[Opinions] Billie
What do you think of Billie for a girl? It seems to have a major comeback in some countries. Do you think it will become very popular? I can also see it getting common for boys again, as a nickname for William, as I guess people will want something different from Will which was the most common nickname in the 80s, 90s etc. from my personal feeling.
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I enjoy Billie for a girl - or for either gender really.
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Billy/Billie is even more dated than Will.Billie on a girl seems to be getting more usage lately, so I can see it rising.

This message was edited 7/5/2018, 12:37 PM

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I don't like it much, for girls or boys. I associate it with the phrase 'silly billy' and I've never really liked the songs of Billie Holiday - too much gloom. Although if I was forced to name a daughter after a William, I'd absolutely pick Billie over Wilhelmina.Billy for a boy was top 100 here in the 90s (dropping now) so there must be quite a few twentysomething Billys around now. I wonder how many of them switched to Bill.

This message was edited 7/4/2018, 2:15 PM

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i love it! as a nickname, at least. for any of:Abigail
Biljana / Bilyana
Annabel (since it's a very girly name and some may not like having that)
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I love it. I prefer it as a nickname as it seems very casual to me. I don't think it will be VERY popular in the US, but I think it will catch on a little.I don't see Billy coming in for boys for another decade or so, because I don't think Bill is ready for a comeback and it follows when Billy grows up.
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I like it, but as a nickname for Vilma or Wilhelmina (for girls, William or Wilhelm for boys). I really like simple, androgynous nicknames and Billie definitely fits the bill. Kinda hope it comes back in a big way!
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I love it. Especially wonderful as a nn for Wilhelmina.
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I really like Billie for a girl. Like many nicknamey boys names on girls, it comes across as cool and fresh to me. Plus I first heard it on Billie Piper, and funnily enough it reminds me of a Doctor Who companion too, so I like the associations. Depending on the country, I can see it becoming quite popular. Where I live in the UK nn names are generally well received and on trend, so I can see Billie fitting in well (already in the top 400). I can’t imagine the same thing happening in the US.
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