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[Games] Royal Year Game #2
So, this is a slightly altered version of saphirdufeu's very enjoyable Royal Year Game (don't worry, I've got permission, aha.) If it's too complicated / too simple feel free to change the rules to make it suit you better. Anyway, time period is up to you! However, events assume a vaguely medieval time. You'll need:Dice: really enjoyed the political elements of the game so I'm bringing them back in full force. If you don't want to play the political parts of the game, you don't have to! Political statistics are Money and Popularity - roll d100 and add three zeroes to the number you roll for your initial treasury, and roll d100 again for your percentage popularity. (i.e. rolls of 85 and 67 would lead to an initial treasury of 85 000, and a popularity rating of 67%).If your popularity falls below 20%, you must roll a die - if you get an odd number, your monarch is deposed and executed, and their eldest child takes over. With each new monarch, roll for their initial popularity. If you get an even number, raise your popularity to 25% and continue the game. If you go broke, you have three choices:1) End the game.
2) If you have children you can choose to betroth one of them to the child of a rich but untitled person in your kingdom. This means disgrace for your family (remove 20% from your popularity) and the child won't be happy, but the wealthy person will be grateful and will reward you financially - roll a d20 and add three zeroes to see how much money they give you.
3) Spontaneously go to war. Decide on a country to attack, and roll a d6. If you are successful (roll 1-3), roll a d20 and add three zeroes to see how much money you get. Your popularity will also increase by 10%. If you are unsuccessful (roll 4-6), you will be deposed and executed and your heir will take over.Your starting couple can be either King & Queen, or Prince & Princess. The specifics of their nationalities (eg in the medieval period Spain was Castile and Aragon) depends on the time frame you've chosen, so select a 'nation' to govern from the options you get when you roll a d8. If you want to choose your own nationality, that's fine too.1: Great Britain, England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland
2: France, Belgium
3: Germany, Prussia
4: Italy, Venice, the Holy Roman Empire
5: Spain, Castile, Aragon, Portugal
6: Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia
7. Russia, Muscovy, Finland
8: Sweden, Norway, DenmarkName them accordingly - they can have as many or as few names as you like. Here are the titles used in saphirdufeu's original game, though if you're playing a country that wasn't featured, you may have to look it up:King/Queen, König/Königin (Prussia), Kung/Drottning (Sweden), Roi/Reine (France), Rey/Reina (Castile), Rei/Reinha (Portugal), Król/Królowa (Poland), Doge/Dogaressa (Venice)
Prince/Princess, Prince/Princesse (France), Infante/Infanta (Portugal & Castile), Królewicz/Królewna (Poland), Prinz/Prinzessin (Prussia), Principe/Principessa (Venice), Furste/Furstinna (Sweden)
Duke/Duchess, Duc/Duchesse (France), Duca/Duchessa (Venice), Herzog/Herzogin (Prussia), Duque/Duquesa (Portugal, Castile), Hertig/Hertiginna (Sweden), Książę/Księżna (Poland)
Earl/Countess (England), Comte/Comtesse (France), Conde/Condessa (Portugal), Conde/Condesa (Castile), Graf/Gräfin (Prussia), Greve/Grevinna (Sweden), Hrabia/Hrabina (Poland), Conte/Contessa (Venice)Then, roll for their appearances (or choose, if you want to make it more accurate to your nation):Hair colour:
1-3: White / blonde
4-6: Ginger / red
7-9: Light brown / brown
10-12: Dark brown / blackEyes:
1-3: Blue / violet
4-6: Green / grey
7-9: Hazel / light brown
10-12: Dark brown / black————Every year, there is an event. You can roll a d12 for the category of events, or choose your own. 'Pregnancy' means you've had a pregnancy, 'Mechanical' means an event that will alter your family (whether through death, marriage, or the money / popularity statistics), and 'Other' means an event that is just about story-telling. Once some of your children are married, you can choose whether to keep them in the game or delete them (I always do this with my girls that marry - they've been sent off, aha). If you do the former, you can either roll for an event for each mini family, or you can just roll for one event and decide who it applies to.Some of your children will get married through royal engagements, which are covered under events. However, many will not. If your child reaches 18 and is still unmarried, roll a d4 for them specifically each round. If you roll a 1, they are married to either a Count level or a Duke level noble (you decide) from your own country. You can choose the appearances of new people that marry into your family, or roll for them using the system above.Once your characters reach 60, roll a d8 for them specifically each round. If you roll a 1, they have passed away.If your King dies without having fathered a male heir, his eldest daughter will succeed to the throne. If he has no children, there is a revolution. If there is a male heir, he will succeed to the throne no matter his age - if he is below 16, advisors, or the Queen if she is still alive, will temporarily govern for him. Temporary governors have the same popularity as the heir they are governing for.————Pregnancy Events (roll 1 to 4)(If you roll for a pregnancy but there are no married women in your family of child-bearing age, or you don't want a pregnancy, you can get a pet instead.)

1-5: Boy
6-10: Girl
11: Miscarriage
12: MultiplesFor multiples:
1-8: Fraternal twins
9-10: Identical twins
11: Fraternal triplets
12: Identical tripletsIf you have multiples, roll for the gender of each child - odd is a boy, even is a girl. Of course, if they are identical, you will only need to roll once, and the same goes for appearance later down the line.Names: Roll for each first and middle name
1: A or B
2: C or D
3: E or F
4: G or H
5: I or J
6: K or L
7: M or N
8: O, P, or Q
9: R or S
10: T or U
11: V or W
12: X, Y or ZHair:
1-4: Mum’s hair
5-8: Dad’s hair
9: White / blonde
10: Ginger / red
11: Light brown / brown
12: Brown / blackEyes:
1-4: Mum's eyes
5-8: Dad’s eyes
9: Blue / violet
10: Green / grey
11: Hazel / light brown
12: Dark brown / black————Mechanical Events (roll 5 to 8)1: You go to war with a neighbouring country. Roll d6 - 1-4 you fail, 5-6 you succeed. If you succeed, add 15 000 to your treasury and 15% to your popularity - if you lose, subtract 5 000 and 5%. You may choose the country or roll for it.
2: The ruler of another country dies, leaving behind only an infant heir. You can try to take over the country by force. If you choose to, roll a die - an even number means you win, an odd number means you lose. If you win, add 5 000 to your treasury, and 10% to your popularity. If you lose, subtract 5 000 from your treasury, and 10% from your popularity. You may choose the country or roll for it.
3. An opportunity for a royal marriage is presented - if you accept, your eldest unmarried child will be engaged (if under 16) or married (if over 16) to the Prince or Princess of another country. You may choose the country or roll for it.
4: The ruler of a country with whom you have a royal marriage dies. If the marriage has produced children, the eldest child succeeds to the throne. If you do not have a royal marriage, an offer is made for one. You may choose the country or roll for it.
5: A famine strikes your country - your popularity falls by 10%.
6: An adult member of your family is assassinated.
7: Your country is experiencing a period of economic success - your popularity rises by 15%.
8: Angry peasants surround your palace, making demands. If your popularity is below 40%, roll a die - if you roll an odd number, they storm in and kill your monarch, passing the throne on to their eldest child. If your roll an even number, you have two choices - either appease them monetarily by spending 10 000 on reforms, or let your popularity fall by 10%.
9: Your palace has largely fallen into disrepair - it will cost 20 000 to repair it.
10: One of your children falls ill and dies.
11: A person in your family has either fallen pregnant by, or impregnated, a commoner. If they are unmarried, you may choose to force them to marry them, but you do not have to. If they are married, you can choose to abandon the child or adopt it into your family.
12: A member of the family wishes to leave to join the military, a nunnery, a monastery, the theatre, or to marry a commoner. If you choose to let them, they leave the family. If you do not, they stay in the family, but this will affect your relationship with them.

————Other Events (roll 9 to 12)1: One of the children falls very ill, but lives.
2: Two people in the family have an argument.
3: Someone discovers a talent or calling in life.
4: The royal family go on a tour of their territory.
5: A member of a married couple is unfaithful.
6. Two people in the family become closer.
7. An important advisor dies and must be replaced.
8. War is narrowly averted through diplomacy.
9. The King appoints several new noblemen.
10: Some political reforms are carried out.
11: A group of rebels are caught and killed.
12. There is an unsuccessful attempt on an adult's life.————Well, that's it! Feel free to alter the rules however you like, have fun, and thanks again saphirdufeu :)*"That cynicism you refer to I acquired the day I discovered I was different from little boys."

This message was edited 5/11/2019, 12:25 PM

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Year 0 - Gascony (part of France)Money: 73,000
Popularity: 87%DH: Roi Reynaut Maurin Orens Periz de Gascony (straight brown hair, blue eyes)
DW: Reine Clarie Adalaís Rixene Periz de Gascony (straight brown hair, brown eyes)Roi Reynaut claimed the throne of Gascony after the death of his father, Roi Maurin. He is a clever and courageous leader, though a bit selfish, and is trusted and respected by his people. He rules alongside his wife, Reine Clarie, a wise and diplomatic former countess. Year 1 - GasconyMoney: 73,000
Popularity: 87%DH: Roi Reynaut Maurin Orens Periz de Gascony (straight brown hair, blue eyes)
DW: Reine Clarie Adalaís Rixene Periz de Gascony (straight brown hair, brown eyes)DS: Prince Bézian Reynaut Maurin (straight brown hair, brown eyes)The kingdom is ever-joyous when Reine Clarie gives birth to a son, Prince Bézian, who is a very quiet child. Roi Reynaut is very satisfied to have an heir.Year 2 - GasconyMoney: 78,000
Popularity: 97%Król Altair of Portugal is assassinated overnight, leaving behind his only infant son, Amando. Knowing that this would be a perfect time to invade, Roi Reynaut takes the chance - and succeeds, making him even more revered by the people. Reine Clarie isn’t too pleased with this rather egocentric decision, but knows that she has no say in the matter.Year 3 - GasconyMoney: 78,000
Popularity: 97%DH: Roi Reynaut Maurin Orens Periz de Gascony (straight brown hair, blue eyes)
DW: Reine Clarie Adalaís Rixene Periz de Gascony (straight brown hair, brown eyes)DS: Prince Bézian Reynaut Maurin (straight brown hair, brown eyes)
DD: Princesse Béatris Desirada Rixene (straight brown hair, brown eyes)Roi Reynaut and Reine Clarie give birth to their first daughter, Princesse Béatris, who is quite loud compared to her calmer brother. Reine Clarie absolutely adores her and dotes on her often.Year 4 - GasconyMoney: 78,000
Popularity: 97%Roi Jean-Louis of France had made an offer to betroth Princesse Béatris to his eldest son, Prince Antoine. Roi Reynaut quickly agrees, much to Reine Clarie’s chagrin - and it appears that the Roi and Reine have favoritism among their children.

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Year 0 - GasconyMoney: 72,000
Popularity: 80%DH: Roi Bézian Reynaut Maurin Periz de Gascony (straight brown hair, brown eyes)
DW: Reine Célina Mataline Naís Periz de Gascony (straight brown hair, hazel eyes)Roi Bézian succeeded to the throne after the death of his father, Roi Reynaut. The former Roi walked a rather scandalous path - interloping with a mistress for years before being exposed to the public and seemingly going mad with embarrassment. Nevertheless, the people hope that the quiet and thoughtful Roi Bézian, as well as his newly-wed wife, kind Reine Célina, will be able to clear the royal family’s image.Year 1 - GasconyMoney: 72,000
Popularity: 80%DH: Roi Bézian Reynaut Maurin Periz de Gascony (straight brown hair, brown eyes)
DW: Reine Célina Mataline Naís de Gascony (straight brown hair, hazel eyes)DD: Princesse Alaria Asalaïs Naís (straight brown hair, hazel eyes)The Roi and Reine are happy to welcome their first daughter, Princesse Alaria, who is a perfect copy of her mother. She might not be an heir, but her parents adore her, as do the people. Her first middle name, Asalaïs, was given in honor of her mother, former Reine Clarie Adalaís. Year 2 - GasconyMoney: 72,000
Popularity: 80%Doge Massimo of Venice has offered to betroth Princesse Alaria to his eldest son, Anastasio. Roi Bézian, after much pondering, agrees.Year 3 - GasconyMoney: 72,000
Popularity: 80%DH: Roi Bézian Reynaut Maurin Periz de Gascony (straight brown hair, brown eyes)
DW: Reine Célina Mataline Naís Periz de Gascony (straight brown hair, hazel eyes)DD: Princesse Alaria Asalaïs Naís (straight brown hair, hazel eyes)
DS: Prince Espan Bézian Reynaut (straight brown hair, hazel eyes)The kingdom rejoices when the Roi and Reine welcome their first son and heir, Prince Espan. Princesse Alaria is very exited to have a little brother.Year 4 - GasconyMoney: 72,000
Popularity: 80%Roi Bézian receives a letter from his sister, former Princesse Béatris - now Reine Béatrice of France. Joyed to be reunited with his sister after so many years, he writes back and the two begin exchanging letters. Despite being very far away, their bond becomes quite close.

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Year 0 - GasconyMoney: 85,000
Popularity: 90%DH: Roi Espan Bézian Reynaut Periz de Gascony (straight brown hair, hazel eyes)
DW: Reine Onorina Mabilia Azivelle Periz de Gascony (straight brown hair, gray eyes)Dog: Amic (black & white coat)When Roi Bézian passed away of illness, the people were unsure of what to expect of Prince Espan. He is a kind and compassionate young man, like his mother, but one that let his heart rule over his head. Knowing this, the former Roi and Reine were cautious as to pick a fine wife for him in advance. As such, they chose the poised and elegant Duchesse Onorina. The new Reine is very refined and slightly snobbish, and Roi Espan is hesitant when around her - plus, there are still rumors about him illicitly meeting with a commoner named Joane. While this newly arranged marriage might be off to a rather rocky start, but the Roi’s advisors counsel him as best they can.Year 1 - GasconyMoney: 85,000
Popularity: 90%As suggested by his royal advisors, Roi Espan appoints several new noblemen.Year 2 - GasconyMoney: 85,000
Popularity: 90%DH: Roi Espan Bézian Reynaut Periz de Gascony (straight brown hair, hazel eyes)
DW: Reine Onorina Mabilia Azivelle Periz de Gascony (straight brown hair, gray eyes)DS: Prince Brun Espan Bézian (straight brown hair, gold eyes)Dog: Amic (black & white coat)It turns out that the succession of secret interlopings with Joane has led to her becoming pregnant. Reine Onorina becomes furious and berates Roi Espan, but pretends to the public that the new Prince Brun, named after his great-uncle, is her own son. It is assumed that Roi Espan feels some sort of regret, but his relationship with the Reine has gotten no better.Year 3 - GasconyMoney: 85,000
Popularity: 90%Reine Lucienne of France has had her own problems with royal infidelity - her husband, Roi André, has impregnated a countesse and produced a daughter, Princesse Catherine. The Reine has offered to betroth her to Prince Brun, to which Roi Espan agrees.

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Years 1-23 (tbc)Money: 28000
Popularity: 42%
Country: EnglandIH [26] King Peter Edmund I
W [20] Queen Peronel ThomasinPrince Peter, the youngest of King John's six children and his only son, advances to the throne weeks after his marriage to the young countess Peronel after his father dies in a suspicious hunting accident.IIH [27] King Peter Edmund I
W [21] Queen Peronel Thomasin- S1 [nb] Prince Charles Roland IgnatiusThe Queen gives birth to the heir to the English throne, Prince Charles.IIIH [28] King Peter Edmund I
W [22] Queen Peronel Thomasin- S1 [1] Prince Charles Roland IgnatiusThe Queen grows disillusioned with her position, since King Peter seems to prefer the company of her 16 year old lady in waiting, Rosamund.IVH [29] King Peter Edmund I
W [23] Queen Peronel Thomasin- S1 [2] Prince Charles Roland Ignatius

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Kingdom of VeniceYear One:
Popularity: 95%
Treasury: 29, 000DH (27): Doge Lorenzo Ivan Tammaro Agnelli
DW (21): Dogaressa Edmonda Diletta Pina Agnelli (nee Crespi) "Monda"DD (nb): Principessa Evelina Teofila Gloria Agnelli "Evie"Doge Lorenzo Agnelli and the now Dogaressa Edmonda Agnelli (nee Crespi) marry. Doge Lorenzo has light brown hair and dark brown eyes; Dogaressa Edmonda has dark brown hair and hazel eyes.
They also welcome a daughter, Principessa Evelina Teofila Gloria Agnelli. She has light brown hair and hazel eyes.
Year Two:
Popularity: 95%
Treasury: 29, 000DH (28): Doge Lorenzo Ivan Tammaro Agnelli
DW (22): Dogaressa Edmonda Diletta Pina Agnelli (nee Crespi) "Monda"DD (01): Principessa Evelina Teofila Gloria Agnelli "Evie"Principessa Evelina falls very ill from influenza; thankfully she survives.
Year Three:
Popularity: 95%
Treasury: 29, 000DH (29): Doge Lorenzo Ivan Tammaro Agnelli
DW (23): Dogaressa Edmonda Diletta Pina Agnelli (nee Crespi) "Monda"DD (02): Principessa Evelina Teofila Gloria Agnelli "Evie"

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Year 0 - Romania (wanted to do Byzantine Empire but didn’t have enough info on names)Money: 47,000
Popularity: 95%DH: Rege Alexandru Emilian Marcel Net of Romania [wavy brown hair, brown eyes]
DW: Regina Elisabeta Dumitra Valeria Net of Romania [straight brown hair, hazel eyes]Rege Alexandru, only son of Rege Emilian, has been left the kingdom after his father’s death. Strong, prudent and ponderous, he rules alongside his wife, Regina Elisabeta, and is honored and trusted by his people. Year 1 - RomaniaMoney: 47,000
Popularity: 97%DH: Rege Alexandru Emilian Marcel Net of Romania [wavy brown hair, brown eyes]
DW: Regina Elisabeta Dumitra Valeria Net of Romania [straight brown hair, hazel eyes]DS: Print Lucian Alexandru Emilian [straight brown hair, hazel eyes]The kingdom rejoices when Regina Elisabeta gives birth to Print Lucian, Rege Alexandru’s first son and heir, who is the spitting image of his mother. However, the kingdom also suffered the death of Rege Alexandru’s mother, beloved former Regina Narcisa, who was assassinated by an unknown individual. Many mourned at her funeral.Year 2 - RomaniaMoney: 47,000
Popularity: 97%DH: Rege Alexandru Emilian Marcel Net of Romania [wavy brown hair, brown eyes]
DW: Regina Elisabeta Dumitra Valeria Net of Romania [straight brown hair, hazel eyes]DS: Print Lucian Alexandru Emilian [straight brown hair, hazel eyes]
DD: Printesa Aurora Elena Valeria [wavy brown hair, hazel eyes]The Rege and Regina are happy to welcome their first daughter, Printesa Aurora, who is a very beautiful child indeed. In fact, King Karl of Germany has offered to betroth her to his eldest son, Isaak. Rege Alexandru is hesitant but eventually agrees.Year 3 - RomaniaMoney: 52,000
Popularity: 100%Ukraine has suffered a plague of disease that takes King Maxim, who leaves behind his only infant son, Avgust. Having found out that former Regina Narcisa’s assassinator was a Ukrainian, Rege Alexandru takes the opportunity to invade. His plan to take revenge is successful - and the kingdom is now thriving.

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Year 0 - RomaniaMoney: 50,000
Popularity: 93%DH: Rege Anton Darius Marcel Net of Romania [wavy brown hair, hazel eyes]
DW: Regina Casandra Stela Carmen Net of Romania [straight brown hair, brown eyes]After the death of Rege Alexandru, young Rege Anton takes the throne with a firm but caring hand. Soon after the beginning of his rule, he marries the charming and gracious noblewoman Ducesa Casandra. The new rulers are well-liked by the people but have little experience when it comes to governing a kingdom. Luckily, the Rege’s advisors - and former Regina Elisabeta - help to turn him in the right direction.Year 1 - RomaniaMoney: 50,000
Popularity: 95%DH: Rege Anton Darius Marcel Net of Romania [wavy brown hair, hazel eyes]
DW: Regina Casandra Stela Carmen Net of Romania [straight brown hair, brown eyes]DD/DS: Printesa Amalia Adela Casandra & Print Adam Alexandru Anton [wavy brown hair, brown eyes & straight brown hair, brown eyes]The Rege and Regina are filled with joy as they welcome twins, Printesa Amalia and Print Adam. And with a heir in place, the kingdom is very pleased. Year 2 - RomaniaMoney: 50,000
Popularity: 95%The royal family goes on a pleasant tour of their territory. However, one of Rege Anton’s most important advisors passes away, leading to a replacement being appointed.Year 3 - RomaniaMoney: 50,000
Popularity: 95%Regina Casandra has become pregnant again - but, sadly, has a miscarriage.Year 4 - RomaniaMoney: 50,000
Popularity: 95%King William of England has offered to betroth his eldest daughter, Katherine, to Adam. Rege Anton agrees to the betrothal.Year 5 - RomaniaMoney: 50,000
Popularity: 95%DH: Rege Anton Darius Marcel Net of Romania [wavy brown hair, hazel eyes]
DW: Regina Casandra Stela Carmen Net of Romania [straight brown hair, brown eyes]DD/DS: Printesa Amalia Adela Casandra & Print Adam Alexandru Anton [wavy brown hair, brown eyes & straight brown hair, brown eyes]
DS: Print Dacian Ionel Marcel [straight brown hair, hazel eyes]

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Year 0 - RomaniaMoney: 50,000
Popularity: 86%DH: Rege Adam Alexandru Anton Net of Romania [straight brown hair, brown eyes]
DW: Regina Katherine “Catalina” Elizabeth Anne Net of Romania [straight brown hair, blue eyes]After Rege Anton’s death, Rege Adam succeeded to the throne, determined to leave Romania in a better state than his father. His wife, Regina Catalina - born Katherine, was the former Princess of England.Year 1 - RomaniaMoney: 55,000
Popularity: 96%King Ross of Scotland dies of a fatal injury, leaving behind his only infant son, Nichol. Rege Adam decides that, for the good of Romania, he must take the opportunity to attack. His attack is successful, and the kingdom heals by an extraordinary amount.Year 2 - RomaniaMoney: 55,000
Popularity: 96%DH: Rege Adam Alexandru Anton Net of Romania [straight brown hair, brown eyes]
DW: Regina Katherine “Catalina” Elizabeth Anne Net of Romania [straight brown hair, blue eyes]DS: Print Andrei Adam Alexandru [straight brown hair, blue eyes]The kingdom rejoices when Regina Catalina gives birth to a first son and heir, Print Andrei, who looks exactly like his mother.Year 3 - RomaniaMoney: 55,000
Popularity: 100%The kingdom goes through a period of economic success! All seems to go splendidly and the people trust the Rege more than ever before.Year 4 - RomaniaMoney: 55,000
Popularity: 100%The kingdom’s economy continues to skyrocket - the people are jubilant, as are the Rege and Regina.Year 5 - RomaniaMoney: 55,000
Popularity: 100%DH: Rege Adam Alexandru Anton Net of Romania [straight brown hair, blue eyes]
DW: Regina Katherine “Catalina” Elizabeth Anne Net of Romania [straight brown hair, blue eyes]DS: Print Andrei Adam Alexandru [straight brown hair, blue eyes]
DS: Print Adrian Anton Darius [straight brown hair, blue eyes]Regina Catalina gives birth to a second son, Print Adrian. Print Andrei is very happy to have a little brother.Year 6 - RomaniaMoney: 65,000

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Year 1 - RomaniaMoney: 65,000
Popularity: 100%DH: Rege Andrei Adam Alexandru Net of Romania [straight brown hair, blue eyes]The quiet but calm and intelligent Rege Andrei takes the throne after the death of Rege Adam. His first action as Rege is to make an alliance with Norway and King Loke, whom his sister Roxana was betrothed to.Year 2 - RomaniaMoney: 65,000
Popularity: 100%DH: Rege Andrei Adam Alexandru Net of Romania [straight brown hair, blue eyes]
DW: Regina Olimpia Marina Catrinel Net of Romania [wavy brown hair, gray eyes]Rege Andrei marries Ducesa Olimpia - she is his polar opposite, bright and bubbly and prone to speaking without thinking. Nevertheless, he loves her dearly.Year 3 - RomaniaMoney: 65,000
Popularity: 100%Rege Andrei appoints several new noblemen as he and Regina Olimpia go on a tour of the territory.Year 4 - RomaniaMoney: 65,000
Popularity: 100%DH: Rege Andrei Adam Alexandru Net of Romania [straight brown hair, blue eyes]
DW: Regina Olimpia Marina Catrinel Net of Romania [wavy brown hair, gray eyes]DD/DD: Printesa Miruna Steliana Catrinel & Printesa Sorina Isabela Marina [wavy brown hair, blue eyes & wavy brown hair, blue eyes]Regina Olimpia gives birth to twin daughters, Printesa Miruna and Printesa Sorina. They may not be heirs, but they are loved by their parents and the people alike.Year 5 - RomaniaMoney: 65,000
Popularity: 100%Printesa Miruna and Printesa Sorina’s relationship grows as they never spend a second apart from each other. King Loke, however, makes an offer to betroth Printesa Miruna to his eldest son, Jonas. Rege Andrei agrees, though Regina Olimpia openly expresses her distaste to the idea - she has always held a grudge against Norwegians despite their alliance with Romania.Year 6 - RomaniaMoney: 65,000
Popularity: 100%DH: Rege Andrei Adam Alexandru Net of Romania [straight brown hair, blue eyes]
DW: Regina Olimpia Marina Catrinel Net of Romania [wavy brown hair, gray eyes]DD/DD: Printesa Miruna Steliana Catrinel & Printesa Sorina Isabela Marina [wavy brown hair, blue eyes & wavy brown hair, blue eyes]

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Year 0 - RomaniaMoney: 60,000
Popularity: 80%DH: Print Catalin Andrei Adam Net of Romania [wavy brown hair, gray eyes]It wasn’t long before Romania suffered a deadly plague that raged throughout the kingdom - and, sadly, took the Rege and Regina. Print Catalin was forced to take the throne at the age of seventeen. He is a rather shy young man, but has the intelligence of his father and positivity of his mother. His Regent, Regent Claudiu - who used to be a trusted advisor of the Rege and Regina - governs for him and helps prepare him for Regehood.Year 1 - RomaniaMoney: 60,000
Popularity: 85%Print Catalin, now at the age of eighteen, is crowned Rege of Romania. The people are slightly unsure of what to expect, but they put their trust in him.Year 2 - RomaniaMoney: 60,000
Popularity: 100%Rege Catalin helps the kingdom’s economy to heal after the plague - earning great trust and honor from the people.Year 3 - RomaniaMoney: 60,000
Popularity: 100%DH: Rege Catalin Andrei Adam Net of Romania [wavy brown hair, gray eyes]
DW: Regina Irina Lidia Eugenia Net of Romania [wavy brown hair, green eyes]Rege Catalin falls in love with the vibrant and witty emerald-eyed Ducesa Irina, and soon marries her. The new Regina is well-liked by the people - who feel much more secure now that they have two monarchs.Year 4 - RomaniaMoney: 60,000
Popularity: 100%The Rege and Regina’s bond becomes closer, and the two become near inseparable. The kingdom, including Regent Claudiu, is extremely happy for them.Year 5 - RomaniaMoney: 60,000
Popularity: 100%DH: Rege Catalin Andrei Adam Net of Romania [wavy brown hair, gray eyes]
DW: Regina Irina Lidia Eugenia Net of Romania [wavy brown hair, green eyes]DS: Print Cosmin Catalin Andrei [wavy brown hair, green eyes]The kingdom is ever-joyous when the Rege and Regina give birth to their first son and heir, Print Cosmin, who shares his mother’s shining green eyes. Year 6 - RomaniaMoney: 60,000
Popularity: 100%

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Year One:
Popularity: 87% (+20%=107%)
Treasury: 7, 000 (-20,000 + 18,000 =5,000)DH (26): König Magni Aldwin Hallbjǫrn Müller
DW (19): Königin Ermintrude Rúna Adalheidis Müller (nee Vogel) "Ermie"König Magni Müller and Königin Ermintrude Vogel marry. König Magni has brown hair and hazel eyes; Königin Ermintrude has red hair and green eyes.The palace they inherited has largely fallen into disrepair - it will cost 20 000 to repair it. They go to war to fund the repairs, they win: gaining 18,000 and gain 20% popularity.
Year Two:
Popularity: 107%
Treasury: 5,000DH (27): König Magni Aldwin Hallbjǫrn Müller
DW (20): Königin Ermintrude Rúna Adalheidis Müller (nee Vogel) "Ermie"DD (nb): Prinzessin Romilda Zella Vera Müller "Milda"The couple welcome a daughter, Prinzessin Romilda Zella Vera Müller; she has brown hair and hazel eyes.
Year Three:
Popularity: 107%
Treasury: 5,000DH (28): König Magni Aldwin Hallbjǫrn Müller
DW (21): Königin Ermintrude Rúna Adalheidis Müller (nee Vogel) "Ermie"DD (01): Prinzessin Romilda Zella Vera Müller "Milda"

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Year 1
Popularity:99/Money: 67,000
Yekaterina Ivanovna Donskoya "Katyusha", Tsarina of Russia (light brown hair, green eyes) (16)
Nikolai Mikhailovich Donskoy, Tsar of Russia (dark brown hair, green eyes) (17)Angry peasants storm the palace, making demands, but Nikolai's guard manages to protect the boy who became Tsar after his father died and his beautiful wife. As a very popular family, they feel content.Year 2
Popularity:89/Money: 67,000
Yekaterina Ivanovna Donskoya "Katyusha", Tsarina of Russia (light brown hair, green eyes) (17)
Nikolai Mikhailovich Donskoy, Tsar of Russia (dark brown hair, green eyes) (18)After they began to feel content, a famine hits the country and popularity drops. Katyusha assures everyone they will be all right and volunteers for the needy.Year 3
Popularity:89/Money: 47,000
Yekaterina Ivanovna Donskoya "Katyusha", Tsarina of Russia (light brown hair, green eyes) (18)
Nikolai Mikhailovich Donskoy, Tsar of Russia (dark brown hair, green eyes) (19)The palace falls into disrepair, and it must be repaired. Katyusha is becoming very popular.Year 4
Popularity:89/Money: 47,000
Yekaterina Ivanovna Donskoya "Katyusha", Tsarina of Russia (light brown hair, green eyes) (19)
Nikolai Mikhailovich Donskoy, Tsar of Russia (dark brown hair, green eyes) (20)War is narrowly averted through diplomacy but they are still quite popular, especially the beautiful Tsarina.Year 5
Popularity:89/Money: 47,000
Yekaterina Ivanovna Donskoya "Katyusha", Tsarina of Russia (light brown hair, green eyes) (20)
Nikolai Mikhailovich Donskoy, Tsar of Russia (dark brown hair, green eyes) (21)A group of rebels planned to kill Nikolai and Katyusha, but they are caught and executed.
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Year 1
Popularity: 86 percent, Money: 67,000
King John Charles Alexander of England (red hair, dark brown eyes) (34)
Queen Katherine Eleanor of England (red hair, dark brown eyes) (16)Year 2
Popularity: 86 percent, Money: 67,000
King John Charles Alexander of England (red hair, dark brown eyes) (35)
Queen Katherine Eleanor of England (red hair, dark brown eyes) (17)Princess Zoe Rebecca Anne of England (red hair, dark brown eyes) (nb)They welcome a daughter.Year 3
Popularity: 100 percent, Money: 67,000
King John Charles Alexander of England (red hair, dark brown eyes) (36)
Queen Katherine Eleanor of England (red hair, dark brown eyes) (18)Princess Zoe Rebecca Anne of England (red hair, dark brown eyes) (1)The country experiences a period of economic success.Year 4
Popularity: 100 percent, Money: 67,000
King John Charles Alexander of England (red hair, dark brown eyes) (37)
Queen Katherine Eleanor of England (red hair, dark brown eyes) (19)Princess Zoe Rebecca Anne of England (red hair, dark brown eyes) (2)
Prince Robert John Harold of England (red hair, blue eyes) (nb)They welcome their second child, a baby boy and the heir to the throne when King John dies.Year 5
Popularity: 90 percent, Money: 62,000
King John Charles Alexander of England (red hair, dark brown eyes) (38)
Queen Katherine Eleanor of England (red hair, dark brown eyes) (20)Princess Zoe Rebecca Anne of England (red hair, dark brown eyes) (3)
Prince Robert John Harold of England (red hair, blue eyes) (1)The rule of Spain dies, leaving only a infant heir and the country goes to war and loses.Year 6
Popularity: 90 percent, Money: 62,000
King John Charles Alexander of England (red hair, dark brown eyes) (39)
Queen Katherine Eleanor of England (red hair, dark brown eyes) (21)Princess Zoe Rebecca Anne of England (red hair, dark brown eyes) (4)
Prince Robert John Harold of England (red hair, blue eyes) (2)A group of rebels are caught and killed, leading to more trust in King John and Queen Katherine.

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Prussia1640Treasury: 39,000
Popularity: 73%[23] Karl Johann Friedrich Alfons, König von Preußen (brown hair, brown eyes)
[20] Mathilde Maria Charlotte, Königin von Preußen (blonde hair, blue eyes)König Friedrich has died in his sleep after a long reign of 40 years, leaving his eldest son Karl as his successor. Karl has not been married yet, preferring his mistresses. Some people are skeptical of whether Karl is capable of being a good ruler. His advisors advise him to marry Furstinna Mathilda of Sweden. Karl reluctantly agrees to do so, improving relationships between the two countries. To the surprise of everyone, the two end up falling in love after meeting each other.
1641Treasury: 39,000
Popularity: 73%[24] Karl Johann Friedrich Alfons, König von Preußen (brown hair, brown eyes)
[21] Mathilde Maria Charlotte, Königin von Preußen (blonde hair, blue eyes)[nb] Caroline Louise Friederike, Prinzessin von Preußen (brown hair, blue eyes)In this year, Mathilde has also given birth to a baby girl, the Prinzessin Caroline. The couple hopes to soon produce an heir.
1642Treasury: 39,000
Popularity: 73%[25] Karl Johann Friedrich Alfons, König von Preußen (brown hair, brown eyes)
[22] Mathilde Maria Charlotte, Königin von Preußen (blonde hair, blue eyes)[1] Caroline Louise Friederike, Prinzessin von Preußen (brown hair, blue eyes)
[nb] Johann Rupert Karl, Kronprinz von Preußen (blonde hair, brown eyes)After a year, Mathilde has given birth to an heir, the Prinz Johann, to which there has been much rejoicing.
1643Treasury: 39,000
Popularity: 73%[26] Karl Johann Friedrich Alfons, König von Preußen (brown hair, brown eyes)
[23] Mathilde Maria Charlotte, Königin von Preußen (blonde hair, blue eyes)[2] Caroline Louise Friederike, Prinzessin von Preußen (brown hair, blue eyes)
[1] Johann Rupert Karl, Kronprinz von Preußen (blonde hair, brown eyes)Following a series of reforms, several new noblemen are appointed.

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This message was edited 6/10/2019, 6:54 AM

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1671Treasury: 19,000
Popularity: 83%[53] Karl Johann Friedrich Alfons, König von Preußen (brown hair, brown eyes)
[50] Mathilde Maria Charlotte, Königin von Preußen (blonde hair, blue eyes)[26] Wilhelm Ernst Matthias, Kronprinz von Preußen (blonde hair, blue eyes)
-[25] Anne Theresa Victoria, Kronprinzessin von Preußen (brown hair, hazel eyes)
--[3] Henriette Theresa Mathilde, Prinzessin von Preußen (brown hair, hazel eyes)
--[nb] Amalia Christina Julia, Prinzessin von Preußen (brown hair, blue eyes)[18] Leopold Otto Rudolf "Poldi", Prinz von Preußen (blonde hair, blue eyes)
[18] Christian Philipp Maximilian, Prinz von Preußen (blonde hair, blue eyes)
[16] Wilhelmine Helene Johanna "Minna", Prinzessin von Preußen (blonde hair, blue eyes)
[11] Peter Dietrich (brown hair, brown eyes)Anne gives birth to another girl. Wilhelm hopes that she will soon give him a boy.
1672Treasury: 19,000
Popularity: 83%[54] Karl Johann Friedrich Alfons, König von Preußen (brown hair, brown eyes)
[51] Mathilde Maria Charlotte, Königin von Preußen (blonde hair, blue eyes)[27] Wilhelm Ernst Matthias, Kronprinz von Preußen (blonde hair, blue eyes)
-[26] Anne Theresa Victoria, Kronprinzessin von Preußen (brown hair, hazel eyes)
--[4] Henriette Theresa Mathilde, Prinzessin von Preußen (brown hair, hazel eyes)
--[1] Amalia Christina Julia, Prinzessin von Preußen (brown hair, blue eyes)[19] Leopold Otto Rudolf "Poldi", Prinz von Preußen (blonde hair, blue eyes)
[19] Christian Philipp Maximilian, Prinz von Preußen (blonde hair, blue eyes)
[12] Peter Dietrich (brown hair, brown eyes)Wilhelmine marries the new Doge after the previous Doge has passed away. She goes to Venice and becomes Dogaressa Elene Giovanna di Venezia.
1672Treasury: 19,000
Popularity: 83%[55] Karl Johann Friedrich Alfons, König von Preußen (brown hair, brown eyes)
[52] Mathilde Maria Charlotte, Königin von Preußen (blonde hair, blue eyes)[28] Wilhelm Ernst Matthias, Kronprinz von Preußen (blonde hair, blue eyes)

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This message was edited 6/10/2019, 8:24 AM

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Money: 3,000
Popularity: 24%Rey Ximeno Lorencio, 30 years old [brown hair, hazel eyes]
Reina Sence Alejandra, 26 years old [black hair, light brown eyes]Rey Didacus has been murdered. His eldest son, Ximeno, grieves, but his Ximeno's wife Sence tells him that he must carry on with life. The people need a ruler. And a better one than Rey Didacus, for he was quite nasty. He scammed people out of their money, didn't listen to the concerns of the countrymen, and was did as much wrong as he could get away with. Castile's treasury has been drained by his frivolous spending. Ximeno is nothing like his father. A generous, sensitive, thoughtful soul, Ximeno yearns to do what his father could not. But to be king, he needed a queen. Sence is quite different from her husband. A out-spoken, clever, sometimes greedy soul, she seeks to make Castile the most powerful it had ever been. It was an arranged marriage, and not always a peaceful one. But even if the two cannot be the best rulers, they will be better than Didacus. 1231
Money: 3,000
Popularity: 24%Rey Ximeno Lorencio, 31 years old [brown hair, hazel eyes]
Reina Sence Alejandra, 27 years old [black hair, light brown eyes]Enrique, an important advisor to the king, has died in a terrible accident. Ximeno, forced to replace him, receives many bribes, but promotes a previously unimportant advisor, Ricardo. Ricardo proves himself a good advisor. Sence was trying to convince Ximeno to accept the bribes, but she admits she was wrong. 1232
Money: -2,000(in debt)
Popularity: 19%Rey Ximeno Lorencio, 32 years old [brown hair, hazel eyes]
Reina Sence Alejandra, 28 years old [black hair, light brown eyes] After Kung Sture of Sweden sends a militia over to try and take over some land, Sence convinces her husband to declare war on them. Perhaps following her advice wasn't the smartest choice, however, because Castile is quickly crushed by the superior Swedish armies. Ximeno is a bit mad at Sence, as he now has to get Castile out of debt.

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England, 160359,000 gold coins
93% popularity
DH [28] Thomas Leonard Benedict, King Thomas I of England - dark brown hair, hazel eyes
DW [26] Philippa Victoria Mary Margaret Sophia, Queen Pippa of England - dark brown hair, dark brown eyesAfter much controversy, England has a new ruler, King Thomas I. He has taken as a wife the sensible and intelligent Countess Pippa, sister of one of his closest friends and most valued advisors, Harold, Earl of Chichester. The people approve of him very much, and are glad they have not had to tolerate the Scottish King James instead.England, 160459,000 gold coins
93% popularity
DH [29] Thomas Leonard Benedict, King Thomas I of England - dark brown hair, hazel eyes
DW [27] Philippa Victoria Mary Margaret Sophia, Queen Pippa of England - dark brown hair, dark brown eyesThe Scottish King James has agreed to a compromise over leadership - his six-year-old daughter Princess Margaret will be betrothed to the first son of Thomas and Pippa.England, 160559,000 gold coins
93% popularity
DH [30] Thomas Leonard Benedict, King Thomas I of England - dark brown hair, hazel eyes
DW [28] Philippa Victoria Mary Margaret Sophia, Queen Pippa of England - dark brown hair, dark brown eyesDD [nb] Jane Amelia Thomasina Catherine Anne, Princess Jane of England - dark brown hair, dark brown eyesUnfortunately, the couple's first child is a daughter. Jane has been assigned a wet nurse and neither parent sees her often. Queen Anne has also given birth to a daughter, Princess Mary, and it is decided that she instead of Margaret should wed Thomas and Pippa's first son, so that the couple are more likely to bear children.England, 160659,000 gold coins
93% popularity
DH [31] Thomas Leonard Benedict, King Thomas I of England - dark brown hair, hazel eyes
DW [29] Philippa Victoria Mary Margaret Sophia, Queen Pippa of England - dark brown hair, dark brown eyes

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This message was edited 5/28/2019, 6:18 AM

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Russia, 1610Treasury: 19,000 gold coins
Popularity: 35%
[31] Vladislav Ilyich Martov, Tsar Russkiy (red hair, black eyes)
[25] Alisa Albertovna Martova, Tsaritsa Russkaya (ginger hair, hazel eyes)After a military coup, aristocrat and general Vladislav Ilyich Martov has taken the throne of Russia. In order to secure an alliance, he has taken as a wife the Princesa Adelaida Imelda Immaculada, daughter of the Spanish Rey Ildefonso Sandalio Adalberto Gregorio. The people are very uncertain about this new ruler.Russia, 1611Treasury: 19,000 gold coins
Popularity: 35%
[32] Vladislav Ilyich Martov, Tsar Russkiy (red hair, black eyes)
[26] Alisa Albertovna Martova, Tsaritsa Russkaya (ginger hair, hazel eyes)Vladislav was very pleased when Alisa became pregnant this year, but furious when she miscarried.Russia, 1612Treasury: 19,000 gold coins
Popularity: 25%
[33] Vladislav Ilyich Martov, Tsar Russkiy (red hair, black eyes)
[27] Alisa Albertovna Martova, Tsaritsa Russkaya (ginger hair, hazel eyes)After a famine struck Russia, Vladislav's popularity has plummeted even further.Russia, 1613Treasury: 19,000 gold coins
Popularity: 25%
[34] Vladislav Ilyich Martov, Tsar Russkiy (red hair, black eyes)
[28] Alisa Albertovna Martova, Tsaritsa Russkaya (ginger hair, hazel eyes)[nb] Galina Vladislavovna Martova, Velikaya Knyaginya Russkaya "Galya" (ginger hair, grey eyes)
[nb] Margarita Vladislavovna Martova, Velikaya Knyaginya Russkaya (ginger hair, grey eyes)Alisa has given birth to beautiful identical twin daughters, but Vladislav is uninterested - only a son will do.Russia, 1614Treasury: 19,000 gold coins
Popularity: 25%
[35] Vladislav Ilyich Martov, Tsar Russkiy (red hair, black eyes)
[29] Alisa Albertovna Martova, Tsaritsa Russkaya (ginger hair, hazel eyes)[1] Galina Vladislavovna Martova, Velikaya Knyaginya Russkaya "Galya" (ginger hair, grey eyes)
[1] Margarita Vladislavovna Martova, Velikaya Knyaginya Russkaya (ginger hair, grey eyes)

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Russia, 1630Treasury: 6,000 gold coins
Popularity: 53%
[39] Yevpraksiya Vyacheslavovna Martova-Ryutina, Vdova Tsaritsa Russkaya (black hair, green eyes)
[30] Daniil Davidovich Ryutin, Prints Russkiy (brown hair, hazel eyes)[17] Margarita Vladislavovna Martova, Velikaya Knyaginya Russkaya (ginger hair, grey eyes)
[13] Gennadiya Vladislavovna Martova, Velikaya Knyaginya Russkaya "Genya" (red hair, green eyes)
[11] Agrafena Vladislavovna Martova, Velikaya Knyaginya Russkaya "Grusha" (black hair, black eyes)
[10] Konstantin Vladislavovich Martov, Tsar Russkiy "Kostya" (black hair, light brown eyes)
[9] Irina Vladislavovna Martova, Velikaya Knyaginya Russkaya "Irinushka" (black hair, blue eyes)
[8] Dmitriy Vladislavovich Martov, Tsesarevich Russkiy "Dima" (red hair, green eyes)Kostya's advisors are inexperienced and power-hungry, and their lack of focus or knowledge has led to a famine.Russia, 1631Treasury: 6,000 gold coins
Popularity: 53%
[40] Yevpraksiya Vyacheslavovna Martova-Ryutina, Vdova Tsaritsa Russkaya (black hair, green eyes)
[31] Daniil Davidovich Ryutin, Prints Russkiy (brown hair, hazel eyes)[18] Margarita Vladislavovna Martova, Velikaya Knyaginya Russkaya (ginger hair, grey eyes)
[14] Gennadiya Vladislavovna Martova, Velikaya Knyaginya Russkaya "Genya" (red hair, green eyes)
[12] Agrafena Vladislavovna Martova, Velikaya Knyaginya Russkaya "Grusha" (black hair, black eyes)
[11] Konstantin Vladislavovich Martov, Tsar Russkiy "Kostya" (black hair, light brown eyes)
[10] Irina Vladislavovna Martova, Velikaya Knyaginya Russkaya "Irinushka" (black hair, blue eyes)
[9] Dmitriy Vladislavovich Martov, Tsesarevich Russkiy "Dima" (red hair, green eyes)Revolts in the Black Earth region have been silenced by the secret police.Russia, 1632Treasury: 6,000 gold coins
Popularity: 43%
[41] Yevpraksiya Vyacheslavovna Martova-Ryutina, Vdova Tsaritsa Russkaya (black hair, green eyes)
[32] Daniil Davidovich Ryutin, Prints Russkiy (brown hair, hazel eyes)

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This message was edited 5/22/2019, 11:21 AM

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Russia, 1680Treasury: 6,000 gold coins
Popularity: 40%
[48] Agata Ivanovna Martova, Vdova Tsaritsa Russkaya (red hair, green eyes)[29] Sevastian Konstantinovich Martov, Tsar Russkiy (dark brown hair, light brown eyes)
- [28] Yekaterina Yefimovna Martova, Tsaritsa Russkaya "Katenka" (ginger hair, hazel eyes)
-- [nb] Pyotr Sevastianovich Martov, Tsesarevich Russkiy (brown hair, hazel eyes)[24] Mikhail Konstantinovich Martov, Velikiy Gertsog Russkiy (dark brown hair, light brown eyes)
- [22] Esfir Grigorievna Martova, Velikaya Gertsoga Russkaya (brown hair, blue eyes)
-- [2] Timofey Mikhailovich Martov, Velikiy Gertsog Russkiy (brown hair, light brown eyes)[15] Yevgeniya Konstantinovna Martova, Velikaya Gertsoga Russkaya "Zhenya" (red hair, green eyes)The family are very pleased - Zhenya has secured a royal engagement, to the Venetian Principe Sebastiano Vitale Abale Gianpaolo.Russia, 1681Treasury: 6,000 gold coins
Popularity: 40%
[49] Agata Ivanovna Martova, Vdova Tsaritsa Russkaya (red hair, green eyes)[30] Sevastian Konstantinovich Martov, Tsar Russkiy (dark brown hair, light brown eyes)
- [29] Yekaterina Yefimovna Martova, Tsaritsa Russkaya "Katenka" (ginger hair, hazel eyes)
-- [1] Pyotr Sevastianovich Martov, Tsesarevich Russkiy (brown hair, hazel eyes)[25] Mikhail Konstantinovich Martov, Velikiy Gertsog Russkiy (dark brown hair, light brown eyes)
- [23] Esfir Grigorievna Martova, Velikaya Gertsoga Russkaya (brown hair, blue eyes)
-- [3] Timofey Mikhailovich Martov, Velikiy Gertsog Russkiy (brown hair, light brown eyes)Zhenya has left to become Eugenia Constantina Martina, Principessa di Venezia. Sevastian is working on reforms in the church.Russia, 1682Treasury: 6,000 gold coins
Popularity: 40%
[50] Agata Ivanovna Martova, Vdova Tsaritsa Russkaya (red hair, green eyes)[31] Sevastian Konstantinovich Martov, Tsar Russkiy (dark brown hair, light brown eyes)
- [30] Yekaterina Yefimovna Martova, Tsaritsa Russkaya "Katenka" (ginger hair, hazel eyes)

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This message was edited 5/23/2019, 9:56 AM

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Money: 72,000
Popularity: 61%
King Augustine Albert Ellis - 25 years old, light brown hair, blue eyes
Queen Christabel Maud - 24 years old, blonde hair, grey eyesAfter the tragic death of King Albert II, his eldest son, Augustine, is crowned King of England. We are told the old king died of sickness, but there are rumors. Some say he was killed by a power-hungry rival. Some say it was suicide. Some say it was Augustine himself who did the deed, but most agree that this is nonsense. The new King is met by mostly acceptance, but he is a peculiar ruler. Too quiet, most agree. Perhaps it might not be a bad thing, however. The kingdom's ears are quite sore of Albert's lengthy, unintelligible speeches by now. Whatever the matter, Albert is dead as a doornail and his quiet son Augustine is King now. Christabel, the new King's bride, was the youngest daughter of Earl James Nigel, a man most know of by his wealth. She is as quiet as her husband, and terribly shy. For Augustine, this is no matter. The new King and Queen are very much in love. And if they are not ready to rule the kingdom, they have each other. 1586
Money: 72,000
Popularity: 61%
King Augustine Albert Ellis - 26 years old, light brown hair, blue eyes
Queen Christabel Maud - 25 years old, blonde hair, grey eyesPrincess Cecily Victoria - Newborn, light brown hair, grey eyesKing Augustine and Queen Christabel welcome a daughter into their world! Cecily is born with wispy light brown hair and big grey eyes. While she may not be an heir, her family loves her nonetheless. 1587
Money: 72,000
Popularity: 61%
King Augustine Albert Ellis - 27 years old, light brown hair, blue eyes
Queen Christabel Maud - 26 years old, blonde hair, grey eyesPrincess Cecily Victoria - 1 year old, light brown hair, grey eyesKing Augustine and Queen Christabel develop a stronger bond as they rule together. 1588
Money: 72,000
Popularity: 61%
King Augustine Albert Ellis - 28 years old, light brown hair, blue eyes

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This message was edited 5/14/2019, 5:08 PM

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Year 0: Beginnings
Kingdom of Gwynedd (Wales)
Treasury: $76000
Popularity: 96%King Myrddin ap Ffransis [28; dark brown hair, hazel eyes]
Queen Beitris Annag (Princess of Alba) [19; red hair, blue eyes]Prince Myrddin has suddenly ascended to the throne of Gwynedd following the unexpected death of his father, King Ffransis ap Andras, who was thrown from his horse on a hunt. The events also sped up the timeline on his marriage to Princess Beitris Annag, the eldest daughter of the ruling family of Alba, a nearby kingdom. Bright Queen Beitris is adored by the people of Gwynedd and the kingdom has high hopes for their young rulers.
Year 1: Pregnancy
Treasury: $76000
Popularity: 96%King Myrddin ap Ffransis [29; dark brown hair, hazel eyes]
Queen Beitris Annag (Princess of Alba) [20; red hair, blue eyes]Princess Tesni Rhosyn [nb; dark brown hair, dark brown eyes]The first year of Myrddin and Beitris's marriage and rule has proved fruitful, as Beitris has given birth to a healthy baby girl. Princess Tesni has her father's dark hair, as well as dark, thoughtful eyes. Her parents dote on her.
Year 2: Pregnancy
Treasury: $76000
Popularity: 96%King Myrddin ap Ffransis [30; dark brown hair, hazel eyes]
Queen Beitris Annag (Princess of Alba) [21; red hair, blue eyes]Princess Tesni Rhosyn [1; dark brown hair, dark brown eyes]
[Heir] Prince Meical [nb; dark brown hair, hazel eyes]An heir is born! Beitris has had a second child in as many years; a boy, Prince Meical, who is the spitting image of his father.
Year 3: Assassination attempt
Treasury: $76000
Popularity: 96%King Myrddin ap Ffransis [31; dark brown hair, hazel eyes]
Queen Beitris Annag (Princess of Alba) [22; red hair, blue eyes]Princess Tesni Rhosyn [2; dark brown hair, dark brown eyes]
[Heir] Prince Meical [1; dark brown hair, hazel eyes]Despite the near-universal approval of the royal family, an attempt on the life of Queen Beitris is made. Though there isn't any proof, it is widely believed the attempt was funded by a noble family in Gwynedd whose daughter was passed over for a marriage to Myrddin. Happily, the attempt is thwarted before any harm could come to Beitris.

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Year 1
Principe Federico Benedetto Alessandro (blond hair, blue eyes) (29)
Principessa Giulia {Alfonsi} (ginger hair, light brown eyes) (16)Federico marries Giulia Alfonsi, who was young and naive and off noble birth.Year 2
Principe Federico Benedetto Alessandro (blond hair, blue eyes) (30)
Principessa Giulia {Alfonsi} (ginger hair, light brown eyes) (17)Giulia notices Federico has been spending less and less time with her, eventually realizing that he has been with a young girl name Caterina Romano, who is Giulia's cousin. Because of this, Giulia and Federico fight and it almost breaks up their marriage but Giulia's father reminds Federico of the rank of the Alfonsi family.Year 3
Principe Federico Benedetto Alessandro (blond hair, blue eyes) (31)
Principessa Giulia {Alfonsi} (ginger hair, light brown eyes) (18)Federico's father still lives, but he appoints several new noblemen to prepare for his passing.Year 4
Principe Federico Benedetto Alessandro (blond hair, blue eyes) (32)
Principessa Giulia {Alfonsi} (ginger hair, light brown eyes) (19)Spain and Italy feud, but thanks to the King's diplomats the war is avoided.Year 5
Principe Federico Benedetto Alessandro (blond hair, blue eyes) (32)
Principessa Giulia {Alfonsi} (ginger hair, light brown eyes) (20)Principessa Maria Ottavia (brown hair, light brown eyes) (nb)They finally welcome their first child, a beautiful baby girl whom they name Maria Ottavia. Baby Maria looks nothing like her father, but she has her moms light brown eyes. Federico would have preferred a firstborn son, but he loves his daughter very much and wants to make her and her mother happy.Year 6
Principe Federico Benedetto Alessandro (blond hair, blue eyes) (33)
Principessa Giulia {Alfonsi} (ginger hair, light brown eyes) (21)Principessa Maria Ottavia (brown hair, light brown eyes) (1)Giulia discovers she is a very talented weaver and makes many tapestries, as well as a blanket for her one year old daughter Maria.Year 7

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Kingdom of VillmarkYear 0: Beginning/Marriage
Kingdom of Villmark (AU Norway)
Treasury: $93,000
Popularity: 86%
King Arnfinn IV (25; blond hair, blue eyes)
Queen Karolina (née Svensdotter) (24; red hair, gray eyes)The young king Arnfinn IV of Villmark marries local noble lady Karolina Svensdotter. Arnfinn had been courting Karolina for three years before he finally asked for her hand in marriage.
The ceremony is held in private, witnessed only by close family members, including Arnfinn’s widowed mother, the Dowager Queen Ingeborg, and Karolina’s family, consisting of her parents Sven and Gunnhild Olafsson, her younger brother Vilmar Svensson, and her younger sister Bente Svensdotter.
Year 1: Pregnancy
Treasury: $93,000
Popularity: 86%
King Arnfinn IV (26; blond hair, blue eyes)
Queen Karolina (25; red hair, gray eyes)
Princess Embla (nb.; red hair, gray eyes)Arnfinn and Karolina welcome their first child, a daughter. Little Princess Embla is the spitting image of her mother with her red hair and gray eyes. There is much celebration to be had over the birth; bells ring out, people have great big feasts, and an orphanage located in Villmark’s capital receives a generous donation of food and supplies from the new parents.
Year 2: Pregnancy
Treasury: $93,000

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This message was edited 5/13/2019, 8:09 PM

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Year 0
Treasury: 54 000
Popularity: 56%Dietrich Torsten Hans, König in Preußen [27 - brown hair, green eyes]
Emilie Augusta Hanna, Königin in Preußen [27 - light brown hair, dark brown eyes]Year 1
Treasury: 54 000
Popularity: 56%There is an unsuccessful attempt on Emilie's life.Dietrich Torsten Hans, König in Preußen [28 - brown hair, green eyes]
Emilie Augusta Hanna, Königin in Preußen [28 - light brown hair, dark brown eyes]Year 2
Treasury: 54 000
Popularity: 56%Dietrich and Emilie have their first child and heir, a son named Adrian Caspar Yannick.Dietrich Torsten Heinrich, König in Preußen [29 - brown hair, green eyes]
Emilie Augusta Hanna, Königin in Preußen [29 - light brown hair, dark brown eyes]Adrian Caspar Yannick, Prinz in Preußen [0 - red hair, green eyes]Year 3
Treasury: 54 000
Popularity: 56%An opportunity for a royal marriage is presented. Dietrich betrothes little Adrian to Furstinna Petrea Sophie Louise of Denmark.Dietrich Torsten Heinrich, König in Preußen [30 - brown hair, green eyes]
Emilie Augusta Hanna, Königin in Preußen [30 - light brown hair, dark brown eyes]

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FINALLY FINISHED - 15 roundsI rolled a 1 and decided I wanted to start out with Scotland and Wales, set in relatively medieval times and more toward the late medieval. I’m not going to worry too much about historical accuracy with the titles since things were in flux back then. I might try to incorporate political things, but we’ll see if I keep it going . ;) Also, I chose to roll each year from year 0 to 5, then rolled every 5 years until the end. And, if you’re interested, I used random renamer for spouse names (except the original king and queen) until I hit on one that I fancied enough.
Treasury: 95,000
Popularity: 55%[23] King Talfryn ap Macsen
[20] Queen Ealasaid (Countess of Mar)
Talfryn has dark brown hair and blue eyes. He has just succeeded his father, King Macsen, who was quite popular and made the kingdom prosperous. The nation’s grief, and the fact that the young king has just married the daughter of a Scottish nobleman, means his reign is beginning with a tenuous popularity level. His new queen Ealasaid (formerly the Countess of Mar) is lovely, however, and has brown hair and grey eyes. YEAR 1
Treasury: 95,000
Popularity: 55%[24] King Talfryn ap Macsen
[21] Queen Ealasaid (Countess of Mar) D1 [nb]: Princess Llewella Wynne / S1 [nb]: Crown Prince Rhydderch Siôn Event: Pregnancy
Talfryn and Ealasaid got to their duty of populating the royal family straightaway and have proved fertile. They had fraternal twins! The first child was a girl, but the second twin was male so they have a proper heir on their first go. What joy! Princess Llewella has dark brown hair like her father and hazel eyes. Prince Rhydderch inherited his maternal grandfather’s red hair (hence his name’s meaning) and his mother’s grey eyes. They were going to use Scottish middle names, but given their subjects’ current uncertainty with the new couple and direction of the nation, they decided to make them firmly Welsh for now.

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This message was edited 6/2/2019, 9:47 PM

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DH: Tsar Grigoriy Terentiyevich Fyodorov "Grisha"
Light brown hair, green eyes
DW: Tsarina Darya Timofeyevna Markova Fyodorova "Dasha"
Blonde hair, hazel eyes$94000 88%
Year 1Grisha and Dasha tour their territory.$94000 88%
Grisha [24] and Dasha [21]--
Year 2A group of rebels are caught and executed after a trial is held.$94000 88%
Grisha [25] and Dasha [22]--
Year 3Grisha and Dasha welcome a baby boy. Vadim Grigoriyevich has blonde hair and hazel eyes like Dasha.$94000 88%
Grisha [26] and Dasha [23]: Vadik [nb]--
Year 4The Fyodorovs welcome fraternal twins Anastasiya Grigoriyevna and Ilya Grigoriyevich. Both Nastya and Ilya have light brown hair and green eyes like Grisha.$94000 88%
Grisha [27] and Dasha [24]: Vadik [1], Nastya and Ilya [nb]--
Year 5Grisha and Dasha welcome yet another baby boy. Vasiliy Grigoriyevich has light brown hair and blue eyes.$94000 88%
Grisha [28] and Dasha [25]: Vadik [2], Nastya and Ilya [1], Vasya [nb]--
Year 6Russia goes to war with Poland and wins.$109000 100%
Grisha [29] and Dasha [26]: Vadik [3], Nastya and Ilya [2], Vasya [1]--
Year 7A betrothal is arranged between Vadik and the newborn Infanta Virginia Sofia Isidora Castro of Portugal.$109000 100%
Grisha [30] and Dasha [27]: Vadik [4], Nastya and Ilya [3], Vasya [2]--
Year 8Nastya becomes quite close to her father.$109000 100%
Grisha [31] and Dasha [28]: Vadik [5], Nastya and Ilya [4], Vasya [3]--
Year 9The Fyodorov family welcomes another baby boy! Dmitriy Grigoriyevich has blonde hair and dark brown eyes.$109000 100%
Grisha [32] and Dasha [29]: Vadik [6], Nastya and Ilya [5], Vasya [4], Dima [nb]--
Year 10Upon beginning ballet lessons, it was discovered that Nastya was essentially a prodigy, with her teacher encouraging her to audition for the Imperial Ballet School when she eventually turns ten.$109000 100%
Grisha [33] and Dasha [30]: Vadik [7], Nastya and Ilya [6], Vasya [5], Dima [1]--
Year 11A betrothal is arranged between Nastya and Henri Maxence Francisque Bellamy, who is eight years old and attending the Paris Opera Ballet School.

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Grand Duke and Duchess of Muscovy - wflOkay, let's get crackin'!1499H [26]: Faddei Ermolai Arkhipovich Riurik, Grand Duke of Muscovy, "Черный Принц / Chernyy Prints" (Black Prince)
W [18]: Grand Duchess Emilia Iosifovna of Muscovy (formerly Princess Kriemhild Emilie Kunigunde Ardennes-Metz of the Holy Roman Empire), "Kreema"; red hair, violet eyesTreasury: 96,000 dengiPopularity: 46%The Grand Duke of Muscovy, Arkhip Ermolaievich of House Riurik, has died unexpectedly, leaving his only son Faddei without a regent as his Grand Duchess had died many years before. It is true that Faddei is a man, but he is a young man who has never ruled on his own, and to the people he has always seemed lanky, effete. Weak. Not like his father, who had the valor of ten crusading knights and amassed great wealth and respect for Muscovy. Faddei is different: he is more scholarly and adept at mercantile efforts. His dark hair and hazel eyes, inherited from his mother Ustinya, also contrasted heavily with his father's angelic features. It may take him time to win the people over.Luckily, a betrothal had already been in the works for years: Princess Kriemhild of House Metz, from Vienna, just turned 18 and reached her majority - thus she was now eligible to wed. So shortly after Faddei's coronation, young Kreema set off for Moscow, a bundle of nerves the whole trip. She had never even met Faddei, and her Russian needed improvement, how could the people not hate her?It was a different story, however, when she alighted from her coach. Her blazing red hair, said to be inherited from her Danish grandmother, caught the eye of everyone in the crowd - as did the princess' violet eyes, which seemed unnatural in their hue. News spread like wildfire that the Grand Duke's intended was the greatest beauty in all the land... but Kreema worried. This was only her physical appearance. The people didn't know her at all.The wedding was a lavish affair to herald future security and prosperity for the Grand Duchy. The bride's new official title was "Grand Duchess Emilia," as that was the least "foreign" of her names. Though with her charisma she did get the nickname "Kreema" to catch on at court. However, Grand Duke Faddei still found himself a recipient of the side-eye.

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This message was edited 5/12/2019, 5:03 PM

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You keep going for as long as you like - there's only one round, but within your post, you keep adding years and rolling new events for as long as you like.I don't know about the Italian Renaissance game, I hope it will! :)
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Thank you!
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Year 1651
Treasury - 54000
Popularity - 62%DH [19]: Roi Louis Guillaume Henri Marie de France [light brown hair, green eyes]
DW [17]: Reine Marie-Amelie Josephine Anna de France [dark brown hair, blue eyes]Louis became King of France way earlier than anyone expected, it was a foolish hunting accident that took the life of his father Henri and made the barely nineteen years old Louis a new King of France. This all happened just a month after his marriage to Austrian Archduchess Marie-Amelie, daughter of the Austrian Emperor Joseph III. The two of them have been promised to each other since Marie-Amélie has been born and rumor has it that she did everything in her power to change her father's mind and call the engagement off, but nothing helped and she had to marry Louis and move to France to start her new life at the French court.Year 1652
Treasury - 54000
Popularity - 62%The whole nation celebrated when it became known that the Queen was pregnant. Sadly Marie-Amelie lost the child later in the pregnancy.Year 1653
Treasury - 34000
Popularity - 62%The royal palace has fallen into despair and it cost 20000 to repair it. The treasury has shrunk a lot.Year 1654
Treasury - 34000
Popularity - 62%After four years of marriage and one late miscariage there is still not a single heir to the French throne, something that weights heavily over Marie-Amelie's shoulders. In despair Marie-Amelie offered to go to nunery so Louis could marry a suitable woman who could give him a heir, but Louis refused imediately. Their relationship was however negatively affected by this episode.Year 1655
Treasury - 34000
Popularity - 62%DH [23]: Roi Louis Guillaume Henri Marie de France [light brown hair, green eyes]
DW [21]: Reine Marie-Amelie Josephine Anna de France [dark brown hair, blue eyes]DS [nb]: Prince Sébastien Marie Guillaume Théodore de France [dark brown hair, blue eyes]A heir is born! Marie-Amelie gave birth to a son Sébastien in the early hours of the summer solstice day. Sébastien is the spitting image of his mother which makes Louis incredibly happy. Albeit their marriage was aranged, he had found a great liking in his wife.

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This message was edited 5/12/2019, 8:07 AM

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Year: 1295
Treasury: 70,000
Popularity: 55%
Kingdom of Aragon, House of BarcelonaRey Ximeno Velasco Prospero (dark brown hair, green eyes)(24)
Reina Anabel Aroa Milagros (brown hair, green eyes)(20)King Ximeno and his young wife, Queen Anabel, are the new rulers in Aragon. The king's father, former King Eduardo, passed away after a long illness. In reality, Ximeno has been ruling for about three years now due to King Eduardo's illness. He was the only heir to the throne--last of the royal house. Six weeks before his father's death, then-Prince Ximeno married Anabel of Valencia. Now, two days after his coronation, the people wait to see what kind of ruler their new king really is.
Year: 1296
Treasury: 70,000
Popularity: 55%
Kingdom of Aragon, House of BarcelonaRey Ximeno Velasco Prospero (dark brown hair, green eyes)(25)
Reina Anabel Aroa Milagros (brown hair, green eyes)(21)King Przemysl II of Poland has died unexpectedly, leaving his kingdom in the hands of his seventeen year old son, Prince Teofilo, as ruler. Teofilo, seeking to solidify nearby allies, requested Serafina of Valencia, Queen Anabel's younger sister, to be his new wife. Jumping at the chance, Queen Anabel's parents agreed to the match, proud to have two of their three daughters in active positions of power.
Year: 1297
Treasury: 70,000
Popularity: 55%
Kingdom of Aragon, House of BarcelonaRey Ximeno Velasco Prospero (dark brown hair, green eyes)(26)
Reina Anabel Aroa Milagros (brown hair, green eyes)(22)
Princesa Sofia Liliana Soraya (brown hair, green eyes)(0)King Ximeno and Queen Anabel welcomed the first royal child born in 26 years to the kingdom this year! Princesa Sofia Liliana Soraya was born in the midst of a hot, dry summer, giving the kingdom something to celebrate.
Year: 1298
Treasury: 70,000
Popularity: 55%
Kingdom of Aragon, House of BarcelonaRey Ximeno Velasco Prospero (dark brown hair, green eyes)(27)
Reina Anabel Aroa Milagros (brown hair, green eyes)(23)
Princesa Sofia Liliana Soraya (brown hair, green eyes)(1)

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Sweden, 1581Money: 64,000 gold coins
Popularity: 85%
[29] Tobias Jöran Erland Erik John, Kung av Sverige (blonde hair, hazel eyes)
[23] Catharina Beatrice, Drottning av Sverige (white hair, blue eyes)On succeeding to the throne after the death of his well-liked father, Tobias knew it would be prudent to take a wife, and thus he married the refined and elegant Grevinna Cajsa. Though Tobias is a sullen young man, a little rash and prone to strops, the people thoroughly support him due to their gratitude for the progressive reforms enacted by his father. There have been some rebels who suggest that the throne should have been taken by his elder sister Josefine, but most of these rabble-rousers have been caught and killed.Sweden, 1582Money: 64,000 gold coins
Popularity: 85%
[30] Tobias Jöran Erland Erik John, Kung av Sverige (blonde hair, hazel eyes)
[24] Catharina Beatrice, Drottning av Sverige (white hair, blue eyes)The year has been peaceful.Sweden, 1583Money: 64,000 gold coins
Popularity: 85%
[31] Tobias Jöran Erland Erik John, Kung av Sverige (blonde hair, hazel eyes)
[25] Catharina Beatrice, Drottning av Sverige (white hair, blue eyes)[nb] Lovisa Kristine Ottilia Josefine, Furstinna av Sverige (blonde hair, hazel eyes)Cajsa was shocked and distraught when she found out that her husband had impregnated a common lady-of-the-night. However, in her true fashion, she put her own feelings behind her and pretended to the public that she had birthed the child herself. She is trying her best to love little Lova as though she were her own.Sweden, 1584Money: 64,000 gold coins
Popularity: 85%
[32] Tobias Jöran Erland Erik John, Kung av Sverige (blonde hair, hazel eyes)
[26] Catharina Beatrice, Drottning av Sverige (white hair, blue eyes)[1] Lovisa Kristine Ottilia Josefine, Furstinna av Sverige (blonde hair, hazel eyes)Tobias and Cajsa are both pleased with an offer made by the Tsar - on her sixteenth birthday, Lovisa will travel to Russia to wed the Tsarevich Nikolai.

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This message was edited 5/12/2019, 8:35 AM

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Sweden, 1625Money: 49,000 gold coins
Popularity: 80%
[35] Viktoria Jeanette Lucia Vivian, Drottning av Sverige (blonde hair, blue eyes)
[40] Josef Elias, Kung av Sverige (white hair, grey eyes)[16] Yvonne Marie Viktoria Petronella Margit, Furstinna av Sverige (blonde hair, grey eyes)
[13] Helen Virginia Beatrice Catharina Josefine, Furstinna av Sverige (white hair, grey eyes)
[11] Salomon Georg Herman Vilhelm Yngvi, Furste av Sverige (white hair, grey eyes)
[11] Benjamin Vincent Rudolf Tobias Adrian, Furste av Sverige (blonde hair, blue eyes)
[6] Johanna Gunvar Henrietta Madeleine Ylva, Furstinna av Sverige (white hair, blue eyes)
[2] Therese Erika Felicia Christin Petronella, Furstinna av Sverige (white hair, grey eyes)[14] Anders, Första Hästen av Sverige (black coat, black mane)Viktoria decided to take another personal steed this year, choosing the hardly and experienced stallion Anders. She still very much enjoys riding, though with six children and a state to run it isn't like she has much free time.Sweden, 1626Money: 49,000 gold coins
Popularity: 80%
[36] Viktoria Jeanette Lucia Vivian, Drottning av Sverige (blonde hair, blue eyes)
[41] Josef Elias, Kung av Sverige (white hair, grey eyes)[17] Yvonne Marie Viktoria Petronella Margit, Furstinna av Sverige (blonde hair, grey eyes)
[14] Helen Virginia Beatrice Catharina Josefine, Furstinna av Sverige (white hair, grey eyes)
[12] Salomon Georg Herman Vilhelm Yngvi, Furste av Sverige (white hair, grey eyes)
[12] Benjamin Vincent Rudolf Tobias Adrian, Furste av Sverige (blonde hair, blue eyes)
[7] Johanna Gunvar Henrietta Madeleine Ylva, Furstinna av Sverige (white hair, blue eyes)
[3] Therese Erika Felicia Christin Petronella, Furstinna av Sverige (white hair, grey eyes)[15] Anders, Första Hästen av Sverige (black coat, black mane)Composed Salomon and extroverted Benjamin are always squabbling; their parents worry that Benjamin may be jealous that his brother, older by six minutes, will be the one inheriting the throne.

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This message was edited 5/13/2019, 2:02 AM

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Sweden, 1653Money: 19,000 gold coins
Popularity: 25%
[17] Jöran Rudolf Lukas, Kung av Sverige (blonde hair, blue eyes)[13] Iris, Första Hunden av Sverige (white and brown mottled coat, brown eyes)
[4] Ros, Andra Hunden av Sverige (white and brown mottled coat, brown eyes)
[4] Lilja, Tredje Hunden av Sverige (white and brown mottled coat, brown eyes)
[2] Blad, Fjärde Hunden av Sverige (white and brown mottled coat, brown eyes)Angry peasants have surrounded the palace, once more making demands that a constitutional government be introduced. Given Jöran's lacking in political skills, he was unable to placate them diplomatically, and had to spend 10,000 implementing reforms to make local government more democratic in order to appease them.Sweden, 1654Money: 19,000 gold coins
Popularity: 25%
[18] Jöran Rudolf Lukas, Kung av Sverige (blonde hair, blue eyes)[5] Ros, Första Hunden av Sverige (white and brown mottled coat, brown eyes)
[5] Lilja, Andra Hunden av Sverige (white and brown mottled coat, brown eyes)
[3] Blad, Tredje Hunden av Sverige (white and brown mottled coat, brown eyes)
[nb] Vin, Fjärde Hunden av Sverige (white and brown mottled coat, brown eyes)Jöran sent most of Iris' most recent litter to France as a christening present for his sister's first baby, Princesse Charlotte, but kept one for himself, as ever. Unfortunately, Iris died in childbirth. Jöran had no-one with whom to share his grief, worrying his advisors would think him childish.Sweden, 1655Money: 19,000 gold coins
Popularity: 25%
[19] Jöran Rudolf Lukas, Kung av Sverige (blonde hair, blue eyes)[6] Ros, Första Hunden av Sverige (white and brown mottled coat, brown eyes)
[6] Lilja, Andra Hunden av Sverige (white and brown mottled coat, brown eyes)
[4] Blad, Tredje Hunden av Sverige (white and brown mottled coat, brown eyes)
[1] Vin, Fjärde Hunden av Sverige (white and brown mottled coat, brown eyes)War was only narrowly averted this year - Germany had been for a long time eyeing up the vulnerable Sweden, and it was only through tactful diplomacy from the young Kung's advisors that a military conflict was avoided.

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Sweden, 1673Money: 12,000 gold coins
Popularity: 69%
[13] Josef Georg Daniel Benjamin Rudolf, Kung av Sverige (blonde hair, grey eyes)[10] Schlamm, Första Hunden av Sverige (white and brown mottled coat, brown eyes)In the aftermath of the famine, cholera has spread, and Iris passed away this year. Josef wishes fervently he had forced her to go with Lucia to the convent. He writes often to his sister, but her replies are clipped and formal. He knows she wishes to forget what they have been through.Sweden, 1674Money: 12,000 gold coins
Popularity: 69%
[14] Josef Georg Daniel Benjamin Rudolf, Kung av Sverige (blonde hair, grey eyes)[nb] Blomma, Första Katten av Sverige (fluffy grey coat, grey eyes)Josef did not initially intend to replace Schlamm when he passed away this year, but when he realized how lonely he was, he purchased a kitten, which he named Blomma. Blomma is calm and composed, much like Josef himself.Sweden, 1675Money: 12,000 gold coins
Popularity: 69%
[15] Josef Georg Daniel Benjamin Rudolf, Kung av Sverige (blonde hair, grey eyes)[nb] Valda Sofija Jolanta Margarita, Princese no Latvija (light brown hair, dark brown eyes)[1] Blomma, Första katten av Sverige (fluffy grey coat, grey eyes)The Latvian Karaliene, Jolanta, has recently given birth to a daughter, Princese Valda Sofija Jolanta Margarita. Her husband, Karalis Raimonds, has written to Kung Josef's advisors to ask that she be made a ward of the Swedish court - the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth has stationed troops near Latvia's borders, and the rulers of the small country want to make sure their first-born daughter is safe whilst they and their sons prepare for war. She has come to the court, and though she is not taking on a full Swedish name as she will hopefully be able to return to her homeland one day, the people of Sweden have affectionately nicknamed her Sonia av Lettland. Josef does not know that his ever-efficient mother had been communicating with the Latvian royalty for years, making arrangements for exchange of wards if either of the two vulnerable, pacifistic nations were to come under threat. Josef thinks Sonia is sweet, but has been spending most of his recent time with his advisors, as next year he will begin to make his own governing decisions.

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This message was edited 5/18/2019, 12:11 PM

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Sweden, 1730Money: 22,000 gold coins
Popularity: 65%
[65] Tatiana Johanna, Änka Drottning av Sverige (light brown hair, green eyes)[54] Sofia Margareta, Änka Furstina av Sverige "Sonia" (light brown hair, dark brown eyes)[40] Benjamin Hans, Furste av Sverige "Hasse" (light brown hair, grey eyes)
- [39] Viktoria Olga, Furstinna av Sverige (brown hair, black eyes)
-- [16] Sylvia Liselotte, Furstinna av Sverige (brown hair, black eyes)[38] Lukas Theodor, Furste av Sverige "Theo" (light brown hair, grey eyes)
- [37] Alexandra Elin Anne, Furstinna av Sverige "Sassa" (light brown hair, black eyes)
-- [5] Ylva Elin Josefina Susanne, Furstinna av Sverige (light brown hair, black eyes)
-- [4] Rudolf Theodor Daniel Viktor, Kung av Sverige (light brown hair, black eyes)
-- [nb] Tobias Vincent Hans Rudolf, Furste av Sverige (light brown hair, black eyes)
-- [nb] Olga Christina Margareta Vivian, Furstinna av Sverige (light brown hair, grey eyes)Sassa has given birth to fraternal twins, Tobias and Olga.Sweden, 1731Money: 22,000 gold coins
Popularity: 65%
[55] Sofia Margareta, Änka Furstina av Sverige "Sonia" (light brown hair, dark brown eyes)[41] Benjamin Hans, Furste av Sverige "Hasse" (light brown hair, grey eyes)
- [40] Viktoria Olga, Furstinna av Sverige (brown hair, black eyes)
-- [17] Sylvia Liselotte, Furstinna av Sverige (brown hair, black eyes)[39] Lukas Theodor, Furste av Sverige "Theo" (light brown hair, grey eyes)
- [38] Alexandra Elin Anne, Furstinna av Sverige "Sassa" (light brown hair, black eyes)
-- [6] Ylva Elin Josefina Susanne, Furstinna av Sverige (light brown hair, black eyes)
-- [5] Rudolf Theodor Daniel Viktor, Kung av Sverige (light brown hair, black eyes)
-- [1] Tobias Vincent Hans Rudolf, Furste av Sverige (light brown hair, black eyes)
-- [1] Olga Christina Margareta Vivian, Furstinna av Sverige (light brown hair, grey eyes)The Änka Drottning passed away this year after a long and content life. Hasse and Theo said a tearful goodbye to their mother. Sonia feels somewhat alone, as she has little in common with her brothers-in-law, and focusses herself on matters of state.

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This message was edited 5/19/2019, 3:33 AM

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You've made this so much better! (wfl)I love it so much, thank you so much for doing this!Year 0 - 1626
Treasury: 70 000
Popularity: 77%
Johannes Philipp Andreas, König in Preußen [26 - red hair, green eyes]
Alexandra Amalia Sophia, Königin in Preußen [24 - blonde hair, brown eyes]The great King Philipp I died peacefully in 1625, leaving the Kingdom of Prussia in the capable hands of his eldest son, Johannes - at least, that's the story the people are told. However, the circumstances surrounding Philipp's death are murky, and Johannes is clearly unprepared for leadership; he had only been the eldest son for three months when his father died, following the tragic death of his older brother in a hunting accident. He is a kind man, deeply religious, but with none of the steel required for effective kingship. This is where Alexandra comes in. The new Queen is young, but intelligent and determined, and her husband relies on her for advice in all matters of state. There are some who resent the position of the Queen, who think she has too much power, but Johannes will hear no criticism of his wife, of whom he thinks the world. Despite his weak nature, Johannes is a popular king, a reprieve from the ceaseless cruelty and suspicion of his father.Year 1 - 1627
Treasury: 70 000
Popularity: 77%
In an attempt to distract himself from the reality of his kingship, Johannes took up the study of religious texts - he finds that it speaks to him, and he fervently wishes that he could be free from the trappings of his royal duties to pursue a life of study and religion. He says as much to Alexandra - she laughs at him, and tells him not to be ridiculous.Year 2 - 1628
Treasury: 70 000
Popularity: 92%
Prussia's economy is thriving - the people love their king more than ever, although they are beginning to worry about his lack of issue.Year 3 - 1629
Treasury: 70 000
Popularity: 92%
King Fernando of Spain passed away suddenly - he was only 23, and left behind only his infant daughter, Maria. Alexandra believes it would be the perfect time to invade. Johannes, however, overrules: always the pacifist, he believes they must give the Infanta Maria a chance to establish her rule. Alexandra rolls her eyes and comments that the Infanta is not even a year old, but knows she cannot sway her husband's will on this matter.

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Ahh yay I'm glad you like!!I'm gonna have so much fun reading this, aha :)
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