[Opinions] BA
Magnus, a brother to Saskia, was born in New Zealand yesterday.Parents are Shannon and Ben.
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Love Magnus, Saskia is pretty too. Great pair.
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Magnus is handsome, familiar, and not very common. It is refreshing to see. I don't care for Saskia, but it isn't bad.
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Hi Janan !!!!What a beautiful sibset !!!!!Saskia and Magnus are evocative but simple, melodious and not pretentious. They are strong and refined at the same time. Lovely.I'm also a big fan of Shannon!
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I like Magnus much better than Saskia, but it does seem rather ambitious! On a dog, however ... I've long fantasised about three male Scotties, to be named Angus, Fergus and Magnus! Not having married the owner of a dog-food company, I'll never get them, but it's a nice idea.
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