[Facts] Cannot find anywhere
My father who was born in 1922 in Kansas was named Reign after a " family friend" we do not know who the friend was. I in turn named my son Reign after my father and now have been unable to find the name anywhere. Does anyone have information re: this name?
Thank You.
Thank You.
Reign could simply mean the same as the word reign:
which I believe to be highly likely. Such names aren't all that common but DO happen and I've heard of Reign used as a name before.
"Chan eil tuil air nach tig traoghadh"
Capt. Malcolm Reynolds - Half of writing history is hiding the truth.
- Serenity
which I believe to be highly likely. Such names aren't all that common but DO happen and I've heard of Reign used as a name before.
- Serenity
Is it pronounced like RAIN? I know a woman who raises orphaned baby deer who and names them after something to do with christmas or Santa. She had one a little while back called REIGN (like something to do with a slay or something) This is a little off what you asked but she also had some nmed VINCENT , NOEL , WINTER , and FROST.
That name would be spelled "Rein", not "Reign".