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[Opinions] Larken and Eliot
I was just reading something that mentioned a little girl called Larken (I assume it's from the surname). I think it could ne nice as a middle name, but I don't like it as a first, at least not on a girl. What do you think?Also, my best friend and I were just talking, and she said she plans to use Eliot, whether she has a boy or a girl. What do you think?
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Eliot (although I prefer Elliot) is a great boys name, although I don't like it at all for a girl. In general I like gender specific names. Ones that you can glance at and know its a girl or boy.I don't like Larken at all as a name for boy or girl. However, I do think Lark is just lovely.
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I really like Larkin, but only on a boy, either as a nn for Lawrence or on its own. I know of a baby boy named Larkin (mn Francis) whose parents planned to name the baby Larkin regardless of the sex because it was the mother's maiden. I don't love it on a girl, but it's better than most unisex names, I think, and Lark would be an adorable nn. I prefer Larkin to Larken, though. I love Elliot/Elliott but only on a boy. I know a girl whose mn is Elliott after her grandmother (I'm assuming it was her fn), so her name is Sarah Elliott, which isn't bad.
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Larkin is a street in the dirty tenderloin of SF, its a little tainted for me...but Elliot for a boy i like a lot
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Maybe I'm slow, but what exactly do you mean by "dirty tenderloin" of San Francisco?? :-/~Heather~
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I prefer Larkin, and i love it on a girl, Elliot is all boy
Noah, 4 - "Dad, I love a fun guy!"
Dan - "Oh really? Pumpkin, I'm so glad you think i'm a fun guy!"
Noah, 4 - "No! Dad! I like fungi! you know mushrooms!".
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I think Larken is sweet on a little girl--but then I associate it with Lady Larken from Once Upon a Mattress, so it sounds very feminine to me! :)I don't like Eliot on either sex. Elliot, I rather enjoy and have ever since I became an audiophile (Cass Elliot's one of my favourite musicians), but only on a boy.Array

A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.You might even provide a Heaven for them. We need You for that. Hell we can make for ourselves.
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Lark is one my favorite names, but I just don't like Larken. It sounds wrong to me, like someone is trying to create a full name for the nn Lark. I don't think it's necessary. If it's a surname, fine I guess, but I still am not that keen on it.Elliot - I love for a boy. Don't like it at all on a girl. Even after 3-4 years of devoted Scrubs viewing I just can not find that name appropriate for a girl. I'm not totally against the cross-gender names, but to me this one does not work.
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