[Opinions] Delilah, Dahlia and Zinnia
What do you think of each of these names. If you had to pick one to use in real life, which would it be?http://www.behindthename.com/pnl/87410
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DelilahI love the name aside from its meaning and its associated biblical tale. I think it both looks and sounds beautiful, has an original element not often seen in names today. It's lack of high popularity also helps.

This message was edited 6/30/2018, 3:30 PM

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Zinnia. Delilah and Dahlia sound used and worn out. Zinnia is fresh and bright.
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I love Dahlia and I’d use it in a heartbeat. I love the flower. It’s beautiful, and the nickname Dolly is adorable for when she’s little.Zinnia feels like a zippy flapper name, and I like it a lot, too. Its flower is also super pretty.Delilah is awful, imo. The biblical character’s story and the Tom Jones song are waaaay more than enough to ruin any pretty sound it might have.
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Ok, Zinnia is without a doubt my fave and a name we considered when pregnant with our DD. I think it's a lovely name, it's fresh and zingy. Dahlia is ok, though more frumpy sounding. Also more serious than Zinnia. Delilah on the other hand, I would never use. I think it sounds nice, but the Biblical connotation is beyond off putting.
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DahliaDahlia was one of the final name choices for my baby had he been a girl. I see it as simple but stylish. I'd still use it.Delilah has a cheap sound to me and I have no idea why.Zinnia is zippy and fun. It was my number one name for a long time but it has lost some appeal.
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ZinniaI've never liked Delilah; the biblical story is offputting and I don't fancy the sound. And the UK pronunciation of dahlia is day-lia - which is all wrong and bugs me :)
I doubt I'd actually use Zinnia, because I prefer more common names, but it's fun and would be refreshing to see.
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Delilah. It’s been growing on me lately.
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here, have a doppel for my doppelpost

This message was edited 6/29/2018, 1:58 PM

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DahliaDahlia, because I just love the flower! I know I always say I love certain flower names because of the flower, but it's true! The Black Dahlia murder doesn't bother me in the slightest.

This message was edited 6/29/2018, 3:32 PM

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Zinnia. I like Zinnia. I don't like that it's from surname Zinn + ia, but I learned about that long after I knew what zinnias were, so it's not very important. I like Zinnia anyway. It just sounds neat, and the flower doesn't have any heavy associations.
Delilah isn't for me, because it is associated with a bible story and looks/sounds bibley to me (just nms), and I get a "naughty woman" vibe from it. I don't consider that when I meet a Delilah - I think Delilah is okay as a name. But I do think of those things, when I'm considering what names I personally like.
Dahlia alludes to Mexico in my mind, and I'm not Mexican. I like it, I think it's a cool name, just not one I'd use.
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Delilah• Delilah - 10
I think Delilah’s the softest and prettiest name out of the bunch. It’s old, has a fair amount of history attached to it, and still works perfectly today.• Dahlia - 7
Dahlia is still pretty, but sounds more dated than Delilah imo, possibly because of the nickname Dolly. It’s always given off a kind of gothic vibe for me because it reminds me of the black dahlia murder.• Zinnia - 4
My least favorite of the bunch. It sounds ultra modern to me, which is nms. It also feels very young to me, and I have a hard time picturing an adult with the name. Still pretty nontheless, I think it’d be cute for a pet.
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I'd pick Delilah. I don't care much for the sound of Dahlia and Zinnia strikes me as comical.
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ZinniaBetween this and your Declan thread, I'm starting to think maybe I don't like D names all that much, haha. There are some I like (more than B names), but over all, apparently not my thing!I guess if I had to pick one of the D names, it'd be Dahlia; I could add it to the list of flower names I like. The Dahlia flower is prettier than a Zinnia, imo.
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DelilahI have a cousin Dahlia, so I’d feel weird using it irl, and Zinnia I don’t really like the sound of. Delilah has a certain sweet feistiness that I like, so she’d be my choice.
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DahliaThe Z--ee sound in Zinnia bugs me a little. Delilah sounds too delicate to me, and I don't like the bible story associated with it. So, Dahlia. It's a pretty flower that I actually have a family association with. I like the look of it, and the sound's not bad. I like that it's similar to http://www.behindthename.com/name/dalia-2, http://www.behindthename.com/name/dalia-3, and http://www.behindthename.com/name/dali/submitted.
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