[Opinions] Re: Friend just had twin girls named....
Everleigh sounds like a torch battery. Lora cheapens Laura, and Marilyn is very dated, but if they're family names then I guess there's no argument. Scarlett just doesn't appeal to me at all. GWTW or not, it starts with a scar and has the whiff of olde-tyme promiscuity - when last was anyone described as a scarlet woman? And yet the phrase lives on.Report-card comment: Can do better.
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Friend just had twin girls named....  ·  I Love Jesus  ·  3/21/2019, 11:43 AM
Re: Friend just had twin girls named....  ·  noel  ·  3/21/2019, 7:06 PM
Re: Friend just had twin girls named....  ·  Fictionfan861  ·  3/21/2019, 2:50 PM
Re: Friend just had twin girls named....  ·  Fictionfan861  ·  3/21/2019, 3:17 PM
Re: Friend just had twin girls named....  ·  Felie  ·  3/21/2019, 2:41 PM
Re: Friend just had twin girls named....  ·  RoxStar  ·  3/21/2019, 2:20 PM
Re: Friend just had twin girls named....  ·  Anneza  ·  3/21/2019, 1:22 PM
Re: Friend just had twin girls named....  ·  Mar  ·  3/21/2019, 1:03 PM
Re: Friend just had twin girls named....  ·  queenv  ·  3/21/2019, 11:50 AM