[Games] Medieval Count-Along-CAF
Do post your favourite male and female name in the subject box!
Use an eight-sided dice (if you come to the end of the namebank continue counting at the beginning)
Amice Millicent Emeline Alys Isabel Alianor Juliana Cedany Lavinia Isabeau Rose Ellyn Guinevere Helewys Isolde Eda Evelune Ivette Peronell Beatrix Ysmay Amée Maerwynn Venetia Delia Sophronia Thea Muriel Artemisia Jacquelyn Godiva Elysande Gloriana Winifred Bess Amelina Josselyn Etheldred Kinborough Arabella Hildegard Mary Brunhild Audry Martha Cateline Adelaide Janet Clarice Diot Serephina Iseult Rohesia Melisende Elspeth Wilmot Aldith Jocosa Malle Althea Dionisia Giselle Roana Viviane Lunete Blanche
Basil Arnold Aldus Cyr Merek Jocelyn Tybalt Rolf Gervase Humphrey Manfred Percival Elric Anselm Rowan Tristram Hadrian Arthur Roland Nigel Brom Theobald Fulke Godwyn Lucan Walter Lionel Giles Bardolph Geoffrey Wolfstan Francis Faramond Edmund Alisander Benedict Diggory Sampson Hugh Letholdus Rulf Gavin Aloys Cassius Jackin Everard Leofwin Albert Thurstan Edwin Castor Judd Ranulf Griffith Amaury Lucius Maynard Guy
FitzAlan, Basset, Watteau, Hope, Fox, Cambray, Hawthorn, Writingham
Winddodger, Titanium, Joust-A-Lot, Shadowmere, Morningstar, Bowrider, BigHeart, Swiftflight
Canterwell, Rock, Fireflanel, Elton, Keirstrider, Firefreeze, Silvermane, Tempest
LIVING IN A .. (use a three-sided dice)
Castle, Fort, Palace
Titles your choice

Use an eight-sided dice (if you come to the end of the namebank continue counting at the beginning)
Amice Millicent Emeline Alys Isabel Alianor Juliana Cedany Lavinia Isabeau Rose Ellyn Guinevere Helewys Isolde Eda Evelune Ivette Peronell Beatrix Ysmay Amée Maerwynn Venetia Delia Sophronia Thea Muriel Artemisia Jacquelyn Godiva Elysande Gloriana Winifred Bess Amelina Josselyn Etheldred Kinborough Arabella Hildegard Mary Brunhild Audry Martha Cateline Adelaide Janet Clarice Diot Serephina Iseult Rohesia Melisende Elspeth Wilmot Aldith Jocosa Malle Althea Dionisia Giselle Roana Viviane Lunete Blanche
Basil Arnold Aldus Cyr Merek Jocelyn Tybalt Rolf Gervase Humphrey Manfred Percival Elric Anselm Rowan Tristram Hadrian Arthur Roland Nigel Brom Theobald Fulke Godwyn Lucan Walter Lionel Giles Bardolph Geoffrey Wolfstan Francis Faramond Edmund Alisander Benedict Diggory Sampson Hugh Letholdus Rulf Gavin Aloys Cassius Jackin Everard Leofwin Albert Thurstan Edwin Castor Judd Ranulf Griffith Amaury Lucius Maynard Guy
FitzAlan, Basset, Watteau, Hope, Fox, Cambray, Hawthorn, Writingham
Winddodger, Titanium, Joust-A-Lot, Shadowmere, Morningstar, Bowrider, BigHeart, Swiftflight
Canterwell, Rock, Fireflanel, Elton, Keirstrider, Firefreeze, Silvermane, Tempest
LIVING IN A .. (use a three-sided dice)
Castle, Fort, Palace
Titles your choice

This message was edited 11/26/2018, 2:40 PM
DH: Cyr Aldus Percival
DW: Alys Isabeau Guinevere
DS: Lucan Roland Griffith
DS: Rowan Theobald Castor
DD: Isolde Peronell Elspeth
DD: Helewys Maerwynn Althea
DD: Elysande Winifred Melisende
DS: Faramond Wolfstan Lucius
DD: Lunete Dionisia Arabella
HOUSE: Basset
HORSE of DW: Morningstar
HORSE of DH: Silvermane
DW: Alys Isabeau Guinevere
DS: Lucan Roland Griffith
DS: Rowan Theobald Castor
DD: Isolde Peronell Elspeth
DD: Helewys Maerwynn Althea
DD: Elysande Winifred Melisende
DS: Faramond Wolfstan Lucius
DD: Lunete Dionisia Arabella
HOUSE: Basset
HORSE of DW: Morningstar
HORSE of DH: Silvermane
DH: Cyr Tybalt
DW: Alianor Rose Helewys
DS: Humphrey Percival Tristram
DS: Theobald Godwyn Walter
DD: Ivette Venetia Elysande
DD: Amelina Ethelred Arabella
DD: Martha Diot Rohesia
DS/DD: Edmund Benedict Sampson & Elspeth Roana Blanche
Of the House of Fox, residing in a fort
HORSE of DW & DH: Bowrider & Elton
DW: Alianor Rose Helewys
DS: Humphrey Percival Tristram
DS: Theobald Godwyn Walter
DD: Ivette Venetia Elysande
DD: Amelina Ethelred Arabella
DD: Martha Diot Rohesia
DS/DD: Edmund Benedict Sampson & Elspeth Roana Blanche
Of the House of Fox, residing in a fort
HORSE of DW & DH: Bowrider & Elton
Serephina Dionisia Alianor Ivette & Tristram Francis Albert Jocelyn
~*~The Royal House of Cambray~*~
DH: King Rolf Godwyn Letholdus Lucius
DW: Queen Isabel Rose Eda Ysmay
DS: Crown Prince Tristram Francis Albert Jocelyn
DS: Prince Rowan Edmund Aloys Judd
DD: Princess Amelina Sophronia Godiva Hildegard
DD: Princess Cateline Wilmot Blanche Ellyn
DD: Princess Serephina Dionisia Alianor Ivette
DS: Prince Lucan Aldus Percival Walter
DD: Princess Amée Muriel Winifred Arabella
LIVING IN A .. (use a three-sided dice)
~*~The Royal House of Cambray~*~
DH: King Rolf Godwyn Letholdus Lucius
DW: Queen Isabel Rose Eda Ysmay
DS: Crown Prince Tristram Francis Albert Jocelyn
DS: Prince Rowan Edmund Aloys Judd
DD: Princess Amelina Sophronia Godiva Hildegard
DD: Princess Cateline Wilmot Blanche Ellyn
DD: Princess Serephina Dionisia Alianor Ivette
DS: Prince Lucan Aldus Percival Walter
DD: Princess Amée Muriel Winifred Arabella
LIVING IN A .. (use a three-sided dice)
DH: Merek Humphrey Rowan
DW: Amice Millicent Emeline
DS: Fulke Wolfstan Hugh
DS: Cassius Thurstan Griffith
DD: Lavinia Isolde Ysmay
DD: Amée Maerwynn Venetia
DD: Della Sophronia Thea
DS: Basil Jocelyn Manfred
DD: Winifred Hildegard Janet
HORSE OF DW: Winddodger
HORSE OF DH: Keirstrider
DW: Amice Millicent Emeline
DS: Fulke Wolfstan Hugh
DS: Cassius Thurstan Griffith
DD: Lavinia Isolde Ysmay
DD: Amée Maerwynn Venetia
DD: Della Sophronia Thea
DS: Basil Jocelyn Manfred
DD: Winifred Hildegard Janet
HORSE OF DW: Winddodger
HORSE OF DH: Keirstrider
Amice Millicent Juliana Helewys and Maynard Aldus Gervase Manfred
HOUSE: FitzAlan (Palace)
DH: Baron Arnold Tybalt Humphrey Rowan
DW: Lady Amice Millicent Juliana Helewys (Baroness)
DS: Master Theobalt Geoffrey Edmund Benedict
DS: Master Sampson Jackin Albert Castor
DD: Miss. Eda Peronell Sophronia Thea
DD: Miss. Artemisia Gloriana Amelia Josselyn
DD: Miss. Audry Seraphina Melisende Dionisia
DS: Master Maynard Aldus Gervase Manfred
DD: Miss. Giselle Blanche Alianor Cedany
HORSE of DW: Swiftflight Morningstar
HORSE of DH: Kierstrider Firefreeze
HOUSE: FitzAlan (Palace)
DH: Baron Arnold Tybalt Humphrey Rowan
DW: Lady Amice Millicent Juliana Helewys (Baroness)
DS: Master Theobalt Geoffrey Edmund Benedict
DS: Master Sampson Jackin Albert Castor
DD: Miss. Eda Peronell Sophronia Thea
DD: Miss. Artemisia Gloriana Amelia Josselyn
DD: Miss. Audry Seraphina Melisende Dionisia
DS: Master Maynard Aldus Gervase Manfred
DD: Miss. Giselle Blanche Alianor Cedany
HORSE of DW: Swiftflight Morningstar
HORSE of DH: Kierstrider Firefreeze
Isolde Beatrix & Edmund Diggory
DH: Tybalt Rolf
DW: Isabel Guinevere
DS: Humphrey Rowan
DS: Theobald Lionel
DD: Isolde Beatrix
DD: Muriel Bess
DD: Josselyn Mary
DS: Edmund Diggory
DD: Cateline Adelaide
DH: Tybalt Rolf
DW: Isabel Guinevere
DS: Humphrey Rowan
DS: Theobald Lionel
DD: Isolde Beatrix
DD: Muriel Bess
DD: Josselyn Mary
DS: Edmund Diggory
DD: Cateline Adelaide
DH: Prince Rolf, House of Cambray
DW: Princess (former Baroness) Alianor, House of Hope
DS: Prince Gervase, House of Cambray
DS: Prince Rowan, House of Cambray
DD: Princess Helewys, House of Cambray
DD/DD: Princess Isolde, House of Cambray & Princess Ivette, House of Cambray
DS: Prince Nigel, House of Cambray
DD: Princess Peronell, House of Cambray
DH's horse: Firefreeze
DW's horse: Bowrider
Residence: Castle
DW: Princess (former Baroness) Alianor, House of Hope
DS: Prince Gervase, House of Cambray
DS: Prince Rowan, House of Cambray
DD: Princess Helewys, House of Cambray
DD/DD: Princess Isolde, House of Cambray & Princess Ivette, House of Cambray
DS: Prince Nigel, House of Cambray
DD: Princess Peronell, House of Cambray
DH's horse: Firefreeze
DW's horse: Bowrider
Residence: Castle
Rowan Tristram & Millicent Lavinia
The Hawthorns of Fox Castle
DH: Sir Aldus Humphrey Hawthorn
DW: Millicent Lavinia of Cambray, Lady Hawthorn
DS: Percival Anselm Hawthorn
DS: Rowan Tristram Hawthorn
DD: Isolde Amée Hawthorn
DD: Maerwynn Delia Hawthorn
DD: Gloriana Kinborough Hawthorn
DS: Roland Fulke Hawthorn
DD: Mary Adelaide Hawthorn
DHorse: Morningstar
DHorse: Elton
The Hawthorns of Fox Castle
DH: Sir Aldus Humphrey Hawthorn
DW: Millicent Lavinia of Cambray, Lady Hawthorn
DS: Percival Anselm Hawthorn
DS: Rowan Tristram Hawthorn
DD: Isolde Amée Hawthorn
DD: Maerwynn Delia Hawthorn
DD: Gloriana Kinborough Hawthorn
DS: Roland Fulke Hawthorn
DD: Mary Adelaide Hawthorn
DHorse: Morningstar
DHorse: Elton
DH: Tristam Brom, House of Basset
DW: Guinevere Ellyn , House of Hawthorn
DS: Arthur Griffith, House of Basset
DS: Sampson Edwin, House of Basset
DD: Seraphina, House of Basset
DD: Alinor Gloriana , House of Basset
DD: Juliana Mary, House of Basset
DS: Gavin Francis, House of Basset
DD: Thea Beatrix, House of Basset
Horse: Morning Star
Horse: Keirstider
Residence: Palace
DW: Guinevere Ellyn , House of Hawthorn
DS: Arthur Griffith, House of Basset
DS: Sampson Edwin, House of Basset
DD: Seraphina, House of Basset
DD: Alinor Gloriana , House of Basset
DD: Juliana Mary, House of Basset
DS: Gavin Francis, House of Basset
DD: Thea Beatrix, House of Basset
Horse: Morning Star
Horse: Keirstider
Residence: Palace
DH: Basil Aldus of House Hawthorn
DW: Amice Cedany of House Hope
DS: Rolf Percival of House Hawthorn
DS: Anselm Theobald of House Hawthorn
DD: Rose Isolde of House Hawthorn
DD: Evelune Ysmay of House Hawthorn “Eve”
DD: Thea Muriel of House Hawthorn
DS: Lionel Edmund of House Hawthorn
DD: Winifred Mary of House Hawthorn “Winnie”
HORSE of DW: BigHeart
HORSE of DH: Fireflanel
DW: Amice Cedany of House Hope
DS: Rolf Percival of House Hawthorn
DS: Anselm Theobald of House Hawthorn
DD: Rose Isolde of House Hawthorn
DD: Evelune Ysmay of House Hawthorn “Eve”
DD: Thea Muriel of House Hawthorn
DS: Lionel Edmund of House Hawthorn
DD: Winifred Mary of House Hawthorn “Winnie”
HORSE of DW: BigHeart
HORSE of DH: Fireflanel
Tristram Arthur Castor and Amée Thea Serephina
DH: King Rolf Elric Everard
DW: Queen Alianor Lavinia Brunhild
DS: Crown Prince Tristram Arthur Castor
DS: Prince Walter Geoffrey Amaury
DD: Princess Rose Evelune Clarice
DD: Princess Amée Thea Serephina
DD: Princess Muriel Godiva Aldith
DS: Prince Wolfstan Sampson Merek
DD: Princess Gloriana Amelina Viviane
King Rolf and Queen Alianor of House Hawthorn, and their children: Crown Prince Tristram, Prince Walter, Princess Rose, Princess Amée, Princess Muriel, Prince Wolfstan, and Princess Gloriana
House: Hawthorn
Horse of DW: Swiftflight
Horse of DH: Rock
Living in a: Castle
DH: King Rolf Elric Everard
DW: Queen Alianor Lavinia Brunhild
DS: Crown Prince Tristram Arthur Castor
DS: Prince Walter Geoffrey Amaury
DD: Princess Rose Evelune Clarice
DD: Princess Amée Thea Serephina
DD: Princess Muriel Godiva Aldith
DS: Prince Wolfstan Sampson Merek
DD: Princess Gloriana Amelina Viviane
King Rolf and Queen Alianor of House Hawthorn, and their children: Crown Prince Tristram, Prince Walter, Princess Rose, Princess Amée, Princess Muriel, Prince Wolfstan, and Princess Gloriana
House: Hawthorn
Horse of DW: Swiftflight
Horse of DH: Rock
Living in a: Castle
DH: Basil Aldous
DW: Emeline Alys
DS: Humphrey Arthur
DS: Brom Bardolph
DD: Cedany Isolde
DD: Maerwynn Arabella
DD: Brunhild Martha
DS: Benedict Diggory
DD: Diot Rohesia
HOUSE: Writingham
HORSE of DW: Winddodger
HORSE of DH: Elton
DW: Emeline Alys
DS: Humphrey Arthur
DS: Brom Bardolph
DD: Cedany Isolde
DD: Maerwynn Arabella
DD: Brunhild Martha
DS: Benedict Diggory
DD: Diot Rohesia
HOUSE: Writingham
HORSE of DW: Winddodger
HORSE of DH: Elton
Kinborough Hildegard & Arnold Cyr
Residing in Castle Cambrayshire, the Royal House of Cambray:
DH: Duke Arnold Cyr of House Cambray
DW: Duchess Juliana Ellyn of House Cambray (previously from House Hope)
DS: Gervase Percival of House Cambray
DS: Nigel Giles of House Cambray
DD: Helewys Ivette of House Cambray
DD: Venetia Godiva of House Cambray
DD: Kinborough Hildegard of House Cambray
DS: Benedict Diggory of House Cambray
DD: Mary Cateline of House Cambray
Arnold's Horse: Fireflanel
Juliana's Horse: Titanium
Residing in Castle Cambrayshire, the Royal House of Cambray:
DH: Duke Arnold Cyr of House Cambray
DW: Duchess Juliana Ellyn of House Cambray (previously from House Hope)
DS: Gervase Percival of House Cambray
DS: Nigel Giles of House Cambray
DD: Helewys Ivette of House Cambray
DD: Venetia Godiva of House Cambray
DD: Kinborough Hildegard of House Cambray
DS: Benedict Diggory of House Cambray
DD: Mary Cateline of House Cambray
Arnold's Horse: Fireflanel
Juliana's Horse: Titanium
House of Fox
DH: Rolf Humphrey Fox
DW: Emeline Alianor Fox
Rolf & Emeline: Elric, Arthur, Guinevere, Venetia, Amelina, Walter and Cateline
DS: Elric Tristram Fox
DS: Arthur Lucan Fox
DD: Guinevere Ivette Fox
DD: Venetia Elysande Fox
DD: Amelina Ethelred Fox
DS: Walter Faramond Fox
DD: Cateline Seraphine Fox
DH: Rolf Humphrey Fox
DW: Emeline Alianor Fox
Rolf & Emeline: Elric, Arthur, Guinevere, Venetia, Amelina, Walter and Cateline
DS: Elric Tristram Fox
DS: Arthur Lucan Fox
DD: Guinevere Ivette Fox
DD: Venetia Elysande Fox
DD: Amelina Ethelred Fox
DS: Walter Faramond Fox
DD: Cateline Seraphine Fox
The Castle of House Basset
DH: Rolf Percival, Lord Basset
DW: Amice Alianor, Lady Basset
DD: Juliana Lavinia
DD: Rose Guinevere
DS: Rowan Tristram
DS: Nigel Theobald
DS: Bardolph Geoffrey
DD: Eda Beatrix
DS: Alisander Gavin
Rolf's Horse: Shadowmere
Amice's Horse: Firefreeze
DH: Rolf Percival, Lord Basset
DW: Amice Alianor, Lady Basset
DD: Juliana Lavinia
DD: Rose Guinevere
DS: Rowan Tristram
DS: Nigel Theobald
DS: Bardolph Geoffrey
DD: Eda Beatrix
DS: Alisander Gavin
Rolf's Horse: Shadowmere
Amice's Horse: Firefreeze