[Games] Haven't done this in a while: Bash my names!
Jeanna Celeste
Emmaline Aria, Emmie
Keturah Lydian, Ketta
Priscilla Jessamine, Rilla
Constance Ines, Connie
Verity Belrose, Vera
Josiah Malcolm, Joe
Eben Vaughan, Ben
Judah Wallace, Jude
Isaiah Westley, Isley (EYEZ-lee)
Harold Bertalan, Hal
Ezra Leroy
Jeanna Celeste
Emmaline Aria, Emmie
Keturah Lydian, Ketta
Priscilla Jessamine, Rilla
Constance Ines, Connie
Verity Belrose, Vera
Josiah Malcolm, Joe
Eben Vaughan, Ben
Judah Wallace, Jude
Isaiah Westley, Isley (EYEZ-lee)
Harold Bertalan, Hal
Ezra Leroy
Jeanna Celeste - Well Jeanna is awful, I mean i don't like Jean to begin with and putting an 'a' behind it only makes it worse, Celeste will be great is your kid has a lisp.
Emmaline Aria, Emmie - what kind of line? oh an Emmaline, is this supposed to make Emma less boring? Aria? If you want her to sing put her in a choir don't call her Aria.
Keturah Lydian, Ketta - Keturah sounds stupid, not like a name at all and nn Ketta? sounds like Get her! Lydian? I imagine this was an attempt at a less boring Lydia?
Priscilla Jessamine, Rilla - Priscilla is such a trashy name! and Rilla?! haven you ever said that out loud? Jessamine, Jessayours, Jessahis... And this must be the less boring Jasmin?
Constance Ines, Connie - A word made femimine is a name? and Connie, you mean like a sweet little prisoner? Ines, would you use the anus or the EEEW-nes pronunciation?
Verity Belrose, Vera - Verity, how can you know that the child will be truthful? Vera as a nn it stupid because Verity has no a in it. Belrose? So you had a cold when you wanted to say Melrose?
Josiah Malcolm, Joe - Josiah sounds so feminine, and nn Joe is just plain horrible besides the fact that it's boring. Malcolm, you mean a bad Colm?
Eben Vaughan, Ben - Why is Eben a name? It hardly sounds like a name. Ben is stupid because it means Am in Dutch, as in I am... Vaughan? how many letters can you possibly use to get Von? The spelliung it just very exagerated and wannabe.
Judah Wallace, Jude - Jew-Duh! Jude: A jewish dude? Wallace ends in *ss and the pile of bricks in front of it doesn't change it.
Isaiah Westley, Isley (EYEZ-lee) - conversation: -uh.. -You say what? - I say uh... Isley?! Ice-lee? Eyes-lee? and you just take the first letters of a name stick anything behind it and call it a nickname? Westley... So Eastley will be the next kids mn? And what is the t doing in that name anyhow?
Harold Bertalan, Hal - is he -old already?! Hal as a nn, why not call him doorway? Bertalan?! You couldn't afford a space between Bert and Alan, or is this a Catalan Bert?
Ezra Leroy - (I like Ezra too much to bash it) Leroy, as in the king? Your kid will never be a king no matter how you call him.

Jeanna Celeste - Well Jeanna is awful, I mean i don't like Jean to begin with and putting an 'a' behind it only makes it worse, Celeste will be great is your kid has a lisp.
Emmaline Aria, Emmie - what kind of line? oh an Emmaline, is this supposed to make Emma less boring? Aria? If you want her to sing put her in a choir don't call her Aria.
Keturah Lydian, Ketta - Keturah sounds stupid, not like a name at all and nn Ketta? sounds like Get her! Lydian? I imagine this was an attempt at a less boring Lydia?
Priscilla Jessamine, Rilla - Priscilla is such a trashy name! and Rilla?! haven you ever said that out loud? Jessamine, Jessayours, Jessahis... And this must be the less boring Jasmin?
Constance Ines, Connie - A word made femimine is a name? and Connie, you mean like a sweet little prisoner? Ines, would you use the anus or the EEEW-nes pronunciation?
Verity Belrose, Vera - Verity, how can you know that the child will be truthful? Vera as a nn it stupid because Verity has no a in it. Belrose? So you had a cold when you wanted to say Melrose?
Josiah Malcolm, Joe - Josiah sounds so feminine, and nn Joe is just plain horrible besides the fact that it's boring. Malcolm, you mean a bad Colm?
Eben Vaughan, Ben - Why is Eben a name? It hardly sounds like a name. Ben is stupid because it means Am in Dutch, as in I am... Vaughan? how many letters can you possibly use to get Von? The spelliung it just very exagerated and wannabe.
Judah Wallace, Jude - Jew-Duh! Jude: A jewish dude? Wallace ends in *ss and the pile of bricks in front of it doesn't change it.
Isaiah Westley, Isley (EYEZ-lee) - conversation: -uh.. -You say what? - I say uh... Isley?! Ice-lee? Eyes-lee? and you just take the first letters of a name stick anything behind it and call it a nickname? Westley... So Eastley will be the next kids mn? And what is the t doing in that name anyhow?
Harold Bertalan, Hal - is he -old already?! Hal as a nn, why not call him doorway? Bertalan?! You couldn't afford a space between Bert and Alan, or is this a Catalan Bert?
Ezra Leroy - (I like Ezra too much to bash it) Leroy, as in the king? Your kid will never be a king no matter how you call him.

That's what I'm talking about!
Loved your anus vs. EWWW-ness prn. ROFL! Great bashing...have you had much practice? ;o)
Loved your anus vs. EWWW-ness prn. ROFL! Great bashing...have you had much practice? ;o)
Jeanna Celeste - Pronunciation of Jeanna isn't clear. Jeanne would be much classier.
Emmaline Aria, Emmie - Emmaline/Emmie are overwhelmingly trendy. Emmaline = Emma or Emily + Madeline. It won't seem nearly as original in 3 years. Aria is corny.
Keturah Lydian, Ketta - Keturah sounds like Couture, which makes it sound a bit trashy. Lydian is an unnecessary elaboration (with the trendy -n ending) of Lydia. Flow is off.
Priscilla Jessamine, Rilla - Queen of the night? Jessamine is one of those flower names that is just picked up as a name because it sounds similar to popular names (Jessica, Jesse, etc).
Constance Ines, Connie - Connie is maybe my least favorite name. Ines is bound to be pronounced EYE-nez, which isn't too nice sounding. ee-NESS is better.
Verity Belrose, Vera - Verity? Very overdone. Sounds like a character in a melodramatic novel. Belrose is contrived, too.
Josiah Malcolm, Joe - Honestly nothing to bash here.
Eben Vaughan, Ben - Eben will be confused with Evan. Eben & Vaughan don't really match, style-wise.
Judah Wallace, Jude - Nothing to bash, again.
Isaiah Westley, Isley (EYEZ-lee) - Westley is such a made-up surnamey trendy thing! It doesn't match Isaiah at all, in class or history. The nickname Isley just makes you seem like a big Isley brothers fan.
Harold Bertalan, Hal - Harold is bound for a life of teasing. Not ready for its comeback yet. Hal--Halitosis? And Bertalan is too made up.
Ezra Leroy - Nothing to bash, love it.
Jeanna Celeste - Pronunciation of Jeanna isn't clear. Jeanne would be much classier.
Emmaline Aria, Emmie - Emmaline/Emmie are overwhelmingly trendy. Emmaline = Emma or Emily + Madeline. It won't seem nearly as original in 3 years. Aria is corny.
Keturah Lydian, Ketta - Keturah sounds like Couture, which makes it sound a bit trashy. Lydian is an unnecessary elaboration (with the trendy -n ending) of Lydia. Flow is off.
Priscilla Jessamine, Rilla - Queen of the night? Jessamine is one of those flower names that is just picked up as a name because it sounds similar to popular names (Jessica, Jesse, etc).
Constance Ines, Connie - Connie is maybe my least favorite name. Ines is bound to be pronounced EYE-nez, which isn't too nice sounding. ee-NESS is better.
Verity Belrose, Vera - Verity? Very overdone. Sounds like a character in a melodramatic novel. Belrose is contrived, too.
Josiah Malcolm, Joe - Honestly nothing to bash here.
Eben Vaughan, Ben - Eben will be confused with Evan. Eben & Vaughan don't really match, style-wise.
Judah Wallace, Jude - Nothing to bash, again.
Isaiah Westley, Isley (EYEZ-lee) - Westley is such a made-up surnamey trendy thing! It doesn't match Isaiah at all, in class or history. The nickname Isley just makes you seem like a big Isley brothers fan.
Harold Bertalan, Hal - Harold is bound for a life of teasing. Not ready for its comeback yet. Hal--Halitosis? And Bertalan is too made up.
Ezra Leroy - Nothing to bash, love it.
Jeanna Celeste- Jeanna it what do people do when they say " Jee Anna". Celeste is okay
Emmaline Aria, Emmie- Aria is that a name
Keturah Lydian, Ketta- Keturah what
Priscilla Jessamine, Rilla- Priscilla is little to prissy. Jessamine one to many letters.
Constance Ines, Connie - Constancely weird and Ines it just weird. SORRY!
Verity Belrose, Vera- Vera I like but Verity sound like a college thing. Belrose it that a graden?
Josiah Malcolm, Joe - Joe okay. Josiah NO! Malcolm just makes me think of Malcolm X.
Eben Vaughan, Ben- Eben what?
Judah Wallace, Jude- LOVE Jude and Judah HATE WALLACE!!!!!!!!!
Isaiah Westley, Isley (EYEZ-lee)- hate Isaiah, Isley and whatever.
Harold Bertalan, Hal- Hal should be in the hall.
Ezra Leroy- Leroy who would name their child LEROY! Ezra sounds like a girls name!
Jeanna Celeste- Jeanna it what do people do when they say " Jee Anna". Celeste is okay
Emmaline Aria, Emmie- Aria is that a name
Keturah Lydian, Ketta- Keturah what
Priscilla Jessamine, Rilla- Priscilla is little to prissy. Jessamine one to many letters.
Constance Ines, Connie - Constancely weird and Ines it just weird. SORRY!
Verity Belrose, Vera- Vera I like but Verity sound like a college thing. Belrose it that a graden?
Josiah Malcolm, Joe - Joe okay. Josiah NO! Malcolm just makes me think of Malcolm X.
Eben Vaughan, Ben- Eben what?
Judah Wallace, Jude- LOVE Jude and Judah HATE WALLACE!!!!!!!!!
Isaiah Westley, Isley (EYEZ-lee)- hate Isaiah, Isley and whatever.
Harold Bertalan, Hal- Hal should be in the hall.
Ezra Leroy- Leroy who would name their child LEROY! Ezra sounds like a girls name!
what exactly do you want us to do?

Apparently, it's been too long, lol. This should explain it.
Instead of giving "nice" opinions of names or simply saying nms for names you don't like, you bash or insult the name choices. Here's starrynight's bash of my names from a game back in August '05. http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=283634&board=game
Instead of giving "nice" opinions of names or simply saying nms for names you don't like, you bash or insult the name choices. Here's starrynight's bash of my names from a game back in August '05. http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=283634&board=game