four-years-old
Preferred Countries: China, any African countries, Russia
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: no
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: yes
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: yes

Go meander in the cold
Your Spouses Name: David Ewan Mulberry
Children You Have (and Ages): Iris Rosalind (11), Evelyn Pearl "Evie" (7), and Arthur Loki (3)
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 3
Preferred Genders: no preference
Preferred Ages: newborn - four-years-old
Preferred Countries: China, any African countries, Russia
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: no
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: yes
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: yes

Go meander in the cold
This message was edited 4/10/2006, 6:05 PM
Mei Zhen is a four year old girl from China. She was given up for adoption when her parents decided that they wanted a boy. Mei is a perfectly adorable little angel and she likes to play with her doll.
Nuo Qing is a two year old girl from China. Her story is much like that of Mei Zhen's. Nuo was born with a cleft lip and palate, which is easily fixed with surgery. She has lots of love to give.
Kwabena Anan is a one year old boy from Africa. We don't know the exact location, but Kwabena is one of many of children born into poverty and given up for international adoption. Kwabena is small for his age and developmentally behind other children his age due to malnutrition early in life. We have found that Kwabena is allergic to several types of dairy foods, so be careful what you feed him.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
Your Name: Summer Jeanna
Your Spouses Name: Christopher Jacob "Chris
Children You Have (and Ages):
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 6
Preferred Genders: 4 girls, 2 boys
Preferred Ages: 3-9
Preferred Countries: Japan, Russia, Romania
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: no
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: minor
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: yes
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
Your Spouses Name: Christopher Jacob "Chris
Children You Have (and Ages):
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 6
Preferred Genders: 4 girls, 2 boys
Preferred Ages: 3-9
Preferred Countries: Japan, Russia, Romania
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: no
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: minor
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: yes
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
Anna Katerina and Irina Svetlana are four year old twin girls from Russia. They were raised in a children's home and not much is known about their history. Both Anna and Irina appear to be dyslexic. Anna is very outgoing and loves to talk and tell stories. Irina is very cuddly and counteracts her twin's boisterousness (if that's a word).
Nana Momoko is a nine year old girl from Japan. She is very studious and did not know her parents. She was in a boarding school until her parents died and their fortune ran out. Nana was put up for international adoption last month and she would be glad to go to a family who has a lot of other kids.
Aleksiy Miroslav is a six year old boy from Russia. He is adventurous and was recently diagnosed with ADD. Aleksiy enjoys running and playing. He would really like to have a nice family adopt him.
Maxim Grisha is a six year old boy from Russia. He is very quiet and has lived in poverty most of his life. However, he is a tough boy and has improved greatly since coming to the adoption center six months ago. Maxim has no living relatives.
Aurelia Violeta is a three year old girl from Romania. She was given up by a couple who could not afford to care for her. Aurelia has made a lot of friends at the orphanage, but is ready to belong to a real family. She has no health issues.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
DH: Christopher Jacob "Chris"
DW: Summer Jeanna
DD: Nana Momoko - 16
DS: Aleksiy Miroslav - 10
DS: Maxim Grisha "Max" - 8
DD/DD: Anna Katerina / Irina Svetlana - 5
DD: Aurelia Vioteta "Reia" - 3
Nana came to us when she was 9 years old and was our first adoption after Chris and I found out that we could not have children of our own. It was Chris's idea to adopt internationally so after looking at different programs we choose this one and they found us our first daughter Nana Momoko. Nana grew up in a boarding school until her parents died and was sent to the orphanage. Nana was quite untrusting of Chris and I right away but came to love how it was just the three of us and how we spoiled her at all the changes we got. Because of going to the boarding school Nana already knew some English and caught on quickly. Now she is 16 and is quite the helper around the house and loves to play with the younger kids. She also has a boyfriend right now named Damian Andew Black, he's a sweet boy although Chris and I worry about how fast they are growing together.
Aleksiy was our next adoption 2 years after Chris and I adopted Nana. Nana had been asked for a baby brother or sister and as a family the three of us decided to adopt another child instead of an infant.
DW: Summer Jeanna
DD: Nana Momoko - 16
DS: Aleksiy Miroslav - 10
DS: Maxim Grisha "Max" - 8
DD/DD: Anna Katerina / Irina Svetlana - 5
DD: Aurelia Vioteta "Reia" - 3
Nana came to us when she was 9 years old and was our first adoption after Chris and I found out that we could not have children of our own. It was Chris's idea to adopt internationally so after looking at different programs we choose this one and they found us our first daughter Nana Momoko. Nana grew up in a boarding school until her parents died and was sent to the orphanage. Nana was quite untrusting of Chris and I right away but came to love how it was just the three of us and how we spoiled her at all the changes we got. Because of going to the boarding school Nana already knew some English and caught on quickly. Now she is 16 and is quite the helper around the house and loves to play with the younger kids. She also has a boyfriend right now named Damian Andew Black, he's a sweet boy although Chris and I worry about how fast they are growing together.
Aleksiy was our next adoption 2 years after Chris and I adopted Nana. Nana had been asked for a baby brother or sister and as a family the three of us decided to adopt another child instead of an infant.
Your Name: Esperanza Maria
Your Spouses Name: Alejandro Enrique
Children You Have (and Ages): Antonio Gabriel "Gabriel" (13), Adriana Amparo (11), Monica Noemi (9)
# of Children You Wish To Adopt: 2
Preferred Genders: Only one girl. One or both boys
Preferred Ages: 7 or younger
Preferred Countries: Spain, Mexico, America.
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: Yes, in fact that is preferable
Adopt Twins?: Yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: Possibly
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: Depends on what it is, we are not very wealthy and might notbe able to provide for their needs.
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: That would also depend on the circumstances.
if the answers need yes/no answers then:
Adopt Sib Sets?: Yes
Adopt Twins?: Yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: No
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: No
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: No

"Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live."
Mark Twain
Your Spouses Name: Alejandro Enrique
Children You Have (and Ages): Antonio Gabriel "Gabriel" (13), Adriana Amparo (11), Monica Noemi (9)
# of Children You Wish To Adopt: 2
Preferred Genders: Only one girl. One or both boys
Preferred Ages: 7 or younger
Preferred Countries: Spain, Mexico, America.
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: Yes, in fact that is preferable
Adopt Twins?: Yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: Possibly
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: Depends on what it is, we are not very wealthy and might notbe able to provide for their needs.
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: That would also depend on the circumstances.
if the answers need yes/no answers then:
Adopt Sib Sets?: Yes
Adopt Twins?: Yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: No
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: No
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: No

"Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live."
Mark Twain
This message was edited 4/10/2006, 5:58 PM
Miguel Geraldo is six years old. He and his brother lived with their grandmother in Mexico until she died two years ago. Now they are just waiting for the right family to adopt them. Miguel is a bright little boy and takes very good care of his brother.
Cayetano Cruz is four years old. His older brother, Miguel, has taken care of him for the past two years. Cay is very close to Miguel and we are happy not to separate them.
Neither Miguel nor Cay have any health issues.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
DW: Esperanza Maria
DH: Alejandro Enrique
DS: Antonio Gabriel "Gabriel" (13)
DD: Adriana Amparo (11)
DD: Monica Noemi (9)
AS: Miguel Geraldo (6)
AS: Cayetano Cruz (4)
Alejandro and I were enjoyed to learn that we could adopt Miguel and Cayetano. Gabriel was thrilled that he now had two younger brothers and immediately becaming very protective of them. In turn Miguel and Cayetano looked up to Gabriel and tend to follow him around. While they were wary of Adriana and Monica in the beginning, obviously not used to vibrant joyful young girls they soon stopped looking at them like they were walking time bombs and teased them along with Gabriel. Alejandro is also very happy, although he didn't say it when we found out that I couldn't have any more children I knew he had secretly hoped to have more sons. While they are not his sons by blood, nor the mirror image of him as Gabriel is, they have his love as much as Gabriel does. While Miguel and Cayetano obviously miss their Grandmother all in all I don't think they had a hard time adapting to our life in America.
That was lots of fun ^_^
I'm surprised people don't host these more often....

"Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live."
Mark Twain
What a great idea!
Your Name: Kathryn Leigh Hunt
Your Spouses Name: Nathan Michael Hunt
Children You Have (and Ages): We currently have:
Isabel Briar (14)
Jeffrey William and Matthias Rex "Jeff and Matt"(twins - 10 years old)
Zoe Annabelle (9)
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 6
Preferred Genders: any, but would pref 4 girls and 2 boys
Preferred Ages: younger than 10
Preferred Countries: any! Though I would love if at least a couple are from Greece
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: Absolutely!
Adopt Twins?: Yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: Yes
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: Yes
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: Yes

Your Name: Kathryn Leigh Hunt
Your Spouses Name: Nathan Michael Hunt
Children You Have (and Ages): We currently have:
Isabel Briar (14)
Jeffrey William and Matthias Rex "Jeff and Matt"(twins - 10 years old)
Zoe Annabelle (9)
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 6
Preferred Genders: any, but would pref 4 girls and 2 boys
Preferred Ages: younger than 10
Preferred Countries: any! Though I would love if at least a couple are from Greece
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: Absolutely!
Adopt Twins?: Yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: Yes
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: Yes
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: Yes

Anastasia Stamatia, Georgia Aikaterine, and Sibylla Zenovia are nine year old triplets from Greece. They are sweet little girls, all a bit different. Anastasia was found to have Asperger's Syndrome, but otherwise the girls are all healthy. They have been in foster care since their older brother (their legal guardian) was imprisoned four years ago.
Ioannes Thanos is a seven year old boy from Greece. He found his way to the orphanage in Greece all by himself. He tells no one about his history. The psychologist has given him a clean bill of health though. Ioannes came to the orphanage with a severe infection in his right leg. As a result, the leg was amputated and Ioannes now uses a prosthetic leg. He's getting pretty good about, but sometimes needs help with it, especially when he's tired.
Rasa Svajone is a three year old girl from Lithuania. She and her baby brother Tomas were left on the doorstep of the orphanage two weeks ago. Rasa has a speech delay and makes gutteral sounds to communicate her needs. Nothing is known about Rasa and Tomas' histories.
Tomas Azuolas is Rasa's seven month old brother. From examining him, Tomas has only a speech delay, but no physical problems. Being in a good family will help him catch up socially.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
Your Name: Lisa
Your Spouses Name: Chris
Children You Have (and Ages): Isabelle Lilly (11), James Riley (7), and Susanna Grace (5).
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 2
Preferred Genders: either
Preferred Ages: 0-3
Preferred Countries: any
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: sure
Adopt Triplets or more?: no
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: no
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: if nessicary
~ Lisa ~

Some people dream of success ... others wake up and work hard for it.
Your Spouses Name: Chris
Children You Have (and Ages): Isabelle Lilly (11), James Riley (7), and Susanna Grace (5).
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 2
Preferred Genders: either
Preferred Ages: 0-3
Preferred Countries: any
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: sure
Adopt Triplets or more?: no
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: no
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: if nessicary
~ Lisa ~

Some people dream of success ... others wake up and work hard for it.
Golda Livnat is a three year old girl from Israel. Because of political upheaval in Israel, Golda's parents are sending her and her brother to the adoption center in hopes of them having a better life. Golda is picking up English quickly and she likes spaghetti.
Asher Velvel is an 18 month old boy from Israel. He is Golda's younger brother. Asher is learning English quickly and he has no disabilities.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
Your Name: Andy Arnold (I would put Mithos Yggdrasill, but would he adopt a baby? Other than for ranch victims, the thought is just creepy.)
Your Spouses Name: Gray Edelen (girl I like)
Children You Have (and Ages): Rory Adrian, 12; Robert Wilson "Bobby" 11, Aidan Lloyd, 9; Marcos Jonathan, 8; Dorian Ambrose, 6; Lorelei Tabitha, 4
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 3
Preferred Genders: Male
Preferred Ages: 8-12
Preferred Countries: Germany, Holland
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: Yes
Adopt Twins?: Yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: No
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: Yes
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: I have ADHD and OCD. I wouldn't mind.
Your Spouses Name: Gray Edelen (girl I like)
Children You Have (and Ages): Rory Adrian, 12; Robert Wilson "Bobby" 11, Aidan Lloyd, 9; Marcos Jonathan, 8; Dorian Ambrose, 6; Lorelei Tabitha, 4
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 3
Preferred Genders: Male
Preferred Ages: 8-12
Preferred Countries: Germany, Holland
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: Yes
Adopt Twins?: Yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: No
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: Yes
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: I have ADHD and OCD. I wouldn't mind.
Yeah, I agree. Would be creepy if Mithos adopted a kid.
Cornelius Ignaas is a nine year old boy from Holland. He has lived in an orphanage all his life and is excited at the prospect of finding a family who will love him forever. He is a happy, healthy little boy who loves playing outside.
Mozes Werner is an eleven year old boy from Holland. He doesn't talk very much about his history and our doctor diagnosed him with autism. Mozes seems to be very good at art and he has painted tons of pictures that he keeps in a portfolio.
Franz Theodor is a twelve year old boy from Germany. His parents sent him to a boarding school in England, but his father died in a car accident and his mother died of cancer within eight months of each other. Franz has no living relatives, so he was put up for adoption. Franz is a very open boy and he likes to talk about his past and how it affected him.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
Thanks, this was fun.
Your Name: Ophelia Rae Marcum (40)
Your Spouses Name: Donovan James Marcum (44)
Children You Have (and Ages): Lenore Ophelia Marcum (22), Jakob Donovan Marcum (21), and Aaron Joseph Marcum (18)
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 6
Preferred Genders: Either
Preferred Ages: 5-16 years old
Preferred Countries: China, India, Korea
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: Yes
Adopt Twins?: Yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: Yes
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: Sorry, not at the moment
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: Yes
Your Spouses Name: Donovan James Marcum (44)
Children You Have (and Ages): Lenore Ophelia Marcum (22), Jakob Donovan Marcum (21), and Aaron Joseph Marcum (18)
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 6
Preferred Genders: Either
Preferred Ages: 5-16 years old
Preferred Countries: China, India, Korea
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: Yes
Adopt Twins?: Yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: Yes
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: Sorry, not at the moment
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: Yes
Shin Yong (b) and Iseul Kyung-Soon (g) are fraternal twins. They are fourteen years old and refugees from South Korea. Shin and Iseul are surprisingly healthy despite their experiences. Shin and Iseul don't know what happened to any of their family members. They were sent to escape the country and they succeeded. They do not talk about their past and are limited by their inability to speak a language other than Korean. So far, we are getting along with sign-language.
Quynh Young is a twelve year old girl from Korea. She has been with Shin and Iseul for about a year and a half. She is not related to them, but is quite attatched to them. Quynh doesn't talk much about her past, but seems okay.
Kasi Mahavir is a seven year old boy from India. He and his siblings lost their mother last year in a plane accident. They never knew their father and all attempts to contact him have failed. Kasi is healthy, but becomes depressed sometimes if he doesn't have enough stimulation.
Sandhya Vijaya is a six year old girl from India. Her mother died in a plane accident last year. Sandhya is a resilient girl and seems to have suffered no ill effects from her mother's death. She is very motherly and takes care of her brothers.
Mehmood Dayaram is a five year old boy from India. His mother was killed in a plane accident last year. Mehmood is a quiet little boy, but he likes to draw and color.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
Shin Yong and Isuel Kyung-Soon are doing very well with our family. They've been taking special classes to help them learn English. Quynh Young has helped tremendously in translating. Shin and Isuel are both becoming quite a group of athletes. They enjoy playing baseball especially.
Quynh Young is starting to open up about her past to big brother Jakob. She has become quite attached to him. Quynh Young loves hanging out with her older siblings and loves all things American.
Kasi Mahavir still gets depressed over the death of his mother but having his other siblings with them is a great help. He is quite a mama's boy and likes to help her around the house. You rarely find him in a different room than her.
Sandhya Vijaya is still taking good care of Kasi and Mehmood. She sometimes becomes jealous that Kasi loves their adopted mother so much but mostly she likes being able to do things on her own now. She loves playing with dolls and playing dress-up with Lenore's old clothing.
Mehmood Dayaram still draws and colors all the time. He draws a picture for everyone every day. He has also started watching Sesame Street and Bob the Builder. He mostly keeps to himself and is most open with Sandhya.
Ophelia, Donovan, Lenore, Jakob, Aaron, Shin, Iseul, Quyhn, Kasi, Sandhya, and Mehmood.
Quynh Young is starting to open up about her past to big brother Jakob. She has become quite attached to him. Quynh Young loves hanging out with her older siblings and loves all things American.
Kasi Mahavir still gets depressed over the death of his mother but having his other siblings with them is a great help. He is quite a mama's boy and likes to help her around the house. You rarely find him in a different room than her.
Sandhya Vijaya is still taking good care of Kasi and Mehmood. She sometimes becomes jealous that Kasi loves their adopted mother so much but mostly she likes being able to do things on her own now. She loves playing with dolls and playing dress-up with Lenore's old clothing.
Mehmood Dayaram still draws and colors all the time. He draws a picture for everyone every day. He has also started watching Sesame Street and Bob the Builder. He mostly keeps to himself and is most open with Sandhya.
Ophelia, Donovan, Lenore, Jakob, Aaron, Shin, Iseul, Quyhn, Kasi, Sandhya, and Mehmood.
Your Name: Julia Rose
Your Spouses Name: Ian Thomas (made it up on the spot ;))
Children You Have (and Ages): None
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 6
Preferred Genders: Girl
Preferred Ages: 0-5
Preferred Countries: Eastern European countries
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: triplets but not more
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: yes
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: no, sorry
Your Spouses Name: Ian Thomas (made it up on the spot ;))
Children You Have (and Ages): None
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 6
Preferred Genders: Girl
Preferred Ages: 0-5
Preferred Countries: Eastern European countries
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: triplets but not more
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: yes
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: no, sorry
Irena Ruta is five years old. She is from Poland and looking for a family to adopt her. Irena is healthy. She was abandoned a few days after birth and has been in an orphanage ever since.
Oxana Kalyna is five years old. She is from the Ukraine. Oxana has lived on the streets with her little sister for at least two years. We know nothing of her history. Oxana is completely healthy, but speaks no English.
Hanna Viktoriya is four years old. She is from the Ukraine. Hanna has lived on the streets with her older sister for at least two years. We know nothing of her history. Hanna is completely healthy, but speaks no English. She seems to like dogs very much.
Petra Vasiliki is two years old. She is from Greece. Petra is an achondroplasiac dwarf. That just means that she will be shorter than other adults. She is expected to level off at 4 ft. Petra sometimes needs a little help getting around, but is overall doing well. Petra's family could not care for her and gave her up to be adopted when she was a week old.
Etelka Johanna is just four months old. She is from Hungary. She was born to a single mother who did not have the resources to care for a child. Etelka is healthy and is a very adorable baby girl.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
Your Name: Andrea Elisabeth Marshall
Your Spouses Name: Lucas Jacob Marshall
Children You Have (and Ages): Lila Rosalie (10), Abigail Maeve (7) & Tristan Oliver (5)
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 2-3
Preferred Genders: female
Preferred Ages: 2-6
Preferred Countries: Europe or North America
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: triplets, but not more
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: yes
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: yes

Ciaran Douglas, Aidan Stone, Simon Andrew & Amy Frances, Julia Mary, Elena Beatrice
Your Spouses Name: Lucas Jacob Marshall
Children You Have (and Ages): Lila Rosalie (10), Abigail Maeve (7) & Tristan Oliver (5)
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 2-3
Preferred Genders: female
Preferred Ages: 2-6
Preferred Countries: Europe or North America
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: triplets, but not more
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: yes
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: yes

Ciaran Douglas, Aidan Stone, Simon Andrew & Amy Frances, Julia Mary, Elena Beatrice
Alice Charline is 5 years old. She is from France and is hoping to be adopted a family where she can have older sisters. Alice's mother died of cancer when Alice was three. Her father could not care for Alice and her sisters, so he gave them up for adoption.
Sophie Mireille and Simone Florianne are 3 years old. They are identical twins from France. Their older sister is Alice. They are happy little girls, but both are deaf. Other than that, they are healthy.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
The Marshalls are so excited about their new daughters Alice, Sophie & Simone! They are so glad that the girls won't have to be seperated, especially now that all they have is eachother. Andrea majored in French in college and the little girls are learning English very quickly. Sophie and Simone are also learning American sign language which is going well and they seem to be fitting very well with the Marshalls. Tristan was a little dissapointed about not getting a brother but he and Alice are the best of friends and he enjoys helping the two little girls along. Lila and Abigail adore their little sisters and Abigail loves playing with Alice as well. They seem to be getting one very well though learning French and sign language were a bit of a strech for them they were quick learners and it helped that there were three new sisters to welcome with their new talents! :D
The Marshalls
Lucas & Andrea
Lila, Abigail, Tristan, Alice, Sophie & Simone!

Ciaran Douglas, Aidan Stone, Simon Andrew & Amy Frances, Julia Mary, Elena Beatrice
The Marshalls
Lucas & Andrea
Lila, Abigail, Tristan, Alice, Sophie & Simone!

Ciaran Douglas, Aidan Stone, Simon Andrew & Amy Frances, Julia Mary, Elena Beatrice
Your Name: Bethanie Jane
Your Spouses Name:
Children You Have (and Ages): 1 child (Nikolai Mark) - 2 years old.
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 1 - 2
Preferred Genders: Not fussed.
Preferred Ages: 1 year old
Preferred Countries: Russia, China, Ukraine.
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: Yes.
Adopt Twins?: Yes.
Adopt Triplets or more?: No.
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: No.
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: Yes.
Your Spouses Name:
Children You Have (and Ages): 1 child (Nikolai Mark) - 2 years old.
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 1 - 2
Preferred Genders: Not fussed.
Preferred Ages: 1 year old
Preferred Countries: Russia, China, Ukraine.
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: Yes.
Adopt Twins?: Yes.
Adopt Triplets or more?: No.
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: No.
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: Yes.
Marko Fedir is one year old. He is from the Ukraine and was orphaned at the age of eight months when his parents and older sister died in a house fire. Marko is perfectly healthy and is developing normally.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
Thanks! Gorgeous!
Oh, and by the way, I forgot to put in my spouse's name. It's Vladislav.
Oh, and by the way, I forgot to put in my spouse's name. It's Vladislav.