[Facts] non-existent meanings given as explanation?
Dear Editors,
I am the same one who tried to contribute to your work with a detailled description of the Hungarian men's name Buda some (1-3?) years ago. Nothing happened. I checked again whether the non-existent meaning given under 'Buda' has been corrected. No, the user submitted meaning of the name 'Buda' seems unchanged.
Please consider these facts:
- There is no Hungarian common word 'buda' in use today. There used to be one, which is obviously not related to the name of the city, and probably has a different etymology (see full article in the great Hungarian lexicon under http://buda2.szojelentese.com/).
- There does not exists a non-complex word in modern Hungarian that would mean "peacetime" at all! (The reference is unascertainable.)
- Buda is an ancient Hungarian name in use today, and it has another well-established form 'Boda' (just like these two common words are related related).
- As the tribes speaking Hungarian first appeared north of the Caucasus mountains and moved westward, a direct connection with the non-Hungarian given name Buddha is unprovable.
- Every root in Hungarian has its own meaning, and all the words in that root family reflect that core meaning. This is common knowledge among linguists.
- There is a perfectly Hungarian common word 'boda' and many similar words of the same root BoD* (bódult, boldog, etc. as well as all the words beginning with the stem bugy-). This ROOT gives the meaning of Buda/Boda, perfectly fitting both the landscape of the ancient settlement and a noble given name.
- Since the words including the proper names are integral parts of the language as shown logically, common sense must say that foreign words does not account for their meanings. How the names are related to Hunnic 'Bleda' is, then, insignificant.
Problem: The article for Buda MISREPRESENTS Hungarian meanings (word forms are not even given in it). It is simply not true.
Solution: I wrote a correction (a full article) that includes all the relevant linguistic details.
Issue with the suggested correction: It was ignored.
Measure to be taken (my opinion): make a false explanation vanish.
Don't you want to do that?
Statement 1: Buda is the same as Hungarian Boda, self-explained by the Hungarian root BoD*/BuD*. 'Boda' is a surname today but used to be a given name.
Statement 2: Buda or Boda may not be explained by a foreign name of 'Bleda' (obviously not Hungarian!). Please remember that the Hungarian city was never called "Bleda" or by any Hungarian name other than 'Buda'.
Statement 3: Buda & Boda have a well-established meaning in Hungarian. Knowing the Hungarian language is necessary in order to be able to explain the forms.
I hope this problem will be lifted. I am looking forward to your action.
Respectfully yours,
Kristof G.
I am the same one who tried to contribute to your work with a detailled description of the Hungarian men's name Buda some (1-3?) years ago. Nothing happened. I checked again whether the non-existent meaning given under 'Buda' has been corrected. No, the user submitted meaning of the name 'Buda' seems unchanged.
Please consider these facts:
- There is no Hungarian common word 'buda' in use today. There used to be one, which is obviously not related to the name of the city, and probably has a different etymology (see full article in the great Hungarian lexicon under http://buda2.szojelentese.com/).
- There does not exists a non-complex word in modern Hungarian that would mean "peacetime" at all! (The reference is unascertainable.)
- Buda is an ancient Hungarian name in use today, and it has another well-established form 'Boda' (just like these two common words are related related).
- As the tribes speaking Hungarian first appeared north of the Caucasus mountains and moved westward, a direct connection with the non-Hungarian given name Buddha is unprovable.
- Every root in Hungarian has its own meaning, and all the words in that root family reflect that core meaning. This is common knowledge among linguists.
- There is a perfectly Hungarian common word 'boda' and many similar words of the same root BoD* (bódult, boldog, etc. as well as all the words beginning with the stem bugy-). This ROOT gives the meaning of Buda/Boda, perfectly fitting both the landscape of the ancient settlement and a noble given name.
- Since the words including the proper names are integral parts of the language as shown logically, common sense must say that foreign words does not account for their meanings. How the names are related to Hunnic 'Bleda' is, then, insignificant.
Problem: The article for Buda MISREPRESENTS Hungarian meanings (word forms are not even given in it). It is simply not true.
Solution: I wrote a correction (a full article) that includes all the relevant linguistic details.
Issue with the suggested correction: It was ignored.
Measure to be taken (my opinion): make a false explanation vanish.
Don't you want to do that?
Statement 1: Buda is the same as Hungarian Boda, self-explained by the Hungarian root BoD*/BuD*. 'Boda' is a surname today but used to be a given name.
Statement 2: Buda or Boda may not be explained by a foreign name of 'Bleda' (obviously not Hungarian!). Please remember that the Hungarian city was never called "Bleda" or by any Hungarian name other than 'Buda'.
Statement 3: Buda & Boda have a well-established meaning in Hungarian. Knowing the Hungarian language is necessary in order to be able to explain the forms.
I hope this problem will be lifted. I am looking forward to your action.
Respectfully yours,
Kristof G.
Hi Kristof, the correction you submitted was actually attached to the other submitted name spelled Buda (the Buryat name, unrelated to the Hungarian name). This is likely why the editors didn't do anything with your information (assuming it's valid, I haven't investigated it myself).
I have attached your correction to the Hungarian name, and an editor should see it at some point.
I have attached your correction to the Hungarian name, and an editor should see it at some point.