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[Games] Re: ERB's KUY Congrats - Round 9 of 10
DH (75): Malcolm William Hargrove
DW (75): Amelia Alathea [Kingscote] HargroveDS (53): Harry Lucas Hargrove
-xDgf (53): Katharine Eartha Rockoff
-DS (35): Corbin Leonardo Rockoff
---xDW (35): Tullia Marcela Cho
---DD (9): Flora Penelope Rockoff
---DD (6): Carissa Iris Rockoff
---DW (31): Pelagia Grozdana [Velichkov] Rockoff
---DS (3): Dmytro Kęstutis Rockoff
---DS (nb): Pranciškus Tural Rockoff
-DW (51): Kathleen Poppy [Ravenel] Hargrove
-DS (31): Christopher Zachary Hargrove
---DW (33): Magnolia Frances [Cornell] Hargrove
---DD/DS (8): Poppy Elvira Hargrove / Oscar Linus Hargrove
---DD (6): Matilda Beatrice Hargrove
---DD (5): Kristin Alathea Hargrove
---DD (1): Halyna Jasmina Hargrove
-DD (30): Sara Wilhelmina [Hargrove] Harrison
---DH (32): Lance Michael Harrison
---DD (nb): Zorana Jelena Harrison
-DD (25): Lillie Marielle Hargrove
---Dbf (27): Marlen Sarkis Grigorov
-DS (24): Milo Stellan Hargrove
---Dbf (23): Jason Rupert Sparks
-DD (21): Daisy Matilda Hargrove
-DS (18): Raffael Artur Hargrove
-DD (15): Ramlah Aliyah Hargrove
-DD (11): Junia Augusta HargroveDS (40): Landon Errol Hargrove
-xDgf (40): June Delilah Newcombe
-DS (20): Dexter Hugo Hargrove
-xDfiancee (39): Elisabeth Adriana Heinz
-Dgf (41): Firuza Vlasta Pavlovsky
-StepD (16): Aurora Orli Pavlovsky
-StepD (13): Aliyah Bianca PavlovskyDS (38): Kirk Monroe Hargrove
-DW (37): Cecilia Camila [Eichel] Hargrove
-DD (16): Hiltrude Felicitas Hargrove
-DS (15): Manlio Jabir Hargrove
-DD (12): Decima Faustina Hargrove
-DD (8): Corin Evangeline Hargrove
-DD (5): Dragana Ieva Hargrove
-DD (1): Dalia Krešimira HargroveDS (34): Scott Peyton Hargrove
-xDfiancee (32): Laelia Aurelia Vyse
-DS (10): Remus Cornelius Hargrove
-DW (29): Margot Felicity [Brownstein] Hargrove
-DD (10): Katherine Helene Hargrove
-DD (7): Gemma Claudette Hargrove
-DS (5): Conor Scott Hargrove
-DD (2): Lidija Jūlija Hargrove
-DD (nb): Marfa Grozda Hargrove
Malcolm and Amy Hargrove
Harry, Landon, Kirk, and Scott~Harry Hargrove formerly dated Kate Rockoff
CorbinHarry Hargrove and Kathy Ravenel
Chris, Sara, Lillie, Milo, Daisy, Raff, Ramlah, and JuniaLandon Hargrove formerly dated June Newcombe
DexterLandon Hargrove was formerly engaged to Beth HeinzLandon Hargrove and Firuza Pavlovsky
(Aurora) and (Aliyah)Kirk Hargrove and Cici Eichel
Hillie, Manlio, Deci, Corin, Dragana, and DaliaScott Hargrove was formerly engaged to Laelia Vyse
RemusScott and Margot Hargrove
Kate, Gemma, Conor, Lidija, and Marfa~Corbin Rockoff was previously married to Tullia Cho
Flora and CarissaCorbin and Pelagia Rockoff
Dmytro and PranChris and Maggie Hargrove
Poppy, Oscar, Tillie, Kristin, and HalynaSara and Lance Harrison
ZoranaLillie Hargrove and Marlen GrigorovMilo Hargrove and Jason Sparks
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ERB's KUY Congrats - Round 9 of 10  ·  erb816  ·  7/5/2018, 3:08 PM
Re: ERB's KUY Congrats - Round 9 of 10  ·  saphirdufeu  ·  7/6/2018, 7:07 AM
Re: ERB's KUY Congrats - Round 9 of 10  ·  NobodyOfConsequence  ·  7/6/2018, 5:55 AM
Re: ERB's KUY Congrats - Round 9 of 10  ·  Jessamine  ·  7/6/2018, 5:20 AM
Re: ERB's KUY Congrats - Round 9 of 10  ·  szarakowo  ·  7/6/2018, 1:57 AM
Re: ERB's KUY Congrats - Round 9 of 10  ·  Eris  ·  7/5/2018, 11:37 PM
Re: ERB's KUY Congrats - Round 9 of 10  ·  miakendall1075  ·  7/5/2018, 8:45 PM
Re: ERB's KUY Congrats - Round 9 of 10  ·  samarinezz  ·  7/5/2018, 8:04 PM
Re: ERB's KUY Congrats - Round 9 of 10  ·  faelsean  ·  7/5/2018, 7:55 PM
Re: ERB's KUY Congrats - Round 9 of 10  ·  Bella  ·  7/5/2018, 5:37 PM
Re: ERB's KUY Congrats - Round 9 of 10  ·  Julia  ·  7/5/2018, 4:34 PM
Mine  ·  erb816  ·  7/5/2018, 4:08 PM
Re: ERB's KUY Congrats - Round 9 of 10  ·  Serel Channah  ·  7/5/2018, 3:37 PM