Welcome to Rainbow House Adoption Center! We place children from around the world with loving families. If you would like to adopt, please fill out the following form and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.
Your Name:
Your Spouses Name:
Children You Have (and Ages):
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6):
Preferred Genders:
Preferred Ages:
Preferred Countries:
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?:
Adopt Twins?:
Adopt Triplets or more?:
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?:
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?:

Your Spouses Name: -
Children You Have (and Ages): -
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 1 or 2
Preferred Genders: girls
Preferred Ages: 0-4
Preferred Countries: China or other country in Asia, or South- America
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: no
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: yes
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: no
Your Name: Samantha
Your Spouses Name: -
Children You Have (and Ages): -
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 6
Preferred Genders: more girls than boys
Preferred Ages: 0-5
Preferred Countries: any
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: yes
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: yes
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: mild though
Your Spouses Name: Andrew Michael Trabunskiya
Children You Have (and Ages): Scarlett Chloe (3 1/2), Cinderella Rose (1)
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 6
Preferred Genders: 3 of each
Preferred Ages: 0-6
Preferred Countries: USA or Europe (even though that's a continent) preferably
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: Yes
Adopt Twins?: Yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: Yes
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: Yes
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: No, sorry!
Congratulations Carli and Andrew!
We are proud to inform you that we have found six children that would love to be part of your family!
Freda Maytal (6 years old) from Israel is jewish and her parents have put her up to adoption as they hope for a better life outside of Israel. They hope that Freda will learn about her religion and be able to practice it if she wishes to. Freda is a very intelligent girl that can already read and write a lot better than other children her age. She is also very good at maths and is looking forward to learning a different language. Freda is very outgoing but can also be found sitting under a tree reading. Her favourite book right now is the Jungle Book. She has already read it and is reading it again.
Hopefully her new family will encourage her will to learn.
Morna Edna and Carroll Braeden (5 years old) from Ireland where put up for adoption because Morna has stunted leg and has to sit in a wheelchair and their parents can't look after her. They didn't want to seperate her from her brother and decided to give them both away. Morna is very daring and tries to join in in everything. She even hopes around on one leg to get what she wants! Carroll is a lot calmer. He tries to tell Morna what to do, but she seldom listens to him. He likes to draw - something they both share, and his favourite motif is Morna. They can't wait to meet their new family and maybe even siblings.
Vincent Johnathan (3 years old) from America was found outside a hospital when he was approx.
Your Spouses Name: Logan Raymond
Children You Have (and Ages): none
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): up to 5
Preferred Genders: more girls than boys
Preferred Ages: 0-10
Preferred Countries: Australia, US, UK
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: no
Adopt Twins?: no
Adopt Triplets or more?: no
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: no
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: no
Congratulations Skye and Logan!
We are proud to inform you that we have found four children that would love to be part of your family!
Isiah Wilson (8 years old) from America was taken away from his parents because they couldn't look after him. His mother was paralyzed from the hips downwards and his father was scarcly at home. Isiah can't wait for a family that can look after him and do what he likes to do best: go swimming. He only learnt how to recently in the childrens home, as it was impossible to go with his mother. He hopes he can still see his mum as he loves her dearly.
Kalla Maura (7 years old) is a little girl from England that has gone through many familys but unfortunatly she was always dissapointed and send away again (e.g. pregnancy, move, death of family member). She is fed up now and wants a family she can stay and not be send away again. She knows what she wants and is very inventive when it comes to getting it. She likes to bake cake, although "the best part is licking the bowl". She is very undemanding and just needs to be loved.
Sammi Rosamond (5 years old) is a tomboy from America. She loves to climb trees, build things outside and run around. She is definantly a "sunday's child" and hasn't a care in the world. She can't wait to meet her new family, who, she hopes, have a big garden for her to play in and loads of other children.
Lyssa Monica (5 years old) from Australia was given up by her mother who was raped and couldn't cope with Lyssa being that man's child. Lyssa grew up in a childrens home and is ready for adoption now. Her favourite game is making homes and has a doll she won't leave anywhere. Sally, as she is called, is her "baby" who she needs to look after. But what Lyssa really needs, is someone to look after her.
This message was edited 4/15/2006, 5:04 PM
Your Spouses Name: Ryan Blackwell
Children You Have (and Ages): James Gabriel (11), Masha Sarah (3)
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 3
Preferred Genders: none
Preferred Ages: newborn to 9
Preferred Countries: none
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: yes
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: yes
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: yes
Congratulations Clementine and Ryan!
We are proud to inform you that we have found six children that would love to be part of your family!
Dwayne Anson (8 years old) was given up for adoption when he was 2 because his parents couldn't cope. He is a lovely boy how is very talented - he sings! He is in a choire and he only wants to be in a family where he can still take part in this. Dwayne knows, why his mum and dad gave him up and hopes that somewhere out there, there is a family that "can cope with me". He is very sociable and well-mannered and would like to have a family that likes music as much as he does.
Joséphine Lunete and Cornélie Ninette (5 years old) from France both suffer from the Usher-Syndrom. They have both been deaf from birth onward and at the age of 3 their eyesight started to deterioate. Cornelie's blindness is nearly complete, whilst Josephine can still see partly. Their parents have 2 more children and couldn't cope with the strain and decided to give them away. They hope to find a loving family. Josephine and Cornelie are both learning tactile sign language and quite good at it. They recently started on braille aswell. Both girls are full of life and can't wait to move in with a family that can cope with their disabilities. They have so much to give!
We hope that you get along well with them, we would love to hear how it went.
Rainbow House

Your Spouses Name: Pierre Jacques
Children You Have (and Ages): Aubrey Maximilian Stewart (6) & Caspian Remus Edward (4)
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 6
Preferred Genders: Boys
Preferred Ages: Any
Preferred Countries: Russia, Romania, Scotland
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: yes
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: no
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: no
~~* BEX *~~
Surfing is my religion!

Congratulations Rebecca and Pierre!
We are proud to inform you that we have found six children that would love to be part of your family!
Munro Carson (11 years old) and Ronald Murray (2 years old) from Scotland grew up with their uncle as their mother worked the streets. He is now marrying and doesn't want to keep the boys. Their fathers are unknown. Munro is very sporty, he loves to play rugby and soccer. He goes to rugby training once a week and wants to start with soccer aswell if possible. Ronald is very into Thomas the tank engine and wants to be a train driver. Munro is sad and angry about leaving their uncle but Ronald is to young to understand.
Emil Aurel, Grigore Dorin and Ioan Eugen (10 years old) are triplets from Romania how grew up in an orphanage. They have had trouble finding a family because they want to stay together, but they are very sweet boys. Emil is the oldest and strongest and looks after his brothers with watchful eyes. Grigore is the clown and loves to play pranks and have fun. He met a magician a while ago and is now into card tricks and making things disapear. Ioan is the smallest by far and has a little trouble with this but he is healthy and loves tagging along with his brothers. Emil and Grigore lovingly call him "baby" sometimes, but he doesn't seem to mind. They would love a family that can keep up with them and do a lot of things.
Your Name: Summer Eliza James
Your Spouses Name: Will Theodore James
Children You Have (and Ages): Monica Rosalind (7), Juliet Lark (2)
# of Children You Wish To Adopt: 2
Preferred Genders: One girl, one boy
Preferred Ages: 0-1 positively ideally, but we'd be happy to take any up to age 8, reallly.
Preferred Countries: U.S.A, Canada, Russia, France
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: Yes.
Adopt Twins?: Yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: No.
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: No.
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: No.
Congratulations Summer and Will!
We are proud to inform you that we have found two children that would love to be part of your family!
Ashlyn Jordana (6 years old) has lived with her father for the past 5 years. It is not know where her mother is. Her father died of cancer 5 months ago and since then Ashlyn has been waiting for a family to adopt her. She has always wished for siblings, especially sisters. She loves to go camping and her favourite animals are hedgehoges. She is very sad about the loss of her father, but will surely brighten up if she is in a happy family.
Waldo Gabriel (1 year old) was given up for adoption right after birth. He suffered from pneumonia and is finally healthy enough to be put into a new family. He loves cuddly toys and is learning to talk right now. He likes to dance along to music aswell.
We hope that you get along well with them, we would love to hear how it went.
Rainbow House

The kids get along great. Monica, being the little wild child that she is, accepted Ashlyn right away, they love running around the yard and swimming! They are a perfect sister match, they both are very ambitious and joyful. They also went haywire when they found out that their birthdays are on the same day- July 3. They recently had an early birthday party for themselves, acting like little princesses.
Ashlyn couldn't be happier here, as far as we can tell. She jabbers on to me about everything happening, and warmed my heart the other day telling me that she loves me and 'Daddy', and that she likes calling someone Mama and Daddy, for that matter. She is just a TINY bit less wild than Monica, and loves playing the role of big sis! When she's not running around with Monica, she's teaching Adelaide, dancing with Adelaide, chasing Waldo, or coloring with Waldo.
Waldo is just as wonderfull. When we first brought him home, he was a bit overwhelmed, and cried a fair bit. We finally got him to come around by showing him his new room- we made the room fairly simple, just blue walls, hardwood floors, a crib, etctera, but we added at least ten stuffed puppies, bears, and kitties, and then all he could do was smile. He's still a little shy dude, and likes me or Will to hold him most of the time, which is fine with us, he's such a sweetie. Adelaide is also very curious about him, they like to play together, Adelaide is easily just as shy, so they love to play their little games together.
Thanks Forever,
Summer, Will, Monica, Ashlyn, Adelaide, and Waldo.
Your Spouses Name: Luke Michael
Children You Have (and Ages): Anasztazia Henriette (9) and Lyra Mhairi (5).
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): Four.
Preferred Genders: Doesn't matter.
Preferred Ages: 1-7.
Preferred Countries: Hungary, Sweden, France, India.
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: Yes.
Adopt Twins?: Yes.
Adopt Triplets or more?: Sure.
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: Yes.
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: Yes.
Congratulations Laura and Luke!
We are proud to inform you that we have found four children that would love to be part of your family!
Pia Cecilia and Kai Valentin (7 years old) and Jan Orvar (5 years old) are siblings from Sweden how where orphaned by a ship accident. Pia and Jan are healthy, but still traumatized but Kai unfortunatly swolled to much water and has suffered brain damage. He is slowly learnng to speak again but will never get further than a seven year old. Pia, who was very close to Kai before looks after him lovingly but also very traumatized. Jan has developed a fear of water and has started wetting himself again and having nightmares. All three need a loving family and support so they can overcome their bad experience and lead a happy life.
Kishori Malati (1 year old) is a girl from India who was given up by her unmarried mother to be adopted. Kishori is a very happy and easy child that can already walk and loves to laugh. She makes everyone around her smile.
We hope that you get along well with them, we would love to hear how it went.
Rainbow House

Your Name: Elise Lilana
Your Spouses Name: Simon Carter "Carter"
Children You Have (and Ages): Felicity Simone;2,Gregorio Orfeo;2, Isidoro Orso;2,Fernandino Ottavio;2, Daria Valeria;4, Alisha May Rochelle;5,Byron Andrew;6
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 6
Preferred Genders: Girls
Preferred Ages: Between 4 and 8
Preferred Countries: Italy, England, America
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: Yes
Adopt Twins?: Yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: Yes
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: No
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: No
Congratulations Elise and Carter!
We are proud to inform you that we have found six children that would love to be part of your family!
Magnolia Garnet (7 years old) from England was brought up by her grandfather who passed away a year ago. She is a very quiet girl who will sit in a corner reading for hours. She likes to cook and play the piano.
Raffaella Mariella (7 years old) from Italy was brought up by her elderly aunt. She can now no longer care for Raffaella and has put her up for adoption. Raffaella is very tomboyish and her favourite pastime is soccer. She makes friends easily and her best friends are mostly boys.
Teofila Lina, Fiammetta Bice and Bibiana Mimi (6 years old) from Italy grew up in a large family that perished in a fire 6 months ago. Fortunatly they where rescued, unfortuanatly all relatives died. They are now looking for a big happy family that will make them forget the accident. Teofila loves to do handicrafts, Fiametta is a very good tennis player and Bibiana likes to write storys.
Ireland Caroline (4 years old) from America has been brought up by different foster families. She is now looking for a permanent home.
Ireland is a very lively girl who loves to dance.
We hope that you get along well with them, we would love to hear how it went.
Rainbow House

Your Spouses Name: Finn Patrick
Children You Have (and Ages): 0
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 6
Preferred Genders: any
Preferred Ages: 0-10
Preferred Countries: Ireland, North America and Australia
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: yes
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: no
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: no
Congratulations Sarah and Finn!
We are proud to inform you that we have found six children that would love to be part of your family!
Nigelia Serena and Jamie Gale (10 years old) from America have been in and out of homes since birth. Nigelia is definantly the boss and tells Jamie what to do. She loves any sport and outdoor activity. Jamie is a very good soprano and loves to sing. She is also into acting. They want a "real" family at last, in which they can stay.
Meaghan Rose (8 years old), Gracie Belinda (7 years old), Damon Geoff (5 years old) and Victor Brant (2 months old) from Australia have recently lost their parents in a plane crash. They are still very shaken but try to cope with life without parents. They want a family as soon as posible where they can get back to normal. Meaghan is very outbursting and shows her feelings, whether they are positiv or not. Gracie loves singing and dancing and wants to be a "popstar" when she grows up. Damon is very into building things with lego or bricks and can spend hours playing for himself. Victor is only 2 months old, but he is a happy little chap. They should be able to talk about their parents as much as possible.
We hope that you get along well with them, we would love to hear how it went.
Rainbow House

DH: Finn Patrick
DW: Sarah Katherine
DD/DD: Nigelia Serena / Jamie Gale
DD: Meaghan Rose
DD: Gracie Belinda
DS: Damon Geoff
DS: Victor Brant
Your Spouses Name: Sebastian Caleb Cassidy
Children You Have (and Ages): Keira Rebecca (10), Rhea Abigail (7)
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 3
Preferred Genders: two girls, one boy
Preferred Ages: 3-14
Preferred Countries: China, India, Japan
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: no
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: no
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: no
Congratulations Laura and Sebastian!
We are proud to inform you that we have found three children that would love to be part of your family!
Tsukiko Hoshi and Juro Isamu (12 years old) from Japan are looking forward to moving abroard. They grew up in an orphanage as their parents couldn't afford two children and didn't want to seperate them either. They have been studying english a lot so they can talk nearly fluently. Juro is very into video games and Tsukiko loves martial arts, e.g. aikido.
Tsukiko would love to have sisters.
Suraj Devdan (4 years old) from India was orphaned a year ago and now is ready for adoption. He is a real sweetheart but knows how to get what he wants. He loves drawing and is surprisingly good for a four year old. Suraj wants a big brother to look after him.
We hope that you get along well with them, we would love to hear how it went.
Rainbow House

This message was edited 4/14/2006, 2:16 PM
Your Spouses Name: Paul Olivier
Children You Have (and Ages): Rebecca Tamzin 5 and Imogen Talia 2
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 4
Preferred Genders: 2 boys and 2 girls
Preferred Ages: 16, 13, 8, 5 (but anything would be great)
Preferred Countries: Scotland, America, Ireland
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: yes
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: yes
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: yes
Congratulations Bethany and Paul!
We are proud to inform you that we have found four children that would love to be part of your family!
Devin Stiofán (16 years old) comes from Ireland. He has down syndrom and needs a lot of care. His parents couldn't cope with him and he grew up in a special needs childrens home. He is now one of the oldest and they are looking for a home for him where he can live and who know who to deal with down syndrom. He is good at reading and writing but he loves to knit best. He has been working in a workshop and tried out different things and it would definantly be good if there was one he could go to.
Sophie Flora (13 years old) and Annie Marian (8 years old) are sisters from England. Their single mother has taken a job in Cambodia and doesn't want to take the girls. This is very hard for the girls and especially Sophie isn't taking it well. She feels she has to be the "big one" and look after Annie, but Annie seems to be doing better. Sophie is very shy and introverted but if she finds someone she trusts, she will lighten up everyone around her. Annie is a little tomboy, maybe to overplay her real feelings. She doesn't want to be "mothered", but taken seriously. They are both getting counseling and especially need a woman they can look up to and trust.
Russel Howard (5 years old) is from London. He was found by social services when he was 3 years old in a deserted flat. They don't know much about him, as he doesn't talk about that time. He is doing fine now and is ready for a family. He still wakes up at night sometimes and has nightmares. He should definantly see a psychologist. He likes to play with other children.
We hope that you get along well with them, we would love to hear how it went.
Rainbow House

This message was edited 4/14/2006, 2:01 PM
Hi Rainbow House! We're all doing great here and would like to take a moment to thank you for everything you have done for us and tell you about how the kids are doing!
Devin is is such a sweetie. Our neighbours, who we are very close to, have a 15 year old girl with downs so we're pretty expierienced with dealing with downs. He really is a friendly and trusting boy, he's lovely! When he told us about his knitting we decided to set aside a special little place for him to knit. Its in a bay window looking over the river, with a rocking chair and there are shelves and shelves full of brightly coloured wool. I've never seen such a happy child! The look on his face when we showed him the area was priceless. He's right this very second knitting the cutest little jumper for Immy. She'll look so sweet! He's going to a group with Rachel (our neighbour with DS) and he's made a lot of friends. They go swimming, take pottery classes, do woodwork, play basketball, do dancing and once a week they go horse-riding at a special stables for disabled children.
Sophie is doing as well as can be expected. She's still very quiet and introverted but she's beginning to open up to me. We gave her the attic (don't worry its fully converted!) to sleep in and it has a little living area and ensuite bathroom. We want her to know that we're not pressuring her into becoming best friends and giving her some freedom. Its important that she comes to us and recently she has been. Instead of spending her days sitting on her windowseat looking at the view she now comes down and helps around the house. She's taking quite a shine to little Immy and likes to look after her.
Annie is doing super! She loves being a big sister to Rebecca and Imogen. Rebecca loves having a big sister just as much!
Your Name: Svetlana Irina "Vanya"
Your Spouses Name: Sergei Luka "Luka"
Children You Have (and Ages): Alexei Mikhail (10), Miroslav Dmitri "Mir" (adopted, 9), Roman Vassily (8), Anna Katerina (6), Katya Irina "Kitty" (4), and Evgeni Nikolai (2)
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 2-4
Preferred Genders: either
Preferred Ages: 7 and under
Preferred Countries: Russia, Ukraine, or Romania
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: yes
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: yes
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: yes
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
Congratulations Vanya and Luka!
We are proud to inform you that we have found two children that would love to be part of your family!
Motya Anastasiya (7 years old) and Yuri Shura (5 years old), two healthy siblings from Russia. They have been living in an orphanage from as long as they can remember and are waiting for a family to adopt them.
Motya is a quirky little girl that loves to dance and play with other children. She makes friends very easily and her favourite game is pass the parcel. She is really looking forward to a new family with hopefully many children.
Yuri is five and very big for his age. He was born death on one ear and without his thumbs, but this doesn't stop him. He has learned to hold cutlery or pens with his other fingers and when playing hockey, his favourite sport, he doesn't miss his hearing ability too much.
He hopes that he will have at least one older brother, as Motya always wants to play dressing up and he is fed up of it.
We hope that you get along well with them, we would love to hear how it went.
Rainbow House

We are happy to update you on the children we adopted. They arrived a little over seven months ago. Our children liked them right away. It helped that Mir was already adopted, so he felt connected to Motya and Yuri. As with Mir, we decided to give Motya a nickname. She chose Tia. Since Luka and I are of Russian heritage, all of our children speak Russian. It made the transition much easier. Tia and Yuri are still learning English, but they make progress every day. When Luka was younger, he played professional hockey. Now he is retired and works as a talent scout. Our boys have grown up playing hockey though and they were all too happy to let Yuri join in the fun.
Alexei, Mir, and Roman haven't changed all that much. They are the same 'Three Musketeers' that they've always been. Of course, they play with Tia and Yuri, but not as much as their younger siblings.
Motya has loved having two younger sisters to play with. At first, Anna was a little perturbed about Tia being older than her, but she soon warmed up to the idea. Kitty adores Tia and plays with her all the time. Tia and Anna are taking dance lessons now and we hope to start Kitty on them next year.
Yuri is adjusting well. He and Evgeni really hit it off. Yuri likes to play with him and make funny faces at him. Yuri plays with the older boys some too. They mostly play hockey, but they also play in the boys' fort and ride the horses on our property. We are considering getting some tests done to see if Yuri is eligible for a hearing aid or a cocheral implant (?). However, he never complains about not being able to hear and it doesn't seem to bother him at all.
This message was edited 4/14/2006, 2:00 PM
Your Spouses Name: Nathaniel Brook
Children You Have (and Ages): n/a
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 3 to 5
Preferred Genders: At least one boy and girl
Preferred Ages: no younger than four, no older than ten
Preferred Countries: Russia, Ireland
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: no
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: no
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: yes

Congratulations Polina and Nathaniel!
We are proud to inform you that we have found three children that would love to be part of your family!
Yuliya Irina (7 years old), Nazar Svyatoslav (6 years old) and Yakim Spiridon (5 years old) are from Russia. All three of them have a trauma as they saw their parents being killed by robbers. They were taken into care but nobody has picked them up yet. They need counsellation for at least another 2 years, but hopefully they will get over it soon in a loving family. Yakim started to soil himslef again after this incident and Nazar stutters. Yuliya has become very shy, but they will surly brighten up in a different environment!
We hope that you get along well with them, we would love to hear how it went.
Rainbow House

This message was edited 4/14/2006, 10:03 AM
Your Spouses Name: Oliver Samuel Graham
Children You Have (and Ages):
Gretchen Macy, 4
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 5
Preferred Genders: doesn't matter
Preferred Ages: doesn't matter
Preferred Countries: South America
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: yes
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: no
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: only mild
Congratulations Leah and Oliver!
We are proud to inform you that we have found five children that would love to be part of your family!
Ezequiel Leocadio and Viviana Inés (10 years old), Marta Isidora and Teódulo Víctor (7 years old) and Rebeca Ester (4 years old) are five children from Brazil that were found in front of an orphange 4 years ago. Ezequiel likes to play the role of the father and looks after his brother and sisters. Viviana acts as the mother. Viviana could be such a happy child if she needn't worry about her siblings so much. Marta loves to swim and play with Teódulo. They are both into sports, Teódulo especially loves soccer. Rebeca follows Viviana all over the place, she is a bit behind with her speech, but that will probably go soon. Ezequiel would love to go to school and send his brothers and sisters there too. They can't wait for a family that will take all five of them and give them a new home.
We hope that you get along well with them, we would love to hear how it went.
Rainbow House

This message was edited 4/14/2006, 9:54 AM
Your Spouses Name: Mark Thomas
Children You Have (and Ages): Norah Carolina(2) and Alec Herschel(2)
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 2
Preferred Genders: girl and boy
Preferred Ages: 0-4
Preferred Countries: Ireland
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: if had to
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: no
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: no
Congratulations Sarah and Mark!
We are proud to inform you that we have found two children that would love to be part of your family!
Nolan Ceallagh (3 years old) and Róis Brogan (1 year old) are siblings from Ireland. Their parents have great financial problems and can't look after them anymore. Nolan is a typical 3 year old, he loves to play soccer, watch Bob the Builder and play with his toys. Róis has just started to walk and is a very happy child. She loves to take Nolan's things and hide them. Nolan and Róis get along very well. Nolan doesn't understand what being adopted means, but he seems to look forward to it.
We hope that you get along well with them, we would love to hear how it went.
Rainbow House

Your Name: Katrina "Kit" Niamh
Your Spouses Name: Ronald "Ron" Samuel
Children You Have (and Ages): 0
# of Children You Wish To Adopt: 3
Preferred Genders: two boys, one girl
Preferred Ages: all below ten
Preferred Countries: anywhere in Africa, China, Korea, Japan, Russia, Ireland, anywhere really!
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: yes
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: yes
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: yes

Who needs money when you've got a camera and this?
Photo taken by Kit
Congratulations Kit and Ron!
We are proud to inform you that we have found three children that would love to be part of your family!
Cáit Ryan (8 years old) is a bubbly girl from Ireland. She grew up in a family with four other children and loved it! She suffers of the "brittle bone" disorder and her parents can't look after her anymore. She needs to be nearer to a clinic (thy life very remotly) and so sadly have to "give her away". They and Cáit definantly want to keep contact though! This is one of the conditions. Cáit is very sad about this, but knows it is necessary. She hopes to have siblings in her new family, as there was always someone there in her family.
She loves to listen to music, sing and draw. Her favourite subject is music.
Griffith Madoc (3 years old) and Iwan Gwynn (2 years old) are two boys from Wales. Their mother is a 17 year old drug addict and they have now been taken away from her, as she can't look after them. Griffith is hyperactive and needs to be given a task to do, or he will be bored very easily. Iwan still needs treatment as he became addicted to heroin during the pregnancy and now still hast to take surrogates.
It is becoming less though. He isn't as rough as his brother and loves to cuddle and have a story read to him.
We hope that you get along well with them, we would love to hear how it went.
Rainbow House

This message was edited 4/14/2006, 9:34 AM
Cáit's brittle bone disorder became so severe that the doctors decided that she needed to be in a wheelchair. She started to play the piano, despite the wheelchair, as well as the flute. We recently realized that she has a beautiful singing voice. We'll probably be enrolling her in a choir in the near future. She gets good grades at school and gets along great with her peers. She and her best friend Jacey get along wonderfully. Her family keeps in touch with her via letters, the phone, and face-to-face visits both ways. She is very happy and we love having her.
Griffith is definately very energetic! He loves to run around in our big yard and often helps his father with the yardwork. His neighborhood friends, Tyler and Peter, have a lot of fun with him. Peter's family has a trampoline, which keeps Griffith going and going. When he's old enough, we will most definately sign him up for sports!
Iwan has proven to be very intelligent. He loves to look at books and is a "momma's boy" -- we love him! He's making excellent progress in getting off of the heroin addiction, and the doctors say his childhood will be very minorly touched by it. We think that he will start reading very early (I, the mother, started when I was 2 and a half) and will be very successful in school too.
Thank you so much! We love our children and are indebted to you! :)
--Kit and Ron

Photo taken by Kit
Your Spouses Name: Alexander Mulberry
Children You Have (and Ages): Iris Rosamund (10), Pearl Matilda (10; twin to Iris), Arthur Loki (6), Mina Violet (3)
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 4
Preferred Genders: none
Preferred Ages: newborn to 5
Preferred Countries: Russia, China, Spain
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: no
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: yes
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: yes

Go meander in the cold
This message was edited 4/14/2006, 8:10 AM
Congratulations Hannah and Alexander!
We are proud to inform you that we have found four children that would love to be part of your family!
Yustina Zhenya (4 years old) and Pavel Feodor (1 year old) are brother and sister from Russia. Pavel is a healthy little boy although he spent the first months on the streets. Yustina has one leg considerably shorter than the other and may even have to undergo surgery. Yustina has suffered mentally and physical abuse by her stepfather and was thrown out when her halfbrother Pavel was born. She sniffed glue and when the streetworkers found her she was already half dead. She told them about her brother and they also fetched him. Yustina and Pavel have only gotten to know each other in the past months, but we would still like to put them in the same family.
Bonifacio Gustavo and Raymundo Nicolao (3 years old) are twins from Spain whose mother is only 16. She decided to give them up for adoption as she can't cope and hopes that they will lead a happy life. Bonifacio is the younger of the two and a bit bigger, but otherwise they are identical and healthy.
We hope that you get along well with them, we would love to hear how it went.
Rainbow House

Your Name: Elizabeth Anne Cavanaugh-Hoyt (Lyssa) - A police detective/Medical Examiner
Your Spouses Name: Garrett James Seeley - Plays Pro-Football for the New England Patriots
Children You Have (and Ages): Maxwell Victor (Max) and Emily Charlotte (Emma) - 4, Owen Matthew (Matty), 2
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 4
Preferred Genders: At least two girls and one boy
Preferred Ages: 2-7
Preferred Countries: Ireland, France, Poland, Russia, Italy, Australia, New Zealand (The family lives in Boston, Massachusetts. Lyssa already has 3 adopted siblings from Russia.)
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: Yes.
Adopt Twins?: Yes.
Adopt Triplets or more?: One set (cause 3 kids at most)
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: Not anything major (7 kids is enough for a Pro-Football player and a Detective/M.E. to deal with without major disabilities)
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: Yes.
Time to unload the gigantic lists of names running rampant in my head...
This message was edited 4/14/2006, 8:45 AM
Congratulations Lyssa and Garrett!
We are proud to inform you that we have found four children that would love to be part of your family!
Hollis Louise, Frances Nellie, Zachary Dale (7 years old) and Wanda Dawn (3 years old) are four siblings from England. They grew up in a small village in the south of England and have recently lost their parents to a car accident. It was long discussed what was to happen to the children, as Hollis and Frances were already at bording school and so was Zachary (at a different one). The children insisted on staying with their sister Wanda and wouldn't go back to bording school. A psychologist talked with every one of them in private and they decided, that they wanted to be adopted into a family with other children and best far away from England. They do have relatives, but they can't look after them full time. The children will want to stay in touch with them and visit their relatives though, this is their condition. Hollis, Frances and Zachary are very close to each other, none of them are identical. Zachary is very arty and loves to draw. Hollis is a passionate singer and hopes there will be a choir where they go to. Frances loves to tell story and makes them up around her and her siblings. Wanda is very bright for her age and really missed her siblings when they were away at bording school, so she hopes they will stay with her now. The psychologist said that the kids only coped so well because they have a very close bond and this should definantly stay! All four children are very self-confident and very happy. It is recommended that they have time for themselves and maybe see a counsellor every two weeks as a group.
This message was edited 4/14/2006, 9:07 AM
Matty has given each of the triplets a nickname that everyone else has started to use. He calls Hollis "Lissie", Frances "Frankie" and Zachary "Cary". Cary is closest to little Matty. He loves showing his new brother around the local park and teaching him to draw. Hollis is closest to Emma, who loves performing also. Hollis also adores her new uncles Kolya and Luka, (18 and 16 respectively) who are in a band and are predicted to make it big in the music world. Frankie, besides loving storytelling, has also become the tomboy. She plays with Max a lot, and loves going to Garrett's practices and games. Wanda is the closest to Emma. They are almost like twins.
Time to unload the gigantic lists of names running rampant in my head...
Time to unload the gigantic lists of names running rampant in my head...
This message was edited 4/14/2006, 8:54 AM
Your Spouses Name: Seth Christopher
Children You Have (and Ages): Aylie Jaidyn (2)
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 4
Preferred Genders: 2 girls, 2 boys
Preferred Ages: newborn-7
Preferred Countries: America, France, Australia, Africa
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: just triplets nothing more
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: no
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: yes
Congratulations Michal and Seth!
We are proud to inform you that we have found four children that would love to be part of your family!
Ettie Ronda (7 years old) and Daryl Kendall and Jemmy Marley (4 years old) are orphans from America that came to us 7 months ago. They had been given from family to family and nobody keeping them. Ettie is very defensive about what happend and won't talk about it. She will throw a tantrum if things don't go her way. She has often been left with the boys all on her own and was clearly overstrained by this. She is very loud and tries to get attention she needs by breaking things or doing things she shouldn't. She needs a family that will give her rules, but at the same time show her, that she is loved and will get attention, no matter what she does. Daryl and Jemmy are non-identical twins but will do what ever the other says. There is no leader as Ettie does this for them. They are definantly behind in their development, but with the right care they will probably catch up in a year or two.
Afua Thema (6 years old) is a girl from Ghana. Her parents died of aids but she luckily has not contracted it. She is a great athlete and wants to play in the olympic games, someday! She is bright and only sad sometimes about her parents death. She is looking forward to a live outside of Africa!
We hope that you get along well with them, we would love to hear how it went.
Rainbow House

This message was edited 4/14/2006, 9:09 AM
Your Spouses Name: Christopher Jacob "Chris
Children You Have (and Ages):
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 6
Preferred Genders: 4 girls, 2 boys
Preferred Ages: 3-9
Preferred Countries: Japan, Algeria, Cambodia
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes thought not more than 2 in it
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: no
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: Not All
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: Yes
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
This message was edited 4/14/2006, 7:39 AM
Congratulations Summer and Christopher!
We are proud to inform you that we have found six children that would love to be part of your family!
Yoshiro Takumi (8 years old) and his sister Hiroko Aya (5 years old) from Japan have been put up for adoption by their parents because they believe their children will have a better chance in life if they grow up somewhere else. Yoshiro has taken this very hard, he pretends to not care, but at night he often cries himself to sleep. Hiroko has stopped talking and won't leaver her brother one minute in fear of losing him to. She hardly eats or does what somebody says to her, except if her brother tells her to. They both carry a memory of their parents with them, a small ornament to bring them luck. Yoshiro has got into trouble with other children for stealing and hitting them, and we hope he finds a family that will show him that they won't leaf him, no matter what he does. He desperatly needs a firm and loving hand.
Ghadir Hiba and Lamya Hafza (7 years old) are twins from Algeria. Their parents were killed by extremist and they were put into a reception camp at first. Ghadir and Lamya are very shy and afraid of what will happen next. They had 4 brothers and sisters who didn't make it and would probably be more at ease if there are younger siblings they could look after. During their flight they suffered from malnutrition and as a result Lamya still has health problems because of her underweight. They have learnt a little to read and write at school, but in arabic and french. They will need a lot of help adjusting but will probably be an enrichment for every family!
This message was edited 4/14/2006, 9:09 AM
Your Spouses Name: William Gabriel McAllister
Children You Have (and Ages): James Gabriel (5), Derek Michael (5), Naomi Rose (5)
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 4
Preferred Genders: at least one DD and one DS.
Preferred Ages: no older then 5
Preferred Countries: France, America, or UK.
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: Yes, in fact that is preferable
Adopt Twins?: Yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: No
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: We would accept children w/ disabilities in order not to break up a sib set but other then that no.
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: We would accept children w/ disabilities in order not to break up a sib set but other then that no.

"Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live."
Mark Twain
Congratulations Michelle and William!
We are proud to inform you that we have found four children that would love to be part of your family!
They are Vivien Lucille (5 years old), Didier Marc (4 years old), Nadia Monique (3 years old) and Manon Victorine (1 year old) from France.
They are not "real" siblings but cousins that grew up with their grandmother. Vivien and Nadia are halfsisters, Manon is Didier's halfsister but all hardly knew their mother.
Social service noticed the bad conditions the children where living in, as their grandmother is already in her 80s and couldn' look after them anymore. Manon seems to be a bit behind in her development, but we hope that with the right care, she will soon catch up. Nadia has a very bad speech, but maybe coming into a new country and different language will let her lose it. Vivien and Didier are very mature and Vivien can already read! Didier loves to draw and sing, and it would be great for all the children if you had a lot of outdoor for them to play, as they come from a small village in the countryside.
We hope that you get along well with them, we would love to hear how it went.
Rainbow House

This message was edited 4/14/2006, 9:08 AM
DW: Michelle Naomi
DH: William Gabriel
DS/DS/DD: James Gabriel / Derek Michael / Naomi Rose (5)
AD: Vivien Lucille (5)
AS: Didier Marc "Marc" (4)
AD: Nadia Monique "Dia" (3)
AD: Manon Vicorine "Marie" (1)
William and I are so happy, Vivien, Marc, Dia and Marie are little angels. As I can speak French (so can my husband as he spent two years there due to his job, that was when we met) it made the transition for them easier. All four only grow up speaking French as that was all their grandmother would speak.
Though James, Derek and Naomi never learned French they learned quite a bit of it after Vivien, Marc, Dia and Marie came. I was shocked at how mature Vivien was, but apperently she had to look out for her siblings most of the time, or they wouldn't have even had anythign to eat. My first mission was to make sure Vivien knew she didn't have to be so mature. She was just a kid but she didn't laugh or play like most kids did. Naomi was extremely helpful in that regard, she was so used to only having boys around that Vivien didn't have a chance. As soon as Naomi say a way to have a tea party and dress up games without only using stuffed animals she turned her huge stubborn streak (Inherited from her father I'm sure ^_^) to getting Vivien to play with her.
Your Spouses Name: Mark Beranek
Children You Have (and Ages): Nathan Michael,12, Alexandra Mia"Alex", 11, Matthew Tanner, 6
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 3
Preferred Genders: either
Preferred Ages: under 6
Preferred Countries: italy, america, australia, new zeland
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: no
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: yes
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: no
Congratulations Michelle and Mark!
We are proud to inform you that we have found three children that would love to be part of your family!
Seamour Xaviar (1 year old) is a very small boy from Australia. He suffers from valvular heart disease and has spent a lot of time in hospital. His parents realised they couldn't cope for him aswell as their 3 older children and had to put him up for adoption. He will only be put into a family that can look after him and care for him. He is very good natured, although his long stays in hospital and we hope that the first year will be his worst. He will need to have many more operations during his childhood, but we are sure that with the right support he will grow into a healthy young man!
Eleanor Delilah and Amelia Rebecca (4 years old) are two girls from America who have lost both their parents to a car accident. The girls luckily survived, but Eleanor sadly lost her left eye. She has recovered perfectly now and get's along super with her half-sight! Eleanor and Amelia are two little tomboys. They love to run, climb and play outside. Amelia is totally aware of Eleanor's disability, but instead of letting her win all games she is very imaginative and covers one eye with a scarf when playing catch for example. Eleanor and Amelia cannot remember their parents, but often look at pictures and talk about them in a interessted way. They have no trauma what so ever, but they wish to be in a family where they can talk openly about their dead parents, their feelings and worries.
We hope that you get along well with them, we would love to hear how it went.
Rainbow House

This message was edited 4/14/2006, 9:08 AM
Your Spouses Name: Alex Raiden
Children You Have (and Ages):
DS/DS: Maddox James / Lennox Cole (14)
DD: Alexandra Lynn "Lexi" (6)
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 3-6
Preferred Genders: at least a boy and a girl
Preferred Ages: 0-12
Preferred Countries: any country in Europe (we live in the netherlands)
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: yes
Adopt Twins?: yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: yes
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: no
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: no more than 2

Congratulations Marjo and Alex!
we are proud to inform you that we have found five children that would love to be part of your family!
They are the sisters Lena Magnhild (11 year old) and Klara Andrea (1 years old) from Norway.
Lena has been living in a childrens home since she was 4 years old until her mother decided she was capable of bringing her up when she was 9. Social workers were very supersticious as she hadn't been in contact with her daughter at all. But under supervision Christin, the mother, was aloud to take her home. She gave birth to Klara only 5 months after having Lena back home and shortly afterwards commited suicide. Lena was clever enough to take her babysister and return to the childrens home when she found her mother. She has been seeing a therapist ever since, but is still traumatized. Lena will need a stable background, somewhere she knows she can relay on. She loves her sister to bits and is very mature for her age. But if someone hurts or takes something of Klare, she will be VERY defensive! Her school work is lacking a bit, as she is more interessted in caring for her sister, but if she knows Klara is save, she might be able to be a child again.
Klara is a very healthy one year old, probably due to the fact that Lena cared for her when she was a baby.
Bartel Ruud and Stefan Laurens (5 years old) are twins from Amsterdam. They are identical but easy to distinguish. Bartel is a very active child and Stefan is the "sensible" one.
This message was edited 4/14/2006, 9:08 AM
DH: Alex Raiden
DW: Marjo Lynn
DS/DS: Maddox James / Lennox Cole (15)
DD: Lena Magnhild (12)
DD: Alexandra Lynn "Lexi" (7)
DS/DS: Bartel Ruud / Stefan Laurens (6)
DD: Victorine Zoé (4)
DD: Klara Andrea (2)
Maddox and Lennox love to play with the boy-twins. They play a lot of football (soccer). Maddox, who usually goes by Max these days, sort of 'adopted' Bart and Lennox did the same with Stef. It's great to watch them play together.
Lena is still very much a mother to Klara or "Rara" as Victorine calls her. She's also became this way with Vicotine. She gets along with Lexi pretty well, adn we are very happy about that. Both Alex and me help her a lot with school work, because she has trouble focussing in school. Her grades are far better than when she started her new school though, the language problems made her isolate herself for the first few months.
Lexi has never been happier, she says she's very pleased to have sisters.
Bart and Stef are doing ok. At some point we spoke with their mother on the phone and she said she wanted to see how they were doing. We scheduled a time for her to come over, but she never showed up and we haven't heard from her since. Accoring to the police she's missing and they have no idea what happened. We're glad that Bart and Stef never knew all of this had happened. We will tell them some day, just not now.
Your Spouses Name: Walter James Aldridge
Children You Have (and Ages): Charlotte Jane, 8
# of Children You Wish To Adopt (maximum 6): 4
Preferred Genders: two boys, 2 girls
Preferred Ages: 2-12
Preferred Countries: As long as any children over 6 can speak english, I don't really have a preference.
Are you willing to...
Adopt Sib Sets?: Yes! I'd actually prefer a sibset, if possible.
Adopt Twins?: Yes
Adopt Triplets or more?: No
Adopt Children w/Physical Disabilities?: No
Adopt Children w/Emotional Disabilities?: No
Mr. and Mrs. Aldridge,
we are proud to inform you that we have found four children that would love to be part of your family!
They are the siblings Primo Baldomero (12 years old) and Moisés Samuel and Isaura Paulina (5 years old) from Spain.
They have been living with their aunt for the past 5 years as their mother died during childbirth of Moisés and Isaura and nothing is know about their father. Now their aunt's husband died and as she has 3 more children, she can't keep Primo, Moisés and Isaura, as much as it pains her. Primo is very mature for his age and he is eager to please everyone. He is a bit shy and not very good at school, but he knows enough english from tourists and tv to get along. Moisés is a very boistorous (?) child and very energetic. Isaura loves her older brother Primo to bits and is always near him. She will be happy whereever she is put, as long as she isn't seperated from her brothers.
They wish to be adopted by one family and not be seperated.
Ausra Egle (10 years old) from Lithuania is also looking for a family that will adopt her. She was put into care right after birth and spent the first ten years of her life in and out of foster homes. She is now desperatly wishing for a family that will adopt her. She is very bright for her age and loves to read! She would also love to be in a family with more than one sibling, as she is used to many children around her.
We hope that you get along well with them, we would love to hear how it went.
Rainbow House

This message was edited 4/14/2006, 9:07 AM
Once again, we are proud to welcome Primo, Ausra, Moises, and Isaura to our family! Charlotte is delighted to finally have brothers and sisters.
Moises and Isaura started kindergarten recently. We were a little worried at first because neither spoke much english. We forgot how easily young children pick up on languages! Moises, in particular, is doing excellently with reading-- he's doing better in school than some of his classmates who have spoken english since birth!
Primo, however, is having a bit more trouble. He's had some problems with teasing, and is struggling in school. We've gotten him an english tutor, a neigbor who speaks Spanish, and his grades have been improving. He's a big help with his younger brother and sister, though, and is very polite, though shy.
Ausra is an amazing girl, very smart for her age. She and Charlotte get along very well; they've been sharing a room. Ausra is a great reader, and quickly worked her way into the top class in her fifth grade.