[Opinions] Mark
I like Mark, not a personal favourite
I like it alright. I don’t think it’s ready for a comeback although it still gets a decent amount of use, probably largely due to honoring. I had a wonderful uncle named Mark who died when I was 13 and he is the main person I associate with this name, otherwise I don’t think I’d like it. Stylistically it’s almost identical to Paul, and I can’t see Paul coming back any time soon either.
I could see it starting to rise again maybe ~30 years from now?
I could see it starting to rise again maybe ~30 years from now?
Because of my age, Mark is a very everyday name to me. I like it. It's biblical, simple, easy to spell, easily recognizable, goes with everything. Sometimes it puzzles me that names like Mark and John aren't used more than they are, while James, just as an example, seems to hang on.
I never heard of Marck, BTW.
I never heard of Marck, BTW.
I don't think Mark is dated at all. I think it's a good, classic name that will never go out of style. It simply means "man", same as Charles, and it's very nice and simple. It's a great, all-rounder. It's definitely ready for a comeback! Marc is very French, it might look strange on English-speaking kids with no French background. Marck? Never seen that one before, and it looks more like a last name.
It's very much a middle aged man name, and a very common one at that. I think it'll be another 20-30+ years before people start getting excited about Mark. The majority of Marks are fathers to millenials, so they're just becoming grandfathers.
It actually just left the top 200 (#203), but #203 with 1,936 births is very low compared to the 58,741 births it had at its peak.
It actually just left the top 200 (#203), but #203 with 1,936 births is very low compared to the 58,741 births it had at its peak.
i try not to say this when a name gives me this impression, but...it's such a jerk name. one of the very top jerk names to me. Mr. Mark Aggressiveman.
i don't think it'll come back for a while. i can see other forms/similar sounding names like Marcel, Marco (which is a sweet and gentle name to me, total opposite), Marek...even Marcus.
i don't think it'll come back for a while. i can see other forms/similar sounding names like Marcel, Marco (which is a sweet and gentle name to me, total opposite), Marek...even Marcus.
I've seen this shirt:
and i'm always sort of tempted to buy it and wear it to work, since my boss is named Mark.

and i'm always sort of tempted to buy it and wear it to work, since my boss is named Mark.
i think you have a special obligation to wear that shirt to work.
It's okay, but like most New Testament names (e.g. Andrew, Paul, Simon, Matthew) it feels very 20th-century, & the Marks I know are all 40+. It's classic enough to still get some use, but I can't see it being very popular again for at least another 40 years.
Marck looks odd to me. I like Marc and Marcus.
Marck looks odd to me. I like Marc and Marcus.