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[Games] Hippy & Others CAF Part 2
Previous Part: for Children: Hippy)
DH: (75)
DW: (74)

(Theme for Children: Shakespearean)
DS: (47)
DW: (47) Peace, Shine, Dancer, Summer, Deja, Aries / Argo, Josie, Day (MLN: Myron, Ellis, Brown)(Theme for Children: Gothic)
-DS: (27) Dion, Belarus, Edward, Marcade, Edgar, Lorenzo / Curan, Caphis, Justice
-DW: (25) Silvia, Calpurnia, Diana, Dolabella, Anne, Audrey / Katherine, Margery, Volumnia (MLN: Capulet, Martext, Gunner)
--DS: (6) Shapur, Feva, Crocus, Modares, Odeon, Selenas / Father's First Name
--DD: (4) Amelina, Narin, Attala, Lioba, Govintha, Melusine / Mother's First Name
--DD: (1) Mia-Selina, Chlodoswintha, Ereleuva, Avagisa, Buffy, Limiteti / Mother's Middle Name(Theme for Children: Royalty)
-DD: (25) Paulina, Aemilia, Cybeline, Iris, Nell, Cleopatra / Bona, Titania, Phebe
-Dbf: (24) Gremio, Hector, Leontes, Rambures, Lucentio, Hamlet / Aaron, Escalus, Richard (LN: Coleville, Velutus, Poins)
--DS: (6) Barnabas, Sanders, Alexander, Edward, Remington, Watson / Kent, Liam, Isaac
--DS: (3) Isadore, Reginald, Lawrence, Harry, Michael, Dexter / Archie, Dixon, Porter
--DD: (9 mo) Colleen, Calliope, Lucina, Patience, Emeline, Henrieta / Saskia, Eugenia, Vanessa
--DD: (nb) Seraphine, Arabell, Zara, Chantal, Rosalind, Veronica / Laurel, Rowena, Eglantine-DD: (22) Timandra, Imogen, Cassandra, Audrey, Gonerill, Lychorida / Helen, Perdita, Nerissa
-DS: (19) Claudius, Curtis, Cicero, Berri, Julius, Claudio / Olivier, Egeneus, Demetrius
-DS: (16) Pisanio, Durdanius, Banquo, Leontes, Mercutio, Thidias / Ajax, Mortimer, Flortizel
-DS: (13) George, Nathaniel, Mardian, Menecrates, Balthasar, Agamemnon / Thomas, Autoculus, Abram
-DD: (10) Constance, Paulina, Celia, Alexas, Mopsa, Lychorida / Helenus, Charmain, Ariel---------------------

DD: (44)
DD: (42)
DS: (40)
DD: (37)
DD: (35)
DS: (35)
DD: (32)
DD: (30)
“If we are born to die and we all die to live, then what's the point of living life if it just contradicts?”
― Ronnie Radke"I am whatever I wish to be."
― OnisionCheck out my Names:

This message was edited 5/7/2018, 7:34 PM

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Duane Stephen McConnell, 75
Fern Catherine MacDonald, 74Free Blue McConnell, 47
Shine Argo Brown, 47
- Edgar Justice McConnell, 27
- Cleopatra Phebe McConnell, 25
- Imogen Perdita McConnell, 22
- Julius Olivier McConnell, 19
- Mercutio Ajax McConnell, 16
- Balthasar Abram McConnell, 13
- Paulina Ariel McConnell, 10- Edgar Justice McConnell, 27
- Silvia Margery Gunner, 25
-- Odeon Edgar McConnell, 6
-- Melusine Silvia McConnell, 4
-- Avagisa Margery McConnell, 1 - Cleopatra Phebe McConnell, 25
- Hector Aaron Coleville, 24
-- Barnabas Isaac "Barney" Coleville, 6
-- Reginald Dixon "Rex" Coleville, 3
-- Patience Vanessa "Pixie" Coleville, 9 mo
-- Veronica Laurel "Vera" Coleville, nbCypress Wind McConnell, 44
Jupiter Angel McConnell, 42
Cloud Lucas McConnell, 40
Silver Gaia McConnell, 37
Spring Atlanta McConnell & Leaf Gabriel McConnell, 35
Destiny Flame McConnell, 32
Mystic Joy McConnell, 30
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(Theme for Children: Hippy)
DH: (75) Alex Lennon Hudson
DW: (74) Alma Olivia [Sanders] Hudson---------------------
(Theme for Children: Shakespearean)
DS: (47) Apollo Aden Hudson
DW: (47) Summer Josie [Ellis] Hudson(Theme for Children: Gothic)
-DS: (27) Lorenzo Justice Hudson "Enzo"
-DW: (25) Silvia Katherine [Capulet] Hudson
--DS: (6) Modares Lorenzo Hudson
--DD: (4) Amelina Silvia Hudson "Mia"
--DD: (1) Avagisa Katherine Hudson "Ava"(Theme for Children: Royalty)
-DD: (25) Iris Titania Hudson
-Dbf: (24) Leontes Richard Velutus
--DS: (6) Alexander Isaac Velutus-Hudson "Xander"
--DS: (3) Harry Dixon Hudson-Velutus
--DD: (9 mo) Calliope Saskia Hudson-Velutus
--DD: (nb) Zara Rowena Hudson-Velutus-DD: (22) Audrey Helen Hudson
-DS: (19) Julius Olivier Hudson
-DS: (16) Mercutio Ajax Hudson
-DS: (13) Nathaniel Thomas Hudson "Nathan"
-DD: (10) Celia Ariel Hudson---------------------DD: (44) Lilith Arden Hudson "Lily"
DD: (42) Hailey Cerys Hudson
DS: (40) Broderick Lucas Hudson "Brody"
DD: (37) Skye Ashley Hudson
DD: (35) Skyler Anthem Hudson
DS: (35) Remi Ashby Hudson
DD: (32) Daisee Snow Hudson
DD: (30) Cayenne Joy Hudson
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(Theme for Children: Hippy)
DH: (75) Jesse Henry Lennon Hudson
DW: (74) Fern Alma Irene MacDonald---------------------
(Theme for Children: Shakespearean)
DS: (47) Apollo Griffin Aden Hudson "Ollie"
DW: (47) Summer Peace Day Ellis(Theme for Children: Gothic)
-DS: (27) Dion Lorenzo Edward Hudson
-DW: (25) Audrey Anne Margery Capulet
--DS: (6) Odeon Dion Lorenzo Hudson
--DD: (4) Amelina Melusine Audrey Hudson
--DD: (1) Mia-Selina Anne Hudson(Theme for Children: Royalty)
-DD: (25) Phebe Iris Aemilia Hudson
-Dbf: (24) Hector Aaron Richard Coleville
--DS: (6) Liam Barnabas Edward Coleville
--DS: (3) Michael Harry Lawrence Coleville "Mike"
--DD: (9 mo) Henrietta Saskia Emeline Coleville
--DD: (nb) Laurel Rosalind Seraphine Coleville

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LN: McConnellDH: (75) Jesse Stephen McConnell
DW: (74) Alma Catherine SandersDS: (47) Griffin Blue McConnell
DW: (47) Summer Day Ellis -DS: (27) Edgar Justice Ellis
-DW: (25) Diana Margery Gunner
--DS: (6) Odeon Edgar Ellis "Odie"
--DD: (4) Amelina Diana Ellis
--DD: (1) Avagisa Margery Ellis "Ava"-DD: (25) Iris Bona Ellis
-Dbf: (24) Hector Richard Coleville
--DS: (6) Alexander Isaac Coleville
--DS: (3) Reginald Porter Coleville "Rex"
--DD: (9 mo) Calliope Saskia Coleville
--DD: (nb) Seraphine Rowena Coleville-DD: (22) Imogen Perdita Ellis
-DS: (19) Julius Olivier Ellis
-DS: (16) Leontes Ajax Ellis "Leo"
-DS: (13) Nathaniel Thomas Ellis
-DD: (10) Celia Charmain Ellis---------------------DD: (44) Patience Wind McConnell

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DH: (75) Victor Lennon McConnell
DW: (74) Fern Catherine Sanders***DS: (47) Griffin Moon McConnell
DW: (47) Summer Day Brown-DS: (27) Edward Justice McConnell
-DW: (25) Audrey Margery Gunner
--DS: (6) Selenas Edward McConnell
--DD: (4) Amelina Audrey McConnell
--DD: (1) Mia-Selina Margery McConnell-DD: (25) Nell Titania McConnell
-Dbf: (24) Hamlet Richard Velutus
--DS: (6) Alexander Isaac Velutus
--DS: (3) Lawrence Archie Velutus
--DD: (9 mo) Emeline Eugenia Velutus
--DD: (nb) Veronica Laurel Velutus-DD: (22) Cassandra Nerissa McConnell
-DS: (19) Julius Olivier McConnell
-DS: (16) Leontes Mortimer McConnell
-DS: (13) Nathaniel Abram McConnell
-DD: (10) Paulina Ariel McConnell***DD: (44) Lilith Wind McConnell
DD: (42) Jupiter Cerys McConnell
DS: (40) Cloud Lucas McConnell
DD: (37) Skye Gaia McConnell
DD: (35) Ocean Atlanta McConnell
DS: (35) Leaf Ashby McConnell
DD: (32) Rain Snow McConnell
DD: (30) True Joy McConnell
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LN: Morris
DH: (75) Alex Henry
DW: (74) Rebecca Imogen (MacDonald)DS: (47) Sparrow Blue
DW: (47) Deja Josie (Brown)-DS: (27) Dion Caphis
-DW: (25) Silvia Katherine (Martext)
--DS: (6) Selenas Dion
--DD: (4) Amelina Silvia
--DD: (1) Limiteti Katherine-DD: (25) Iris Titania
-Dbf: (24) Hector Richard (Coleville)
--DS: (6) Alexander Isaac
--DS: (3) Michael Archie
--DD: (9 mo) Emeline Saskia
--DD: (nb) Rosalind Laurel-DD: (22) Audrey Helen
-DS: (19) Curtis Olivier
-DS: (16) Leontes Mortimer
-DS: (13) Nathaniel Thomas
-DD: (10) Celia Ariel*DD: (44) Echo Jodi
DD: (42) Ani Angel
DS: (40) Broderick Tyler
DD: (37) Silver Ashey
DD/DS: (35) Micha Atlanta // Remi Dusk
DD: (32) Daisee Snow
DD: (30) River Joy
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I love this idea! Plus I love using hippy names as you can go a bit crazy and use names you wouldn't use normally.
Jesse Henry (45) ♥ Fern Imogen (44)
Sparrow Aden
Echo Jodi
Jupiter Stardust
Cian Lucas
Flow Cassidy
Spring Freedom & Leaf Gabriel
Destiny Snow
Cayenne JoyJesse & Fern
Sparrow, Echo, Jupiter, Cian, Flow, Spring & Leaf, Destiny, and Cayenne
Sparrow Aden ♥ Summer Day
Edward Justice "Ned" (27) ♥ Silvia Katherine
Odeon Edward (6)
Amelina Silvia (4)
Mia-Selina Katherine (1)
Iris Phebe (25) ♥ Hamlet Richard "Ham"
Alexander Kent "Xander" (6)
Dexter Archie (3)
Lucina Vanessa "Luce" (9 mo)
Zara Laurel (nb)
Audrey Nerissa "Aude" (22)
Julius Olivier "Jules" (19)
Leontes Ajax "Leon" (16)
George Thomas (13)
Celia Ariel (10)
Sparrow & Summer; Ned, Iris, Aude, Jules, Leon, George, and CeliaNed & Silvia; Odeon, Amelina, and Mia-SelinaIris & Ham; Xander, Dexter, Luce, and Zara
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DH: (75) Jose Stephen McConnell
DW: (74) Alma Catherine FloresDS: (47) Griffin Aden McConnell
DW: (47) Summer Argo Ellis
-DS: (27) Lorenzo Curan
-DW: (25) Silvia Katherine Capulet
--DS: (6) Selenas Lorenzo
--DD: (4) Lioba Summer
--DD: (1) Ereleuva Argo
-DD: (25) Aemilia Phebe
-Dbf: (24) Leontes Richard Velutus
--DS: (6) Alexander Kent
--DS: (3) Lawrence Porter
--DD: (9 mo) Calliope Saskia
--DD: (nb) Rosalind Eglantine-DD: (22) Cassandra Nerissa
-DS: (19) Cicero Demetrius
-DS: (16) Mercutio Flortizel
-DS: (13) Nathaniel Abram
-DD: (10) Lychorida ArielDD: (44) Lilith Wind
DD: (42) Ani Cerys
DS: (40) Cian Lucas
DD: (37) Padma Gaia
DD/DS: (35) Ocean Atlanta / Leaf Gabriel
DD: (32) Rain Jorma
DD: (30) River Vega
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DS: (47) Aristotle Moon Morris
DW: (47) Peace Argo Ellis -DS: (27) Lorenzo Caphis Morris
-DW: (25) Calpurnia Margery Capulet
--DS: (6) Selenas Lorenzo Morris
--DD: (4) Melusine Calpurnia Morris
--DD: (1) Chlodoswintha Margery Morris -DD: (25) Aemilia Titania Morris
-Dbf: (24) Leontes Richard Coleville
--DS: (6) Barnabas Liam Coleville
--DS: (3) Isadore Dixon Coleville
--DD: (9 mo) Lucina Saskia Coleville
--DD: (nb) Rosalind Rowena Coleville -DD: (22) Gonerill Perdita Morris
-DS: (19) Cicero Olivier Morris
-DS: (16) Mercutio Ajax Morris
-DS: (13) Balthasar Abram Morris
-DD: (10) Lychorida Charmian Morris
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DH: (75) Jesse Stephen McConnell
DW: (74) Rebecca Imogen (Flores) McConnell "Bex" DS: (47) Quentin Blue McConnell
DW: (47) Summer Josie (Ellis) McConnell
-DS: (27) Lorenzo Justice McConnell "Enzo"
-DW: (25) Audrey Katherine (Gunner) McConnell
--DS: (6) Odeon Lorenzo McConnell
--DD: (4) Melusine Audrey McConnell "Melly"
--DD: (1) Avagisa Katherine McConnell "Ava"
-DD: (25) Aemilia Phebe McConnell "Mia"
-Dbf: (24) Hector Aaron Poins "Aaron"
--DS: (6) Alexander Liam McConnell-Poins "Xander"
--DS: (3) Dexter Archie McConnell-Poins "Dex"
--DD: (9 mo) Calliope Vanessa McConnell-Poins "Callie"
--DD: (nb) Seraphine Laurel McConnell-Poins "Sera"
-DD: (22) Imogen Nerissa McConnell "Mo"
-DS: (19) Julius Olivier McConnell
-DS: (16) Leontes Mortimer McConnell "Leo"
-DS: (13) Nathaniel Abram McConnell "Nate"
-DD: (10) Alexas Charmain McConnell "Lexie"DD: (44) Lilith Arden McConnell "Lily"
DD: (42) Hailey Cerys McConnell
DS: (40) Cian Lucas McConnell
DD: (37) Skye Cassidy McConnell
DD: (35) Layna Anthem McConnell "Layni"
DS: (35) Remi Gabriel McConnell
DD: (32) Daisee Snow McConnell
DD: (30) True Vega McConnell
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DH: (75) Victor Henry Morris
DW: (74) Rebecca Catherine [Sanders] Morris DS1: (47) Quentin Blue Morris
DD1: (44) Cassandra Arden Morris
DD2: (42) Hailey Cerys Morris
DS2: (40) Cian Lucas Morris
DD3: (37) Skye Gaia Morris
DD4/DS3: (35) Ocean Freedom Morris / Auggie Gabriel Morris
DD5: (32) Velma Snow Morris
DD6: (0) River Joy Morris Victor and Rebecca Morris
Quentin, Cassie, Hailey, Cian, Skye, Ocean, Auggie, Velma, and River
~~~~DS1: (47) Quentin Blue Morris
DW: (47) Summer Day [Ellis] Morris Quentin and Summer Morris
Ned, Iris, Cassie, Jules, Leo, George, and Celia
DS: (27) Edward Justice Morris
-DW: (25) Silvia Katherine [Capulet] Morris
--DS: (6) Odeon Edward Morris
--DD: (4) Amelina Silvia Morris
--DD: (1) Avagisa Katherine Morris Ned and Silvia Morris
Odeon, Amy, and Ava
DD: (25) Iris Phebe Morris
-Dbf: (24) Hector Richard Coleville
--DS: (6) Alexander Kent Coleville
--DS: (3) Harry Dixon Coleville
--DD: (9 mo) Calliope Saskia Coleville
--DD: (nb) Rosalind Rowena Coleville Iris and Hector Coleville
Alex, Harry, Callie, and Rose
DD: (22) Cassandra Helen Morris
DS: (19) Julius Demetrius Morris
DS: (16) Leontes Mortimer Morris
DS: (13) George Thomas Morris
DD: (10) Celia Charmain Morris
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DH: (75) Jesse Lennon McConnell
DW: (74) Rebecca Olivia MacDonaldDS: (47) Quentin Aden McConnell
DD: (44) Cassandra Jodi "Cassie" McConnell
DD: (42) Hailey Cerys McConnell
DS: (40) Broderick Tyler "Brock" McConnell
DD: (37) Skye Cassidy McConnell
DD/DS: (35) Layna Anthem McConnell // Remi Gabriel McConnell
DD: (32) Rain Jorma McConnell
DD: (30) River Vega McConnell---------------------
DS: (47) Quentin Aden McConnell
DW: (47) Summer Josie Brown-DS: (27) Lorenzo Justice McConnell
-DW: (25) Anne Katherine Gunner
--DS: (6) Odeon Lorenzo McConnell
--DD: (4) Amelina Anne "Amy" McConnell
--DD: (1) Mia-Selina Katherine "Mia" McConnell-DD: (25) Paulina Phebe McConnel
-Dbf: (24) Hector Aaron Coleville
--DS: (6) Alexander Isaac Coleville
--DS: (3) Michael Porter Coleville
--DD: (9 mo) Lucina Vanessa "Luci" Coleville
--DD: (nb) Veronica Laurel Coleville-DD: (22) Audrey Helen McConnell
-DS: (19) Julius Olivier McConnell
-DS: (16) Thidias Ajax "Teddy" McConnell
-DS: (13) Nathaniel Abram McConnell
-DD: (10) Celia Ariel McConnell---------------------
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DH [75] Jesse Henry McConnell
DW [74] Karen Catherine {MacDonald} McConnellDS [47] Griffin Blue McConnell
— DW [47] Summer Josie {Ellis} McConnell
— DS [27] Edward Justice McConnell
—- DW [25] Audrey Katherine {Gunner} McConnell
—- DS [6] Odeon Edward McConnell
—- DD [4] Amelina Audrey McConnell
—- DD [1] Mia-Selina Katherine McConnell
— DD [25] Paulina Titania McConnell
—- Dbf [24] Hector Richard Poins
—- DS [6] Alexander Kent Poins
—- DS [3] Michael Porter Poins
—- DD [9m] Colleen Eugenia Poins
—- DD [nb] Zara Laurel Poins
— DD [22] Imogen Helen McConnell
— DS [19] Curtis Olivier McConnell
— DS [16] Thidias Mortimer McConnell
— DS [13] Nathaniel Abram McConnell
— DD [10] Celia Ariel McConnellDD [44] Cassandra Arden McConnell
DD [42] Hailey Cerys McConnell
DS [40] Cian Lucas McConnell
DD [37] Skye Ashley McConnell
DD [35] Layna Anthem McConnell
DS [35] Remi Gabriel McConnell
DD [32] Destiny Snow McConnell
DD [30] Cayenne Vega McConnell
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DS: (47) Griffin Moon Morris
DW: (47) Summer Argo (Ellis)-DS: (27) Edgar Justice
-DW: (25) Silvia Margery (Gunner)
--DS: (6) Crocus Edgar
--DD: (4) Melusine Silvia
--DD: (1) Avagisa Margery-DD: (25) Iris Titania
-Dbf: (24) Hector Aaron Coleville
--DS: (6) Edward Liam
--DS: (3) Michael Dixon
--DD: (9 mo) Emeline Vanessa
--DD: (nb) Rosalind Laurel-DD: (22) Cassandra Helen
-DS: (19) Julius Olivier
-DS: (16) Leontes Mortimer
-DS: (13) Nathaniel Abram
-DD: (10) Constance Ariel
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DH: Jesse Stephen Morris (75)
DW: Alma Catherine [Sanders] Morris (74)
DS: Griffin Blue (47)
DD: Lilith Wind (44)
DD: Ani Stardust (42)
DS: Bud "Buddie" Tyler (40)
DD: Skye Cassidy (37)
DD/DS: Micha Freedom (35) // Auggie Gabriel (35)
DD: Daisee Snow (32)
DD: River Joy (30)Jesse and Alma w/ Griffin, Lilith, Ani, Buddie, Skye, Micha, Auggie, Daisee, and River Morris.
DS: Griffin Blue Morris (47)
DW: Summer Josie [Ellis] Morris (47) -DS: Dion Caphis Morris (27)
-DW: Anne Margery [Martext] Morris (25)
--DS: Selenas "Sal" Dion Morris (6)
--DD: Attala "Attie" Anne Morris (4)
--DD: Limiteti "T" Margery Morris (1) -DD: Iris Phebe Morris (25)
-Dbf: Hector Aaron Coleville (24)
--DS: Remington "Remi" Isaac Colville (6)
--DS: Lawrence Porter Colville (3)
--DD: Calliope Eugenia Colville (9 mo)
--DD: Rosalind Laurel Colville (nb) -DD: Audrey Helen Morris (22)
-DS: Curtis "Curt" Olivier Morris (19)
-DS: Leontes "Leo" Mortimer Morris (16)
-DS: Nathaniel "Nate" Thomas Morris (13)
-DD: Celia Charmain Morris (10) Griffin and Summer w/ Dion, Iris, Audry, Curt, Leo, Nate, and Celia Morris.
Dion and Anne w/ Sal, Attie, and T Morris.
Iris and Hector w/ Remi, Lawrence, Calliope, and Rosalind Colville.
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DH: (75) Alexander Henry "Alex" McConnell
DW: (74) Rebecca Catherine Sanders-McConnell
Grandkids: Eddie, Iris, Audrey, Curtis, Leo, George, Paulina,
DS: (47) Quentin Blue McConnell
DW: (47) Summer Josie Brown-McConnell
Quentin & Summer: Edward, Iris, Audrey, Curtis, Leo, George and Paulina
Grandkids: Feva, Lina, Mia, Alex, Michael, Emmeline and Veronica -DS: (27) Edward Curan "Eddie" McConnell
-DW: (25) Audrey Katherine Gunner-McConnell
Eddie & Audrey: Feva, Amelina and Mia-Selina --DS: (6) Feva Edward McConnell
--DD: (4) Amelina Audrey "Lina" McConnell
--DD: (1) Mia-Selina Katherine "Mia" McConnell-DD: (25) Iris Phoebe McConnell
-Dbf: (24) Leontes Aaron "Leo" Coleville
Leo & Iris: Alexander, Michael, Emeline and Veronica

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The McConnell's Part 2(Theme for Children: Hippy)
DH: (75) Victor Stephen McConnell "Vic"
DW: (74) Fern Imogen (Sanders) McConnellVictor & Fern McConnell: Apollo, Lyric, Jupiter, Cian, Silver, Ocean, Landis, Light, & Mystery McConnell---------------------
(Theme for Children: Shakespearean)
DS: (47) Apollo Moon McConnell "Pollo"
DW: (47) Peace Argo (Ellis) McConnell Apollo & Peace McConnell: Lorenzo, Aemilia, Imogen, Claudius, Mercutio, Mardian, & Lychorida McConnell(Theme for Children: Gothic)
-DS: (27) Lorenzo Curan McConnell
-DW: (25) Calpurnia Vulinia (Gunner) McConnell "Callie"
--DS: (6) Selanas Lorenzo McConnell
--DD: (4) Attala Calpurnia McConnell "Ala"
--DD: (1) Limiteti Vuinia McConnellLorenzo & Calpurnia McConnell: Selanas, Attala, & Limiteti McCollen (Theme for Children: Royalty)
-DD: (25) Aemilia Phebe McConnell "Mellie"
-Dbf: (24) Leontes Escalus Coleville
--DS: (6) Remington Isaac Coleville "Remmy"
--DS: (3) Isadore Dixon Coleville "Isie"
--DD: (9 mo) Emeline Saskia Coleville
--DD: (nb) Seraphine Rowena Coleville "Sera"Aemilia McConnell & Leontes Coleville: Remington, Isadore, Emline, & Seraphine Coleville-DD: (22) Imogen Nerissa McConnell
-DS: (19) Claudius Olivier McConnell "Claw"
-DS: (16) Mercutio Ajax McConnell
-DS: (13) Mardian Autoculus McConnell
-DD: (10) Lychorida Charmain McConnell "Lycho"---------------------DD: (44) Lyric Wind McConnell "Ly"
DD: (42) Jupiter Cerys McConnell "Jupi"
DS: (40) Cian Gemini McConnell "CC"
DD: (37) Silver Gaia McConnell "Ver"
DD: (35) Ocean Anthem McConnell "Cea"
DS: (35) Landis Dusk McConnell "Lan"
DD: (32) Light Flame McConnell "Iggy"
DD: (30) Mystery Joy McConnell "Mysie"

This message was edited 5/7/2018, 7:34 PM

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