I do have a frequently mispronounced surname. Usually, DH and/or I correct if it's easy to casually mention "it's actually X, not Y." If it's just in passing or we don't want to divert the conversation we may let it go.
First names seem more personal. I think I'd be a lot quicker to correct, though I'd keep it short and unobtrusive as much as possible. If it were someone I was unlikely to speak to again/often, I might just let it slide. I could also see myself, especially when I was younger, getting in a situation where I was too socially intimidated to speak up the first time someone got it wrong and then not knowing how to bring it up after. If I had to keep correcting one person, I'd probably get frustrated with them - unless it were just that my name had a sound they don't usually make in their language, and I could tell they were trying still.