[Facts] Manna
I have found this name on a Finnish woman; it has been used on around 111 women in Finland. It isn't in the Finnish name calendar, nor on this database as a Finnish name; the only thing I can find is its use as a Finnish male name on nordicnames.de.Seeing as how Mann and Manni are, apparently, Estonian variants on Maria, would it be correct to assume that this is also a Finnish variant on Maria? Or does it have a separate origin?Links:
Finnish name statistics for Manna: http://verkkopalvelu.vrk.fi/Nimipalvelu/default.asp?L=3
Mann: https://www.behindthename.com/name/mann/submitted
Manni: https://www.behindthename.com/name/manni/submitted
Manna as a male Finnish name: https://www.nordicnames.de/wiki/Manna_m
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I have no clue, but maybe this info will be of interest to you. It may be referring to Manna (also Manno, Mano) the Sami moon goddess.Here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mano_(mythology)
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Interesting!It turns out that I had been reading nordicnames.de slightly incorrectly, and Manna is listed as a Finnish women’s name in their database. But thanks for your response anyway!https://www.nordicnames.de/wiki/Manna_f - this is where I found (and ignored) the origins of Manna as a name in Finland.
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