[Opinions] Grey
What do you think of the name Grey for a boy?

It's a nice neutral sort of name, no color pun intended. Not super exciting, but neither is it super common or totally boring. I like the length and simplicity.
I actually like it. Huh.
ETA: Actually, not surprising since I love grey, cloudy days.
ETA: Actually, not surprising since I love grey, cloudy days.
This message was edited 3/25/2020, 4:51 PM
I like it, but I prefer Greyson/Grayson.
I like it, more so in the middle name spot, but either way it's a lovely name.
I like it much better than Greyson/Grayson
I think it's best in the MN spot
I think it's best in the MN spot
I think it's depressing as hell. I happen to be sitting here looking out at a freezing-cold rainy gray sky, but I'd think so even if it was sunny.
It seems trendy to me, because I know 3 kids under 10 (all my cousins' kids) with Gray / Grey in their name: Grayson, Greyson "Grey", Emma Grey.
The color grey is lackluster...the mom of the "Grey" I know...all her decor and walls are grey, plus she wears grey 80-90% of the time...I don't think she consciously picked Greyson just because grey is her favorite color (which I don't understand at all), but it's a little funny to me that she did pick it, even though I like color names.
If I dwell on it, I am vaguely reminded of 50 Shades of Grey, which is like...the epitome of mediocrity and bad taste?
Overall, I think it sounds generic, but I don't dislike it because I know so many, and it sounds almost warm, friendly.
It's not annoying to me the way Jack / Jackson "Jack" and Grace annoy me.
I react to it kind of how I'd react to Clay, Jaden "Jade", Grant, Jay.
The color grey is lackluster...the mom of the "Grey" I know...all her decor and walls are grey, plus she wears grey 80-90% of the time...I don't think she consciously picked Greyson just because grey is her favorite color (which I don't understand at all), but it's a little funny to me that she did pick it, even though I like color names.
If I dwell on it, I am vaguely reminded of 50 Shades of Grey, which is like...the epitome of mediocrity and bad taste?
Overall, I think it sounds generic, but I don't dislike it because I know so many, and it sounds almost warm, friendly.
It's not annoying to me the way Jack / Jackson "Jack" and Grace annoy me.
I react to it kind of how I'd react to Clay, Jaden "Jade", Grant, Jay.
This message was edited 3/25/2020, 12:28 PM
Oh Lord, I had forgotten about 50 shades. Ugh.
If it were a middle name I'd say, I don't care. I don't think anyone would really mind having Grey as a middle name. It's not like he's being identified with grayness (or with a heavy-handed suggestion of nobility and wealth), the way it seems as a first name.
And if it were a spontaneously bestowed and personally accepted nickname, for say, Graham or Gratian, or someone who had voluntarily associated themselves with the color by, say, wearing it every day, or coloring their hair gray ... then I wouldn't mind it.
But it's pretentious and trendy, and doesn't evoke anything appealing and namey for me ... it even evokes very many negative things.
So I think it's pretty bad as a given full first name.
And if it were a spontaneously bestowed and personally accepted nickname, for say, Graham or Gratian, or someone who had voluntarily associated themselves with the color by, say, wearing it every day, or coloring their hair gray ... then I wouldn't mind it.
But it's pretentious and trendy, and doesn't evoke anything appealing and namey for me ... it even evokes very many negative things.
So I think it's pretty bad as a given full first name.
This message was edited 3/25/2020, 11:49 AM
Huh. I never thought of it as pretentious, but actually, I can see what you mean.
I like it for a middle name... However, I really like Grayson as a first name.
Grey just seems a bit unsubstantial for a first name to me, which is odd considering I love Gage. ???
Grey just seems a bit unsubstantial for a first name to me, which is odd considering I love Gage. ???