[Opinions] Billy
What do you think of the (nick)name Billy?

I like the nn Billy more than Bill or Willy. I used to prefer Will but I think I prefer Billy these days. William unfortunately has become so boring to me even though it is nice name. Lately I've been preferring Wilbur, Wilfred, Wilford, Willard, Willis, and Wilhelm. Options I don't personally care for are Wilburn, Wilbert, and Wilburg.
I especially love Billie as a nn for Wilhelmina/ Willemina. I also love Millie as a nn for it but my husband has a young cousin named Millie so that would never happen. Billie is also nice as a nn for Willow although it doesn't need a nn.
I especially love Billie as a nn for Wilhelmina/ Willemina. I also love Millie as a nn for it but my husband has a young cousin named Millie so that would never happen. Billie is also nice as a nn for Willow although it doesn't need a nn.
This message was edited 9/3/2019, 2:49 PM
Ugly and immature. William doesn't need a nickname.
I think Billy is super cute, I've always liked it. I actually quite like it as a full name too.
I think it's adorable.
Cute on a dog or toddler. Older than a toddler I'd want Bill or Will.
If you want to reinsert Bill or Billy for a nickname for William I am in favor. I mean, either Will or Bill or, if younger, may go by Billy or Willie. Nicknames are also great, tired of parents enforcing "call my child by their complete given name" rule, and it's nice to know what to call them.