[Opinions] Annie or Andie
Andie :D
Our second wedding anniversary

Well being an Andie myself, I like it better. But i'd definatly let the child decide. My parents called me Andrea until I was old enough to decide what I wanted to be called. It was my big sister who first called me Andie and I idoled her so much it has stuck though all the years.
Proud Auntie to: Robert Joseph and Brady Lovander, Juliana Mae and Sophia Lee, Graham Joseph, and soon to be one more!
Proud Auntie to: Robert Joseph and Brady Lovander, Juliana Mae and Sophia Lee, Graham Joseph, and soon to be one more!
My god-cousin (the daughter of my Godfather... that's what she'd be to me, right? lol) is named Andrea nn Andie... I like it. She's rather tom-boyish so it fits. I say let the kid decide.
"Chan eil tuil air nach tig traoghadh"
Capt. Malcolm Reynolds - Half of writing history is hiding the truth.
- Serenity
- Serenity
I'd use Andi spelled this way.