[Opinions] Remi
Would you assume a Remi was a girl? Or would you not be sure? DH and I are really liking the name Remiel, but think the pronunciation would be butchered here in Australia! So we were thinking about just Remi, but as a short version of Remiel. I've always loved Remy, but the meaning is blah to me. Whereas if we were to use Remi as a short version of Remiel, then we could get the good meaning we like! Thoughts? So many options!
Sarah -
Wife to DH Paul
Mama to:
Jasper Emmanuel (2010)
Jethro Zion (2014)
Eden Arielle (2017)
#4 due November 2018
Sarah -
Wife to DH Paul
Mama to:
Jasper Emmanuel (2010)
Jethro Zion (2014)
Eden Arielle (2017)
#4 due November 2018

I think of it as unisex, though prefer it for a boy.
How would Remiel be pronounced in Australia?
How would Remiel be pronounced in Australia?
I think Remi a unisex name actually.
Definitely, definitely, boy! Hate the name in any form for a girl, because it's all boy to me too.
Remi/Remy both scream boy to me.
Thanks for that info, that is true. There are a lot of Hebrew names in particular, that I like that end in i, so I'm not as fussed now tbh.
Hmmm interesting point you have there. Hadn't really thought of it that way. That said, DH likes the Remi spelling better.
I think Remi is quite unisex these days, but I would still assume boy (in Australia) until proven otherwise. I love Remiel! I have been thinking about it again recently :) I don't think it would be mispronounced that often, after all there is Gabriel etc. I also think Remi as a stand alone is just fine strangely enough. Remy looks odd to me. It fits perfectly in with the sibset!
Remi would be girl to me.
How are you pronouncing Remiel? Honestly after teaching for many years now, you'd be surprised by how quickly people can pick up the pronunciations of names etc.
I'd stick with Remy.
Remi reminds me of a little girl who is always dressed in pink and does beauty pagents and signs her name with a love heart for the dot on the i...
How are you pronouncing Remiel? Honestly after teaching for many years now, you'd be surprised by how quickly people can pick up the pronunciations of names etc.
I'd stick with Remy.
Remi reminds me of a little girl who is always dressed in pink and does beauty pagents and signs her name with a love heart for the dot on the i...
I pronounce it as rem-e-ell. Don't get me wrong, I love the name, but would prefer it as a mn if using the full version. I can just see so many issues with pronunciation and that would drive me up the wall! I also much prefer the spelling Remy, but then it's not like a short version of Remiel, that's the issue. Wondering if Remi is something I can get away with, or not?!
I think you could get away with it, though I'm pretty sure the *el is the "god" part of the meaning and taking that out, I'd just think of it as "mercy" (or I've also seen "thunder"? I dunno if it's either or both) plus an angel association.
This message was edited 5/28/2018, 4:21 AM
I had thought of that too, that the meaning would change. Until I thought about the fact that other shorter versions of names, think Sam, Danny, Zeke, Gabe, Charlie, Toby, Tom and such all still have the same meanings as the longer names. To me, Remi is no different, therefore I'd claim the Remiel meaning! :)
I adore Remy! Remi is nice too but I prefer the other spelling. Remington could be an alternative full name (and I have a huge soft spot for it) but it doesn't really go with your other kids' names.
Both Remy and Remi are male to me but I've never met anyone with this name and I guess I wouldn't know for sure if it was a boy or girl. But that really isn't much of an issue, in my opinion.
Both Remy and Remi are male to me but I've never met anyone with this name and I guess I wouldn't know for sure if it was a boy or girl. But that really isn't much of an issue, in my opinion.
Remi looks flimsy enough to be female and vague enough to be unisex! But I would certainly think that a Remiel was male. Gabriel gives fem Gabrielle or Gabriella, and either way it ends up Gabby; so, what about Remielle with nn Remi? It might help people to guess at the right pronunciation too - I'm assuming they'd tend to say reMEEL?
I have to say that I wouldn't use any of the above, but if you like them, that's fine.
I have to say that I wouldn't use any of the above, but if you like them, that's fine.
In this day and age, any masculine name can be feminine, unfortunately. I can't even be sure a James or Michael will be a boy, much less a Remi.
Yes, you will deal with uncertainty. But, seeing as how Remi is not that popular on either sex I don't think its a huge issue and I am so glad you would use it on a male! Remiel is handsome and Remi is a perfect nickname.
Yes, you will deal with uncertainty. But, seeing as how Remi is not that popular on either sex I don't think its a huge issue and I am so glad you would use it on a male! Remiel is handsome and Remi is a perfect nickname.
The only people with the name spelled Remi (and one Remii) in Australia are all female. I'd assume Remy was a boy but I wouldn't be sure and I have mostly only seen Remy on a boy in US and UK BAs.
I agree Remiel has a good meaning but for some reason I'm feeling like it sounds like a cosmetic brand in Australia but I haven't been home in awhile so I'm blanking- and could be wrong.
I'd go Remy for a boy. He might still have the, "I'm a boy called Remy" thing but not as often as Remi.
I agree Remiel has a good meaning but for some reason I'm feeling like it sounds like a cosmetic brand in Australia but I haven't been home in awhile so I'm blanking- and could be wrong.
I'd go Remy for a boy. He might still have the, "I'm a boy called Remy" thing but not as often as Remi.
Maybe you're thinking of Rimmel?
Yep, that's the one! I know that's not even an Australian brand but seeing as I never watch regular TV with ads here in the US, I haven't seen the ads for Rimmel since I lived in Australia :)