[Games] The Children Adoption Center(different from others)
Weclome to The Children Adoption Center! We have been working to find children a home for 10 years. All you need to do is fill out this information.
Your name:
Your spouse name:
Your children and ages:
Where you live:
What pets or animals do you have:
Amount of children you what(any amount):
Their ages:
Their country:
Their genders:
Are you willing to adopt
a sibset:
triples or more:
children with physical disabilities:
children with emotional disabilities:
children with pets:
do you take family vacations:
would you travel to see their family:
their hospital:
how far:
Your name:
Your spouse name:
Your children and ages:
Where you live:
What pets or animals do you have:
Amount of children you what(any amount):
Their ages:
Their country:
Their genders:
Are you willing to adopt
a sibset:
triples or more:
children with physical disabilities:
children with emotional disabilities:
children with pets:
do you take family vacations:
would you travel to see their family:
their hospital:
how far:
Your name: Carli Mikalah
Your spouse name: Andrew Michael
Your children and ages: Scarlett Chloe (3), Cinderella Rose (1), Isabella Paris (newborn), Arabella London (newborn)
Where you live: USA
What pets or animals do you have: Teacup Poodle (Princess), Teacup Chihuahua (Diva)
Amount of children you what(any amount): 6
Their ages: 0-6
Their country: USA
Their genders: Either, some of both please!
Are you willing to adopt
a sibset: Yes
twin: Yes
triples or more: Yes
children with physical disabilities: Sorry, but no. I hope they do find a great home though!
children with emotional disabilities: Same as above
children with pets: Yes, if nice dogs, bunnies, or ferrrets
do you take family vacations: Yes
would you travel to see their family: Yes, but their primary family is our family because they are ours. However, any biological family members that want to see them can see them as much as they want!
their hospital: Yes, but their primary hospital will be here in town (especially in case of an emergency!)
how far: However far is needed!
Your spouse name: Andrew Michael
Your children and ages: Scarlett Chloe (3), Cinderella Rose (1), Isabella Paris (newborn), Arabella London (newborn)
Where you live: USA
What pets or animals do you have: Teacup Poodle (Princess), Teacup Chihuahua (Diva)
Amount of children you what(any amount): 6
Their ages: 0-6
Their country: USA
Their genders: Either, some of both please!
Are you willing to adopt
a sibset: Yes
twin: Yes
triples or more: Yes
children with physical disabilities: Sorry, but no. I hope they do find a great home though!
children with emotional disabilities: Same as above
children with pets: Yes, if nice dogs, bunnies, or ferrrets
do you take family vacations: Yes
would you travel to see their family: Yes, but their primary family is our family because they are ours. However, any biological family members that want to see them can see them as much as they want!
their hospital: Yes, but their primary hospital will be here in town (especially in case of an emergency!)
how far: However far is needed!
Your name: Ursula Sophia
Your spouse name: Matthew Alexander
Your children and ages: none
Where you live: Germany
What pets or animals do you have: tropical fish aquarium and three cats
Amount of children you what(any amount): one or twins
Their ages: seven to twelve
Their country: English-speaking
Their genders: either
Are you willing to adopt
a sibset: no
twin: yes
triples or more: no
children with physical disabilities: no
children with emotional disabilities: no
children with pets: yes
do you take family vacations: yes, frequently
would you travel to see their family: yes
their hospital: yes
how far: a few hunded miles or any area accessible by train
Your name: Elise Matilda
Your spouse name: Brandon Matthew
Your children and ages: Travis Blake and Tegan Elodia, 3
Where you live: England
What pets or animals do you have: none
Amount of children you what(any amount): 4
Their ages: 2, 2, 4, 5
Their country: China, China, Russia, USA
Their genders: girl, boy, boy, girl
Are you willing to adopt
a sibset: yes
twin: yes
triples or more: yes
children with physical disabilities: yes
children with emotional disabilities: yes
children with pets: yes
do you take family vacations: yes
would you travel to see their family: yes
their hospital: yes
how far: as far as I need to!
Your spouse name: Brandon Matthew
Your children and ages: Travis Blake and Tegan Elodia, 3
Where you live: England
What pets or animals do you have: none
Amount of children you what(any amount): 4
Their ages: 2, 2, 4, 5
Their country: China, China, Russia, USA
Their genders: girl, boy, boy, girl
Are you willing to adopt
a sibset: yes
twin: yes
triples or more: yes
children with physical disabilities: yes
children with emotional disabilities: yes
children with pets: yes
do you take family vacations: yes
would you travel to see their family: yes
their hospital: yes
how far: as far as I need to!
Congrat Elise and Brandon we found 4 children for you!
Ling Chin ad Ping Huo are 2 year old twins from China. Their parents just put them up for adoption. THEy like to jump and get dirty.
Terenti Gridori is a 4 year old boy from Russia. Terenti mother died and father did not want him. Terenti likes to play sports and play with other children.
Emerson Kevin is a 5 year old boy from the United States. His parents died in a car crash. He likes to read little books and get dirty.
We would love to hear how Ling, Ping, Terenti and Emerson are doing!
Ling Chin ad Ping Huo are 2 year old twins from China. Their parents just put them up for adoption. THEy like to jump and get dirty.
Terenti Gridori is a 4 year old boy from Russia. Terenti mother died and father did not want him. Terenti likes to play sports and play with other children.
Emerson Kevin is a 5 year old boy from the United States. His parents died in a car crash. He likes to read little books and get dirty.
We would love to hear how Ling, Ping, Terenti and Emerson are doing!
Travis and Tegan *love* Ling and Ping (sorry, those names sound so funny together!) and they have all been playing in the garden. We have a trampoline which came in useful for Ling and Ping. They have settled in fine and we have no problems. Terenti has also settled in nicely and Travis likes to play with him! Also Emerson has become good friends with Terenti and they play together a lot. Terenti has been teaching Emerson how to play football and tennis.
Your name: Melissa
Your spouse name: Jon
Your children and ages: Arielle Norah, due June 4, 2006
Where you live: near Boston, Masschusetts, USA
What pets or animals do you have: One cat
Amount of children you what(any amount): 3-5
Their ages: Under 6
Their country: USA, Canada, England, Australia, Greece, France, Poland
Their genders: At least one girl, at least one boy
Are you willing to adopt
a sibset: Yes, preferred
twin: Yes, at least one set of multiples
triples or more: Yes, at least one set of multiples
children with physical disabilities: No
children with emotional disabilities: Mild
children with pets: Small pets only
do you take family vacations: Yes
would you travel to see their family: Yes
their hospital: Yes
how far: As far as I need to.
- Melissa
Arielle Norah
EDD 6/4/06

Proud Mommy-to-be!
Congrats Mellisa and Jon we found 5 children for you!
Apollinaire "Apollo" Rodolph and Tionette "Tion" EFrancine are 6 year old twins from France. Apollo and Tion father died when they were very young. Apollo and Tion mother could not keep them due to money prombles. Apollo likes to play games and read. He speak France. Tion likes to play tennis and she does not know how to speak English either.
Marina Elisavet is a 3 year old girl from Greece. She sister died as a baby. Her mother could not take it seeing Marina after the death of her sister Alexandrate. Marina father did not diagree with his wife about putting Marina for adoption. Marine likes to play hide-and-go-seek. She speak only Greek.
Miloslaw "Milo" Teofil is a 1 year old baby from Poland. Milo parents died in a fire. Milo likes to be with people and will cry if he is not.
Marshall Ray is 6 year old boy from Australia. Marshall mother was 15 when she had him. His father was 20 and did not stay to raise him. His mother Ella ran away from home and raised him until he was 2. Ella then had no job and no house, she decide it would be best for Marshall if she gave him up for adoption. Ella would like to stay in contect with Marshall. Ella is now 21 and has a job. Marshall like to be with himself. He might be happier with other children his own age.
We would like to hear how Apollo, Tion, Marina, Milo, and Marshall are doing.
Apollinaire "Apollo" Rodolph and Tionette "Tion" EFrancine are 6 year old twins from France. Apollo and Tion father died when they were very young. Apollo and Tion mother could not keep them due to money prombles. Apollo likes to play games and read. He speak France. Tion likes to play tennis and she does not know how to speak English either.
Marina Elisavet is a 3 year old girl from Greece. She sister died as a baby. Her mother could not take it seeing Marina after the death of her sister Alexandrate. Marina father did not diagree with his wife about putting Marina for adoption. Marine likes to play hide-and-go-seek. She speak only Greek.
Miloslaw "Milo" Teofil is a 1 year old baby from Poland. Milo parents died in a fire. Milo likes to be with people and will cry if he is not.
Marshall Ray is 6 year old boy from Australia. Marshall mother was 15 when she had him. His father was 20 and did not stay to raise him. His mother Ella ran away from home and raised him until he was 2. Ella then had no job and no house, she decide it would be best for Marshall if she gave him up for adoption. Ella would like to stay in contect with Marshall. Ella is now 21 and has a job. Marshall like to be with himself. He might be happier with other children his own age.
We would like to hear how Apollo, Tion, Marina, Milo, and Marshall are doing.
Your name: Winter Rose
Your spouse name: Woodrow North
Your children and ages:
DS/DS: River August / Forest Rain (12)
DD: January Primrose (8)
DD: Silver Willow (6)
DS: Stone December (4)
Where you live: The Netherlands
What pets or animals do you have: Each child has a pet:
River has Watter the rat
Forest has Leaf the hamster
January has Rococo the kat
Silver has Goldie the goldfish
Stone has Pepito the mouse
Amount of children you what(any amount): 5
Their ages: 16, 14, 10, 2, or newborn
Their country: any
Their genders: at least one boy and one girl
Are you willing to adopt
a sibset: yes, of no more than 3
twin: yes
triples or more: no
children with physical disabilities: no
children with emotional disabilities: yes
children with pets: yes, pets are welcome :)
do you take family vacations: Sometimes
would you travel to see their family: no
their hospital: yes
how far: 1 hour max.

Your spouse name: Woodrow North
Your children and ages:
DS/DS: River August / Forest Rain (12)
DD: January Primrose (8)
DD: Silver Willow (6)
DS: Stone December (4)
Where you live: The Netherlands
What pets or animals do you have: Each child has a pet:
River has Watter the rat
Forest has Leaf the hamster
January has Rococo the kat
Silver has Goldie the goldfish
Stone has Pepito the mouse
Amount of children you what(any amount): 5
Their ages: 16, 14, 10, 2, or newborn
Their country: any
Their genders: at least one boy and one girl
Are you willing to adopt
a sibset: yes, of no more than 3
twin: yes
triples or more: no
children with physical disabilities: no
children with emotional disabilities: yes
children with pets: yes, pets are welcome :)
do you take family vacations: Sometimes
would you travel to see their family: no
their hospital: yes
how far: 1 hour max.

Congrats Winter and Woodrow we found 5 children for you!
Aikaterine Evgenia is a 16 year old girl from Greece. Aikaterine mother was 14 when she had her and did not want her family to know, so she ran away and had her baby and came back as if she had not had a baby. Aikaterine was pick up by some bumbs(?) and lived with them until she was 13. Aikaterine had some stealing, smoke, and drugs prombles, but has recovered. Aikaterine isn't the friendliest at first, but will come around. Aikaterine likes to write, but doesn't infront of people. She doesn't like school, but like to swim. She speak Greek only.
Diana Roze is a 14 year old girl from Lithuania. Diana parents died in a car wreck when she was 2. Diana likes to play softball, tennis, and football(soccer). She is good in school and is popural. Diana like to help other children. She speak English well.
Sofiya Mykhaila is a 10 year old girl from Ukrainia. Sofiya mother died when she was born and father died when she was 7. Sofiya lived with her grandfather, until she was 9. Sofiya likes to play sports and read.
Camillo Fabiano and Giacobbe Settimio are 2 year old twins from Italy. They parents died when they were 1. Camillo like to get diry and Giacobbe like to ride his bike. They both have fish named: Gato and Cane
WE would like to hear how Aikaterine, Diana, Sofiya, Camillo and Ciacobbe are doing.
Aikaterine Evgenia is a 16 year old girl from Greece. Aikaterine mother was 14 when she had her and did not want her family to know, so she ran away and had her baby and came back as if she had not had a baby. Aikaterine was pick up by some bumbs(?) and lived with them until she was 13. Aikaterine had some stealing, smoke, and drugs prombles, but has recovered. Aikaterine isn't the friendliest at first, but will come around. Aikaterine likes to write, but doesn't infront of people. She doesn't like school, but like to swim. She speak Greek only.
Diana Roze is a 14 year old girl from Lithuania. Diana parents died in a car wreck when she was 2. Diana likes to play softball, tennis, and football(soccer). She is good in school and is popural. Diana like to help other children. She speak English well.
Sofiya Mykhaila is a 10 year old girl from Ukrainia. Sofiya mother died when she was born and father died when she was 7. Sofiya lived with her grandfather, until she was 9. Sofiya likes to play sports and read.
Camillo Fabiano and Giacobbe Settimio are 2 year old twins from Italy. They parents died when they were 1. Camillo like to get diry and Giacobbe like to ride his bike. They both have fish named: Gato and Cane
WE would like to hear how Aikaterine, Diana, Sofiya, Camillo and Ciacobbe are doing.

Photo taken by Kit

Photo taken by Kit
This message was edited 4/18/2006, 8:48 PM
Your name: Adelle Constantina
Your spouse name: Ethan Alexander
Your children and ages: Sofie Lark (4)
Where you live: Lynnwood, Washington
What pets or animals do you have: One kitty, Pounce
Amount of children you what: 2
Their ages: 0-1 and 0-8
Their country: U.S.A, Canada, Greece, France, or Italy
Their genders: Either!
Are you willing to adopt
a sibset: Yes
twin: No
triples or more: No
children with physical disabilities: No
children with emotional disabilities: Yes
children with pets: No
do you take family vacations: Yes, Hawaii twice a year.
would you travel to see their family: No
their hospital: No.
how far: .... ?
Your name: Laura Marie
Your spouse name: Luke Michael
Your children and ages: Anasztazia Henriette (7) and Elisabeth Pandora "Elsa" (5).
Where you live: Eugene, Oregon.
What pets or animals do you have: We have a cat named Holly that we found stray as a kitten and an Irish Wolfhound named Dugan.
Amount of children you want(any amount): Six.
Their ages: Under 12.
Their country: any country - preferably Sweden, Eastern Europe, or Russia.
Their genders: Doesn't matter.
Are you willing to adopt
a sibset: Yes.
twins: Yes.
triplets or more: No.
children with physical disabilities: Yes.
children with emotional disabilities: Yes.
children with pets: Haha, sure.
do you take family vacations: Yes.
would you travel to see their family: If they're not too far.
their hospital: Sure, as long as we were notified a little before we needed to be there.
how far: Not too far.
Your spouse name: Luke Michael
Your children and ages: Anasztazia Henriette (7) and Elisabeth Pandora "Elsa" (5).
Where you live: Eugene, Oregon.
What pets or animals do you have: We have a cat named Holly that we found stray as a kitten and an Irish Wolfhound named Dugan.
Amount of children you want(any amount): Six.
Their ages: Under 12.
Their country: any country - preferably Sweden, Eastern Europe, or Russia.
Their genders: Doesn't matter.
Are you willing to adopt
a sibset: Yes.
twins: Yes.
triplets or more: No.
children with physical disabilities: Yes.
children with emotional disabilities: Yes.
children with pets: Haha, sure.
do you take family vacations: Yes.
would you travel to see their family: If they're not too far.
their hospital: Sure, as long as we were notified a little before we needed to be there.
how far: Not too far.
Congrats Laura and Luke we found 6 children for you!
Oskar Stig (11) and Cecilia Kajsa (8) are sibling from Sweden. Oskar and Cecilia parents left them with their grandparents when Oskay was 4 and Cecilia was 1. Their grandparents could not take care of them anymore. But they would like to stay in contact. Oskar likes to be by himself most of the time, but will probally open up when he gets in a bigger family. Cecilia likes to be around people and likes to ride her bike.
Adrian Anton (6) and Motya Bogdana (2) are sibling from Russia. Adrian and Motya parents died of cancer. Motya has found that she has a mild case of the cancer that killed her parents. The doctors say that she will not be at risk of dying or any other danger. Adrian likes to play outside a lot. Motya likes to sit and is very quiet. She often gets tried easy.
Viggo Barney and Makenzie Zandra are 12 year old twins from Norway. Their parents left them in a room from 3 years. They had food, but have eating disorders(?). Makenzie is very quiet and can be mean, but is just sad, and is a very sweet child. Viggo like to read and go to school, while Makenzie like to stay at home.
WE would like to hear how Oskar, Cecilia, Adrian, Motya, Viggo, and Makenzie are doing.
Oskar Stig (11) and Cecilia Kajsa (8) are sibling from Sweden. Oskar and Cecilia parents left them with their grandparents when Oskay was 4 and Cecilia was 1. Their grandparents could not take care of them anymore. But they would like to stay in contact. Oskar likes to be by himself most of the time, but will probally open up when he gets in a bigger family. Cecilia likes to be around people and likes to ride her bike.
Adrian Anton (6) and Motya Bogdana (2) are sibling from Russia. Adrian and Motya parents died of cancer. Motya has found that she has a mild case of the cancer that killed her parents. The doctors say that she will not be at risk of dying or any other danger. Adrian likes to play outside a lot. Motya likes to sit and is very quiet. She often gets tried easy.
Viggo Barney and Makenzie Zandra are 12 year old twins from Norway. Their parents left them in a room from 3 years. They had food, but have eating disorders(?). Makenzie is very quiet and can be mean, but is just sad, and is a very sweet child. Viggo like to read and go to school, while Makenzie like to stay at home.
WE would like to hear how Oskar, Cecilia, Adrian, Motya, Viggo, and Makenzie are doing.
Your name: Eva Simone
Your spouse name: Jack Samuel
Your children and ages: John Thomas "JT" (16), Samuel Richard "Sam" (14), and Joseph Robert "Joe" (13)
Where you live: Minnesota, USA
What pets or animals do you have: Witless (male, golden retriever, 8 months old) and Dumbo (male, black labrador, 2 years old)
Amount of children you want(any amount): 2 or 3
Their ages: 0-5
Their country: Ireland or Scotland
Their genders: Female
Are you willing to adopt
a sibset: Yes
twin: No
triples or more: No
children with physical disabilities: No
children with emotional disabilities: No
children with pets: Yes
do you take family vacations: Yes
would you travel to see their family: Yes
their hospital: Yes
how far: As far as needed
Your spouse name: Jack Samuel
Your children and ages: John Thomas "JT" (16), Samuel Richard "Sam" (14), and Joseph Robert "Joe" (13)
Where you live: Minnesota, USA
What pets or animals do you have: Witless (male, golden retriever, 8 months old) and Dumbo (male, black labrador, 2 years old)
Amount of children you want(any amount): 2 or 3
Their ages: 0-5
Their country: Ireland or Scotland
Their genders: Female
Are you willing to adopt
a sibset: Yes
twin: No
triples or more: No
children with physical disabilities: No
children with emotional disabilities: No
children with pets: Yes
do you take family vacations: Yes
would you travel to see their family: Yes
their hospital: Yes
how far: As far as needed
Congrats Eva and Jack we found 3 children for you!
Eadan Morna (5) and Myrna Gobinet (4) are sister from Ireland. Their mother Kathleen, was 15 when Eadan was born and 16 when Myrna was born. When Kathleen was 18 she married their father Aidan who was 25 when they were married. When Kathleen was 19 she died of cancer. Aidan said he "could not keep the children". Eadan likes to play with dolls and Myrna. Myrna likes to have "tea parties". Eadan has a dog named Erskine and Myrna has a dog named Lorcan.
Eilidh Mairead is a 4 year old girl from Scotland. Her mother Ciara who is the sister to Kathleen, had Eilidh at the age of 21. She married Lane Eilidh father when she was 22. At the age of 23 she also died of cancer. Lane said that he didn't have enough money to keep Eilidh. Eilidh likes to play with her cousins and play house. Eilidh has a dog named Beathan.
WE would like to hear how Eadan, Myrna and Eilidh are doing.
Eadan Morna (5) and Myrna Gobinet (4) are sister from Ireland. Their mother Kathleen, was 15 when Eadan was born and 16 when Myrna was born. When Kathleen was 18 she married their father Aidan who was 25 when they were married. When Kathleen was 19 she died of cancer. Aidan said he "could not keep the children". Eadan likes to play with dolls and Myrna. Myrna likes to have "tea parties". Eadan has a dog named Erskine and Myrna has a dog named Lorcan.
Eilidh Mairead is a 4 year old girl from Scotland. Her mother Ciara who is the sister to Kathleen, had Eilidh at the age of 21. She married Lane Eilidh father when she was 22. At the age of 23 she also died of cancer. Lane said that he didn't have enough money to keep Eilidh. Eilidh likes to play with her cousins and play house. Eilidh has a dog named Beathan.
WE would like to hear how Eadan, Myrna and Eilidh are doing.
Your name: Esperanza Adela Marie McKenzie
Your spouse name: James Raphael Mckenzie
Your children and ages: Brian Gabriel (9)
Where you live: In a beautiful large house with a big back yard.
What pets or animals do you have: Cian (dog-a mix between a wolf and something else)
Amount of children you what(any amount): 4
Their ages: preferably between 8 and 5
Their country: France, Scotland, England, and Ireland.
Their genders: at least two boys
Are you willing to adopt
a sibset: yes, preferable
twin: yes
triples or more: no
children with physical disabilities: yes, if not too major
children with emotional disabilities: yes, if not too major
children with pets: yes
do you take family vacations: yes
would you travel to see their family: not too often but yes
their hospital: I guess (I am not quite sure what that means)
how far: to where? so long as it is not too far I am sure we could.

"Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live."
Mark Twain
Your spouse name: James Raphael Mckenzie
Your children and ages: Brian Gabriel (9)
Where you live: In a beautiful large house with a big back yard.
What pets or animals do you have: Cian (dog-a mix between a wolf and something else)
Amount of children you what(any amount): 4
Their ages: preferably between 8 and 5
Their country: France, Scotland, England, and Ireland.
Their genders: at least two boys
Are you willing to adopt
a sibset: yes, preferable
twin: yes
triples or more: no
children with physical disabilities: yes, if not too major
children with emotional disabilities: yes, if not too major
children with pets: yes
do you take family vacations: yes
would you travel to see their family: not too often but yes
their hospital: I guess (I am not quite sure what that means)
how far: to where? so long as it is not too far I am sure we could.

"Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live."
Mark Twain
Congrats Esperanza and James we found 4 children for you!
Baptiste Yann (8), Frederic Herbert (5) and Cesaire Roger (5). Baptiste, Frederic and Cesaire parents died in a fire. They have a each have a cat named: Baptiste: Edwige, Frederic: Roselle, and Cesaire: Violette. Baptiste like to play video games, read, and likes to play tennis. Frederic like to play tennis and play with his cat Roselle and Cesaire aslo like to play tennis and play video games, and play with his cat Violette. All the boys miss they family, but are dealing with it well. They speak Frence and English.
Aine Chevonne is a 7 year old girl from Ireland. Aine family died in a plane crash, along with Aine twin sister Sine. Aine likes to play sports and read. Aine does very well in school. She likes to be with people.
We would like to hear how Baptiste, Frederic, Cesaire and Aine are doing.
Baptiste Yann (8), Frederic Herbert (5) and Cesaire Roger (5). Baptiste, Frederic and Cesaire parents died in a fire. They have a each have a cat named: Baptiste: Edwige, Frederic: Roselle, and Cesaire: Violette. Baptiste like to play video games, read, and likes to play tennis. Frederic like to play tennis and play with his cat Roselle and Cesaire aslo like to play tennis and play video games, and play with his cat Violette. All the boys miss they family, but are dealing with it well. They speak Frence and English.
Aine Chevonne is a 7 year old girl from Ireland. Aine family died in a plane crash, along with Aine twin sister Sine. Aine likes to play sports and read. Aine does very well in school. She likes to be with people.
We would like to hear how Baptiste, Frederic, Cesaire and Aine are doing.
Your name: Lily Katherine O'Toole
Your spouse name: Chase Edward O'Toole
Your children and ages: N/A
Where you live: Elk Grove, California, USA
What pets or animals do you have:
A 10-mo-old black Cat, Dahlia Bridget
Amount of children you what(any amount): 2
Their ages: 9, 7
Their country: Ireland/Romania
Their genders: M/F
Are you willing to adopt
a sibset: Yes
twin: Yes
triples or more: No
children with physical disabilities: No
children with emotional disabilities: Yes
children with pets: Yes
do you take family vacations: Yes
would you travel to see their family: Yes
their hospital: Yes
how far: Anywhere
Do you hear the people sing? Lost in the valley of the night. It is the music of the people who are climbing to the light! For the wretched of the earth, there is a flame that never dies. Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise...
Your spouse name: Chase Edward O'Toole
Your children and ages: N/A
Where you live: Elk Grove, California, USA
What pets or animals do you have:
A 10-mo-old black Cat, Dahlia Bridget
Amount of children you what(any amount): 2
Their ages: 9, 7
Their country: Ireland/Romania
Their genders: M/F
Are you willing to adopt
a sibset: Yes
twin: Yes
triples or more: No
children with physical disabilities: No
children with emotional disabilities: Yes
children with pets: Yes
do you take family vacations: Yes
would you travel to see their family: Yes
their hospital: Yes
how far: Anywhere
Do you hear the people sing? Lost in the valley of the night. It is the music of the people who are climbing to the light! For the wretched of the earth, there is a flame that never dies. Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise...
Congrats Lily and Chase we found 2 children for you!
Ionel Claudiu(9) and Ruxandra Cosmina(7) are a sibset from Romania. Ionel and Ruxandra parents left them and they have been living with a friend of the family, but the family is moving and cannot keep them. Ionel likes to play sport and Ruxandra is a tomboy. They are both very kind and loving.
WE would love to hear how Ionel and Ruxandra are doing.
Ionel Claudiu(9) and Ruxandra Cosmina(7) are a sibset from Romania. Ionel and Ruxandra parents left them and they have been living with a friend of the family, but the family is moving and cannot keep them. Ionel likes to play sport and Ruxandra is a tomboy. They are both very kind and loving.
WE would love to hear how Ionel and Ruxandra are doing.
LN: Vincent
DH: Christopher Jacob "Chris"
DW: Summer Jeanna
Any other children?: No
Where you live: Ireland
What pets or animals do you have: none
# of children to adopt (as many as you like): 7
Their ages: 1-9
Their Country: Japan, Algeria, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Korea, India, Morocco, Ethiopia etc. - Whatever
Their gender: both (more girls than boys though)
Are you willing to adopt
a sibset: only 1
twin: yes
triples or more: no
children with physical disabilities: mild
children with emotional disabilities: yes
children with pets: no
do you take family vacations: yes
would you travel to see their family: preferably not
their hospital: yes
how far: hopefully not that far
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
DH: Christopher Jacob "Chris"
DW: Summer Jeanna
Any other children?: No
Where you live: Ireland
What pets or animals do you have: none
# of children to adopt (as many as you like): 7
Their ages: 1-9
Their Country: Japan, Algeria, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Korea, India, Morocco, Ethiopia etc. - Whatever
Their gender: both (more girls than boys though)
Are you willing to adopt
a sibset: only 1
twin: yes
triples or more: no
children with physical disabilities: mild
children with emotional disabilities: yes
children with pets: no
do you take family vacations: yes
would you travel to see their family: preferably not
their hospital: yes
how far: hopefully not that far
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
Congrats Chris and Summer we found 7 children for you!
Jameel Shiva is a 9 year old boy from India. Jameel mother was only 13 when she had him. Jameel's mother had to give him up. Jameel mother is now 22 she would stay in content with him. Jameel likes to play soccer. Jameel his a very kind boy. He like to read and write, and would like to go to school.
Shin Young is a 3 year old boy from Korea. Shin mother and father were killed in a fire. Shin likes to be with people and will cry if he his not. Shin is a very cute little boy.
Kanya Kulap is a 6 year old girl from Thailand. Kanya mother left after she was born and Kanya father was raising her, until he died of cancer 1 year age. Kanya misses her father and she cries offen for him. Kanya would like to learn how to read and write. She is a very sweet little girl.
Kim Ngoc and Vien Thanh are 2 year old twins from Vietnam. Kim and Vien family was to poor to keep them. Kim and Vien are very quiet and shy. They would like to be together. Not much is known abou Kim and Vien.
Yoshika Natsuka is a 7 year old girl from Japan. Yoshika mother did not want her and her father is unknown. Yoshika is blind in one eye, but she can see well.Yoshika like to play and hope to have a big family.
Jameel Shiva is a 9 year old boy from India. Jameel mother was only 13 when she had him. Jameel's mother had to give him up. Jameel mother is now 22 she would stay in content with him. Jameel likes to play soccer. Jameel his a very kind boy. He like to read and write, and would like to go to school.
Shin Young is a 3 year old boy from Korea. Shin mother and father were killed in a fire. Shin likes to be with people and will cry if he his not. Shin is a very cute little boy.
Kanya Kulap is a 6 year old girl from Thailand. Kanya mother left after she was born and Kanya father was raising her, until he died of cancer 1 year age. Kanya misses her father and she cries offen for him. Kanya would like to learn how to read and write. She is a very sweet little girl.
Kim Ngoc and Vien Thanh are 2 year old twins from Vietnam. Kim and Vien family was to poor to keep them. Kim and Vien are very quiet and shy. They would like to be together. Not much is known abou Kim and Vien.
Yoshika Natsuka is a 7 year old girl from Japan. Yoshika mother did not want her and her father is unknown. Yoshika is blind in one eye, but she can see well.Yoshika like to play and hope to have a big family.
Jameel, Shinny, Kanya, Kimmy, Vien, Yoshi, and Kennedy are doing great with us.
Jameel already knew English when we adopted him so it was easier for him to fit in with everything. He still loves to write and read and loves school so much. He is also on the soccer team and has made a few friends there- Aidan and Jackson.
Shinny loves to be around everyone, especially Yoshi! Shinny has learned English rapidly and it is wonderful to see him writing the alphabet and saying the letters.
Kanya is currently still learning English and she's learning quite fast, she's also learning how to write and read while she's learning the language. She's a sweet little girl and she loves to play with the other kids, though she is usually too shy to ask to join with them if they started doing something without her.
Kimmy and Vien are prefect little two-year-olds and they rarely act out and love to play gently with each other and othe others, especially Kennedy.
Yoshi is a sweet girl who is quite outgoing and loves to speak, despite her blind eye. She is always drawing and coloring with her books and she has learned English so quickly with us. Shinny is her biggeset fan and loves to follow her and play with her!
Kennedy already knew English and she fit in perfectly with the family, the twins especially love playing with her and Kimmy loves having Kennedy play dolls with her.
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
Jameel already knew English when we adopted him so it was easier for him to fit in with everything. He still loves to write and read and loves school so much. He is also on the soccer team and has made a few friends there- Aidan and Jackson.
Shinny loves to be around everyone, especially Yoshi! Shinny has learned English rapidly and it is wonderful to see him writing the alphabet and saying the letters.
Kanya is currently still learning English and she's learning quite fast, she's also learning how to write and read while she's learning the language. She's a sweet little girl and she loves to play with the other kids, though she is usually too shy to ask to join with them if they started doing something without her.
Kimmy and Vien are prefect little two-year-olds and they rarely act out and love to play gently with each other and othe others, especially Kennedy.
Yoshi is a sweet girl who is quite outgoing and loves to speak, despite her blind eye. She is always drawing and coloring with her books and she has learned English so quickly with us. Shinny is her biggeset fan and loves to follow her and play with her!
Kennedy already knew English and she fit in perfectly with the family, the twins especially love playing with her and Kimmy loves having Kennedy play dolls with her.
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
Your name: Rachel Whittney
Your spouse name: Ryan Asher
Your children and ages: Wesley Ryan Hunter-6, Matthew Aidan Heath-5, Brody Liam Donovan-3
Where you live: Colorado
What pets or animals do you have: Dog-husky/lab mix named Kaya, Dog- Black lab named Luka
Amount of children you what(any amount): 2
Their ages: baby-5
Their country: USA
Their genders: 1 girl and 1 boy or 2 girls
Are you willing to adopt
a sibset: yes
twin: yes
triples or more: no
children with physical disabilities: no
children with emotional disabilities: no
children with pets: yes! dogs prefereably
do you take family vacations: yes
would you travel to see their family: yes
their hospital: yes
how far:across the country
Your spouse name: Ryan Asher
Your children and ages: Wesley Ryan Hunter-6, Matthew Aidan Heath-5, Brody Liam Donovan-3
Where you live: Colorado
What pets or animals do you have: Dog-husky/lab mix named Kaya, Dog- Black lab named Luka
Amount of children you what(any amount): 2
Their ages: baby-5
Their country: USA
Their genders: 1 girl and 1 boy or 2 girls
Are you willing to adopt
a sibset: yes
twin: yes
triples or more: no
children with physical disabilities: no
children with emotional disabilities: no
children with pets: yes! dogs prefereably
do you take family vacations: yes
would you travel to see their family: yes
their hospital: yes
how far:across the country
Sarah Louise and Chloe Elizabeth are 5 year old twins for the United States. Sarah and Chloe parents died in a car crash. Sarah and Louise look just alike. They both have red hair and green eyes. Sarah and Chloe have a dog named Norman. They would like to see their grandparents in Georgia, who they lived with until they were 4. Sarah and Chloe seem like they are going to be tomboys when they are older.
WE would like to hear how Sarah and Chloe are doing.
WE would like to hear how Sarah and Chloe are doing.
Your name: Rebekah Leilani "Bekah"
Your spouse name: Charles Vincent "Charley"
Your children and ages: Rhiannon Niamh "Rhia" (4) and Phoenix Sage "Fee" (2)
Where you live: Suburban United States
What pets or animals do you have: We have two dogs-a husky mix named Stone and a greyhound named Murray.
Amount of children you what(any amount): 3-5
Their ages: under 17, preferably
Their country: any country-preferably Israel or Eastern European
Their genders: either
Are you willing to adopt
a sibset: Yes
twin: Yes
triples or more: Yes
children with physical disabilities: Yes
children with emotional disabilities: Yes
children with pets: Yes
do you take family vacations: Yes. Usually we go to the beach every summer and every few years we have a 'big' family vacation where we go to an amusement park or resort.
would you travel to see their family: every few years
their hospital: yes
how far: within 2 hours if we had to be there frequently. Within 6 hours if its infrequently.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
Thank you very much for our children! Rhia and Fee love having older siblings to follow around. Stone and Murray are adjusting to the new dogs in our house. Claire stays very close to Maurice, but Hikmat is a little more adventurous. Ashling "Ash" is adjusting well. She likes driving around our neighborhood. We got her a tutor for school and Ash is getting A's now. Maurice is doing pretty well too. Elene is helping to teach him English and translate his French for us. Maurice likes to be outside with Claire. Elene is very smart and we have enrolled her in third grade. She is starting swimming lessons next month and hopes to get onto the swim team pretty soon. Amir and Ayda are just now realizing that they are children that love having fun. They play outside almost all day long outside of school. Amir loves adventuring and he helped Charley build a tree fort in the backyard. Ayda is just as fun, but she plays hopscotch and jump rope.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
Congrats Bekah and Charley we found 5 children for you!
Amir Nasir and Ayda Hagir are 6 year old twins for Israel. Amir and Ayda parents was killed in a house fire. Amir and Ayda are sad for losing their parents, but they believe in not feeling sorry for ones self. They are very grown up 6 years old. Their have a dog named Hikmat which they would like to bring with them.
Ashling Dearrbhail is a 16 year old girl from Ireland. Ashling parents left her at a store. Ashling loves to drive, now that she can. She is a real girls. She is a typical 16 year old girl. She is not the best in school, but if she tried harder she would be. Ashling is considered "fun".
Maurice Severin is a 15 year old boy from France. Maurice mother was killed and his father has been missing for 3 years. Maurice has been living with his grandparents for 2 years, until they became to old to keep up with him. Maurice like to have fun. Maurice has a dog named Claire. Maurice speak mostly Frence and only a little English.
Elene Sotiria is a 8 year old girl for Greece. Elene parents could not keep her. Elene is a tomboy. Elene likes to swim. She has won medal for her swimming. She does very well in school. She speak Greek, Frence, Spanish, English and German. Elene would be a great help to Maurice.
We would love to hear how Amir, Ayda, Ashling, Maurice, and Elene are doing.
Amir Nasir and Ayda Hagir are 6 year old twins for Israel. Amir and Ayda parents was killed in a house fire. Amir and Ayda are sad for losing their parents, but they believe in not feeling sorry for ones self. They are very grown up 6 years old. Their have a dog named Hikmat which they would like to bring with them.
Ashling Dearrbhail is a 16 year old girl from Ireland. Ashling parents left her at a store. Ashling loves to drive, now that she can. She is a real girls. She is a typical 16 year old girl. She is not the best in school, but if she tried harder she would be. Ashling is considered "fun".
Maurice Severin is a 15 year old boy from France. Maurice mother was killed and his father has been missing for 3 years. Maurice has been living with his grandparents for 2 years, until they became to old to keep up with him. Maurice like to have fun. Maurice has a dog named Claire. Maurice speak mostly Frence and only a little English.
Elene Sotiria is a 8 year old girl for Greece. Elene parents could not keep her. Elene is a tomboy. Elene likes to swim. She has won medal for her swimming. She does very well in school. She speak Greek, Frence, Spanish, English and German. Elene would be a great help to Maurice.
We would love to hear how Amir, Ayda, Ashling, Maurice, and Elene are doing.
Your name: Rebecca SImone
Your spouse name: Pierre Jacques
Your children and ages: Aubrey Maximilian Stewart (8), Minerva Zoe Evelyn (6) & Caspian Lucius Edward (4)
Where you live: Australia
What pets or animals do you have: two dogs, West Highland Terriers Ciarnan and Ishbel, 8 horses, we live on a farm
Amount of children you what(any amount): 6-8
Their ages: Any
Their country: Scotland
Their genders: Male
Are you willing to adopt
a sibset: yes
twin: yes
triples or more: yes
children with physical disabilities: no
children with emotional disabilities: yes
children with pets: yes
do you take family vacations: yes
would you travel to see their family: yes
their hospital: yes
how far: any
~~* BEX *~~
Surfing is my religion!

Your spouse name: Pierre Jacques
Your children and ages: Aubrey Maximilian Stewart (8), Minerva Zoe Evelyn (6) & Caspian Lucius Edward (4)
Where you live: Australia
What pets or animals do you have: two dogs, West Highland Terriers Ciarnan and Ishbel, 8 horses, we live on a farm
Amount of children you what(any amount): 6-8
Their ages: Any
Their country: Scotland
Their genders: Male
Are you willing to adopt
a sibset: yes
twin: yes
triples or more: yes
children with physical disabilities: no
children with emotional disabilities: yes
children with pets: yes
do you take family vacations: yes
would you travel to see their family: yes
their hospital: yes
how far: any
~~* BEX *~~
Surfing is my religion!

Congrats Rebecca and Pierre we found 8 children for you!
Munroe Bruce(12), Eoghan Bhatair(5) and Sawney Gillerpie(3) are sibling from Scotland. Their father died of cancer and their mother cannot keep for money reasons. Munroe like to read and does well in school. Eoghan likes to be just like Munroe. Sawney is shy to most people. He like to play games with Munroe and Eoghan.
Daividh Steenie and Finley Donald are 8 year old twins from Scotland. Daividh and Finley parents did not want them, so they put them up for adoption. Daividh and Finley have been at The Children Adoption Center for 6 years now. Daividh like to play sports, while Finley like to read. Daivid and Finley look just alike, both with brown hair and green eyes.
Greer Dubhghall is a 2 year old boy from Scotland. Greer's mother was only 14 when she had him. Greer is a very happy little boy. Greer likes to get dirty and play with trucks and plane.
Padraig Jockie(14) and Ranulf Torquil(10) are a sibset from Scotland. Padraig and Ranulf family left them at a park when Padraig was 5 and Ranulf was 1. Padraig tried to get home, but couldn't. Padraig and Ranulf lived on the streets until they were 13 and 9. Padraig hates school and can be unfriendly. He is a typical teenager. Ranulf like to watch telesivion. He like to play with other kids, but is very similar.
Munroe Bruce(12), Eoghan Bhatair(5) and Sawney Gillerpie(3) are sibling from Scotland. Their father died of cancer and their mother cannot keep for money reasons. Munroe like to read and does well in school. Eoghan likes to be just like Munroe. Sawney is shy to most people. He like to play games with Munroe and Eoghan.
Daividh Steenie and Finley Donald are 8 year old twins from Scotland. Daividh and Finley parents did not want them, so they put them up for adoption. Daividh and Finley have been at The Children Adoption Center for 6 years now. Daividh like to play sports, while Finley like to read. Daivid and Finley look just alike, both with brown hair and green eyes.
Greer Dubhghall is a 2 year old boy from Scotland. Greer's mother was only 14 when she had him. Greer is a very happy little boy. Greer likes to get dirty and play with trucks and plane.
Padraig Jockie(14) and Ranulf Torquil(10) are a sibset from Scotland. Padraig and Ranulf family left them at a park when Padraig was 5 and Ranulf was 1. Padraig tried to get home, but couldn't. Padraig and Ranulf lived on the streets until they were 13 and 9. Padraig hates school and can be unfriendly. He is a typical teenager. Ranulf like to watch telesivion. He like to play with other kids, but is very similar.