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[Facts] Asmaster
You're right. The OED defines "Asmaster" as "a region within which the gravitational field is so strong that no form of matter or radiation can escape from it except by quantum-mechanical tunnelling, and thought to result from the collapse of a massive star".
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"The collapse of a massive star"? Ya mean like Kevin Costner after anything he's done in the past six years or Travolta after "Battlefield Earth"?It's gotta be Travolta. If the tabby pix are accurate, he's finally achieved the mass that would generate an overwhelming gravitational field.P.S. Robert Downey, Jr. personifies the sorry-ass celebrity loser. How many chances does one moron get? Enough already, I hope.The whiny liberal wimps in Hollywood are prepared to forgive him anything because of his "talent", but he's never showed us squat except in "Chaplin". If annoying and useless were a capital crime, he'd be sittin in the Green Room at Terre Haute waitin for McVeigh to finish his shtick so he could go on next.
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Downey as ChaplinI think you're being way too generous in saying that Robert Downey Jr. even showed us as much as nominal amount of "squat" in *Chaplin*. For me, Charlie Chaplin is GOD, and I found that movie somewhat disappointing. If it wasn't for Downey's mild resemblance to Chaplin, and some damn good directing from Richard Attenborough, that movie would've been more than somewhat disappointing.Perhaps this is a crazy choice, but I would have cast Bronson Pinchot in the role of Chaplin. I believe Pinchot is capable of doing a role like that (if given the opportunity), and he could capture Chaplin's physical humor perfectly.Loved your suggestion of Downey following McVeigh's act in Terre Haute. :)-- Nanaea
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Of course, if annoying and useless WERE a capital crime, Regis Philbin, Sean Combs, and Sarah Duchess of Jerk would be right in there with him. As for me, I'd be finding a good lawyer, just in case.
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I think I've seen Suzanne Somers promoting her Asmaster exercise equipment on teevee! Whoa, and here I never would have thought of Suzanne Somers as being any kind of star.-- Nanaea
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An irritating bit of trivia is that I used to work in the factory where we made that blue tubular foam that covered the thigh-contact part of the Thighmaster. We made shitpots of money on it for about a year, then back to making the same ol' pipe insulation...
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