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[Opinions] Re: What are your favourite Italian names?
in reply to a message by Felie
I made you the longest list of names that I love... and then it got sucked into the void of cyberspace, I guess. Here we go again.Also, despite being a little bit Italian, I am not familiar enough with the culture to know what names are considered youthful and what names are dated, etc. Most of my familiarity with these names comes from pop culture or this site.
Because of that, I associate various names differently than someone in Italian. I know I've been told that Pietro is a "grandfather name." But to me, Pietro is a young man from The Avengers and the X-Men so I find him youthful and appealing.
Same with Silvio because I have an original character named Silvio who is in his mid-thirties and living his best life. Doesn't seem like an old name to me because that's my only association. I'll give you some comments on various ones though.
Silvio* -One of my favorite original characters. He's not Italian, but Romanian (the fact that his name isn't Silviu is a minor plot point.)
Pietro* -Marvel's Quicksilver character whom I adore despite his numerous flaws.
Leandro* -Had a character named this once too, but he was a young Mexican man.
Alessio -I once wrote a story about teenage boys in the 1600s (or maybe 1700s? I can't remember) and one was named this.
Alessandro -I used to know a man that I thought for years was named Alessandro and then later found out it was Alexandro and I was kind of crushed ngl.
Prospero* -This was the other main character in the above story. (There was a third boy, but it's been many years and I can't remember his name. Possibly Domenico?)
Luciano -I adore any man I can mentally nickname "Lucie."
Emilio / Emiliano
Elio -This makes me think of the younger boy in Call Me By Your Name.
Massimiliano -
Carmine -This mostly makes me think of guys in the mafia, but I like it despite that. It's just the only place I've really heard it is in mob movies.
Flavio -Back in high school, I used to have a little baby chick (fake) that set on my computer desk and looked surprised at all times. His name was Flavio.
Dario* -I don't even think of a person with this. I created a fictional island once called San Dario and that's what comes to mind with this.
Amerigo -I think of the guy America was named after. I always loved hearing his name when we learned about him in school.
Calogero* -I pretty much only know this name from A Bronx Tale and I'm a fan of the musical so I sing this name more than say it. (Look up, "These Streets" from the musical if you're unfamiliar and interested in what I'm singing pretty much any time I think of this name.)
Lorenzo / Enzo* -The father character and my favourite character in the aforementioned A Bronx Tale. Also the name of another original character of mine. Character is mid-40s and a doctor.
Salvio -I'm pretty sure I just like this because it's close to Silvio which I've established I really love.
Anastasio* -Look, just so we're clear, I would die for this name and I don't even know why except it's just that absolutely beautiful to my ears.
Arsenio* -This one is beautiful too, but not quite on Anastasio's level. But close.
Eugenio* -I prefer the Spanish pronunciation of this, but this one is still really cool.
Niccolò -Okay, moment of truth- I think I just like this because it reminds me of the word "piccolo" and that's really cute.
Camillo -About 40 times better than Camilla. Not sure why.
Cipriano -I like every format this name that exists, I think.
Silvano -Lovely, but less lovely than Silvio. I kind of wish this name were Silviano. Is that a legitimate name?
Bruno -I definitely think of droopy face puppies thanks to the Ty beanie baby from the 90s. And I think of the character from The By in the Striped Pajamas so this one has eternally youthful, but kind of melancholic feel for me.
Cosmo* / Cosimo -I used to have a small boy named Cosmo as a character in one of my stories. He was a messy-curly haired orphan boy who was usually very quiet. It's a sweet name to me. I guess because it also makes me think of outer space, I also think the name feels limitless. :)
Fabrizio -I just think of Fabrizio Moretti from The Strokes. It's the only person I've ever known of to have that name in real life.
Sergio -I used to adore this name, but I prefer others now. Used to say I wanted to fall in love with a Sergio, but I dated a Cergey (Russian Sergio) and he kind of made me unsure of it. haha.
Lelio -This seems childish and cute and I think it's fun to say.
Vitale -I'm hesitant to put this one here because I love Vitaly and some variants, but I'm not quite sure how to pronounce this one in Italian. If it's vee-TAH-lay, I like it. If it's anything else, probably not.
Allegra* -I have a minor character named Allegra. No particular reason I chose that one. She's a pop singer and I thought it sounded like a good pop singer name.
Azzurra -This looks like Azura going overboard. It's fun.
Graziana -I like Gratiana, but I like it with the GRAY-shun-ah pronunciation. However, the GRAT-tee-AH-nah pronunciation lead me to this name and it's cool too.
Sebastiana* -I like Sebastian and then I like the fancier sounding, female Sebastiana.
Tiziana -This sounds like a young girl in polka-dots. It's cute.
Vitalia -It's pretty much the same as Vitaliya which I really like.
Valentina* -I like it in Russian so why not Italian?
Francesca -I had a good friend named this in elementary school.
Lucia / Luciana -
Silvia* / Silvana* -I like these, but they're not on Silvio's level either.
Eugenia* -I used to dislike this name and how I absolutely love it. No clue why I changed my mind like that. Same with Silvia and Augusta and some other names. It's weird.
Emilia / Emiliana
Daria -Another one I like in Russian so I should like it in Italian too.
Maristella -This is so fun to say and feels so whimsical.
Carolina -I only like this with an Italian or Spanish, etc accent. I live in South Carolina and we pronounce it CAIR-ah-LYE-nah and I hate it.
Adriana -I used to have a tragic character named this. She was called "Adri" by friends and she died young. She was a friend of a central character, but I've considered before going back and writing her full story too.
Viviana* -This is a top tier name. It's been in my Top Ten many, many times.
Natalia* -This is pretty much my favourite female name ever. I'm sure that's partially influenced by Natalia Romanova, another one of Marvel's Avengers.
Giulietta -This one always feels like an older lady name to me. Not sure why. It just feels more grown up than Juliet(te).
Eliana -I like all names that sound like this.
Ileana -See?
Anastasia* -I love it. It's not Anastasio, but it's very, very nice and makes me happy.
Piera -I don't know anyone named this, but I always picture Piera as someone very strong and steadfast.
Eulalia -This is a young girl name to me. But I can also see it on an older lady. Not sure about teens or adults. Is that weird?

NataliaMirunaGratianaEugeniaMaximiliana • Anemona • ValentynaDaciana • Feodosia • Harmony

This message was edited 3/17/2019, 2:50 AM

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