[Opinions] Re: Susannah or Annabel
in reply to a message by Lovekids
I honestly can't imagine not using some form of Anna for a girl no matter what she looks like or seems like. I've been obsessed with Anna since I was a tiny little girl. But who knows? I've never had a baby before so I have no idea how it feels to meet a brand new person and be responsible for its name.

My son was always going to be Peter, and was. Thus reassured and confident, I decided on Lucy for a daughter. Didn't tell anyone - decided I'd pass it off as a delivery-room inspiration. Which was just as well: somehow, I don't know how, she didn't look anything like a Lucy. So I went through my (reputable!) name book, trying out each name that I liked until I reached Caroline, which seemed to fit her perfectly. So, Caroline it was. Never did get my Lucy daughter, and it might have been a bit too Narnia with Peter, but I was willing to take the chance. Then my second daughter had to have one of her sister's names, Caroline having died, and her first mn was Beatrice after my mother. Who hadn't liked her name, and always went by Bea. So, DH and DS insisted on Beatrice, and I was OK with it because I'd never heard anyone call my mother by it so there were no associations. Naming can be weird.