[Games] Re: Initial CAF - 4 Daughters
in reply to a message by Kinola
DH: Urbain Ludovic Marchand
DW: Olympe Dorothee Faveger Marchand
DD1: Yvonne Tatienne Marchand
DD2: Hyacinthe Capucine Marchand
DD3/DD4: Jocelyn Renee Marchand & Joelle Segolene Marchand
Urbain and Olympe Marchand: Yvonne, Hyacinthe, Joss, Joelle
DD1: Yvonne Tatienne Marchand Andre
DH: Patrick Gaetan Andre
-DD1: Blanche Frederique Andre
—Fiancé: Kilian Toussaint Royer
—DS1: Michel Kilian Royer
Blanche Andre and Kilian Royer: Michel
-DS1: Hubert Justin Andre Forest
—DH: Bastien Eustache Forest
—ADS1: Lucrece Laurentin Forest
—ADS2: Regis Didier Forest
Hubert and Bastien Forest: Luc, Regis
-DD2: Colette Wanda Andre
—BF: Donat Emeric Fabre
Colette Andre and Donat Fabre
-DD3: Odette Lilou Andre Lefevre
—DH: Winoc Theotime Lefevre
—DD1: Vienne Laetitia Lefevre
Odette and Winoc Lefevre: Vienne
-DS2: Christophe Evrard Andre
Yvonne and Patrick Andre: Blanche, Hubert, Colette, Odette, Christophe
DD2: Hyacinthe Capucine Marchand Travert
DH: Gabriel Remy Travert
-DH’s DS: Charles Rodolphe Travert
—DW: Jasmine Laurette Salomon Travert
—DD1: Emeline Jeannette Travert
—DS1: Albert Raoul Travert
—DD2: Tatienne Claire Travert
Charlot and Jasmine Travert: Line, Albert, Tatienne
-DS1: Loan Jordan Travert
—GF: Sara Euphrasie Page
Loan Travert and Sara Page
-DS2: Alan Georges Travert
—Fiancée: Yvette Felicie Olivier
Alan Travert and Yvette Olivier
Hyacinthe and Gabriel Travert: Charlot, Loan, Alan
DD3: Jocelyn Renee Marchand Plourde
ex-DH: Herve Boniface Segal
-DD1: Doriane Rebecca Segal
—Fiancée: Tiphanie Noemi Emile
Doriane Segal and Tiphanie Emile
-DD2: Sabrina Aimee Segal Barre
—DH: Zacharie Loic Barre
—DS1: Modeste Fulbert Barre
—DD1: Cosette Sephora Barre
Sabrina and Zacharie Barre: Modeste, Cosette
Joss Plourde and Herve Segal: Doriane, Sabrina
DH: Vivien Remy Plourde
-DS1: Casimir Rene Plourde
—ex-GF: Jordan Ines Masson
—DD1: Fifi Irene Plourde
—GF: Margot Camille Hardy
—DS1: Winoc Joseph Hardy-Plourde
Casimir Plourde and Jordan Masson: Fifi
Casimir Plourde and Margot Hardy: Winoc
Joss and Vivien Plourde: Casimir
DD4: Joelle Segolene Marchand Gauthier
DH: Jerome Winoc Gauthier
-DD1: Roberte Janine Gauthier Savatier
—DH: Bernard Leandre Savatier
—DS1/DD1: Aldric Baudouin Savatier & Catherine Domitille Savatier
Roberte and Bernard Savatier: Aldric, Catherine
-DS1: Winoc Eric Gauthier
-DD2: Karine Sacha Gauthier
—BF: Xavier Berenger Michaud
Karine Gauthier and Xavier Michaud
-DS2: Diodore Jean Gauthier
—GF: Narcisse Rolande Felix
Diodore Gauthier and Narcisse Felix
Joelle and Jerome Gauthier: Roberte, Winoc, Karine, Diodore

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DW: Olympe Dorothee Faveger Marchand
DD1: Yvonne Tatienne Marchand
DD2: Hyacinthe Capucine Marchand
DD3/DD4: Jocelyn Renee Marchand & Joelle Segolene Marchand
Urbain and Olympe Marchand: Yvonne, Hyacinthe, Joss, Joelle
DD1: Yvonne Tatienne Marchand Andre
DH: Patrick Gaetan Andre
-DD1: Blanche Frederique Andre
—Fiancé: Kilian Toussaint Royer
—DS1: Michel Kilian Royer
Blanche Andre and Kilian Royer: Michel
-DS1: Hubert Justin Andre Forest
—DH: Bastien Eustache Forest
—ADS1: Lucrece Laurentin Forest
—ADS2: Regis Didier Forest
Hubert and Bastien Forest: Luc, Regis
-DD2: Colette Wanda Andre
—BF: Donat Emeric Fabre
Colette Andre and Donat Fabre
-DD3: Odette Lilou Andre Lefevre
—DH: Winoc Theotime Lefevre
—DD1: Vienne Laetitia Lefevre
Odette and Winoc Lefevre: Vienne
-DS2: Christophe Evrard Andre
Yvonne and Patrick Andre: Blanche, Hubert, Colette, Odette, Christophe
DD2: Hyacinthe Capucine Marchand Travert
DH: Gabriel Remy Travert
-DH’s DS: Charles Rodolphe Travert
—DW: Jasmine Laurette Salomon Travert
—DD1: Emeline Jeannette Travert
—DS1: Albert Raoul Travert
—DD2: Tatienne Claire Travert
Charlot and Jasmine Travert: Line, Albert, Tatienne
-DS1: Loan Jordan Travert
—GF: Sara Euphrasie Page
Loan Travert and Sara Page
-DS2: Alan Georges Travert
—Fiancée: Yvette Felicie Olivier
Alan Travert and Yvette Olivier
Hyacinthe and Gabriel Travert: Charlot, Loan, Alan
DD3: Jocelyn Renee Marchand Plourde
ex-DH: Herve Boniface Segal
-DD1: Doriane Rebecca Segal
—Fiancée: Tiphanie Noemi Emile
Doriane Segal and Tiphanie Emile
-DD2: Sabrina Aimee Segal Barre
—DH: Zacharie Loic Barre
—DS1: Modeste Fulbert Barre
—DD1: Cosette Sephora Barre
Sabrina and Zacharie Barre: Modeste, Cosette
Joss Plourde and Herve Segal: Doriane, Sabrina
DH: Vivien Remy Plourde
-DS1: Casimir Rene Plourde
—ex-GF: Jordan Ines Masson
—DD1: Fifi Irene Plourde
—GF: Margot Camille Hardy
—DS1: Winoc Joseph Hardy-Plourde
Casimir Plourde and Jordan Masson: Fifi
Casimir Plourde and Margot Hardy: Winoc
Joss and Vivien Plourde: Casimir
DD4: Joelle Segolene Marchand Gauthier
DH: Jerome Winoc Gauthier
-DD1: Roberte Janine Gauthier Savatier
—DH: Bernard Leandre Savatier
—DS1/DD1: Aldric Baudouin Savatier & Catherine Domitille Savatier
Roberte and Bernard Savatier: Aldric, Catherine
-DS1: Winoc Eric Gauthier
-DD2: Karine Sacha Gauthier
—BF: Xavier Berenger Michaud
Karine Gauthier and Xavier Michaud
-DS2: Diodore Jean Gauthier
—GF: Narcisse Rolande Felix
Diodore Gauthier and Narcisse Felix
Joelle and Jerome Gauthier: Roberte, Winoc, Karine, Diodore

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This message was edited 7/14/2018, 10:27 PM